251 resultados para Ipomoea fistulosa


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Im Rahmen des TASQWA-Projektes (Quarternary Variability of Water Masses in the Southern Tasman Sea and the Southern Ocean) wurde eine erstmalige quantitative und taxonomische Bestandsaufnahme der rezenten, benthischen Tiefseeforaminiferen der Korngrößenfraktion > 250 µm in 27 Sedimentoberflächenproben aus dem austral-antarktischen Gebiet durchgeführt. Es konnten 137 Arten bestimmt werden, wobei aber keine Art dominante Anteile in den Proben erreichte. Über benthische Tiefseeforaminiferen im untersuchten Gebiet existiert kaum Literatur. Es gibt zwar aus dem 19. Jhrd. sehr gut dokumentierte Foraminiferen in diesem Bereich, diese decken aber längst nicht alle gefundenen Exemplare ab. Erst um die Jahrtausendwende beschäftigten sich Autoren wieder intensiver mit den australischen und neuseeländischen, benthischen Foraminiferen. Aber auch sie drangen nicht bis in die Tiefsee vor, sondern blieben vorwiegend im Schelfbereich. Aufgrund dieser spärlichen Literatur ist jede einzelne Art ausführlich mit Synonymieliste und Abbildung dokumentiert worden. Die PAST-Analyse generierte mit den 137 Arten und den 27 Stationen sechs Faunenvergesellschaftungen, die überwiegend bathymetrisch zoniert sind. Ab 562 m beginnt am Campbell Plateau in der Hochproduktionszone die Bulimina-Vergesellschaftung. Diese Vergesellschaftung zeichnet sich durch die höchste Individuenzahl aus. Ab 959 m findet sich die Rhizammina-Vergesellschaftung, die im Untersuchungsgebiet am weitesten verbreitet ist. Die weniger oft anzutreffende Cibicides-Vergesellschaftung läßt sich ab 1660 m Tiefe finden. Nur in einer einzigen Probe an der Tasmanschwelle in 2146 m Tiefe, tritt die Reophax-Vergesellschaftung auf, in der die Textulariina überwiegen. Die weniger oft anzutreffende Ehrenbergina-Vergesellschaftung läßt sich ab 1841 m finden. In dieser Vergesellschaftung, in der die Artenanzahl fast an das Niveau der Hochproduktionszone heranreicht, halten sich Rotaliina und Textulariina die Waage. Im Emerald Becken ab 3909 m Tiefe beginnt die Jaculella- Vergesellschaftung. Diese liegt in einem echten Hungergebiet und besteht hauptsächlich aus Textulariina. Im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet lassen sich durch die Probenauswertung vier unterschiedliche Lebensräume (Challenger Plateau, Campbell Plateau, Emerald Becken und Tasmanschwelle) ausmachen. Da jedoch nur zwei Sedimentoberflächenproben am Challenger Plateau genommen wurden, konnte dieser Bereich nur eingeschränkt mit den anderen drei Bereichen verglichen werden. Die Foraminiferengemeinschaften des Challenger Plateaus und der Tasmanschwelle können jedoch im oberen Bereich der Wassersäule auch nur eingeschränkt miteinander verglichen werden, da man an der Tasmanschwelle Sedimentoberflächenproben erst ab 1634 m genommen hat und am Campbell Plateau Proben ab 562 m vorhanden sind. Die oberen Bereiche (ab 562 m bis ca. 1300 m) des Campbell Plateaus sind Hochproduktionsbereiche, die die höchsten Individuenzahlen pro 10 cm**3 Sediment und die höchste Artenvielfalt aufweisen. Am Südwesthang des Campbell Plateaus läßt sich eine Abfolge der verschiedenen Foraminiferenvergesellschaftungen bis hinunter in das Emerald Becken nachweisen. An der Tasmanschwelle selbst läßt sich keine ausgeprägte Hochproduktionszone erkennen. Generell gibt es hier weniger Arten und weniger Individuen pro 10 cm**3 Sediment als am Cambell Plateau. Das Emerald Becken, als tiefster Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes und als echtes Hungergebiet, nimmt eine Sonderrolle ein.


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To address the connection between tropical African vegetation development and high-latitude climate change we present a high-resolution pollen record from ODP Site 1078 (off Angola) covering the period 50-10 ka BP. Although several tropical African vegetation and climate reconstructions indicate an impact of Heinrich Stadials (HSs) in Southern Hemisphere Africa, our vegetation record shows no response. Model simulations conducted with an Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity including a dynamical vegetation component provide one possible explanation. Because both precipitation and evaporation increased during HSs and their effects nearly cancelled each other, there was a negligible change in moisture supply. Consequently, the resulting climatic response to HSs might have been too weak to noticeably affect the vegetation composition in the study area. Our results also show that the response to HSs in southern tropical Africa neither equals nor mirrors the response to abrupt climate change in northern Africa.


