238 resultados para Jeanette Winterson


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Protein crystallization has gained a new strategic and commercial relevance in the postgenomic era due to its pivotal role in structural genomics. Producing high quality crystals has always been a bottleneck to efficient structure determination, and this problem is becoming increasingly acute. This is especially true for challenging, therapeutically important proteins that typically do not form suitable crystals. The OptiCryst consortium has focused on relieving this bottleneck by making a concerted effort to improve the crystallization techniques usually employed, designing new crystallization tools, and applying such developments to the optimization of target protein crystals. In particular, the focus has been on the novel application of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) to detect suitable nucleation; the application of in situ dynamic light scattering (DLS) to monitor and analyze the process of crystallization; the use of UV-fluorescence to differentiate protein crystals from salt; the design of novel nucleants and seeding technologies; and the development of kits for capillary counterdiffusion and crystal growth in gels. The consortium collectively handled 60 new target proteins that had not been crystallized previously. From these, we generated 39 crystals with improved diffraction properties. Fourteen of these 39 were only obtainable using OptiCryst methods. For the remaining 25, OptiCryst methods were used in combination with standard crystallization techniques. Eighteen structures have already been solved (30% success rate), with several more in the pipeline.


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Inscription: Verso: Jeanette Morrison, simultaneous interpreter, United Nations


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All A’s was designed to support of the agency’s family strengthening initiatives in South Florida. All A’s uses evidence informed strategies poised to be an inclusive curriculum that teaches self-determination and adaptive behavior skills. The framework incorporates problem based learning and adult learning theory and follows the Universal Design for Learning. Since 2012, the agency has served over 8500 youth and 4,000 adults using the framework. The framework addresses educational underachievement and career readiness in at risk populations. It is used to enhance participants AWARENESS of setting SMART goals to achieve future goals and career aspirations. Participants are provided with ACCESS to resources and opportunities for creating and implementing an ACTION plan as they pursue and ACHIEVE their goals. All A’s promotes protective factors and expose youth to career pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related fields. Youth participate in college tours, job site visits, job shadowing, high school visits, online college and career preparation assistance, service learning projects, STEM projects, and the Winning Futures© mentoring program. Adults are assisted with résumé development; learn job search strategies, interview techniques, job shadowing experiences, computer and financial literacy programs. Adults and youth are also given the opportunity to complete industry-recognized certifications in high demand industries (food service, general labor, and construction), and test preparation for the General Educational Development Test.


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Este capítulo presenta algunas de las aventajas que el trabajo de la Danza Movimiento Terapia (DMT) brinda para los cuidados paliativos. A través de dos viñetas clínicas se despliega la importancia de un acompañamiento empático kinestésico, una escucha y presencia más allá de las palabras. Se muestra como la DMT ofrece una posibilidad de una participación activa y constructiva hacía la resiliencia, trabajando así con memoria corporal de la persona. El trabajo corporal permite conectarse con memorias anteriores, rescatando así momentos valiosos de una vida llena y rica, momentos tal vez enterrados por el sufrimiento y dolor de esta última etapa de la vida.


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En el marco de la escala de accesibilidad (Givenness Hierarchy), este trabajo presenta el mecanismo en chino que lleva a cabo la misma función anafórica que desempeña el artículo definido en español y analiza desde una perspectiva contrastiva las aportaciones que contribuye la anáfora nominal a la construcción del discurso. Se llega a la conclusión de que a pesar de algunas diferencias en los comportamientos concretos, en ambas lenguas la anáfora favorece a la organización del discurso manteniendo la coherencia discursiva y diversificando las expresiones.


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Whilst reports of value tensions between new managerialism and Catholic education have emerged as a key theme in the academic literature there remains little empirical understanding of how teachers negotiate these complex terrains in Catholic schools. Drawing on qualitative data from teachers in two Catholic post-primary schools in Northern Ireland, this paper sought to explore how Catholic teachers developed a distinctively Catholic ethos against a culture of ‘creeping managerialism’. The paper has shown that despite the predominance of managerial practices, tensions between managerialist values and the ‘Catholic ethos’ did not emerge in either context: in one school managerialism permeated the school and the Catholic ethos was constructed within this context. In the other school a staff process of spiritual renewal had consolidated a commitment to the Catholic faith and social inclusion. It was argued that the dialogical engagement around Catholic values may help Catholic schools defend against the harsher manifestations of managerialism without compromising the pupils’ capacity to realise their academic potential


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Tämä tutkielma käsittelee Jeanette Wintersonin romaania The Stone Gods. Tutkielma käyttää keskeisenä teoreettisena kontekstinaan posthumanistisen ajattelua. Wintersonin romaani on science fictionia, se kuvaa erilaisia tulevaisuudenkuvia. Tutkielma ei tarkastele teosta ensisijaisesti tieteiskirjallisuutena, mutta hyödyntää alan tutkimuksen käsitteistöä, erityisesti Darko Suvinin novumin käsitettä teoksen narratiivisen fokuksen paikantamisessa. Teos käsittelee monipuolisesti ihmisyyttä ja ihmisen käsitettä suhteessa niin ei-inhimillisiin eläimiin kuin mekaanisiin entiteetteihin, robotteihin. Teos on vahvasti kriittinen erityisesti valistuksen ajattelua ja rationaalisen ihmissubjektin käsitteitä kohtaan. Tutkielma käsittelee teoksen kuvaamia maailmoja, niiden yhteiskuntia ja ajatusmaailmoja näistä näkökulmista. Keskeiseksi tutkimuskysymykseksi nousee ihmisyyden määrittelyn vaikeus ja kriittistä tarkastelua kestämättömät raja-aidat. Tutkielma toteaa, että teos maalaa kokonaisuudessaan varsin lohduttoman kuvan ihmiskunnan mahdollisuuksista selviytyä ja pitää kiinni elävästä ja hyvinvoivasta planeetasta, mikäli ajattelutapoihin ei tule merkittävää muutosta. The Stone Gods edustaa tieteiskirjallisuuden piirissä “Jos tämä kehitys jatkuu” -tarinoiden perinnettä. Vaikka teksti on paljon tämän päivän tieteen ulottumattomissa olevia tai jopa mahdottomia asioita, antaa teos välineitä myös tämän päivän ongelmien käsittelyyn.


