941 resultados para Historical development
In this paper we argue that patterns of civil society in post-authoritarian democracies are the result of divergent pathways to democracy. Through a comparison of contemporary Portugal (social revolution) and Spain (reform), we show that revolutionary pathways to democracy have a positive impact on the self-organizing abilities of popular groups, thus also contributing to a higher quality of democracy. There are three mechanisms in social revolutionary processes that contribute to this. The first stems from the fact that the masses are the key actor in the revolutionary transformation process, with the power to shape (at least partially) the new rules and institutions of the emerging democratic regime. This results in greater legal recognition and institutional embeddedness between civil society organizations and the state, making it easier, in turn, for resources to be transferred to those organizations. Secondly, as a result of changes to the social and economic structure, revolutions engender more egalitarian societies. Likewise, citizens are given more resources and capacities for collective action. Finally, revolutions tend to crystalize a political culture between elites and the masses in which the principles of egalitarian participation and social change through the action of the people are accepted. This all leads to greater opportunities, resources and legitimacy for the civic action of the common people during the subsequent democratic regime.
The concept of citizenship is one of the most complicated in political and social sciences. Its long process of historical development makes dealing with it particularly complicated. Citizenship is by nature a multi-dimensional concept: there is a legal citizenship, referring first to the equal legal status of individuals, for instance the equality between men and women. Legal citizenship also refers to a political dimension, the right to start and/or join political parties, or political participation more broadly. Thirdly, it has a religious dimension relating to the right of all religious groups to equally and freely practice their religious customs and rituals. Finally, legal citizenship possesses a socio-economic dimension related to the non-marginalisation of different social categories, for instance women. All of these dimensions, far from being purely objects of legal texts and codifications, are emerging as an arena of political struggle within the Egyptian society. Citizenship as a concept has its roots in European history and, more specifically, the emergence of the nation state in Europe and the ensuing economic and social developments in these societies. These social developments and the rise of the nation state have worked in parallel, fostering the notion of an individual citizen bestowed with rights and obligations. This gradual interaction was very different from what happened in the context of the Arab world. The emerging of the nation state in Egypt was an outcome of modernisation efforts from the top-down; it coercively redesigned the social structure, by eliminating or weakening some social classes in favour of others. These efforts have had an impact on the state-society relation at least in two respects. First, on the overlapping relation between some social classes and the state, and second, on the ability of some social groups to self-organise, define and raise their demands. This study identifies how different political parties in Egypt envision the multi-dimensional concept of citizenship. We focus on the following elements: Nature of the state (identity, nature of the regime) Liberties and rights (election laws, political party laws, etc.) Right to gather and organise (syndicates, associations, etc.) Freedom of expression and speech (right to protest, sit in, strike, etc.) Public and individual liberties (freedom of belief, personal issues, etc.) Rights of marginalised groups (women, minorities, etc.)
Since the beginning of its existence in the form of communities, this entity faced a lot of challenges that could had been stopped the European dream without the fast, prompt and appropriate reaction of the decision makers. There were a lot of difficult times in its history of more than 60 years but the ambition and need of going forward on the way of integration prevailed and today we can talk about European Union as one of the most important global players, having one of the most complex and fascinating political systems. The tenacity and the willing to succeed off the decision makers made this possible. Moments like “The Empty Chair Crisis“, changes with regards to the decision- making process, convenient for ones but inconvenient for the others, lack of consensus with regards to the new accessions, the big changes that Europe went through in the late 80s etc. showed that the decision makers can have an appropriate response whatever the problem would be and that we must stay together and go on dreaming to a united nation in the form of a federation. Nowadays we are facing maybe the most difficult moment in European Union history. Many of the member states were and still are on the edge. A lot of immediate and prompt actions were taken since the start of financial crisis, either political or economic, drove by the need of going on. We are too much into the integration process, too much dependent one of each other so that we cannot stop and simply go back only to the concept of national state.
