779 resultados para Matrimonial property regimes
Opinnäytetyö keskittyi kriittisiin tapahtumiin, joita on tullut yhtiön tai sen edeltävän yhtiön, joka oli Mobile Screen TV – 4 ALL, tekemien aikaisempien patenttihakemusten yhteydessä . Tutkimus vertasi ja evaluoi yhtiön aikaisemmin tekemien keksintöjen suojausta. Toisaalta opinnäytetyön päämäärä oli tutkia ja selvittää monitapaus-menetelmällä yhtiön aikaisempia keksintöjä ja miten aineettoman oikeuden suojaus toteutui prosessien eri vaiheissa. Tämä päättötyötutkielma vei loppuun asti erittäin suuren patenttien ja hyödyllisyysmallien hakemusten tutkimuksen. LH Communications Oy on tehnyt monia niistä, mutta tutkimus sisälsi myös joitakin kilpailijoiden hakemuksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa oli kaksi pääkysymystä. Miten pieni yhtiö voisi suojella heidän uusia ideoitaan ja keksintöjään ja myös samalla pitää yhtiön talouden hyvällä tasolla. Tämä tutkimus käytti The Critical Incidents Technique (CIT), joka keskittyy kriittisiin tapahtumiin, selvittääkseen sopivia menetelmiä pienelle yhtiölle siitä, miten suojella uusia ajatuksia, ideoita ja keksintöjä ja samanaikaisesti olla tuottava niiden kanssa. Tutkimuksemme käsitteli kaikenlaisia tarvittavia käytäntöjä pienessä yhtiössä ja päähuomio pienessä yhtiössä tulee olla omien keksintöjen suojaamisessa. Paras suojaus on tehdä patentteja, mutta se tulee maksamaan hyvin paljon koko tapahtumasarjan aikana.
O experimento foi conduzido no Centro Técnico de Irrigação (CTI), Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), tendo como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de diferentes regimes hídricos (irrigado e não irrigado) e fertirrigação, combinados com diferentes doses de adubo para N (15; 30; 45 e 60 g m-1), P (3; 6; 9 e 12 g m-1) e K (15; 30; 45 e 60 g m-1), na fase de crescimento inicial de duas cultivares de café, na região noroeste do Paraná. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis de crescimento da cultura: diâmetro de copa, altura de planta e número de ramos plagiotrópicos totais. Observou-se que a fertirrigação e a irrigação influenciaram no desenvolvimento inicial do cafeeiro, aumentando os valores de todas as variáveis avaliadas. A interação entre regimes hídricos e fertirrigação versus doses de NPK foi significativa para algumas variáveis de crescimento, porém esses resultados não apresentaram tendência comum, que permitisse constatar qual a dose mais indicada para cada regime hídrico na fase de crescimento inicial do cafeeiro.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de grãos verdes, os componentes de produção e a eficiência do uso da água do feijão-caupi, sob regimes hídricos. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Meio-Norte, em Teresina - PI, entre setembro e novembro de 2009. Foram avaliadas cinco lâminas de irrigação, estabelecidas com base em frações da evapotranspiração de referência (25; 50; 75; 100 e 125% da ETo), e as cultivares BRS Guariba e BRSParaguaçudefeijão-caupi. Aplicou-se a irrigação por sistema de aspersão convencional fixo. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e parcelas subdivididas (cultivares). As máximas produtividades de grãos verdes, 2.937,3 kg ha-1 (BRS Guariba) e 2.492,9 kg ha-1 (BRS Paraguaçu), foram estimadas com as lâminas de irrigação de 354 mm e 423 mm, respectivamente. A máxima eficiência de uso da água para a produtividade de grãos verdes foi observada com as lâminas de 275 mm e 231 mm, para as cultivares BRS Paraguaçu e BRS Guariba, respectivamente. A cultivar BRS Guariba demonstrou melhor desempenho produtivo quando comparada com a cultivar BRS Paraguaçu.
