991 resultados para Lindsay, Hal: 948 : vuosi, jolloin loppu alkoi


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Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin miten Kyllikki Hiisku kuvasi toisen maailmansodan aikaista Roomaa vuodenvaihteesta 1942 - 1943 syyskuun puoliväliin 1943 asti. Tutkimuksen päälähteenä olen käyttänyt Kyllikki Hiiskun tuosta ajasta kirjoittamaa teosta Italia valinkauhassa nähtyä ja koettua, joka ilmestyi 1945 Gummeruksen kustantamana. Olen pyrkinyt sijoittamaan Hiiskun kokemat tapahtumat tuon aikakauden Rooman historialliseen ja poliittiseen kehitykseen aikalaiskirjallisuuden ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla. Hiisku oli Roomassa Mussolinin hallintokauden viimeisien kuukausien aikana. Hän kuvailee elävästi Mussolinin hallituksen syrjäyttämisen ja italialaisten poliittisten asenteiden muutokset. Samanaikaisesti hän tutustui sodan todellisuuteen Italiassa. Hänelle Rooman saksalaismiehitys oli järkytys, ja hän hämmästeli italialaisten ja saksalaisten huonoja suhteita. Turkulainen Hiisku oli aikaisemmin tutustunut Italiaan lähinnä kulttuurin kannalta. Stipendiaikanaan hän tutustui fasismiin ja maan poliittiseen elämään. Teoksessaan hän ei ota selvää poliittista kantaa, mutta teoksesta heijastuu kirjoittajan oikeistolaisuus. Hiiskun teos ilmestyi heti sodan jälkeen, ja siitä välittyy autenttinen kuva hänen stipendiajastaan Roomassa.


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In the current economic situation very few business operations are static. In some cases, organizations feel that the most rational solution is not expanding but focusing on their core competencies or certain areas of business through corporate restructuring. The focus in this thesis is on corporate demerger, a process that involves a complete separation of units within a company. Despite the vast amount of research considering corporate demergers, there is still a lack of knowledge about how top managers experience these kinds of organizational rearrangements. In this qualitative case study, the aim is to bring forward the thoughts of executives in two companies that emerged from a single company through corporate demerger a few years ago. By conducting dyadic semi-structured interviews with the management group and board members in both the parent company and the demerger company, I pursue to understand the impressions that they had during the demerger process as well as during the change that followed afterwards. Additionally, their retrospective sense-making patterns are briefly examined. The findings suggest that the way operations are managed before plays an important role in the demerger process. In this case the pre-demerger organization was quite distinctly divided into two business areas, which allowed a somewhat natural allocation of resources. In addition, apart from the top management, every employee knew their future company and role, thus decreasing the amount of uncertainty in lower organizational levels. Consequently, the ambiguity and change faced by the top executives was evidently more powerful compared to the operational actors. The fragmented characteristics also enabled certain points of reference in the unfolding demerger process. Along with the information about future management groups, the pre-demerger re-grouping took place. This sparked up the mental division, where both groups started to act separately. On a personal level, the managers involved in the demerger planning have made retrospective sense of the repercussions related to the restructuring process. For them, it was an extremely demanding, ambiguous and burdensome project that provided them with managerial experiences they are likely not to have again.


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Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy into electricity. Due to the development of new materials, fuel cells are emerging as generating clean energy generator. Among the types of fuel cells, categorized according to the electrode type, the solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) stand out due to be the only device entirely made of solid particles. Beyond that, their operation temperature is relatively high (between 500 and 1000 °C), allowing them to operate with high efficiency. Another aspect that promotes the use of SOFC over other cells is their ability to operate with different fuels. The CeO2 based materials doped with rare earth (TR+3) may be used as alternatives to traditional NiO-YSZ anodes as they have higher ionic conductivity and smaller ohmic losses compared to YSZ, and can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). In the composition of the anode, the concentration of NiO, acting as a catalyst in YSZ provides high electrical conductivity and high electrochemical activity of reactions, providing internal reform in the cell. In this work compounds of NiO - Ce1-xEuxO2-δ (x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) were synthesized from polymeric precursor, Pechini, method of combustion and also by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. The materials were characterized by the techniques of TG, TPR, XRD and FEG-SEM. The refinement of data obtained by X-ray diffraction showed that all powders of NiO - Cex-1EuxO2-δ crystallized in a cubic phase with fluorite structure, and also the presence of Ni. Through the characterizations can be proved that all routes of preparation used were effective for producing ceramics with characteristics suitable for application as SOFC anodes, but the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method showed a significant reduction in the average grain size and improved control of the compositions of the phases


