964 resultados para Induced Exposure.


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Short term exposure to low levels of arsenic in human cells increased the cells' capacity to repair its DNA. In turn, cells became resistant to the toxic effects of UV radiation. However prolonged increases in principal repair proteins may actually lead to cancerous effects by destabilizing DNA repair.


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Wild waterfowl populations form a natural reservoir of Avian Influenza (AI) virus, and fears exist that these birds may contribute to an AI pandemic by spreading the virus along their migratory flyways. Observational studies suggest that individuals infected with AI virus may delay departure from migratory staging sites. Here, we explore the epidemiological dynamics of avian influenza virus in a migrating mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) population with a specific view to understanding the role of infection-induced migration delays on the spread of virus strains of differing transmissibility. We develop a host-pathogen model that combines the transmission dynamics of influenza with the migration, reproduction and mortality of the host bird species. Our modeling predicts that delayed migration of individuals influences both the timing and size of outbreaks of AI virus. We find that (1) delayed migration leads to a lower total number of cases of infection each year than in the absence of migration delay, (2) when the transmission rate of a strain is high, the outbreak starts at the staging sites at which birds arrive in the early part of the fall migration, (3) when the transmission rate is low, infection predominantly occurs later in the season, which is further delayed when there is a migration delay. As such, the rise of more virulent AI strains in waterfowl could lead to a higher prevalence of infection later in the year, which could change the exposure risk for farmed poultry. A sensitivity analysis shows the importance of generation time and loss of immunity for the effect of migration delays. Thus, we demonstrate, in contrast to many current transmission risk models solely using empirical information on bird movements to assess the potential for transmission, that a consideration of infection-induced delays is critical to understanding the dynamics of AI infection along the entire flyway.


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Type 2 diabetes is characterized by islet dysfunction resulting in hyperglycemia, which can then lead to further deterioration in islet function. A possible mechanism for hyperglycemia-induced islet dysfunction is the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGE). The DBA/2 mouse develops pancreatic islet dysfunction when exposed to a high glucose environment and/or obesity-induced insulin resistance. To determine the biochemical cause of dysfunction, DBA/2 and C57BL/6 control islets were incubated in 11.1 mM or 40 mM glucose in the absence or presence of the AGE inhibitor aminoguanidine (AG) for 10 days. Basal (2.8 mM glucose) insulin release was increased in both DBA/2 and C57BL/6 islets incubated with 40 mM vs 11.1 mM glucose for 10 days. Chronic exposure to hyperglycemia decreased glucose (20 mM)-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 but not in C57BL/6 islets. AG significantly increased fold-induced insulin release in high glucose cultured DBA/2 mouse islets, but did not affect C57BL/6 islet function. DBA/2 islet glucokinase was significantly reduced following 40 mM glucose culture, compared with 11.1 mM glucose cultured DBA/2 islets and 40 mM glucose cultured C57BL/6 islets. Incubation of islets with AG resulted in a normalization of DBA/2 islet glucokinase levels. In conclusion, chronic high glucose-induced increases in AGE can result in islet dysfunction and this is associated with reduced glucokinase levels in a mouse model with susceptibility to islet failure.


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Eradication of HIV-1 with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is not possible due to the persistence of long-lived, latently infected resting memory CD4+ T cells. We now show that HIV-1 latency can be established in resting CD4+ T cells infected with HIV-1 after exposure to ligands for CCR7 (CCL19), CXCR3 (CXCL9 and CXCL10), and CCR6 (CCL20) but not in unactivated CD4+ T cells. The mechanism did not involve cell activation or significant changes in gene expression, but was associated with rapid dephosphorylation of cofilin and changes in filamentous actin. Incubation with chemokine before infection led to efficient HIV-1 nuclear localization and integration and this was inhibited by the actin stabilizer jasplakinolide. We propose a unique pathway for establishment of latency by direct HIV-1 infection of resting CD4+ T cells during normal chemokine-directed recirculation of CD4+ T cells between blood and tissue.


