860 resultados para Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
An approach to reconfiguring control systems in the event of major failures is advocated. The approach relies on the convergence of several technologies which are currently emerging: Constrained predictive control, High-fidelity modelling of complex systems, Fault detection and identification, and Model approximation and simplification. Much work is needed, both theoretical and algorithmic, to make this approach practical, but we believe that there is enough evidence, especially from existing industrial practice, for the scheme to be considered realistic. After outlining the problem and proposed solution, the paper briefly reviews constrained predictive control and object-oriented modelling, which are the essential ingredients for practical implementation. The prospects for automatic model simplification are also reviewed briefly. The paper emphasizes some emerging trends in industrial practice, especially as regards modelling and control of complex systems. Examples from process control and flight control are used to illustrate some of the ideas.
Driven by the need for more responsive manufacturing processes and as a consequence of increasing complexity in products and production systems, this short paper introduces a number of developments in the area of modular, distributed manufacturing systems. Requirements for the development of such systems are addressed and, in particular, the relevance to current and future integrated control systems is examined. One of the key issues for integrated control systems in the future is the need to provide support for distributed decision-making in addition to existing distributed control capabilities.
This paper proposes a pragmatic framework that has been developed for classifying and analyzing developments in distributed automation and information systems - especially those that have been labeled intelligent systems for different reasons. The framework dissects the different stages in the standard feedback process and assesses distribution in terms of the level of granularity of the organization that is being considered. The framework has been found to be useful in comparing and assessing different distributed industrial control paradigms and also for examining common features of different development projects - especially those that might be sourced from different sectors or domains. © 2012 IFAC.
Operation of induction machines in the high-speed and/or high-torque range requires field-weakening to comply with voltage and current physical limitations. This paper presents an anti-windup approach to this problem: rather than developing an ad-hoc field weakening strategy in the high-speed region, we equip an unconstrained vector-control design with an anti-windup module that automatically adjusts the current and flux set-points so that voltage and current constraints are satisfied at every operating point. The anti-windup module includes a feedforward modification of the set point aimed at maximizing the available torque in steady-state and a feedback modification of the controller based on an internal model-based antiwindup scheme. This paper includes a complete stability analysis of the proposed solution and presents encouraging experimental results on an industrial drive. © 2012 IEEE.
This chapter proposes a simple and pragmatic framework that has been developed for classifying and analyzing developments in distributed automation and information systems - especially those that have been labelled intelligent systems for different reasons. The framework dissects the different stages in the standard feedback process and assesses distribution in terms of the level of granularity of the organization that is being considered. The framework has been found to be useful in comparing and assessing different distributed industrial control paradigms and also for examining common features of different development projects - especially those that might be sourced from different sectors or domains. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
Processing networks are a variant of the standard linear programming network model which are especially useful for optimizing industrial energy/environment systems. Modelling advantages include an intuitive diagrammatic representation and the ability to incorporate all forms of energy and pollutants in a single integrated linear network model. Added advantages include increased speed of solution and algorithms supporting formulation. The paper explores their use in modelling the energy and pollution control systems in large industrial plants. The pollution control options in an ethylene production plant are analyzed as an example. PROFLOW, a computer tool for the formulation, analysis, and solution of processing network models, is introduced.
This paper provides an overview of the current field in wireless networks for monitoring and control. Alternative wireless technologies are introduced, together with current typical industrial applications. The focus then shifts to wireless Ethernet and the specialised requirements for wireless networked control systems (WNCS) are discussed. This is followed by a brief look at some current WNCS research, including reduced communication control.