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Recent research involving starch grains recovered from archaeological contexts has highlighted the need for a review of the mechanisms and consequences of starch degradation specifically relevant to archaeology. This paper presents a review of the plant physiological and soil biochemical literature pertinent to the archaeological investigation of starch grains found as residues on artefacts and in archaeological sediments. Preservative and destructive factors affecting starch survival, including enzymes, clays, metals and soil properties, as well as differential degradation of starches of varying sizes and amylose content, were considered. The synthesis and character of chloroplast-formed 'transitory' starch grains, and the differentiation of these from 'storage' starches formed in tubers and seeds were also addressed. Findings of the review include the higher susceptibility of small starch grains to biotic degradation, and that protective mechanisms are provided to starch by both soil aggregates and artefact surfaces. These findings suggest that current reasoning which equates higher numbers of starch grains on an artefact than in associated sediments with the use of the artefact for processing starchy plants needs to be reconsidered. It is argued that an increased understanding of starch decomposition processes is necessary to accurately reconstruct both archaeological activities involving starchy plants and environmental change investigated through starch analysis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pollen and starch residue analyses were conducted on 24 sediment samples from archaeological sites on Maloelap and Ebon Atolls in the Marshall Islands, eastern Micronesia, and Henderson and Pitcairn Islands in the Pitcairn Group, Southeast Polynesia. The sampled islands, two of which are mystery islands (Henderson and Pitcairn), previously occupied and abandoned before European contact, comprise three types of Pacific islands: low coral atolls, raised atolls, and volcanic islands. Pollen, starch grains, calcium oxylate crystals, and xylem cells of introduced non-Colocasia Araceae (aroids) were identified in the Marshalls and Henderson (ca. 1,900 yr B.P. and 1,200 yr B.P. at the earliest, respectively). The data provide direct evidence of prehistoric horticulture in those islands and initial fossil pollen sequences from Pitcairn Island. Combined with previous studies, the data also indicate a horticultural system on Henderson comprising both field and tree crops, with seven different cultigens, including at least two species of the Araceae. Starch grains and xylem cells of Ipomoea sp., possibly introduced 1. batatas, were identified in Pitcairn Island deposits dated to the last few centuries before European contact in 1790.


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The potassium (K) nutrition and high K requirement of tropical root crops may be affected by their sodium (Na) status, as has been observed in a number of plant species. Solution culture was used to study the effects of K and Na supplies in tannia [Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott.], sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] and taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]. At low K supply, Na ameliorated symptoms of K deficiency and increased growth in tannia, and to a lesser extent in sweetpotato, but not in taro. None of the species responded to Na at adequate K supply. Differences in response to Na were attributed to differences in Na translocation to plant tops. At maximum Na supply, the Na concentration in index leaves averaged 1.82% in tannia, 0.205% in sweetpotato, and 0.0067% in taro. An increase in the supply of Na resulted in a shift in the critical K concentration for deficiency (i.e., 90% of maximum yield) in index leaves from 2.9% to 1.2% in tannia, and from 4.8% to 2.5% in sweetpotato. The critical K concentration in taro was 3.3%, irrespective of Na supply. To overcome the problem in tannia and sweetpotato of determining the critical concentration relevant to a leaf sample of unknown K status, a relationship was established for each species relating the critical K concentration to the concentration of Na in the index leaves.


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Purple acid phosphatases are a family of binuclear metallohydrolases that have been identified in plants, animals and fungi. Only one isoform of similar to 35 kDa has been isolated from animals, where it is associated with bone resorption and microbial killing through its phosphatase activity, and hydroxyl radical production, respectively. Using the sensitive PSI-BLAST search method, sequences representing new purple acid phosphatase-like proteins have been identified in mammals, insects and nematodes. These new putative isoforms are closely related to the similar to 55 kDa purple acid phosphatase characterized from plants. Secondary structure prediction of the new human isoform further confirms its similarity to a purple acid phosphatase from the red kidney bean. A structural model for the human enzyme was constructed based on the red kidney bean purple acid phosphatase structure. This model shows that the catalytic centre observed in other purple acid phosphatases is also present in this new isoform. These observations suggest that the sequences identified in this study represent a novel subfamily of plant-like purple acid phosphatases in animals and humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Gulf of Carpentaria is an epicontinental sea (maximum depth 70 m) between Australia and New Guinea, bordered to the east by Torres Strait (currently 12 m deep) and to the west by the Arafura Sill (53 m below present sea level). Throughout the Quaternary, during times of low sea-level, the Gulf was separated from the open waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, forming Lake Carpentaria, an isolation basin, perched above contemporaneous sea-level with outlet channels to the Arafura Sea. A preliminary interpretation is presented of the palaeoenvironments recorded in six sediment cores collected by the IMAGES program in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The longest core (approx. 15 m) spans the past 130 ka and includes a record of sea-level/lake-level changes, with particular complexity between 80 and 40 ka when sea-level repeatedly breached and withdrew from Gulf/Lake Carpentaria. Evidence from biotic remains (foraminifers, ostracods, pollen), sedimentology and geochemistry clearly identifies a final marine transgression at about 9.7 ka (radiocarbon years). Before this transgression, Lake Carpentaria was surrounded by grassland, was near full, and may have had a surface area approaching 600 km-300 km and a depth of about 15 m. The earlier rise in sea-level which accompanied the Marine Isotopic Stage 6/5 transgression at about 130 ka is constrained by sedimentological and biotic evidence and dated by optical- and thermoluminescence and amino acid racemisation methods.


