975 resultados para Layer dependent order parameters
The market for solder paste materials in the electronic manufacturing and assembly sector is very large and consists of material and equipment suppliers and end users. These materials are used to bond electronic components (such as flip-chip, CSP and BGA) to printed circuit boards (PCB's) across a range of dimensions where the solder interconnects can be in the order of 0.05mm to 5mm in size. The non-Newtonian flow properties exhibited by solder pastes during its manufacture and printing/deposition phases have been of practical concern to surface mount engineers and researchers for many years. The printing of paste materials through very small-sized stencil apertures is known to lead to increased stencil clogging and incomplete transfer of paste to the substrate pads. At these very narrow aperture sizes the paste rheology and particle-wall interactions become crucial for consistent paste withdrawal. These non-Newtonian effects must be understood so that the new paste formulations can be optimised for consistent printing. The focus of the study reported in this paper is the characterisation of the rheological properties of solder pastes and flux mediums, and the evaluation of the effect of these properties on the pastes' printing performance at the flip-chip assembly application level. Solder pastes are known to exhibit a thixotropic behaviour, which is recognised by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this time-dependent theological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes' structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a number of methods which have been developed for characterising the time-dependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes and flux mediums as a function of shear rates. We also present results of the study of the rheology of the solder pastes and flux mediums using the structural kinetic modelling approach, which postulates that the network structure of solder pastes breaks down irreversibly under shear, leading to time and shear dependent changes in the flow properties. Our results show that for the solder pastes used in the study, the rate and extent of thixotropy was generally found to increase with increasing shear rate. The technique demonstrated in this study has wide utility for R&D personnel involved in new paste formulation, for implementing quality control procedures used in solder paste manufacture and packaging; and for qualifying new flip-chip assembly lines
Gas absorption accompanied by an irreversible chemical reaction of first-order or second-order in a liquid layer of finite thickness in plug flow has been investigated. The analytical solution to the enhancement factor has been derived for the case of a first-order reaction, and the exact solution to the enhancement factor has been obtained via numerical simulation for the case of a second-order reaction. The enhancement factor in both cases is presented as a function of the Fourier number and tends to deviate from the prediction of the existing enhancement factor expressions based on the penetration theory at Fourier numbers above 0.1 due to the absence of a well-mixed bulk region in the liquid layer. Approximate enhancement factor expressions that describe the analytical and exact solutions with an accuracy of 5?% and 9?%, respectively, have been proposed.
Glycosylation of low density lipoproteins obtained from 16 patients with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes and from 16 age-, sex-, and race-matched controls, was determined. The diabetic patients were normolipaemic and were in good or fair glycaemic control. Eleven patients performed home blood glucose monitoring. Glycosylation of low density lipoproteins in the diabetic patients was significantly higher (p less than 0.001) than in the control subjects, and was significantly correlated with haemoglobin A1c, (p less than 0.01), glycosylation of plasma proteins, (p less than 0.001), and mean home blood glucose, (p less than 0.01). This study confirms that, in diabetic patients, increased glycosylation of low density lipoprotein occurs to an extent which correlates closely with other commonly used indices of glycaemic control.
We employ the time-dependent R-matrix (TDRM) method to calculate anisotropy parameters for positive and negative sidebands of selected harmonics generated by two-color two-photon above-threshold ionization of argon. We consider odd harmonics of an 800-nm field ranging from the 13th to 19th harmonic, overlapped by a fundamental 800-nm IR field. The anisotropy parameters obtained using the TDRM method are compared with those obtained using a second-order perturbation theory with a model potential approach and a soft photon approximation approach. Where available, a comparison is also made to published experimental results. All three theoretical approaches provide similar values for anisotropy parameters. The TDRM approach obtains values that are closest to published experimental values. At high photon energies, the differences between each of the theoretical methods become less significant.
Compensation for the dynamic response of a temperature sensor usually involves the estimation of its input on the basis of the measured output and model parameters. In the case of temperature measurement, the sensor dynamic response is strongly dependent on the measurement environment and fluid velocity. Estimation of time-varying sensor model parameters therefore requires continuous textit{in situ} identification. This can be achieved by employing two sensors with different dynamic properties, and exploiting structural redundancy to deduce the sensor models from the resulting data streams. Most existing approaches to this problem assume first-order sensor dynamics. In practice, however second-order models are more reflective of the dynamics of real temperature sensors, particularly when they are encased in a protective sheath. As such, this paper presents a novel difference equation approach to solving the blind identification problem for sensors with second-order models. The approach is based on estimating an auxiliary ARX model whose parameters are related to the desired sensor model parameters through a set of coupled non-linear algebraic equations. The ARX model can be estimated using conventional system identification techniques and the non-linear equations can be solved analytically to yield estimates of the sensor models. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach under various input and parameter conditions.
