464 resultados para Kulkki-Nieminen, Auli


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Nykyisin raideliikenteen käytössä olevan opastinjärjestelmän mukaiset opastimet ovat kunnossapidollisesti erittäin haastavia. Niiden korkeus aiheuttaa kunnossapitohenkilöstölle työturvallisuusriskin ja monimutkaiset opastinulokkeet ja - portaalit ovat kalliita rakentaa. Nykyisin käytössä oleva opastinjärjestelmä onkin tarkoitus korvata Opastinjärjestelmä 2010 -nimisellä järjestelmällä, jonka kehitystyö on aloitettu Ratahallintokeskuksessa vuonna 2006. Tämä diplomityö on osa kyseistä kehitystyötä. Työn tarkoituksena on raideliikenteen käyttöön tulevien Opastinjärjestelmä 2010:n mukaisten opastimien valoyksiköiden koteloiden rakenteen suunnittelu ja materiaalinvalinta. Suunnittelutyöhön sisältyvät myös valoyksiköiden häikäisysuojien suunnittelu, sekä opastimien koteloiden liittäminen opastimien jalkoihin. Uusille opastimille suunnitellaan myös putkipaaluperustus. Opastinjärjestelmä 2010:n mukaisten opastimien myötä opastinten sijoittelua voidaan parantaa, ja niiden kunnossapito helpottuu. Uuden järjestelmän opastimien kotelot tarjoavat opastimien valoyksiköille entistä avointa levyrakennetta paremman ilkivaltasuojan. Uusissa opastimissa otetaan käyttöön LED-valoyksiköt, joka vähentää kunnossapitokustannuksia lamppujen vaihtotarpeen pienentyessä.


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The social activity of nurse teacher – a part of teacherhood Every nurse teacher must know the current health policy in order to use it in teaching. The conception of the role of health policy in curriculum and the concrete teaching of social activity are quite unclear. The purpose of this study was to describe the social activity of nurse teachers. The data were collected by a structured questionnaire (Paltta 1998) via E-mail. The questionnaire included background factors and nine items for society activities. The respondents were nurse teachers, teachers for emergency nursing, public health nurse and midwifery teachers from all polytechnics in Finland. Response rate was 46 % (n = 342). The data were analysed by using descriptive statistics. The results of this study showed that 36 % of nurse teachers evaluated themselves quite active in society activities and 43 % of them evaluated themselves inactive. 32 % of nurse teachers was member and involved to working in general organisations. 28 % of nurse teachers worked or have been worked in local commission or trustees. Nurse teachers evaluated their knowledge about health policy quite good (mean 3.75, Std 0.99). Their knowledge about education policy was also quite good (mean 3.57, Std 1.04). Nurse teachers updated their knowledge about health policy and education policy by reading professional journals, newspapers, internet and following television and radio. According to results nurse teachers are quite active in society activities even tough almost half of them evaluated themselves quite inactive. Although nurse teachers’ knowledge about health policy was quite good by their opinion, they must update and improve the knowledge. In the future it is important to study how nurse teachers use health policy in their teaching and how nurse students’ participation in society activities can be improved.


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Atopic, IgE-mediated allergies are one of the major public health problems in Finland and other Western countries. These diseases are characterized by type 2 T helper (Th2) cell predominated immune responses (interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5) against ubiquitous environmental allergens. Despite of adequate pharmacological treatment, more than 20% of the patients with allergic rhinitis develop asthma. Allergen specific immunotherapy (SIT) is the only treatment currently available to affect to the natural course of allergic diseases. This treatment involves repeated administration of allergens to the patients either via sublingual route (sublingual immunotherapy, SLIT) or by subcutaneous injections (subcutaneous immunotherapy, SCIT). Successful treatment with SCIT or SLIT has been shown to provide long-term remission in symptoms, and prevent disease progression to asthma, but the immunological mechanisms behind these beneficial effects are not yet completely understood. Increased knowledge of such mechanisms could not only help to improve SIT efficacy, but also provide tools to monitor the development of clinical response to SIT in individual patients, and possibly also, predict the ultimate therapeutic outcome. The aim of this work was to clarify the immunological mechanisms associated with SIT by investigating the specific allergen-induced immune responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of allergic rhinitis patients during the course of SLIT and SCIT. The results of this work demonstrate that both therapies induced increases in the protective, Th2-balancing Th1 type immune responses in PBMC, e.g. by up-regulating signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) expression, and augmented tolerogenic T regulatory (Treg) cell type responses against the specific allergens, e.g. by increasing IL-10 or Forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) expression. The induction of allergen-specific Th1 and Treg type responses during SLIT were dependent on the treatment dose, favoring high allergen dose SLIT. During SCIT, the early decrease in Th2 type cytokine production - in particular of IL-4 mRNA and IL-4/IFN-γ expression ratio - was associated with the development of good therapeutic outcome. Conversely, increases in both Th2 (IL-5) and Th1 (IFN-γ, SLAM) type responses and IL-10 mRNA production were seen in the patients with less effective outcome. In addition, increase in Th17 type cytokine (IL-17) mRNA production was found in the PBMC of patients with less effective outcome during both SLIT and SCIT. These data strengthen the current hypothesis that immunomodulation of allergen-specific immune responses from the prevailing Th2-biased responses towards a more Th1 type, and induction of tolerogenic Treg cells producing IL-10 represent the two key mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of SIT. The data also give novel insight into the mechanisms why SIT may fail to be effective in some patients by demonstrating a positive correlation between the proinflammatory IL-17 responses, Th2 type IL-5 production and clinical symptoms. Taken together, these data indicate that the analysis of Th1, Th2, Treg ja Th17-associated immune markers such as IL-10, SLAM, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-17 could provide tools to monitor the development of clinical response to SIT, and thereby, predict the ultimate clinical outcome already in the early course of the treatment.


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Äänitetty: 1968, Yleisradio.


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Seloste artikkelista: Phosphorus allocation in surface soil of two drained peatland forests following wood and peat ash application : why effective adsorption on low sorptive soils? Silva Fennica 41 (2007) : 3, s. 395-407.


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