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Se ha podido determinar que en el medio empresarial, en relación al contador dependiente, por ejemplo, en una empresa industrial dedicada a la fabricación de calzado, se encuentra solamente para efectuar los registros contables y la elaboración de los estados financieros de la entidad; de igual forma se critican a los que ejercen los cargos de gerentes financieros, de quienes manifiestan que no es mucho su aporte, excepto por su supervisión sobre las actividades del área financiera contable. Sin embargo, si se consideran los conocimientos adquiridos en su proceso de formación académica, o por obtener en el ejercicio profesional, se puede comprender que sus funciones van, o deberían de ir más allá de lo anteriormente expresado, por tanto pueden dar mucho valor agregado a la empresa. Mediante un sondeo preliminar se comprobó que un gran porcentaje de los contadores y de los gerentes financieros, de las empresas industriales dedicadas a la fabricación de calzado, desconocen los procedimientos para la formulación y análisis del valor económico agregado (EVA). Los análisis financieros que efectúan actualmente, son los que tradicionalmente se han venido aplicando desde hace muchas décadas: utilidad neta por acción, flujo de caja, rentabilidad del activo (ROI) etc., pero no lo hacen respecto al EVA. Considerando la importancia del EVA, se realizó una investigación que se llevó a cabo utilizando el paradigma hipotético-deductivo, el cual permitió obtener respuestas a determinados fenómenos relacionados con el campo de estudio, asimismo, el tipo de estudio que se utilizó fue el descriptivo, el cual consistió en identificar propiedades, características y rasgos importantes del problema. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron la encuesta y la entrevista, para obtener la información necesaria, con el propósito de conocer aspectos específicos del tema y comprender la problemática existente. En dicha investigación se comprobó que la mayoría de contadores y gerentes financieros específicamente los de las empresas dedicadas a la fabricación de calzado no tienen conocimiento sobre la formulación y análisis del Valor Económico Agregado (EVA); ni cuentan con un documento que contenga los lineamientos para desarrollar paso a paso el proceso de elaboración del mismo. De tal manera, el presente documento expone de forma práctica y sencilla, la formulación y análisis del indicador, con el propósito que los contadores y gerentes financieros de las empresas dedicadas a la fabricación del calzado puedan calcular y evaluar la riqueza que la compañía genera, asimismo teniendo en cuenta el nivel de riesgo con el que opera, lo cual es útil al momento de la toma de decisiones.


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In 2013 I was convenor (with Jeanette Hoorn) of a now well-established academic event, the Viith International Women and the Silent Screen conference. This provided a forum where researchers explored the significance of gender and early cinema in all its facets. Rather than a specialist forum within a broader disciplinary field, the conference offered an opportunity to present research that reframed the significance of gender in early cinema. I also programmed the film screenings, introduced these to audiences, and provided the opening and closing remarks on the conference.


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We have been collecting data on worldwide contact lens prescribing habits for almost 20 years. Over this time period, we have amassed prospective information about 315,000 contact lens fits in 59 countries. This article marks our 15th report in Contact Lens Spectrum and features a breakdown of more than 23,000 contact lens fits in 34 markets.As in previous years, our international network of coordinators distributed survey forms to eyecare practitioners in their market who then recorded generic information about the first 10 patients fit with contact lenses after receipt. Information is gathered about patient age and gender; whether the contact lenses are prescribed as a new fit or a refit; contact lens material, design, and replacement frequency; number of intended days per week of use; wearing modality; and care system. Contact lens fits are weighted to reflect the number of fits undertaken by each eyecare practitioner. The study data were entered and processed at the University of Manchester and at the University of Waterloo.


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The review began with a survey of recent issues of nine key English education journals widely recognised as influential within the field, and reflective of current practice and debates about future directions in Australia and internationally.Common areas of focus and concern were identified within this literature scan, including:• definitions of ‘English’ in current times, and their implications• the nature of literacy — which literacies?• English for students from multiple linguistic backgrounds, and how this might best beconceived and organised• text selection and related issues — canonicity, choice, genre, prescription, analytic frameworks etc.• digital texts and technologies• English as a vehicle for the discussion of themes, issues and social concerns• assessment — policies, practices and effects.This research formed a background against which subjects in the Queensland English subject group were examined.A close reading of the Queensland syllabuses under review, and the construction of an overview of the teaching, learning and assessment focuses followed the literature scan.English literature reviewSenior syllabus redevelopmentQueensland Curriculum & Assessment AuthorityPage 1 of 25February 2016The four syllabuses were mapped against each other for similarities and differences. Connections between these syllabuses and the Australian Curriculum, and Queensland F–10 curriculum were identified.Then, after gathering documentation, a close reading of similar syllabuses from Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, New York State, the International Baccalaureate (IB), and England’s A-levels was undertaken, and an overview of the teaching, learning and assessment focuses, the scope of learning, and how learning is organised and described within these syllabuses developed. In the course of this process, reflections on the relevance of these syllabuses from other jurisdictions for the Queensland syllabuses were noted.Finally, the Queensland English senior syllabuses were reviewed against six areas identified by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) as 21st century skills reflecting current educational trends.