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lietolaisen Vilkkimäen meijerin elinkaarta ja paikallisen yhteisön suhdetta tutkimuskohteeseen. Meijerirakennus on valmistunut Hakulan kylään vuonna 1928. Rakennushankkeen takana oli Liedon osuusmeijeri -osuuskunta, joka ehti harjoittaa meijeritoimintaa vain kolmisen vuotta ennen ajautumistaan konkurssiin. Tämän jälkeen pankin muodostama Liedon meijeriosakeyhtiö vuokrasi tilat Valiolle, joka alkoi valmistaa Vilkkimäessä juustoa. Tutkimuksen piiriin kuuluu myös vuonna 1933 valmistunut Valion rakennuttama sikala. Meijeritoiminta päättyi lopullisesti vuonna 1939 talvisodan alkaessa jolloin puolestaan Liedon suojeluskunta teki vuokrasopimuksen Liedon meijeriosakeyhtiön kanssa. Rakennusta käytettiin viime sotien ajan suojeluskunnan varuste- ja ammusvarastona. Sotien jälkeen rakennusta on käytetty moneen eri tarkoitukseen. Vilkkimäessä on muun muassa valmistettu vihannessäilykkeitä ja harjoitettu linjaliikennettä. 1970-luvun alussa kiinteistön osti diplomi-insinööri, joka käytti tiloja erilaisten tuoteideoiden kehittelyyn. Rakennus oli hänen omistuksessaan vuoteen 2009 saakka. Tämän jälkeen kunnostuksen tarpeessa oleva rakennus siirtyi uusille omistajille, jotka aloittivat mittavan kunnostushankkeen. Rakennukseen on valmistunut hankkeen aikana liiketiloja ja vuokra-asuntoja. Rakennuksen ympärille muodostui 1920-1930-luvuilla oma pienyhteisö meijerin työntekijöistä ja paikallisista asukkaista, ja monelle paikalliselle Vilkkimäki oli merkityksellinen kohtaamispaikka. Yhteisöllisyyden kokemusta lisäsivät juhlasalissa pidetyt tilaisuudet, erityisesti iltamat. Sotien ajaksi rakennus tyhjeni asukkaista. Asunnot otettiin uudelleen käyttöön 1940-luvun loppupuolella ja rakennuksessa asuttiin 1970-luvun alkuun saakka. Rakennuksen tyhjentyessä asukkaista paikallisten siteet Vilkkimäkeen hiipuivat. Tutkimukseni merkittävin aineistokokonaisuus koostuu muistitiedosta eli itse tekemistäni haastatteluista. Aineistoon kuuluu myös lukuisia valokuvia. Lisäksi olen käyttänyt Kansallisarkistosta ja Valion arkistosta keräämääni aineistoa, kirjallisuutta sekä lehtiartikkeleitä. Aineiston avulla olen kartoittanut rakennuksen elinkaaren vaiheita ja hahmottanut millaisia merkityksiä rakennuksella on ollut paikalliselle yhteisölle. Haastatteluaineistosta olen nostanut esiin kolme eri teemaa; yhteisöllisyyden, työnteon ja sukupuolen merkityksen.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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This study aimed at comparing amounts of nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) released from brackets from different manufacturers in simulated oral environments. 280 brackets were equally divided into 7 groups according to manufacturer. 6 groups of brackets were stainless steel, and 1 group of brackets was made of a cobalt-chromium alloy with low Ni content (0.5%). International standard ISO 10271/2001 was applied to provide test methods. Each bracket was immersed in 0.5 ml of synthetic saliva (SS) or artificial plaque fluid (PF) over a period of 28 days at 37ºC. Solutions were replaced every 7 days, and were analyzed by spectrometry. The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied. Amounts of Ni release in SS (µg L-1 per week) varied between groups from "bellow detection limits" to 694, and from 49 to 5,948.5 in PF. The group of brackets made of cobalt-chromium alloy, with the least nickel content, did not release the least amounts of Ni. Amounts of Cr detected in SS and in PF (µg L-1 per week) were from 1 to 10.4 and from 50.5 to 8,225, respectively. It was therefore concluded that brackets from different manufacturers present different corrosion behavior. Further studies are necessary to determine clinical implications of the findings.