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Methylmercury (MeHg) has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease in some but not all epidemiology studies. These inconsistent results may stem from the fact that exposure typically occurs in the context of fish consumption, which is also associated with cardioprotective factors such as omega-3 fatty acids. Mechanistic information may help to understand whether MeHg represents a risk to cardiovascular health. MeHg is a pro-oxidant that inactivates protein sulfhydryls. These biochemical effects may diminish critical antioxidant defense mechanism(s) involved in protecting against atherosclerosis. One such defense mechanism is paraoxonase-1 (PON1), an enzyme present on high-density lipoproteins and that prevents the oxidation of blood lipids and their deposition in vascular endothelium. PON1 is potentially useful as a clinical biomarker of cardiovascular risk, as well as a critical enzyme in the detoxification of certain organophosphate oxons. MeHg and other metals are known to inhibit PON1 activity in vitro. MeHg is associated with lowered serum PON1 activity in a fish-eating population. The implications of lowering PON1 are evaluated by predicting the shift in PON1 population distribution induced by various doses of MeHg. An MeHg dose of 0.3 μg/kg/d is estimated to decrease the population average PON1 level by 6.1% and to increase population risk of acute cardiovascular events by 9.7%. This evaluation provides a plausible mechanism for MeHg-induced cardiovascular risk and suggests means to quantify the risk. This case study exemplifies the use of upstream disease biomarkers to evaluate the additive effect of chemical toxicity with background disease processes in assessing human risk.


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Arsenic is a known carcinogen found in the soil in gold mining regions at concentrations thousands of times greater than gold. Mining releases arsenic into the environment and surrounding water bodies. The main chemical forms of arsenic found in the environment are inorganic arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)). Yabbies (Cherax destructor) accumulate arsenic at levels comparable to those in the sediment of their environment but the effect on their physiological function is not known. The effects of arsenic exposure (10 ppm sodium arsenite, AsNaO2 - 5.7 ppm As(III)) and 10 ppm arsenic acid, Na2HAsO4·7H2O - 2.6 ppm As(V)) for 40 days on the contractile function of the two major fibre types from the chelae were determined. After exposure, individual fibres were isolated from the chela, "skinned" (membrane removed) and attached to the force recording apparatus. Contraction was induced in solutions containing increasing [Ca(2+)] until a maximum Ca(2+)-activation was obtained. Submaximal force responses were plotted as a percentage of the maximum Ca(2+)-activated force. As(V) exposure resulted in lower levels of calcium required for activation than As(III) indicating an increased sensitivity to Ca(2+) after long term exposure to arsenate compared to arsenite. Myosin heavy chain and tropomyosin content in individual fibres was also decreased as a result of arsenic exposure. Single fibres exposed to As(V) produced significantly more force than muscle fibres from control animals. Long-term exposure of yabbies to arsenic alters the contractile function of the two major fibre types in the chelae.


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INTRODUCTION: Inflammatory mediators are key players in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) and bone destruction. Conventional drugs suppress symptomatic activity and have no therapeutic influence on disease. Cissus quadrangularis and Withania somnifera are widely used for the treatment of bone fractures and wounds; however, the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulated by these herbals are still unclear. METHODS: We established an in vitro OA culture model by exposing human chondrocytes to proinflammatory cytokine and interleukin (IL)-1β for 36 hours prior to treatment with the herbals: C. quadrangularis, W. somnifera, and the combination of the two herbals. Cell viability, toxicity, and gene expression of OA modifying agents were examined. In addition, expression of survivin, which is crucial for cell growth, was analyzed. In vivo work on osteotomized rats studied the bone and cartilage regenerative effects of C. quadrangularis, W. somnifera, and the combination therapy. RESULTS: Exposure of chondrocytes to IL-1β induced significant toxicity and cell death. However, herbal treatment alleviated IL-1β induced cell toxicity and upregulated cell growth and proliferation. C. quadrangularis inhibited gene expression of cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases, known to aggravate cartilage and bone destruction, and augmented expression of survivin by inhibiting p38 MAPK. Interestingly, osteotomized rats treated with C. quadrangularis drastically enhanced alkaline phosphatase and cartilage tissue formation as compared to untreated, W. somnifera only, or the combination of both herbals. CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate for the first time the signaling mechanisms regulated by C. quadrangularis and W. somnifera in OA and osteogenesis. We suggest that the chondroprotective effects and regenerative ability of these herbals are via the upregulation of survivin that exerts inhibitory effects on the p38 MAPK signaling pathway. These findings thus validate C. quadrangularis as a potential therapeutic for rheumatic disorders.