The performance of real-time networks is under continuous improvement as a result of several trends in the digital world. However, these tendencies not only cause improvements, but also exacerbates a series of unideal aspects of real-time networks such as communication latency, jitter of the latency and packet drop rate. This Thesis focuses on the communication errors that appear on such realtime networks, from the point-of-view of automatic control. Specifically, it investigates the effects of packet drops in automatic control over fieldbuses, as well as the architectures and optimal techniques for their compensation. Firstly, a new approach to address the problems that rise in virtue of such packet drops, is proposed. This novel approach is based on the simultaneous transmission of several values in a single message. Such messages can be from sensor to controller, in which case they are comprised of several past sensor readings, or from controller to actuator in which case they are comprised of estimates of several future control values. A series of tests reveal the advantages of this approach. The above-explained approach is then expanded as to accommodate the techniques of contemporary optimal control. However, unlike the aforementioned approach, that deliberately does not send certain messages in order to make a more efficient use of network resources; in the second case, the techniques are used to reduce the effects of packet losses. After these two approaches that are based on data aggregation, it is also studied the optimal control in packet dropping fieldbuses, using generalized actuator output functions. This study ends with the development of a new optimal controller, as well as the function, among the generalized functions that dictate the actuator’s behaviour in the absence of a new control message, that leads to the optimal performance. The Thesis also presents a different line of research, related with the output oscillations that take place as a consequence of the use of classic co-design techniques of networked control. The proposed algorithm has the goal of allowing the execution of such classical co-design algorithms without causing an output oscillation that increases the value of the cost function. Such increases may, under certain circumstances, negate the advantages of the application of the classical co-design techniques. A yet another line of research, investigated algorithms, more efficient than contemporary ones, to generate task execution sequences that guarantee that at least a given number of activated jobs will be executed out of every set composed by a predetermined number of contiguous activations. This algorithm may, in the future, be applied to the generation of message transmission patterns in the above-mentioned techniques for the efficient use of network resources. The proposed task generation algorithm is better than its predecessors in the sense that it is capable of scheduling systems that cannot be scheduled by its predecessor algorithms. The Thesis also presents a mechanism that allows to perform multi-path routing in wireless sensor networks, while ensuring that no value will be counted in duplicate. Thereby, this technique improves the performance of wireless sensor networks, rendering them more suitable for control applications. As mentioned before, this Thesis is centered around techniques for the improvement of performance of distributed control systems in which several elements are connected through a fieldbus that may be subject to packet drops. The first three approaches are directly related to this topic, with the first two approaching the problem from an architectural standpoint, whereas the third one does so from more theoretical grounds. The fourth approach ensures that the approaches to this and similar problems that can be found in the literature that try to achieve goals similar to objectives of this Thesis, can do so without causing other problems that may invalidate the solutions in question. Then, the thesis presents an approach to the problem dealt with in it, which is centered in the efficient generation of the transmission patterns that are used in the aforementioned approaches.
Aquest projecte s’aplica sobre el robot PRIM (Plataforma Robotitzada d’Informació Multimèdia), un robot autònom no humanoide creat el 2004 per Ateneu Informàtic (AI) que permet realitzar trajectòries 2D gràcies a un sistema de tracció format per dues rodes motrius propulsades independentment. La plataforma PRIM és controlada a partir del control predictiu, aquest control es va implementar en un projecte anterior, creat per l’Alexandre Blasco Gutierrez i titulat “Implementació de tècniques MPC (Model Predictiu Control) sobre la plataforma PRIM I”. El que es pretén en aquest projecte és millorar els resultats obtinguts en el passat projecte reformulant la llei de control i analitzar les discrepàncies obtingudes en les metodologies que s’utilitzen per minimitzar la funció de costos a partir de simulacions de trajectòries
This paper presents a complete control architecture that has been designed to fulfill predefined missions with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The control architecture has three levels of control: mission level, task level and vehicle level. The novelty of the work resides in the mission level, which is built with a Petri network that defines the sequence of tasks that are executed depending on the unpredictable situations that may occur. The task control system is composed of a set of active behaviours and a coordinator that selects the most appropriate vehicle action at each moment. The paper focuses on the design of the mission controller and its interaction with the task controller. Simulations, inspired on an industrial underwater inspection of a dam grate, show the effectiveness of the control architecture
