994 resultados para Mathias


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Invocatio: Q.B.V.


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Invocatio: I.G.N.


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Invocatio: I.N.J.


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A simple flow-injection amperometric procedure using a three-electrode-integrated sensor for the determination of H2O2 in antiseptic mouthwash is reported. This method involves the use of a working composite electrode modified with Prussian Blue (PB) particles that was easily adapted as detector in FIA. The best amperometric response was observed for a composite containing 30% of graphite modified with PB particles (GAP) and 70% of pure graphite (GR). The proposed method presents a linear response in the range of 10 to 200 μmol L-1. The detection and quantification limits were 0.8 and 2.6 μmol L-1, respectively.


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Leaves and flower heads of P. brevipedunculata were submitted to four drying-air temperatures (room temperature, 40, 50 and 60 ºC). Room temperature (approximately 30 ºC) and higher temperature drying (50 and 60 ºC) had a deleterious effect on the essential oil content. The recommended drying-air temperature for the species is 40 ºC for it results in the same amount of essential oil observed in fresh cut plants. Overall, 13 components accounting for more than 92% of the total composition were identified. Citral was the major component, followed by α-pinene and limonene. The essential oil showed high toxicity against Artemia salina larvae.


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The potentialities and applications of the Multiple Pulse Amperometric detection (MPA) coupled with Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) are evaluated. Important aspects as cleaning and activation of electrode surface, indirect and simultaneous analysis of electroactive compounds and the use of the internal standard method for quantifications utilizing FIA-MPA are presented. The main parameters concerning the detection of electroactive analytes by multiple pulse amperometric detection in flowing solutions were also discussed. In addition, aspects such as flow rate, sample volume, application time of the potential pulses and instrumentation necessary for implementing of the method were also addressed.


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This the first phytochemical investigation of Mimosa artemisiana (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) describing the isolation and identification of quercitrin, myricitrin, 3,5,4´-trihydroxi-6,7-dimethoxyflavone (6,7-dimethylkaepferol), flavolignans, 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosil sitosterol, lupeol, sitostenone, stigmastenone, campestenone, sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, methyl indole-3-carboxilate and indole-3-carboxaldehyde in the extracts from the leaves and wood of this plant. This is the first registry of 6,7-dimethoxy,4'-hydroxy-flavona and the flavonolignans in this genera. The isolation of all metabolites was made by chromatographic methods and the structures were established on the basis of IR, MS, ¹H and 13C NMR spectra analysis, comparison with literature data and GC-MS of mixtures analysis.


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A fast analytical method for determination of hydroquinone in pharmaceutical formulations employing batch injection analysis (BIA) with amperometric detection using a boron-doped diamond electrode is described. The supporting electrolyte was a 0.1 mol L-1 H2SO4 solution (the single reagent used for analysis). The method showed good repeatability (RSD of 0.45%, n=20), wide linear range (from 10 to 2000 µmol L-1, R=0.9999), low detection limit (0.016 µmol L-1) and satisfactory recovery values (91-96%). Accuracy of the method was evaluated by comparative analyses using high-performance liquid-chromatography. The ability to replace the electronic pipette by disposable syringes (injection procedure) in BIA systems was also shown.


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This study describes the use of Principal Component Analysis to evaluate the chemical composition of water produced from eight oil wells in three different production areas. A total of 609 samples of produced water, and a reference sample of seawater, were characterized according to their levels of salinity, calcium, magnesium, strontium, barium and sulphate (mg L-1) contents, and analyzed by using PCA with autoscaled data. The method allowed the identification of variables salinity, calcium and strontium as tracers for formation water, and variables magnesium and sulphate as tracers for seawater.


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A simple and fast method for the determination of nimesulide (NI) using flow injection analysis with multiple-pulse amperometric (FIA-MPA) detection at a boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode was developed. The method was based mainly on the application of a four-potential waveform, E1(det) = -0.8 V / 30 ms, E2(det) = 0.6 V / 30 ms, E3(det) = -0.4 V / 30 ms and E4(cleaning) = -0.45 V / 300 ms versus Ag/AgCl (3.0 mol L-1 KCl). NI was detected at three different electrode potentials, at which the nitro group undergoes different redox reactions. The proposed method was selective and sensitive (detection limit of 81.0 nmol L-1), and successfully applied for the determination of NI in pharmaceutical formulations, yielding similar results to those obtained by the reference method.


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A new sarpagine-type alkaloid, Na-methylrauflorine (1), was isolated from Rauvolfia capixabaetogether with isoreserpiline (2),Nb-oxide-isoreserpiline (3), ajmalicine (4), perakine (5) and vinorine (6) alkaloids. These compounds were characterized based on their spectral data basis, mainly one- (1H, 13C, APT) and two-dimensional(1H-1H-COSY, 1H-1H-NOESY, HMQC and HMBC) NMR, and mass spectra, also involving comparison with data from the literature.


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Para avaliar o efeito de métodos de inocuação de Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Doidge) (9) em sementes de tomate sobre a qualidade da semente e transmissão da fitobactéria compararam-se os tratamentos: 1) inoculação a vácuo com suspensão de células de X. vesicatoria em STP (0,005M, pH 7,4 e NaCl 0,85%); 2) imersão por 24 horas em suspensão de células de X. vesicatoria em STP; 3) vácuo em solução STP; 4) imersão por 24 horas em STP; 5) imersão por 5 min. em álcool etílico e 6) semente original. As avaliações foram realizadas por testes de germinação e isolamentos em meio Nutriente Agar Modificado (NAM) aos 1, 15, 30 e 45 dias após aplicação dos tratamentos. Em seguida, avaliou-se o efeito da umidade (4% e 8%) e o armazenamento das sementes inoculadas e variações de umidade antes da realização dos testes sobre a sobrevivência e recuperação de X. vesicatoria. Os métodos de inoculação testados podem ser utilizados em trabalhos de rotina, porém, as sementes devem ser utilizadas até 30 dias após a inoculação a partir de quando ocorre uma redução acentuada na taxa de recuperação da fitobactéria. A umidade das sementes interfere na sobrevivência e na transmissão de X. vesicatoria pelas sementes de tomate.


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