941 resultados para Knowledge-transfer


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While the construction industry is frequently encouraged to learn from other business sectors, the difficulties of transferring knowledge from one context to another are rarely acknowledged. The problematic nature of knowledge is addressed with particular emphasis on the concept of contextual embeddedness. From this point of view, the process of 'knowledge transfer' depends upon a prolonged process of socialization between actors from both the 'receiving' and 'sending' contexts networking. It is contended that a significant conceptual chasm exists between the exhortations of industry leaders to learn from other sectors and the theoretical complexities associated with knowledge transfer. An ongoing research project is described that seeks to facilitate knowledge sharing between construction and aerospace. A novel approach to knowledge sharing based upon soft systems methodology (SSM) (Mode 2) is described and justified. Initial findings from the first cycle of the research are discussed and used to highlight the importance of context in the implementation of supply chain management.


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The study explores the uptake of livestock vaccination among poor farming communities in Tamil Nadu State, India by revisiting innovation diffusion theory. Overall, 601 farmers participated in the study. We found the adoption of particular vaccines was strongly influenced by socio-cultural grouping i.e. caste, rather than other factors such as income, age, education-level or gender. Adoption was also related to specific knowledge frames regarding disease causality, rather than any wider ethno-veterinary beliefs. Thus, the adoption of livestock vaccination is unlikely to improve without knowledge transfer activities, which acknowledge both social divisions and local epistemologies regarding animal health. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Nature conservation may be considered a post-normal science in that the loss of biodiversity and increasing environmental degradation require urgent action but are characterised by uncertainty at every level. An ‘extended peer community’ with varying skills, perceptions and values are involved in decision-making and implementation of conservation, and the uncertainty involved limits the effectiveness of practice. In this paper we briefly review the key ecological, philosophical and methodological uncertainties associated with conservation, and then highlight the uncertainties and gaps present within the structure and interactions of the conservation community, and which exist mainly between researchers and practitioners, in the context of nature conservation in the UK. We end by concluding that an openly post-normal science framework for conservation, which acknowledges this uncertainty but strives to minimise it, would be a useful progression for nature conservation, and recommend ways in which knowledge transfer between researchers and practitioners can be improved to support robust decision making and conservation enactment.


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We contrast attempts to introduce what were seen as sophisticated Western-style human resource management (HRM) systems into two Russian oil companies – a joint venture with a Western multinational corporation (TNK-BP) and a wholly Russian-owned company (Yukos). The drivers for Western hegemony within the joint venture, heavily influenced by expatriates and the established HRM processes introduced by the Western parent, were counteracted to a significant degree by the Russian spetsifika – the peculiarly Russian way of thinking and doing things. In contrast, developments were absorbed faster in the more authoritarian Russian-owned company. The research adds to the theoretical debate about international knowledge transfer and provides detailed empirical data to support our understanding of the effect of both organizational and cultural context on the knowledge-transfer mechanisms of local and multinational companies. As the analysis is based on the perspective of senior local nationals, we also address a relatively under-researched area in the international HRM literature which mostly relies on empirical data collected from expatriates and those based solely in multinational headquarters.


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Three coupled knowledge transfer partnerships used pattern recognition techniques to produce an e-procurement system which, the National Audit Office reports, could save the National Health Service £500 m per annum. An extension to the system, GreenInsight, allows the environmental impact of procurements to be assessed and savings made. Both systems require suitable products to be discovered and equivalent products recognised, for which classification is a key component. This paper describes the innovative work done for product classification, feature selection and reducing the impact of mislabelled data.


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A key highlight of this study is generating evidence of children ‘making aware the unaware’, making tacit knowledge explicit. The research explores the levels of awareness in thinking used by eight 7–8 year-old children when engaged in school-based genre writing tasks. The focus is on analysing children’s awareness of their thought processes, using a framework originally devised by Swartz and Perkins (1989), in order to investigate ways in which children can transform their tacit knowledge to explicit within the writing process. Classroom ‘think aloud’ protocols are used to help children ‘manage their knowledge transfer’, to speak the unspoken. In their framework Swartz and Perkins distinguish between four levels of thought that they view as hierarchical and ‘increasingly metacognitive.’ However, there is little evidence in this study to show that levels of awareness in thinking are increasingly progressive and observations made during the study suggest that young writers move in and out of the suggested levels of thinking during different elements of a writing task. The reasons for this may depend on a number of factors which are noted in this paper. Evidence does suggest children in this age group are consciously aware of their own and others’ thought processes both with and without adult prompting. By using collaborative talk, their awareness of these thought processes is highlighted enabling the co-construction and integration of new ideas into their existing knowledge base.