Since the beginning of its existence in the form of communities, the European Union’s decision-making process underwent constant evolution. There were continuous adjustments that transformed a pure intergovernmental process into one having rather federal features. Based on the hypothesis that changes have occurred at the decision level in regards to the actors, procedures, influence and ways of taking decisions in order for the new realities, needs and will at the European level to be properly addressed, this paper aims to present the reforms performed through the adoption of new treaties and the modification of the existing ones. The reality is that in order for the European dream and integration to go on and also for further development of the European Union, finally becoming an entity far beyond the founders expectations, decision makers had to constantly and carefully adapt the decision-making process. The purpose of this paper will be achieved by conducting a research based on the qualitative method, analyzing the related researches on this topic and the consolidated versions of the treaties. Thus, we will finally validate our research hypothesis that there was an evolution in what the EU’s decision-making process and decision procedures are concerned.
The European Union is an entity having a unique way of construction. All started as a need to put the coal and steel resources together in order to avoid a new army conflict on the old continent and as a way to rebuild the European economies after the World War Two. The success of these strategies and policies but also the newly realities that appeared at the European and global level, encouraged the European leaders to dare for more. Hopefully, more and more European states embraced the idea of integration, thanks to all the advantages brought by the membership. Hence, new premises were created and the decision makers took advantage of them and used the treaties as mechanisms for a safe and stable development. Using the observation and the qualitative method by analyzing several researches on this topic and the reforms introduced through the treaties, we will finally be able to validate our research hypothesis that we can speak nowadays about a real union having its own identity, a union which has moved from an intergovernmental organization to a supranational one.
"The series of monographs on 'The General Pattern of Local Government in the Penjerdel Region' ... were made possible by the mutual effort ... of Penjerdel ... the Pennsylvania Economy League ... the University of Delaware; and Rutgers ..."
Includes bibliographical references.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
--Historical development and present character of the science of history.--The general course of German history from a psychological point of view.--The transition to the psychic character of the German present; universal mechanism of psychic periods of transition.--Psychology of the periods of culture in general.--Problems of universal history.
The historical development, metatheoretical background, and current state of the social identity perspective in social psychology are described. Although originally, an analysis mainly of intergroup relations between large-scale social categories, and more recently an analysis with a strong social cognitive emphasis, this article shows that the social identity perspective is intended to be a general analysis of group membership and group processes. It focuses on the generative relationship between collective self-conception and group phenomena. To demonstrate the relevance of the social identity perspective to small groups, the article describes social identity research in a number of areas: differentiation within groups; leadership; deviance; group decision making; organizations; computer mediated communication; mobilization, collective action, and social loafing; and group culture. These art the areas in which most work has been done and which arc therefore best placed for further developments in the near future.
Current policy issues surrounding management of the Great Artesian Basin - historical development of existing legislation and institutions - hydrological and historical background information - development of concerns over unsustainable use of resources and possible adverse environmental impacts - recent developments associated with the general reforms to water law and policy initiated by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) - comparison of issues surrounding the Murray-Darling Basin and the Great Artesian Basin.