The intellectual property (IP) environment in China is still very immature. There are several problems in legal, political, economic, social-cultural, competitive and labor environment which have hindered IP legal enforcement. Under such circumstances, IP misappropriation is a major concern especially for foreign small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in China. These circumstances require foreign companies, no matter whether they are multinational corporations (MNCs) or SMEs and have own manufacturing in China or not, to take strong IP actions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss how IP can be protected in China in the case of outsourcing and in the case of own manufacturing. The comparison will consider the process of outsourcing and own manufacturing consisting two stages: preparation stage and operation stage. In order to clarify the conceptual arguments, two illustrative case studies were studied. The case data bases on two semi-structured interviews of the managing directors, field notes and archival data. The findings propose that attention in IP protection should be given to following issues: integrating IP strategy into the company’s business strategy, protecting the most critical knowledge, regarding IP steps as a whole in the protection mechanism and making IP strategy as proactive as possible. The major difference between outsourcing and own manufacturing in IP protection is in the operation stage. Besides, the findings also provide managerial advice on IP protection, e.g. foreign managers should be prepared for IP risks in China, they should establish an own IP protection mechanism which matches the company’s situation and they should consider IP protection as an on-going process.
This thesis studies intellectual property right (also: IPR) strategies from the perspective of high growth startup companies. Due to technology development and intellectualization of business, large part of companies’ assets are nowadays intangible. At the same time, the importance of protection instruments designed to protect these intangible assets, intellectual property rights, is increasing. Utilization of these instruments, however, requires understanding of the functioning of the IPR system, as well as financial resources. Startup companies aiming for growth need to be able compete with more established companies also in relation to intangible assets, but they might not have the required knowledge ot resources to fully utilize IPRs in their business. This research aims to understand what are the benefits a startup company can have from protecting their IPRs, and how can the company achieve those benefits. Based on a review of previous literature, altogether 11 benefits of IPR registration were recognized. To answer to the research questions, six half-structured interviews were conducted with experts form different fields, all with experience in working with startup companies and IPR issues. The interviews were analyzed using different methods of qualitative data analysis, mainly derived from grounded theory and case study methods. As a result, out of the 11 benefits recognized from earlier literature, 8 were recognized to be relevant for startup companies. The most central benefits were recognized to be linked with the financial lifecycle of the startup company, including increasing credibility of the startup and stimulating an investment. In addition it was noticed, that startup companies are mainly able to utilize these benefits at later stages of their lifecycle. However, to be able to utilize the benefits at later stages, the startup company needs to be aware of the functioning of the IPR system and might need to apply for appropriate protection already early on. As a result of this study, a three-step model was formed to describe different levels of IPR utilization. The first level of the model represents the minimum level of understanding that every startup company should have regarding IPRs. The second level views IPR strategy from a risk management perspective, including securing the minimum protection of the company’s own IPRs, contract management and establishing processes for handling IPR issues. The last stage reflects strategic use of IPRs. At this third stage intellectual property rights have a central role in the startup company’s business, and they are used in the company’s value creation.
The work is mainly focused on the technology of bubbling fluidized bed combustion. Heat transfer and hydrodynamics of the process were examined in the work in detail. Special emphasis was placed on the process of heat exchange in a freeboard zone of bubbling fluidized bed boiler. Operating mode of bubbling fluidized bed boiler depends on many parameters. To assess the influence of some parameters on a temperature regime inside the furnace a simplified method of zonal modeling was used in the work. Thus, effects of bed material fineness, excess air ratio and changes in boiler load were studied. Besides the technology of combustion in bubbling fluidized bed, other common technologies of solid fuels combustion were reviewed. In addition, brief survey of most widely used types of solid fuel was performed in the work.
Plantas sob forte sombreamento (2% ou 6% da luz solar direta) apresentaram, em relação às plantas sob maior nível de luz, menor biomassa, menores taxas de crescimento, menor razão raiz/parte aérea, menor massa foliar específica (MFE), menor razão clorofila a/b e maior razão de área foliar (RAF). Com o aumento da irradiância as plantas apresentaram três tipos de comportamento, dependendo da quantidade de luz dada: 1) até cerca de 20% da luz solar direta as plantas apresentaram, com aumento da luz, aumento de biomassa, das taxas de crescimento relativo (TCR) e de assimilação líquida (TAL), maior alocação de biomassa para a raiz, maior número de folhas, maior MFE, maior razão clorofila a/b e menor razão de peso foliar (RPF) e RAF; 2) entre 20% e 70% de luz as plantas não mostraram alterações morfológicas ou fisiológicas com aumento na quantidade de luz, à exceção de um aumento na razão clorofila a/b; e 3) plantas crescendo em luz solar plena apresentaram uma redução do crescimento em massa seca. As plantas transferidas de 4% para 20 ou 30% de luz mostraram respostas similares àquelas das plantas crescidas sempre em mais luz. A densidade de estômatos mostrou uma leve tendência ao aumento em plantas transferidas para maior quantidade de luz. O menor crescimento em níveis mais fortes de sombreamento e o maior crescimento com aumento de irradiância até 20-30% da luz solar total sugere que a espécie possa se beneficiar do aparecimento de clareiras para sua regeneração. O menor desempenho das plantas em condições de luz plena ou forte sombreamento sugere menor capacidade competitiva da espécie em grandes clareiras ou sob dossel fechado.