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Patients who present with severe intractable apparently idiopathic fatigue accompanied by profound physical and or cognitive disability present a significant therapeutic challenge. The effect of psychological counseling is limited, with significant but very slight improvements in psychometric measures of fatigue and disability but no improvement on scientific measures of physical impairment compared to controls. Similarly, exercise regimes either produce significant, but practically unimportant, benefit or provoke symptom exacerbation. Many such patients are afforded the exclusionary, non-specific diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome if rudimentary testing fails to discover the cause of their symptoms. More sophisticated investigations often reveal the presence of a range of pathogens capable of establishing life-long infections with sophisticated immune evasion strategies, including Parvoviruses, HHV6, variants of Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Mycoplasma, and Borrelia burgdorferi. Other patients have a history of chronic fungal or other biotoxin exposure. Herein, we explain the epigenetic factors that may render such individuals susceptible to the chronic pathology induced by such agents, how such agents induce pathology, and, indeed, how such pathology can persist and even amplify even when infections have cleared or when biotoxin exposure has ceased. The presence of active, reactivated, or even latent Herpes virus could be a potential source of intractable fatigue accompanied by profound physical and or cognitive disability in some patients, and the same may be true of persistent Parvovirus B12 and mycoplasma infection. A history of chronic mold exposure is a feasible explanation for such symptoms, as is the presence of B. burgdorferi. The complex tropism, life cycles, genetic variability, and low titer of many of these pathogens makes their detection in blood a challenge. Examination of lymphoid tissue or CSF in such circumstances may be warranted.