L’estudi que es realitza en aquest projecte/treball final de carrera queda englobat dins del grup de recerca MICE (Modal Intervals Control and Engeneering), el qual realitza investigacions entorn al control de glucèmia. Aquest grup de recerca vinculat a la Universitat de Girona col•labora amb l’Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona. La temàtica principal tractarà de realitzar el control de glucèmia en pacients crítics, que es troben ingressats en la unitat de cures intensives de qualsevol hospital. Com a conseqüència d’aquesta problemàtica, s’ha implementat en un entorn virtual, un pacient el qual simula la situació d’un pacient real en la unitat de cures intensives. El model emprat per a la obtenció del model de pacient virtual és el desenvolupat per Chase et al. (2005), el qual mitjançant variables com l’alimentació enteral i la sensibilitat insulínica, es podien realitzar assajos reals per a validar protocols de control ‘in silico’ per posteriorment realitzar assajos amb població real
Las empresas multidomesticas en su direccionamiento estratégico necesitan de un sistema de control de gestión que les permita entender cómo se está desarrollando su estrategia en los diferentes mercados, frente a los objetivos planteados, de esta forma la implementación de estos sistemas de gestión generan la posibilidad de poder medir, valorar e informar sobre el cumplimiento y la evolución de los resultados previstos y ser un apoyo para la estrategia de mercados multidomesticos. Frente al contexto actual colombiano, se encontro que el mercado del sector automotriz, conformado por empresas multinacionales con una administración estratégica multidomestica, está cada vez más competitivos.Mediante la utilización de los sistemas de control de gestión es posible establecer e identificar variables que fomenten el aprendizaje organizacional, un campo de investigación académica y de práctica profesional el cual permite desarrollar variables claves dentro de la organización como lo son la innovación, la estrategia, la productividad y la toma de decisiones. Variables que favorecen el dinamismo y sostenibilidad del sector automotriz y las organizaciones que la conforman. Así garantizan un mayor aprendizaje creciente en el tiempo, por medio del cual se garantiza la perfecta armonía entre todos los empleados sin jerarquizacion y filtros para la información, dando paso al aprendizaje. Por medio de encuestas a directivos de las empresas mencionadas fue posible obtener conclusiones y encontrar similitudes entre el panorama actual contado por ellos mismos y lo que previamente se formulaba basados en fuentes teóricas, demostrando el real impacto de los sistemas de control de gestión en el aprendizaje de las empresas multidomesticas del sector automotriz en Colombia.
Las organizaciones en la actualidad deben encontrar diferentes maneras de sobrevivir en un tiempo de rápida transformación. Uno de los mecanismos usados por las empresas para adaptarse a los cambios organizacionales son los sistemas de control de gestión, que a su vez permiten a las organizaciones hacer un seguimiento a sus procesos, para que la adaptabilidad sea efectiva. Otra variable importante para la adaptación es el aprendizaje organizacional siendo el proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios del entorno, tanto interno como externo de la compañía. Dado lo anterior, este proyecto se basa en la extracción de documentación soporte valido, que permita explorar las interacciones entre estos dos campos, los sistemas de control de gestión y el aprendizaje organizacional, además, analizar el impacto de estas interacciones en la perdurabilidad organizacional.
Siguiendo un marco teórico integrado por varios autores entorno a los sistemas de control de gestión a lo largo de varias décadas, este trabajo pretende estudiar y contrastar la relación entre el desarrollo de dichos sistemas y los recursos y capacidades. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio de caso en Teleperformance Colombia (TC), una empresa dedicada a prestación de servicio de tercerización de procesos o business process outsourcing. En el estudio se establecieron dos variables para evaluar el desarrollo de sistema de control de gestión: el diseño y el uso. A su vez, para cada uno de ellos, se definieron los indicadores y preguntas que permitieran realizar la observación y posterior análisis. De igual manera, se seleccionaron los recursos y capacidades más importantes para el desarrollo del negocio: innovación, aprendizaje organizacional y capital humano. Sobre estos se validó la existencia de relación con el SCG implementado en TC. La información obtenida fue analizada y contrastada a través de pruebas estadísticas ampliamente utilizadas en este tipo de estudios en las ciencias sociales. Finalmente, se analizaron seis posibles relaciones de las cuales, solamente se ratificó el relacionamiento positivo entre uso de sistema de control gestión y el recurso y capacidad capital humano. El resto de relacionamientos, refutaron los planteamientos teóricos que establecían cierta influencia de los sistemas de control de gestión sobre recursos y capacidades de innovación y aprendizaje organizacional.
The proposal presented in this thesis is to provide designers of knowledge based supervisory systems of dynamic systems with a framework to facilitate their tasks avoiding interface problems among tools, data flow and management. The approach is thought to be useful to both control and process engineers in assisting their tasks. The use of AI technologies to diagnose and perform control loops and, of course, assist process supervisory tasks such as fault detection and diagnose, are in the scope of this work. Special effort has been put in integration of tools for assisting expert supervisory systems design. With this aim the experience of Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD) frameworks have been analysed and used to design a Computer Aided Supervisory Systems (CASSD) framework. In this sense, some basic facilities are required to be available in this proposed framework: ·