Spectroscopic studies of line emission intensities and ratios offer an attractive option in the\r\ndevelopment of non-invasive plasma diagnostics. Evaluating ratios of selected He I line\r\nemission profiles from the singlet and triplet neutral helium spin systems allows for simultaneous\r\nmeasurement of electron density (ne) and temperature (Te) profiles. Typically, this powerful\r\ndiagnostic tool is limited by the relatively long relaxation times of the 3S metastable term of helium\r\nthat populates the triplet spin system, and on which electron temperature sensitive lines are based.\r\nBy developing a time dependent analytical solution, we model the time evolution of the two spin\r\nsystems. We present a hybrid time dependent/independent line ratio solution that improves the\r\nrange of application of this diagnostic technique in the scrape-off layer (SOL) and edge plasma\r\nregions when comparing it against the current equilibrium line ratio helium model used at\r\nTEXTOR.
This study attempted to quantify the variations of the surface marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) parameters associated with the tropical Cyclone Gonu formed over the Arabian Sea during 30 May–7 June 2007 (just after the monsoon onset). These characteristics were evaluated in terms of surface wind, drag coefficient, wind stress, horizontal divergence, and frictional velocity using 0.5◦ × 0.5◦ resolution Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) wind products. The variation of these different surface boundary layer parameters was studied for three defined cyclone life stages: prior to the formation, during, and after the cyclone passage. Drastic variations of the MABL parameters during the passage of the cyclone were observed. The wind strength increased from 12 to 22 m s−1 in association with different stages of Gonu. Frictional velocity increased from a value of 0.1–0.6 m s−1 during the formative stage of the system to a high value of 0.3–1.4 m s−1 during the mature stage. Drag coefficient varied from 1.5 × 10−3 to 2.5 × 10−3 during the occurrence of Gonu. Wind stress values varied from 0.4 to 1.1 N m−2. Wind stress curl values varied from 10 × 10−7 to 45 × 10−7 N m−3. Generally, convergent winds prevailed with the numerical value of divergence varying from 0 to –4 × 10−5 s−1. Maximum variations of the wind parameters were found in the wall cloud region of the cyclone. The parameters returned to normally observed values in 1–3 days after the cyclone passage
The marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) plays a vital role in the transport of momentum and heat from the surface of the ocean into the atmosphere. A detailed study on the MABL characteristics was carried out using high-resolution surface-wind data as measured by the QuikSCAT (Quick scatterometer) satellite. Spatial variations in the surface wind, frictional velocity, roughness parameter and drag coe±cient for the di®erent seasons were studied. The surface wind was strong during the southwest monsoon season due to the modulation induced by the Low Level Jetstream. The drag coe±cient was larger during this season, due to the strong winds and was lower during the winter months. The spatial variations in the frictional velocity over the seas was small during the post-monsoon season (»0.2 m s¡1). The maximum spatial variation in the frictional velocity was found over the south Arabian Sea (0.3 to 0.5 m s¡1) during the southwest monsoon period, followed by the pre-monsoon over the Bay of Bengal (0.1 to 0.25 m s¡1). The mean wind-stress curl during the winter was positive over the equatorial region, with a maximum value of 1.5£10¡7 N m¡3, but on either side of the equatorial belt, a negative wind-stress curl dominated. The area average of the frictional velocity and drag coe±cient over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal were also studied. The values of frictional velocity shows a variability that is similar to the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) and this was con¯rmed via wavelet analysis. In the case of the drag coe±cient, the prominent oscillations were ISO and quasi-biweekly mode (QBM). The interrelationship between the drag coe±cient and the frictional velocity with wind speed in both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal was also studied.
