839 resultados para Manufacturing flexibility
This study will concentrate on Product Data Management (PDM) systems, and sheet metal design features and classification. In this thesis, PDM is seen as an individual system which handles all product-related data and information. The meaning of relevant data is to take the manufacturing process further with fewer errors. The features of sheet metals are giving more information and value to the designed models. The possibility of implementing PDM and sheet metal features recognition are the core of this study. Their integration should make the design process faster and manufacturing-friendly products easier to design. The triangulation method is the basis for this research. The sections of this triangle are: scientific literature review, interview using the Delphi method and the author’s experience and observations. The main key findings of this study are: (1) the area of focus in triangle (the triangle of three different point of views: business, information exchange and technical) depends on the person’s background and their role in the company, (2) the classification in the PDM system (and also in the CAD system) should be done using the materials, tools and machines that are in use in the company and (3) the design process has to be more effective because of the increase of industrial production, sheet metal blank production and the designer’s time spent on actual design and (4) because Design For Manufacture (DFM) integration can be done with CAD-programs, DFM integration with the PDM system should also be possible.
European luxury brands have an image of manufacturing their products in the same country where the brands originate. However, in the past years many luxury brands have shifted their manufacturing to countries outside Europe. China is now a common manufacturing country for European luxury brands despite the country’s poor image as a manufacturer. Chinese manufacturing is often associated with bad quality, bad labour conditions, mass production, and counterfeits. The image of China does not quite match the image luxury brands enjoy including characteristics such as high end quality, craftsmanship, details, design, or premium price. A negatively perceived country-of-manufacture may have an effect on a brand’s image and consumers’ purchase decisions. This thesis is focused on European luxury brands manufacturing in China, and how this effects the brand image and purchase decisions among luxury consumers. The empirical part of this thesis is based on focus group research, which is a popular method in the field of qualitative research. The main focus group is female luxury consumers in Finland. This main group has been divided into three categories: 1) the university students, 2) the young career women, 3) the experienced luxury consumers. This categorization has been done based on their different stages in luxury consumption. All in all, the empirical research consisted of 11 interviews and 29 participants. The main contribution of this thesis was that there is a difference between the opinions of the younger groups (university students and young career women) and the experienced luxury consumers when discussing the effect of country-of-manufacture on brand image and purchase decisions of luxury brands. The younger participants thought that manufacturing luxury products in China might affect the brand image, but their purchase decisions would not be that much affected by the country-of-origin. The experienced luxury consumers had quite a different view on the country-of-origin of luxury brands – they found it an important decisive factor prior making purchases. The majority of experienced luxury consumers would not buy luxury products made in China, and they would always check where these products are made in.
Increasing pressures to reduce costs, inprove productivity, and lower the environmental impact are forcing suppliers to present evidences of the monetary and societal value they create for the customers and society around. The extant academic literature on the practical activities related to topic is still sparse and this study addresses the gap by developing sustainable customer value proposition for Valmet’s recycled fibre line solution for the Chinese market. The research is based on literature review and single case study method. Theoretically the study is connected to the emerging literature of customer value and life cycle engineering, and to the research of sustainable development in the field of marketing. For exloiting empirical evidences, in-depth supplier interviews and customer survey were conducted. The results suggest that selling of recycled fibre line solution requires tangible and credible evidence of the value and utility which is delivered for the customer. In addition to the economic benefits also societal benefits should be included in the value proposition that are the focus of attention in China. Still, the role of discovered benefits may be contradictory until they are communicated to appropriate decision makers. Managerially the study contributes to the customer value management and quantification knowledge and practices in Valmet’s organization.
Data management consists of collecting, storing, and processing the data into the format which provides value-adding information for decision-making process. The development of data management has enabled of designing increasingly effective database management systems to support business needs. Therefore as well as advanced systems are designed for reporting purposes, also operational systems allow reporting and data analyzing. The used research method in the theory part is qualitative research and the research type in the empirical part is case study. Objective of this paper is to examine database management system requirements from reporting managements and data managements perspectives. In the theory part these requirements are identified and the appropriateness of the relational data model is evaluated. In addition key performance indicators applied to the operational monitoring of production are studied. The study has revealed that the appropriate operational key performance indicators of production takes into account time, quality, flexibility and cost aspects. Especially manufacturing efficiency has been highlighted. In this paper, reporting management is defined as a continuous monitoring of given performance measures. According to the literature review, the data management tool should cover performance, usability, reliability, scalability, and data privacy aspects in order to fulfill reporting managements demands. A framework is created for the system development phase based on requirements, and is used in the empirical part of the thesis where such a system is designed and created for reporting management purposes for a company which operates in the manufacturing industry. Relational data modeling and database architectures are utilized when the system is built for relational database platform.