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Adaptive governance is the use of novel approaches within policy to support experimentation and learning. Social learning reflects the engagement of interdependent stakeholders within this learning. Much attention has focused on these concepts as a solution for resilience in governing institutions in an uncertain climate; resilience representing the ability of a system to absorb shock and to retain its function and form through reorganisation. However, there are still many questions to how these concepts enable resilience, particularly in vulnerable, developing contexts. A case study from Uganda presents how these concepts promote resilient livelihood outcomes among rural subsistence farmers within a decentralised governing framework. This approach has the potential to highlight the dynamics and characteristics of a governance system which may manage change. The paper draws from the enabling characteristics of adaptive governance, including lower scale dynamics of bonding and bridging ties and strong leadership. Central to these processes were learning platforms promoting knowledge transfer leading to improved self-efficacy, innovation and livelihood skills. However even though aspects of adaptive governance were identified as contributing to resilience in livelihoods, some barriers were identified. Reflexivity and multi-stakeholder collaboration were evident in governing institutions; however, limited self-organisation and vertical communication demonstrated few opportunities for shifts in governance, which was severely challenged by inequity, politicisation and elite capture. The paper concludes by outlining implications for climate adaptation policy through promoting the importance of mainstreaming adaptation alongside existing policy trajectories; highlighting the significance of collaborative spaces for stakeholders and the tackling of inequality and corruption.


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This paper empirically tests the effectiveness of information and communications technology (ICT) knowledge transfer and adoption in the multinational enterprise (MNE) as an issue of critical importance to contemporary MNE functioning. In contrast to mainstream thinking on absorptive capacity, but in line with prevailing international business theory, our research supports the proposition that perceptions of procedural justice, rather than absorptive capacity, determine effectiveness, especially in cases of high tacit knowledge transfers. Data was collected from senior ICT representatives in 86 Canadian subsidiaries of foreign owned MNEs. Each of these subsidiaries recently experienced a significant ICT transfer imposed by the parent organization. Support was found for the main propositions: Procedural justice significantly predicted successful ICT transfer and adoption, while absorptive capacity was not significant. These findings are consistent even when knowledge tacitness was high. The perceived success of the ICT transfer as well as its adoption varied widely across these firms. The potential reasons for this divergence in effectiveness are manifold, but our findings suggest that in situations of substantial knowledge tacitness, a higher level of procedural justice, rather than a higher level of absorptive capacity, is critical to effective transfer and adoption.


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Globalisation inevitably led to attempts to transfer know‐how and expertise to markets in different locations and cultures, where the particular organisation is willing to begin to operate. Hence, the need for understanding the conditions for successful knowledge transfer is especially important. The globalisation process in the Eastern bloc, which began in 1990, is a good example of knowledge transfer where the mutual meaning creation played a crucial role. This case study illustrates the process of international knowledge transfer between Western Europe and an emerging economy using the example of DAK Corporation and quality transfer to Poland. The case is especially useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students, including MBA students, studying general management as well as more specialised courses stemming from international management, for example, cross‐cultural management and organisational behaviour. Since the material focuses on people management and development as well as organisational culture creation, current and future practitioners from the human resources department will find it particularly useful. Students considering a career in a multinational company can also use this case in their preparation for the challenges of operating in a global business environment.