Der pH-Wert stellt in der Chemie, Physik, Biologie, Pharmazie und Medizin eine wichtige Meßgröße dar, da eine Vielzahl von Reaktionen durch den pH-Wert bestimmt wird. In der Regel werden zur pH-Wert-Messung Glaselektroden eingesetzt. Hierbei konnte der pH-sensitive Bereich zwar bis auf einige Mikrometer reduziert werden, aber die Gesamtab-messungen betragen immer noch 15-20 cm. Mit der Einführung miniaturisierter Reaktionsgefäße ist daher der Bedarf an miniaturisierten Sensoren enorm gestiegen. Um in solchen Gefäßen Reaktionsparameter wie z. B. den pH-Wert zu kontrollieren, müssen die Gesamtabmessungen der Sensoren verringert werden. Dies lässt sich mit Hilfe der Mikrostrukturtechnik von Silizium realisieren. Hiermit lassen sich Strukturen und ganze Systeme bis in den Nanometerbereich herstellen. Basierend auf Silizium und Gold als Elektrodenmaterial wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit verschiedene Interdigitalstrukturen hergestellt. Um diese Strukturen zur pH-Wert-Messungen einsetzen zu können, müssen sie mit einer pH-sensitiven Schicht versehen werden. Hierbei wurde Polyanilin, ein intrinsisch leitendes Polymer, aufgrund seine pH-abhängigen elektrischen und optischen Verhaltens eingesetzt. Die Beschichtung dieser Sensoren mit Polyanilin erfolgte vorwiegend elektrochemisch mit Hilfe der Zyklovoltammetrie. Neben der Herstellung reiner Polyanilinfilme wurden auch Kopolymerisationen von Anilin und seinen entsprechenden Aminobenzoesäure- bzw. Aminobenzensulfonsäurederivaten durchgeführt. Ergebnisse dazu werden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zur Charakterisierung der resultierenden Polyanilin- und Kopolymerfilme auf den Inter-digitalstrukturen wurden mit Hilfe der ATR-FT-IR-Spektroskopie Spektren aufgenommen, die gezeigt und diskutiert werden. Eine elektrochemische Charakterisierung der Polymere erfolgte mittels der Zyklovoltammetrie. Die mit Polyanilin bzw. seinen Kopolymeren beschichteten Sensoren wurden dann für Widerstandsmessungen an den Polymerfilmen in wässrigen Medien eingesetzt. Polyanilin zeigt lediglich eine pH-Sensitivität in einem pH-Bereich von pH 2 bis pH 4. Durch den Einsatz der Kopolymere konnte dieser pH-sensitive Bereich jedoch bis zu einem pH-Wert von 10 ausgeweitet werden. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung der Sensoren wurde das Konzept der interdigitalen Elektroden-paare auf Cantilever übertragen. Die pH-sensitive Zone konnte dabei auf 500 µm2 bei einer Gesamtlänge des Sensors (Halter mit integriertem Cantilever) von 4 mm reduziert werden. Neben den elektrischen pH-abhängigen Eigenschaften können auch die optischen Eigen-schaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Detektion herangezogen werden. Diese wurden zunächst mit Hilfe der UV-VIS-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die erhaltenen Spektren werden gezeigt und kurz diskutiert. Mit Hilfe eines Raster-Sonden-Mikroskops (a-SNOM, Firma WITec) wurden Reflexionsmessungen an Polyanilinschichten durchgeführt. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung wurden Siliziumdioxidhohlpyramiden (Basisfläche 400 µm2) mit Spitzenöffnungen in einem Bereich von 50-150 nm mit Polyanilin beschichtet. Auch hier sollten die optischen Eigenschaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Wert-Sensorik ausgenutzt werden. Es werden erste Messungen an diesen Strukturen in Transmission diskutiert.
In this paper, a new methodology for predicting fluid free surface shape using Model Order Reduction (MOR) is presented. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition combined with a linear interpolation procedure for its coefficient is applied to a problem involving bubble dynamics near to a free surface. A model is developed to accurately and efficiently capture the variation of the free surface shape with different bubble parameters. In addition, a systematic approach is developed within the MOR framework to find the best initial locations and pressures for a set of bubbles beneath the quiescent free surface such that the resultant free surface attained is close to a desired shape. Predictions of the free surface in two-dimensions and three-dimensions are presented.
We present the extension of a methodology to solve moving boundary value problems from the second-order case to the case of the third-order linear evolution PDE qt + qxxx = 0. This extension is the crucial step needed to generalize this methodology to PDEs of arbitrary order. The methodology is based on the derivation of inversion formulae for a class of integral transforms that generalize the Fourier transform and on the analysis of the global relation associated with the PDE. The study of this relation and its inversion using the appropriate generalized transform are the main elements of the proof of our results.
Recent research outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the response of marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds to warming associated with increasing greenhouse gases as a major contributor to uncertainties in model projections of climate change. Understanding how MBL clouds respond to increasing temperatures is hampered by the relative scarcity of marine surface observations and the difficulty of retrieving accurate parameters remotely from satellites. In this study we combine data from surface observations with that from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), CloudSat and CALIPSO, with a view to investigating the spatial distribution and variations in MBL cloud fraction and cloud liquid water path (LWP). These results are then compared with the treatment of MBL clouds in the UK Met Office HadGEM models. Future work will assess how variations in LWP impact the top of atmosphere radiative energy balance using data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB), in order to quantify the response of MBL clouds on interannual timescales to a changing climate