The suitability of IgM antibodies to PGL-1 for monitoring the response to multidrug therapy (MDT) was sequentially tested by ELISA in 105 leprosy patients, and bacterial indexes (BI) were also determined. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1, 34 multibacillary (MB) patients treated for 12 months with MDT-MB; group 2, 33 MB patients treated for 24 months with MDT-MB, and group 3, 38 paucibacillary (PB) patients treated for 6 months with MDT-PB. Untreated MB patients exhibited higher antibody levels (mean ± SEM): group 1 (6.95 ± 1.35) and group 2 (12.53 ± 2.02) than untreated PB patients (1.28 ± 0.35). There was a significant difference (P < 0.01) in anti-PGL-1 levels in group 1 patients: untreated (6.95 ± 1.35) and treated for 12 months (2.78 ± 0.69) and in group 2 patients: untreated (12.53 ± 2.02) and treated for 24 months (2.62 ± 0.79). There was no significant difference between untreated (1.28 ± 0.35) and treated (0.62 ± 0.12) PB patients. Antibody levels correlated with BI. The correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) was 0.72 before and 0.23 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 1 and 0.67 before and 0.96 (P < 0.05) after treatment in group 2. BI was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) after 12 and 24 months on MDT (group 1: 1.26-0.26; group 2: 1.66-0.36). Our data indicate that monitoring anti-PGL-1 levels during MDT may be a sensitive tool for evaluating treatment efficacy. These data also indicate that the control of leprosy infection can be obtained with 12 months of MDT in MB patients.
Principen om nationalismen där det politiska och det nationella är samspelt kan vara av markant betydelse för uppbyggande av autonomiska regimer. Likaså tillåter decentralicering och delegering av befogenheter för språk och utbildning (officiellt erkännande av språk, standardisering av språk, undervisningsspråk och relaterade läroplaner) formning av identiteter inom dessa autonomiska regimer. Resultatet är en ofullkomlig cirkulär relation där språk, samfund och politiska institutioner ömsesidigt och kontinuerligt formar varandra: lingvistiskt mångfald prägar och formger autonomiska ordningar och vice-versa. De juridiska implikationerna av territoriella och icke-territoriella former av autonomi är dock av en annan art. Emedan territoriell autonomi bygger på idéen om ett eventuellt inkluderande hemland för lingvistiska grupper, vars vistelseort är avgörande, förstärker den icke-territoriella autonomin idéen om ett exclusivt samfund bestående av själv-identifierade medlemmar som är kapabla till självstyre oavsett territoriella gränser. Denna avhandling utgör an analys av sådana juridiska implikationer genom komparativa och institutionella analyser. Avhandlingen föreslår som resultat en serie av normativa och pragmatiska rekommendationer inriktade på att främja demokratiseringsprocesser i linje med principer om multikulturalism.
The objective of this work was to study the effect of adding wheat fiber and partial pork back fat on the quality characteristics of bologna sausage. The compound central rotating design was used with treatments containing fixed levels of inulin (5%) and oat fiber (1%) and variable levels of wheat fiber (0-4%) and pork back fat (0-10%). The pH and protein were similar in all the treatments, the fat was lower than the control treatment and the moisture content was higher than the control treatment (CF) without fibers. The wheat fiber increased the hardness and reduced cohesiveness and scores were given for overall impression. We found that it was possible to prepare low-fat bologna sausage with the addition of 6.58% fiber (5% inulin, 1% oat fiber and 0.58% wheat fiber), whilst retaining good sensory acceptability, thus reducing the pork back fat levels by between 25 and 42.75%.