Emerging markets have come to play a significant role in the world, not only due to their strong economic growth but because they have been able to foster an increasing number of innovative high technology oriented firms. However, as the markets continue to change and develop, there remain many companies in emerging markets that struggle with their competitiveness and innovativeness. To improve competitive capabilities, many scholars have come to favor interfirm cooperation, which is perceived to help companies access new knowledge and complementary resources and, by so doing, enables them to catch up quickly with Western competitors. Regardless of numerous attempts by strategic management scholars, the research field remains very fragmented and lacks understanding on how and when interfirm cooperation contributes to firm performance and competiveness in emerging markets. Furthermore, the reasons why interfirm R&D sometimes succeeds but fails at other times frequently remain unidentified. This thesis combines the extant literature on competitive and cooperative strategy, dynamic capabilities, and R&D cooperation while studying interfirm R&D relationships in and between Russian manufacturing companies. Employing primary survey data, the thesis presents numerous novel findings regarding the effect of R&D cooperation and different types of R&D partner on firms’ exploration and exploitation performance. Utilizing a competitive strategy framework enables these effects to be explained in more detail, and especially why interfirm cooperation, regardless of its potential, has had a modest effect on the general competitiveness of emerging market firms. This thesis contributes especially to the strategic management literature and presents a more holistic perspective on the usefulness of cooperative strategy in emerging markets. It provides a framework through which it is possible to assess the potential impacts of different R&D cooperation partners and to clarify the causal relationships between cooperation, performance, and long term competitiveness.
Putkipalkkiliitosten käyttäminen offshore-teollisuuden rakennusten tukirakenteissa on erittäin yleistä. Liitosten valmistaminen on hankalaa ja hidasta. Hyvin usein tukirakenteiden putkipalkkiliitokset joudutaan hitsaamaan manuaalisesti tukirakenteen suuren koon vuoksi. Tukirakenteen uudella valmistustavalla, jossa rakenne kootaan pienemmistä osista, voidaan putkipalkkiliitosten valmistaminen ja hitsaaminen automatisoida. Robottihitsausasema sekä sen käyttöliittymä ja ohjelmisto todettiin toimivaksi ratkaisuksi putkipalkkiliitosten hitsaamiseen. Automaatiosuunnitteluun liittyy monia eri vaiheita, joiden huolellinen läpikäynti takaa todenmukaisemman konseptiratkaisun. Konseptiratkaisu kehittyy samalla, kun laitteistoja ja layoutia muokataan valmiimmiksi. Automaatiosuunnittelun aikana pyritään löytämään oikea taso automaatiolle. Valittu automaation taso vaikuttaa tuotannon tuottavuuteen, läpimenoaikaan ja joustavuuteen. Automaation määrällä vaikutetaan myös ihmisen tekemän työn määrään ja työnkuvaan. Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin Pemamek Oy:lle hitsausautomaatioratkaisuja putkimaisille kappaleille. Putkiston osia valmistavan tehtaan hitsaus- ja tuotantoautomaation konseptiratkaisua tarkasteltiin esimerkkitapauksen muodossa, jolla kuvattiin, kuinka automaatiojärjestelmä voidaan suunnitella konseptitasolle. Toinen hitsausautomaatioratkaisu, joka tässä työssä kehitettiin, on robottihitsausasema käyttöliittymineen putkipalkkiliitoksen hitsaamiseen.
The objective of this research is to demonstrate the use of Lean Six Sigma methodology in a manufacturing lead time improvement project. Moreover, the goal is to develop working solutions for the target company to improve its manufacturing lead time. The theoretical background is achieved through exploring the literature of Six Sigma, Lean and Lean Six Sigma. The development will be done in collaboration with the related stakeholders, by following the Lean Six Sigma improvement process DMAIC and by analyzing the process data from the target company. The focus of this research is in demonstrating how to use Lean Six Sigma improvement process DMAIC in practice, rather than in comparing Lean Six Sigma to other improvement methodologies. In order to validate the manufacturing system’s current state, improvement potential and solutions, statistical tools such as linear regression analysis were used. This ensured that all the decisions were as heavily based on actual data as possible. As a result of this research, a set of solutions were developed and implemented in the target company. These solutions included batch size reduction, bottleneck shift, first-in first-out queuing and shifting a data entry task from production planners to line workers. With the use of these solutions, the target company was able to reduce its manufacturing lead time by over one third.