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I en rapport som Svensk Näringsliv (2010) har utfört beskriver de att företag redan idag och inom en snar framtid står inför den största pensionsavgången någonsin i Svensk historia. 40- talisternas avgång ställer företag inför stora utmaningarna, framförallt att lyckas genomföra en lyckad generationsväxling. De personer som går i pension har under sitt yrkesverksamma liv utvecklat en kunskap som många organisationer vilar på. En stor del av denna kunskap måste överföras för att organisationerna ska kunna fortsätta att vara effektiva på marknaden. Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskapets betydelse gällande kunskapsöverföring i en organisation, samt bidra med praktiska verktyg till chefer och medarbetare för att undvika att förlora värdefull kunskap vid en generationsväxling. Industriföretaget LEAX har själva identifierat ett problem i att överföra viktig kunskap i och med kommande generationsväxling. Deras önskan var att få hjälp med praktiska verktyg för hur de ska tänka och verka för att mildra kunskapsglappet som kan uppstå. För att undersöka detta och därmed uppfylla denna studies syfte har intervjuer genomförts med fyra produktionsledare, fyra medarbetare som förväntas dela kunskap och tre medarbetare som förväntas ta till sig kunskap. Innan intervjuerna genomfördes läste vi in oss på teori om kunskap, kunskapsöverföring och ledarskap. Eftersom begreppet kunskap har en bred betydelse och kan definieras olika beroende om den är individuell eller organisatorisk, började vi i vårt teoriavsnitt att bena ut detta begrepp. Nonaka och Takeuchi (1995) gör en förenklad bild av kunskap som ett isberg, där den explicita kunskapen benämns som toppen. Väl synlig över ytan på vattnet är den enkel att upptäcka och ta till sig. Under vattnet döljer sig en osynlig kunskap som är svår att upptäcka, så kallas implicit eller tyst kunskap. Denna kunskap utgör en enorm del av isberget och blir därmed viktig att bevara. Dock är denna kunskap svår att överföra då den är osynlig och svår att ta på. För att förstå vad kunskapsöverföring innebär, behöver organisationer identifiera vilken sorts kunskap som behöver överföras för att kunskapsöverföringen ska bli lyckad (Jonsson, 2012). Men även fast organisationer gör detta måste även ledningen förstå att kunskapsöverföring är en strategisk angelägenhet som kan ses som en process som involverar medarbetare. I denna studie har vi undersökt hur ledare kan skapa motivation, engagemang och resurser för medarbetare att vilja medverka och bidra till kunskapsöverföring. För att försöka förstå hur kunskap överförs i en organisation har vi använt oss av Nonaka och Takeuchi, (1995) SECI-modell. Modellen bygger på samspelet mellan den tysta och explicita kunskapen, vilket sker i fyra processer. Dessa processer har vi sedan utvecklat till en egen modell som inkluderar institutionella, organisatoriska och kognitiva faktorer. Utifrån dessa faktorer har vi skapat praktiska förslag på hur ledare tillsammans med medarbetarna kan planera kunskapsöverföring. Dessa praktiska förslag gynnar både individuell- och organisatorisk utveckling, samt bidrar till att mildra kunskapsförlust vid generationsväxlingen. Ett av de praktiska exempel vi utformat är en kompetensprofil, som är ett hjälpmedel för organisationer att identifiera vilken kunskap som medarbetarna besitter, vilket synliggör vilken kunskap det är som kan gå förlorad. Kompetensprofilen tillsammans med vår modell kan appliceras på liknande företag, men även på organisationer som verkar inom andra branscher. Eftersom denna kompetensprofil är utvecklad efter de krav som finns inom aktuell verksamhet, finns det möjlighet att anpassa efter andra verksamheter.


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O objetivo deste estudo de caso foi o de identificar o papel das relações interpessoais na condução do ProSAVANA-JBM (JAPÃO-BRASIL-MOÇAMBIQUE), Programa de Cooperação Triangular para o Desenvolvimento Agrícola da Savana Tropical de Moçambique. Os objetivos intermediários permitem também investigar quais outros fatores podem ter sido determinantes na condução do ProSAVANA. Este programa além de representar uma parceria internacional entre organizações de três países Brasil, Japão e Moçambique, possui impactos de ordem social, econômica e ambiental. A análise dos dados demonstra que as relações interpessoais exerceram a maior centralidade entre os demais fatores determinantes à condução do Programa, e também corrobora para o desenho de um modelo de rede de relações interpessoais relacionada ao ProSAVANA. As limitações do estudo referem-se à dificuldade deste estudo ser replicado ou generalizado cientificamente, considerando que não seria possível emitir avaliações sobre determinado comportamento, a partir de um estudo de caso único. Finalmente, o propósito deste estudo é oferecer instrumentos teóricos e empíricos que permitam aprofundar a reflexão sobre o papel das relações interpessoais, além de contribuir para as lacunas existentes no campo da gestão empresarial e pública.


