321 resultados para Meadowview Estates
El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del proceso de gravamen sobre el latifundio durante las décadas de 1940 y 1950 como parte de un conjunto de políticas agrarias en torno a la propiedad y tenencia de la tierra (arrendamientos y colonización) que contemplan los niveles de producción, de acumulación y la distribución del ingreso en función de controlar el orden social y asegurar la legitimidad del poder político; articulado con el análisis de las resonancias y respuestas de las corporaciones de grandes propietarios en los contextos específicos, lo que permite una aprehensión más integral de la naturaleza y desempeño de esta clase social rural.
El objetivo del artículo es analizar la apropiación de la tierra a través de la legalización de títulos precarios ocurrida en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en la región pampeana argentina. Para ello, se recurrió a un recorte temporal y espacial y aun abordaje cualitativo de documentación judicial, notarial y catastral, relacionada con los inmuebles afectados por mercedes o denuncias coloniales, correspondientes al departamento Rio Cuarto.
Una de las principales conclusiones alcanzadas es que por medio de la legitimación de derechos precarios se constituyó un grupo de grandes propietarios de reciente vinculación con la tierra
En el proceso de constitución de la caballería medieval es inevitable hablar de la formación de la clase de poder y la estructuración del feudalismo. Pero la insuficiencia de esta perspectiva se revela ante el caso particular de Castilla y León, para el cual deben considerarse dos estamentos diferenciados: los infanzones, asimilados a la última escala de la clase feudal y los caballeros villanos, privados de poder de mando propio y sin vínculos personales de vasallaje. Al criterio de que el enriquecimiento fue un presupuesto del poder se opone otro, que se explorará en esta contribución, que enfatiza los mecanismos de subordinación política de los campesinos para dar cuenta de la génesis del sistema. Las evoluciones se cumplían con distintas cronologías en cada localidad, imagen que difiere de la que brindaron los autores que afirmaban la llamada "mutación feudal" (un cambio sincrónico en toda una región que se habría verificado en un tiempo muy corto hacia el año mil, producido por un desmembramiento de las soberanías políticas). Los documentos de Castilla y León indican que los cambios fueron lentos y muy desiguales en cada lugar. Así, pues, en la Extremadura Histórica la caballería surgió de una comunidad campesina. En cuanto a la condición social del Cid, se puede afirmar que Rodrigo Díaz, como otros infanzones, estaba al servicio de su señor en una relación personal de vasallaje. Esa dependencia honorable (que, sin embargo, podía interrumpirse) era la base para recibir feudos que se sumaban al patrimonio propio.
El presente artículo es una aproximación a la situación laboral y jurídica de los afrodescendientes, esclavizados y libertos, en la frontera uruguayo-brasileña, en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, particularmente en lo que hace a su captura y secuestro para ser vendidos como mano de obra esclavizada cuando ya estaba abolida la esclavitud en el Uruguay. A diferencia del proceso de liberación ocurrido en Montevideo y sur uruguayo, la persistencia de mano de obra servil, ya sea como esclavos reconocidos en su condición de tal o como peones contratados, formulismo legal adoptado para disfrazar su condición de esclavizados ante las leyes uruguayas, persistió hasta finales del siglo XIX en las estancias de la frontera norte y este de ese país. Con el fin del tráfico negrero atlántico, se desarrolló en esos territorios un intenso tráfico subregional que abasteció la demanda de mano de obra esclavizada de los saladeros de Pelotas y de la cafeicultura de São Paulo y Río de Janeiro. Ese tráfico cuestiona el poder del Estado Oriental de hacer valer las leyes en el territorio y demuestra la dependencia del Brasil durante el período.
This article is dedicated to the study the ways of appropriation of land in the south border of Brazil, in the first half of the century XIX. The historiography has, for tradition, associated the appropriation of large tracts of land, in Rio Grande do Sul, with royal donations. That would have been made, mainly, in the form of 'sesmarias' donations. However, a more detained study shows than the public concessions were just one among other forms of appropriation of the land used by families that accomplished a voracious accumulation of lands. Among other sources, inventories post mortem, registrations of concessions of lands and official correspondences are used. The main analysis focus relapses on the municipal district of Alegrete, between 1800 and 1870
El objetivo del artículo es analizar la apropiación de la tierra a través de la legalización de títulos precarios ocurrida en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en la región pampeana argentina. Para ello, se recurrió a un recorte temporal y espacial y aun abordaje cualitativo de documentación judicial, notarial y catastral, relacionada con los inmuebles afectados por mercedes o denuncias coloniales, correspondientes al departamento Rio Cuarto.