Suurelle yleisölle lisäävä valmistustekniikka eli ns. 3D-tulostustekniikka näyttäytyy lehtien otsikoissa ja artikkeleissa esiin pulpahtavana ”muotiaiheena”, mutta sekä muovien 3D-tulostustekniikka että metallienkin vastaava valmistustekniikka on ollut olemassa maailmalla ja Suomessa 80-luvun puolivälistä alkaen. Yhdysvalloissa ja Saksassa tekniikkaa käytetään valmistavassa teollisuudessa toiminnallisten osien tuotannossa. Esimerkiksi lentokoneen suihkumoottorien osia ja lääketieteellisiä välineitä tehdään metallijauheesta lisäävän valmistuksen avulla. Itse asiassa eräs menetelmä metalliesineiden valmistamiseksi lasersäteen avulla keksittiin Suomessa ja sitä myös kehiteltiin täällä, mutta teollisuudenala lähti aikanaan nousuun Saksassa. Lisäävä valmistus on tällä hetkellä maailmanlaajuisesti eräs kiinnostavista tuotantotekniikoista, jonka uskotaan muuttavan monia asioita tuotteiden suunnittelussa, toiminnoissa ja valmistuksessa. Tämä tekniikka ei kiinnosta pelkästään valmistavaa teollisuutta, vaan tietotekniikan, lääketieteen, koruvalmistuksen ja muotoilun osaajat sekä uusien liiketoimintamallien kehittäjät ja logistiikka operaattorit ovat teknologiasta kiinnostuneita. Suomelle 3D-tulostustekniikka on suuri mahdollisuus, sillä maassamme on vahva teollinen tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaosaaminen sekä lisäksi olemme maassamme erikoistuneet varsin vaativien teollisiin laitteiden valmistukseen. Eräät suurimmista mahdollisuuksista tällä tekniikalla ovat toimitusketjuihin liittyvät muutokset. Uutta on, että pienetkin yritykset ja organisaatiot voivat soveltaa tätä tekniikkaa valmistuksessa ja jopa kehitellä täysin uusia tuotteita. On myös arvioitu, että lisäävän valmistuksen merkitys valmistustapoihin ja toimitusketjuihin voi olla suurempi kuin koskaan aikaisemmin minkään teknologisen uudistuksen kohdalla. Lisäävästä valmistuksesta usein puhutaankin kolmantena teollisena vallankumouksena juuri tämän takia. 3D-tulostuksen kustannuksia tarkasteltaessa on tärkeätä huomata että vain sulatetun jauheen määrä ratkaisee, ei käytettävän geometrian monimutkaisuus. Tämä erottaa perinteisen ja lisäävän valmistuksen toisistaan. Perinteisesti kappaleen keventäminen on maksanut ”ylimääräistä”, kun taas lisäävässä valmistuksessa kappaleen keveys on jopa kustannusta alentava tekijä. Valmistettavan kappaleen korkeus on yksi kriittisimpiä kustannuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tämän vuoksi useamman kappaleen valmistus yhdellä kertaa parantaa kannattavuutta huomattavasti. Samalla kertaa voi ja itse asiassa kannattaakin valmistaa keskenään erilaisia kappaleita. Perinteiset valmistustavat sen sijaan ovat nykyajan vaatimuksille liian hitaita; ne joustavat huonosti, kun kyseessä on pienet, asiakaslähtöiset erät. Trendi on globaalisti kohden yksilöllisiä asiakaslähtöisiä tuotteita, jolloin myös valmistustekniikoiden on oltava joustavia pysyäkseen näiden vaatimusten perässä. Lisäävä valmistus sopii erityisesti hyvin piensarjatuotantoon. Suuremmissa valmistuserissä kuitenkin perinteiset tekniikat ovat kustannustehokkaampia.
This thesis considers optimization problems arising in printed circuit board assembly. Especially, the case in which the electronic components of a single circuit board are placed using a single placement machine is studied. Although there is a large number of different placement machines, the use of collect-and-place -type gantry machines is discussed because of their flexibility and increasing popularity in the industry. Instead of solving the entire control optimization problem of a collect-andplace machine with a single application, the problem is divided into multiple subproblems because of its hard combinatorial nature. This dividing technique is called hierarchical decomposition. All the subproblems of the one PCB - one machine -context are described, classified and reviewed. The derived subproblems are then either solved with exact methods or new heuristic algorithms are developed and applied. The exact methods include, for example, a greedy algorithm and a solution based on dynamic programming. Some of the proposed heuristics contain constructive parts while others utilize local search or are based on frequency calculations. For the heuristics, it is made sure with comprehensive experimental tests that they are applicable and feasible. A number of quality functions will be proposed for evaluation and applied to the subproblems. In the experimental tests, artificially generated data from Markov-models and data from real-world PCB production are used. The thesis consists of an introduction and of five publications where the developed and used solution methods are described in their full detail. For all the problems stated in this thesis, the methods proposed are efficient enough to be used in the PCB assembly production in practice and are readily applicable in the PCB manufacturing industry.