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Dados de bovinos compostos foram analisados para avaliar o efeito da epistasia nos modelos de avaliação genética. As características analisadas foram os pesos aos 205 (P205) e 390 dias (P390) e perímetro escrotal aos 390 dias (PE390). As análises foram realizadas pela metodologia de máxima verossimilhança considerando-se dois modelos: o modelo 1 incluiu como covariáveis os efeitos aditivos diretos e maternos, e os não aditivos das heterozigoses para os efeitos diretos e para o materno total, e o modelo 2 considerou também o efeito direto de epistasia. Para comparação dos modelos, foram utilizados o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC) e o critério de informação Bayesiano de Schwartz (BIC), e o teste de razão de verossimilhança. A inclusão da epistasia no modelo de avaliação genética pouco alterou as estimativas de componentes de (co)variâncias genéticas aditivas e, consequentemente, as herdabilidades. O teste de verossimilhança e o critério de Akaike sugeriram que o modelo 2, que inclui a epistasia, apresentou maior aderência aos dados para todas as características analisadas. O critério BIC indicou este modelo como o melhor apenas para P205. Para análise genética dessa população, o modelo que considerou o efeito de epistasia foi o mais adequado.


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This work aimed to evaluate female lineage broilers for halothane sensitivity and for their susceptibility to the subsequent development of PSE meat. The halothane test was carried out in an anesthetic chamber with 3.0% halothane. The unconscious birds were examined for leg muscle rigidity. If one or both legs became extended and rigid, the birds were classified as halothane sensitive (HAL+), while unresponsive birds were classified as halothane negative (HAL-). The results showed that of 298 birds aged 42 days old, 95.6% were HAL- and 4.4% were HAL+. A sample of pectoralis major muscle was collected from HAL- (n=105) and HAL+ (n=13) birds. The pH and breast fillet color were determined at 4ºC, 24 hours post-mortem. Interestingly, only 2.5% of HAL+ birds displayed PSE meat characteristics compared to 12.7% of HAL- individuals. The halothane test demonstrated that female lineage broilers displayed very little sensitivity towards halothane, indicating that the development of PSE meat is related to other environmental factors.


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Carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in savannas are strongly regulated by the seasonal distribution of precipitation and pulses of nutrients released during the wetting of the dry soil and are critical to the dynamics of microorganisms and vegetation. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of C and N isotope ratios as indicators of the cycling of these elements in a cerrado sensu stricto area, within a protected area in a State Park in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The foliar δ13C and δ15N values varied from -33.6 to -24.4 ‰ and -2.5 to 4.5 ‰, respectively. The δ13C values showed a consistent relationship with canopy height, revealing the importance of structure of the canopy over the C isotopic signature of the vegetation. Carbon isotopic variations associated with the length of the dry season indicated the importance of recent fixed C to the integrated isotopic signature of the leaf organic C. The studied Cerrado species showed a depleted foliar δ15N, but a wide range of foliar Nitrogen with no difference among canopy heights. However, seasonal variability was observed, with foliar δ15N values being higher in the transition period between dry and rainy seasons. The variation of the foliar C and N isotope ratios presented here was consistent with highly diverse vegetation with high energy available but low availability of water and N.