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The new found ability to measure physical attributes of the marine environment at high resolution across broad spatial scales has driven the rapid evolution of benthic habitat mapping as a field in its own right. Improvement of the resolution and ecological validity of seafloor habitat distribution models has, for the most part, paralleled developments in new generations of acoustic survey tools such as multibeam echosounders. While sonar methods have been well demonstrated to provide useful proxies of the relatively static geophysical patterns that reflect distribution of benthic species and assemblages, the spatially and temporally variable influence of hydrodynamic energy on habitat distribution have been less well studied. Here we investigate the role of wave exposure on patterns of distribution of near-shore benthic habitats. A high resolution spectral wave model was developed for a 624 km2 site along Cape Otway, a major coastal feature of western Victoria, Australia. Comparison of habitat classifications implemented using the Random Forests algorithm established that significantly more accurate estimations of habitat distribution were obtained by including a fine-scale numerical wave model, extended to the seabed using linear wave theory, than by using depth and seafloor morphology information alone. Variable importance measures and map interpretation indicated that the spatial variation in wave-induced bottom orbital velocity was most influential in discriminating habitat classes containing the canopy forming kelp Ecklonia radiata, a foundation kelp species that affects biodiversity and ecological functioning on shallow reefs across temperate Australasia. We demonstrate that hydrodynamic models reflecting key environmental drivers on wave-exposed coastlines are important in accurately defining distributions of benthic habitats. This study highlights the suitability of exposure measures for predictive habitat modeling on wave-exposed coastlines and provides a basis for continuing work relating patterns of biological distribution to remotely-sensed patterns of the physical environment.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Hypoxia causes a regulated decrease in body temperature (Tb). There is circumstantial evidence that the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) in the anteroventral preoptic region (AVPO) mediates this response. However, which 5-HT receptor(s) is (are) involved in this response has not been assessed. Thus, we investigated the participation of the 5-HT receptors (5-HT(1), 5-HT(2), and 5-HT(7)) in the AVPO in hypoxic hypothermia. To this end, Tb of conscious Wistar rats was monitored by biotelemetry before and after intra-AVPO microinjection of methysergide (a 5-HT(1) and 5-HT(2) receptor antagonist, 0.2 and 2 mu g/100 nL), WAY-100635 (a 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist, 0.3 and 3 mu g/100 nL), and SB-269970 (a 5-HT(7) receptor antagonist, 0.4 and 4 mu/100 nL), followed by 60 min of hypoxia exposure (7% O(2)). During the experiments, the mean chamber temperature was 24.6 +/- 0.7 degrees C (mean +/- SE) and the mean room temperature was 23.5 +/- 0.8 degrees C (mean +/- SE). Intra-AVPO microinjection of vehicle or 5-HT antagonists did not change Tb during normoxic conditions. Exposure of rats to 7% of inspired oxygen evoked typical hypoxia-induced hypothermia after vehicle microinjection, which was not affected by both doses of methysergide. However, WAY-100635 and SB-269970 treatment attenuated the drop in Tb in response to hypoxia. The effect was more pronounced with the 5-HT7 antagonist since both doses (0.4 and 4 mu g/0.1 mu L) were capable of attenuating the hypothermic response. As to the 5-HT(1A) antagonist, the attenuation of hypoxia-induced hypothermia was only observed at the higher dose. Therefore, the present results are consistent with the notion that 5-HT acts on both 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT7 receptors in the AVPO to induce hypothermia, during hypoxia. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Pacu juveniles (5.2 [plus or minus] 1.5 g) were submitted to two one-minute air exposures in a 24h interval, and sampled before the exposure (control) and 5, 15, 30 and 60 min., 24 and 48h afterwards for whole-body cortisol, sodium, potassium and calcium ion concentrations. For the first air exposure, there was a trend of increased cortisol concentration after 15 min., whereas in the second air exposure, the cortisol concentration increased significantly within 5 min. after stress was induced. Sodium ion concentration increased significantly 24h after both air exposures. Potassium concentration presented fluctuations over the experimental period. Calcium ion concentration increased progressively from 5 to 30 min., in both air exposures. The repeated air exposures exacerbated the cortisol response, but they did not affect the recovery ability of pacu over the experimental period. Additionally, the whole-body cortisol measurement might be a reliable indicator of stress, when sampled fish are smaller and blood volumes are very low, making samples inadequate for analysis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The relationships among avian uncoupling protein (avUCP) mRNA expression, heat production, and thyroid hormone metabolism were investigated in 7-14-day-old broiler chicks (Gallus gallus) exposed to a low temperature (cold-exposed chicks, CE) or a thermoneutral temperature (TN). After 7 days of exposure, CE chicks exhibited higher heat production (+83%, P < 0.01), avUCP mRNA expression (+20%, P < 0.01), and circulating triiodothyronine (T-3) levels (+104%, P = 0.07) for non-statistically different body weights and feed intake between 3 and 7 days of exposure as compared to TN chicks. Plasma thyroxine (T-4) concentration was clearly decreased in CE chicks (-33%, P = 0.06). The lower hepatic inner-ring deiodination activity (-47%) and the higher renal outer-ring deiodination activity (+75%) measured in CE compared to TN chicks could partly account for their higher plasma T3 concentrations. This study describes for the first time the induction of avUCP mRNA expression by low temperature in chickens, as it has been previously shown in ducklings, and supports the possible involvement of avUCP in avian thermogenesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.