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El estudio valor a el estado nutricional de las familias en las siguientes comunidades: Santa Cruz, Tisma Grande y la Montañita N o 2, pertenecientes al municipio de Masaya. Se inició con el análisis de sus patro nes de consumo, dando valor al aporte nut ricional de las plantas locales . En esta investigación cualit ativa se aplicaron los siguientes instrumentos : Entrevistas y recorr idos de fincas . De estos se derivan dos estudios de casos. El primero reflejó que los 9 patr ones de consumo poseen suficiencia en cuanto al acceso a alimentos nutritivos superando el 110%. El índice de di versidad de la dieta ( suficiencia ) en la semana, alcanza un rango de 0.89 en Tisma Grande, con valoración deficiente, en Santa Cruz de 0.92 con valoración aceptable y l a Montañita N o 2 de 1.08, con valoración adecuad a . En el aspecto de la diversidad de l a dieta en la semana , los resultados fuer on rangos promedios entre 9.3 y 9.7 significando la existencia de una diver sidad de dieta aceptable. El segundo estudio de caso refleja info rmac ión sobre los tipos de plantas locales con valor nutritivo y las formas de consumo diario determina n do así las siguientes plantas: Espinaca ( Spinacia oleracea ), Quelite ( Amaranthus hybridus ), Espadillo ( Yucca elephantipes ), Verdolaga ( Portulaca olerac ea ), Mora ( Morus nigra), Cojombro (Sicana odorífera), Batata (Ipomoea batatas), Piñuela (Bromelia baratas), Panamá (Sterculia apetala, Tempisque (Sideroxylon capiri), Caimito (Chrysophyllum cainito) entre otras . Definitivamente , podemos detallar que las f amilias consumen alimentos con mayo r aporte calórico que proteínico, ya que consumen alimentos derivados de los lácteos, car nes y dulces. Sin embargo, es importante mencion ar que esto no indica que exista una mala calidad nu tricional en las familias, puest o que el consumo de proteínas no es tan defi ci ente, por eso hace necesario incluir a limentos que permitan compleme ntar el consumo de proteínas al organismo de las familias, logrando así un a dieta balanceada que les permita a las familias mejorar sus condic iones de salud y de vida satisfaciendo así sus necesidades nutricionales diarias en relación al tr ab ajo que realizan día a día en sus pequeñas parcelas productivas.


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The presence of weeds decreases the crop yield. Among the alternatives to reduce the crop yield loss, it can be included to increase the competitive ability of the crop and the chemical control of the weeds. A research program was developed in the course of Agronomy at Federal Technological University at Paraná, Campus Pato Branco - PR, during the years 2015/16, with the objectives evaluating if gibberellin inhibitors increase the competitive ability of bean plants, making them insensitive to the initialism, extending the period prior to weed-crop interference. Evaluate the tolerance of common bean plants to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron and investigate the existence of relationship between the plant mass and the level of tolerance of the plants to the herbicide. Evaluate the effect of increasing doses of ethoxysulfuron on morphological characteristics, yield components and grain yield of the bean cultivars IPR Tangará and IPR Andorinha. Evaluate the effect of increasing doses of ethoxysulfuron on the development of IAC Imperador and the community of weeds present in the area. Elucidate the mechanism that confers tolerance to bean plants to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron. The results indicate that gibberellin inhibitors were not effective in increasing periods of weed-crop coexistence. Trinexapac-ethyl increased 20% the grain yield of bean plants. It was observed high variability as the response of bean cultivars to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron, however, despite high doses (200 g ha-1), it was not observed death of the plants. The field results indicate that when the ethoxysulfuron dose is 83.2 g ha-1, the reduction in grain yield can reach 40% with the cultivar IPR Tangará and 30% in the cultivar IPR Andorinha. However, respectively for each cultivar cited, ethoxysulfuron at 17 and 12 g ha-1 are enough to reduce 10% of grain yield. Evaluating the control of weeds within the bean crop cultivar IAC Imperador with the herbicide ethoxysulfuron, it was observed that doses at 20 g ha-1 are enough to control soybean and Ipomoea spp. plants. But, due to the level of plant injury, the crop grain yield increase was not sufficient to match the one observed on the weed-free untreated control. The mechanism of tolerance of bean plants to ethoxysulfuron appears to be the herbicide degradation.