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O conhecimento tem sido estudado há bastante tempo dentro da administração. Entretanto, a partir da década de 1990, com as mudanças nos fundamentos das economias industriais dos recursos naturais para os ativos intelectuais, as empresas passaram a preocupar-se com o conhecimento existente em suas organizações e seu gerenciamento. Um dos aspectos mais relevantes para o gerenciamento do conhecimento é a sua transferência. O conhecimento tácito, por não poder ser estruturado e codificado, é difícil de ser transferido pela organização. O gerenciamento de ativos intangíveis como o conhecimento tácito é percebido como importante capacitação para a competição e como fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável. O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar, através de um estudo de caso, se os fatores relevantes à transferência do conhecimento tácito estão presentes em uma grande empresa petrolífera brasileira. A presente pesquisa analisa parte relevante da bibliografia acerca da transferência do conhecimento tácito em organizações e coleta evidências para propor um modelo heurístico que possa explicar como ocorre essa transferência de conhecimento tácito, baseado em fatores idiossincráticos e nos fatores organizacionais cultura organizacional, estrutura organizacional e estratégia de gestão do conhecimento. Como resultado, o fator idiossincrático e os fatores estrutura organizacional e estratégia de gestão do conhecimento foram corroborados pelas evidências empíricas, entretanto o fator cultura organizacional não foi identificado. A partir dos resultados alcançados, um novo modelo é proposto. Verifica-se que alguns fatores identificados ajudam a transferência do conhecimento tácito enquanto outros criam barreiras a essa transferência. São sugeridos mecanismos para auxiliar as organizações na transferência do conhecimento tácito.


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O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar o desafio da transferência de conhecimento no setor de tecnologia de Óleo e Gás, especificamente na empresa FMC Technologies do Brasil, e suas consequências no diferencial competitivo, ao compreender como se dá a transferência de conhecimento tácito dos especialistas para os novos colaboradores, que devido ao enorme crescimento do segmento são a maioria atualmente. O estudo de caso se dará pela observação participante do próprio autor no local de trabalho, abordagem de teoria analítica e consequente pesquisa qualitativa com colaboradores de diferentes áreas e tempos de serviço, a fim de qualificar observações, bem como entender como se estabelece este processo e fundamentalmente, como melhorá-lo e garantir sustentabilidade. Como resultado deste trabalho tivemos a validação dos especialistas como responsáveis pela transferência do conhecimento tácito dentro do ambiente e contexto capacitante criado desde a fundação da empresa CBV, o qual desdobra a estratégia através da inspiração na valorização do trabalho e sentimento de contribuição.


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O estudo desenvolvido tem como objetivo apresentar uma visão geral da relevância e das relações entre os temas responsabilidade social e gerenciamento de projetos. Apresentando a justificativa para a necessidade de se segregar os dois temas na gestão dos projetos de responsabilidade social, o estudo aborda não só a questão da implantação da responsabilidade social nas empresas, como também busca medir o nível de utilização de práticas em gerenciamento nos projetos de responsabilidade social em uma empresa brasileira. O trabalho apresenta os principais conceitos que abordam o tema Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, bem como, os conceitos que tratam o tema Gerenciamento de Projetos. Como o tema Responsabilidade Social Corporativa deixou de ser para as empresas apenas uma questão de filantropia, mas de gestão organizacional e estratégica, o presente trabalho direciona para o levantamento da relevância do tema e da necessidade de se aplicar conceitos e práticas em gerenciamento de projetos de responsabilidade social. A questão explorada no estudo de caso desenvolvido é quanto a empresa estudada utiliza das práticas e metodologias de gerenciamento de projetos aplicadas aos projetos de responsabilidade social. Visando avaliar o cenário das organizações brasileiras, o trabalho abordou um estudo de caso de uma organização brasileira que desenvolve diversos projetos em responsabilidade social e tem ações de responsabilidade social definidas em sua estratégia organizacional. O resultado obtido no estudo de caso demonstrou que embora a empresa tenha iniciado o processo de transferência de conhecimento e padronização de práticas de gerenciamento de projetos, a percepção dos gestores e o resultado da pesquisa refletiram que essas práticas devem ser amadurecidas no ambiente de projetos corporativos.