The estimation of losses plays a key role in the process of building any electrical machine. How to estimate those losses while designing any machine; by obtaining the characteristic of the electrical steel from the catalogue and calculate the losses. However, this way is inaccurate since the electrical steel performs several manufacturing processes during the process of building any machine, which affects directly the magnetic property of the electrical steel and accordingly the characteristic of the electrical steel will be affected. That means the B–H curve of the steel that was obtained from the catalogue will be changed. Moreover, during loading and rotating the machine, some important changes occur to the B–H characteristic of the electrical steel such as the stress on the laminated iron. Accordingly, the pre-estimated losses are completely far from the actual losses because they were estimated based on the data of the electrical steel obtained from the catalogue. So in order to estimate the losses precisely significant factors of the manufacturing processes must be included. The paper introduces the systematic estimation of the losses including the effect of one of the manufacturing factors. Similarly, any other manufacturing factor can be included in the pre-designed losses estimations.
This thesis studies the advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of additive manufacturing in making components with internal flow channels. These include hydraulic components, components with cooling channels and heat exchangers. Processes studied in this work are selective laser sintering and selective laser melting of metallic materials. The basic principles of processes and parameters involved in the process are presented and different possibilities of internal channel manufacturing and flow improvement are introduced
We compared the effect of the number of weekly repetitions of a static stretching program on the flexibility, hamstring tightness and electromyographic activity of the hamstring and of the triceps surae muscles. Thirty-one healthy subjects with hamstring tightness, defined as the inability to perform total knee extension, and shortened triceps surae, defined by a tibiotarsal angle wider than 90° during trunk flexion, were divided into three groups: G1 performed the stretching exercises once a week; G2, three times a week, and G3, five times a week. The parameters were determined before and after the stretching program. Flexibility improved in all groups after intervention, from 7.65 ± 10.38 to 3.67 ± 12.08 in G1, from 10.73 ± 12.07 to 0.77 ± 10.45 in G2, and from 14.20 ± 10.75 to 6.85 ± 12.19 cm in G3 (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). The increase in flexibility was higher in G2 than in G1 (P = 0.018), while G2 and G3 showed no significant difference (G1: 4 ± 2.17, G2: 10 ± 5.27; G3: 7.5 ± 4.77 cm). Hamstring tightness improved in all groups, from 37.90 ± 6.44 to 29 ± 11.65 in G1, from 39.82 ± 9.63 to 21.91 ± 8.40 in G2, and from 37.20 ± 6.63 to 26.10 ± 5.72° in G3 (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). During stretching, a statistically significant difference was observed in electromyographic activity of biceps femoris muscle between G1 and G3 (P = 0.048) and G2 and G3 (P = 0.0009). No significant differences were found in electromyographic activity during maximal isometric contraction. Stretching exercises performed three times a week were sufficient to improve flexibility and range of motion compared to subjects exercising once a week, with results similar to those of subjects who exercised five times a week.
Stretching has been widely used to increase the range of motion. We assessed the effects of a stretching program on muscle-tendon length, flexibility, torque, and activities of daily living of institutionalized older women. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were according to Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (>13), Barthel Index (>13) and Lysholm Scoring Scale (>84). Seventeen 67 ± 9 year-old elderly women from a nursing home were divided into 2 groups at random: the control group (CG, N = 9) participated in enjoyable cultural activities; the stretching group (SG, N = 8) performed active stretching of hamstrings, 4 bouts of 1 min each. Both groups were supervised three times per week over a period of 8 weeks. Peak torque was assessed by an isokinetic method. Both groups were evaluated by a photogrammetric method to assess muscle-tendon length of uni- and biarticular hip flexors and hamstring flexibility. All measurements were analyzed before and after 8 weeks by two-way ANOVA with the level of significance set at 5%. Hamstring flexibility increased by 30% in the SG group compared to pre-training (76.5 ± 13.0° vs 59.5 ± 9.0°, P = 0.0002) and by 9.2% compared to the CG group (76.5 ± 13.0° vs 64.0 ± 12.0°, P = 0.0018). Muscle-tendon lengths of hip biarticular flexor muscles (124 ± 6.8° vs 118.3 ± 7.6°, 5.0 ± 7.0%, P = 0.031) and eccentric knee extensor peak torque were decreased in the CG group compared to pre-test values (-49.4 ± 16.8 vs -60.5 ± 18.9 Nm, -15.7 ± 20%, P = 0.048). The stretching program was sufficient to increase hamstring flexibility and a lack of stretching can cause reduction of muscle performance.