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The activity of the antineoplastic drug tamoxifen was evaluated against Trypanosoma cruzi. In vitro activity was determined against epimastigote, trypomastigote and amastigote forms of CL14, Y and Y benznidazole resistant T. cruzi strains. Regardless of the strain used, the drug was active against all life-cycle stages of the parasite with a half maximal effective concentration ranging from 0.7-17.9 µM. Two experimental models of acute Chagas disease were used to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of treatment with tamoxifen. No differences in parasitemia and mortality were observed between control mock-treated and tamoxifen-treated mice.


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Os isótopos estáveis de O, H e S foram utilizados para investigar a origem das rochas magmáticas nos Terrenos Jauru e Pontes e Lacerda do SW do Craton Amazônico, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. No Terreno Jauru as rochas granitóides do Greenstone belt Alto Jauru e da Suíte Cachoeirinha apresentam valores de δ18O entre +9,0‰ e +6,3‰ que indicam derivação a partir de magmas juvenis. Na Suíte Intrusiva Rio Branco valores de δ18O para rochas básicas estão entre +5,4‰ e +5,8‰ e para rochas félsicas entre +8,7‰ e +9,0‰; rochas intermediárias apresentam valores entre +7,3‰ e +8,3‰. Os valores mais baixos de δ18O, obtidos nas rochas básicas, são compatíveis com derivação mantélica, porém as rochas félsicas apresentam valores de δ18O compatíveis com origem crustais. Análises de isótopos estáveis de H (rocha total) forneceram valores de δD entre - 83‰ e -92‰, diferente das assinaturas de rochas metamórficas e de águas meteóricas. Resultados em sulfetos para isótopos estáveis de S em rochas básicas e intermediárias desta suíte apresentam valores de δ34S coerentes com uma fonte mantélica (entre + 0,7‰ e +3,8‰), enquanto os valores de δ34S (entre +5,2‰ e +6,1‰) obtidos nas rochas félsicas sugerem participação crustal na sua gênese. Na Suíte Santa Helena (Terreno Pontes e Lacerda) os resultados obtidos para δ18O se agrupam entre +4,4‰ e +8,9‰ indicando uma origem mantélica. O presente estudo confirma a importância da aplicação de isótopos estáveis para a compreensão de processos magmáticos e evolução crustal.


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study-specific results, their findings should be interpreted with caution


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Background Obesity is an increasingly serious public health problem on a global level. Morbid obesity, defined as a body mass index greater than 40 kg/m2, is associated with increased mortality and a high burden of obesity-related morbidities. Methods To study the prevalence of morbid obesity in Brazil, three national anthropometric surveys were reanalyzed. Data about bariatric surgeries were obtained from the Ministry of Health Hospital Information System, which is available online. Results A 255% rise in the prevalence of morbid obesity was observed, starting at 0.18% in 1975-1976 and growing to 0.33% in 1989 and 0.64% in 2002-2003. There was a higher rate in the South in the first two surveys, but the prevalence in the Southeast rose steadily, reaching 0.77% in 2002-2003 and overtaking the South. Since 1999, the Brazilian Unified Health System has covered surgical treatment for morbid obesity. From 2000 to 2006, there was a sixfold increase in the number of surgeries, which topped the 2,500 mark in 2006. The geographic distribution of these surgeries is heavily concentrated in the Southeast, the most developed region of Brazil, where there is also the highest prevalence of morbid obesity. This was followed by the Southern region. Conclusions The figures for the rise in morbid obesity in Brazil are startling, especially the increase among men. This is a situation that calls for further study, alongside measures to encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles. Preventive measures aimed at slowing down or reversing the obesity epidemic are urgently required