Una de las principales conclusiones alcanzadas es que por medio de la legitimación de derechos precarios se constituyó un grupo de grandes propietarios de reciente vinculación con la tierra
Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del proceso de gravamen sobre el latifundio durante las décadas de 1940 y 1950 como parte de un conjunto de políticas agrarias en torno a la propiedad y tenencia de la tierra (arrendamientos y colonización) que contemplan los niveles de producción, de acumulación y la distribución del ingreso en función de controlar el orden social y asegurar la legitimidad del poder político; articulado con el análisis de las resonancias y respuestas de las corporaciones de grandes propietarios en los contextos específicos, lo que permite una aprehensión más integral de la naturaleza y desempeño de esta clase social rural.
A flowchart approach to industrial cluster policy emphasizes the importance ofthe ordering of policy measures. The flow of policy implementation is to establish an industrial zone, to invite an anchor company, and to promote its related companies to invest in the industrial zone. This article delineated "a flowchart approach to industrial cluster policy" by proposing sufficient conditions for forming industrial clusters typical in the manufacturing industry in Asia to enhance regional economic growth. The typical industrial cluster policy was theorized by defining an industrial zone as "quasi-public goods", and it was shown that the policy enhances economic growth under a production function of "increasing returns to scale" of an anchor company. Critical amounts of the production of "scale economies" that are used by the related companies to decide whether or not to invest in clusters were also shown.
Thailand has recently strengthened its economic policy toward its neighboring countries in coordination with domestic regional development. It is widely recognized that economic cooperation with neighboring countries is essential in preventing the inflow of illegal labor and effectively utilizing labor and resources through the relocation of production bases. This direction is strengthened by elaborating the GMS-EC and the ECS (Economic Cooperation Strategy). In addition, economic dependency of the neighboring countries on Thailand is generally high. In this report, firstly, Thai regional development policy will be made clear in relation to its economic policy toward neighboring countries as well as the status quo of the industrial estates. Secondly, Thai policy toward the neighboring countries is examined referring to the concept of wide-ranging economic zones, regional economic cooperation and special border economic zones. Thirdly, the paper will discuss how closely the economies between Thailand and the neighboring countries are related through trade and investment. Lastly, some implications on Japan's economic cooperation will also be explored.
One of the facilitating factors that enabled the rise of IT industry in India is the evolution of IT clusters. A study of these clusters can provide interesting insights. The rise of the Banglaore IT cluster was due, among other things, to some of the policies the Indian government took three decades or earlier. It would be difficult to talk of "benign neglect" of the government towards this sector. Different factors worked in the case of Hyderabad. A comparison between the IT clusters in India has much to tell the new emerging IT clusters in India as well as those outside of it.
China’s huge domestic market is constantly expanding, and is low-end demand oriented and highly dispersed. The domestic market-based development of China’s industrial cluster, however, is not only a quantitative expansion, but has also been accompanied with remarkable qualitative upgrading. Specialized markets are a microcosm that clearly indicate this paradoxical phenomenon. By analyzing three typical cases of industrial clusters that have specialized markets, this paper will make the case that under modern China’s market conditions, the local public sector is the crucial driving force for upgrading industrial clusters, which organize complicated transactions, promote quality control, and stimulate the division of labor.
This paper proposes a general model of the flowchart approach to industrial cluster policy and applies this model to Guangzhou's automobile industry cluster. The flowchart approach to industrial cluster policy is an action plan for prioritizing policy measures in a time-ordered series. We reached the following two conclusions. First,we clarified the effects of Honda, Nissan, and Toyota on agglomeration in Guangzhou's automobile industry cluster. Second, we established that local governments play a crucial role in successful industrial cluster policy, and that the mayor of the local government should be offered incentives in order to target industrial clustering and implement cluster policy.
This study analyzes the patterns of agglomeration of some modern manufacturing sectors in India, and in particular the Indian automobile sector. It also examines and contrasts the factors that have led to different patterns of cluster development in two leading auto clusters in India-Chennai and the National Capital Region (NCR). Moreover, the study analyzes whether firms in clusters perform better than those that are excluded and whether the relative importance of variables that determine the behavior of firms differs among clusters. Our analyses, which employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, show that Indian industrial clusters are largely concentrated in the three clustered regions: NCR, Mumbai-Pune, and Chennai-Bangalore, across different manufacturing sectors. Our study of the auto clusters in Chennai and the NCR find considerable differences in the patterns of cluster formation, due partly to the historical and policy conditions under which firms, particularly, the lead firms must operate. Moreover, our econometric analyses confirmed that being part of a cluster positively influences the performance of the auto component firms and those belonging to a cluster perform better.
In this paper, we apply a flowchart approach to investigate Malaysia's automobile cluster policy. We investigate whether the industrial cluster policy has been successful or not, suggest policy prescriptions, and propose a way to prioritize policy measures. Our flowchart approach leads to the following three policy prescriptions: (1) Malaysian firms should establish sites for exporting compact cars with automatic transmissions; (2) actors in the public, semi-public and private sector should work to upgrade skilled labor; and (3) the central government should promote liberalization and deregulation to attract foreign firms into the supporting industries.