Nesta pesquisa se propõe analisar a pastoral evangélica latino-americana elaborada por Orlando Costas. Teólogo pastoralista, missiólogo e de origem porto-riquenha, Costas elaborou método e metodologia de pastoral a partir de sua confissão religiosa evangelical em diálogo ecumênico e em consonância crítica com a situação política, econômica, social e religiosa de Porto Rico e da América Latina. Costas, juntamente com Emilio Castro, foi um dos primeiros a lançar as bases para uma pastoral evangélica visando ao homem latino-americano. Criticou o modelo da teologia pastoral norte-atlântica centrada no pastor com sujeito da ação pastoral da igreja alegando ser; repetitiva, profissional e eclesiocêntrica. A pesquisa foi realizada em três passos, que se realizam nos capítulos um, dois e três, respectivamente, compreender o contexto político, econômico, social e religioso da vida de Orlando Costas a partir de Porto Rico, suas experiências de conversão-ruptura dentro da sua tradição religiosa e a nova percepção pastoral; analisar o desenvolvimento histórico teológico da pastoral evangélica, ou seja, os movimentos, conferências, instituições e teólogos que influenciaram o pensamento de Costas; e, apresentar os fundamentos missiológicos e teológicos da pastoral evangélica, em que se demonstra que a pastoral de Costas é missiológico-pastoral, pois assume a missio Dei como princípio arquitetônico e a pastoral como princípio hermenêutico para a ação missional e pastoral. Conclui-se que a proposta de Costas é de uma pastoral evangélica e ecumênica, contextual e autóctone, dentro e fora da igreja.(AU)
O trabalho propõe uma investigação sobre a produção audiovisual piauiense, buscando entender como são negociadas as questões culturais e as especificidades das narrativas apresentadas no desenvolvimento histórico da cultura visual piauiense. Analisa-se, assim, as questões discursivas, imagéticas e tecnológicas que abordam aquela realidade cultural influenciada pelas vanguardas cinematográficas brasileiras, no caso o cinema novo e o cinema marginal. A pesquisa tem como corpus as produções superoitistas feitas a partir de 1972 até meados 1985, quando se encerra um segundo ciclo cinematográfico. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, emprega pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, com apoio em entrevistas e análise de documentos da época para o estudo das narrativas apresentadas pelas produções audiovisuais. Leva-se em consideração a influência das questões social, política, tecnológica e econômica do Piauí na construção desses filmes. Conclui-se que as práticas culturais e os recursos tecnológicos constituem uma cultura visual que representa as angústias e críticas locais e traduzem a tipificação do sujeito no Piauí.
A frase de uma educadora: maestro a música mudou a vida desse menino foi o elemento que instigou o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Os questionamentos que se seguem a partir dessa constatação abordaram os aspectos inerentes ao ensino da arte nas escolas brasileiras, angariados a partir de dados oficiais que apresentam um reduzido número de arte-educadores frente a legislação pertinente à obrigatoriedade do ensino da música em toda a educação básica a partir de 2011 através da Lei 11.769/08. A pesquisa se desenvolveu diante da suspeita que o ensino da arte nas escolas brasileiras tem se mostrado insuficiente no que diz respeito a promoção do educando em relação ao fazer artístico, culminando com o baixo interesse pela disciplina artes, refletindo posteriormente na formação de um número reduzido de arte-educadores que provavelmente tiveram sua iniciação artística fora do ambiente escolar. Sendo assim interessou a esta pesquisa aferir a relevância da disciplina artes ou educação artística na trajetória formativa dos arte-educadores em música. A pesquisa utilizou como referencial teórico os dados expostos em Barbosa (2008) e Snyders (2008) visando compreender as concepções inerentes ao ensino da arte, da música, e o processo histórico da linguagem artística no Brasil. Visando angariar elementos para a pesquisa foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com arte-educadores, tendo como referência teórica Nóvoa e Finger (2010) além de Bosi (1987). O capítulo I apresenta considerações sobre o fazer artístico, e o desenvolvimento histórico do ensino da arte no Brasil. O capítulo II trata de experiências práticas relacionadas à educação estética. O capítulo III explicita a fundamentação teórica sobre a metodologia utilizada. O capítulo IV apresenta as histórias de vida de três arte-educadores em música, enquanto o capítulo V expõe as devidas conclusões fundamentadas nas entrevistas com os arte-educadores.
On its independence in 1947, India was among the two most industrialized nations in Asia. Since then it adopted a “mixed economy” approach that hindered its national growth and the optimum utilization of its immense resources (both natural and human). To re-establish itself as an economic force in the region, India liberalized its economy in early 1990s. The adoption of the “free market economy” model has created great opportunities for foreign businesses. This article provides useful information on the complex business environment, aimed to help foreign businessmen and investors to develop a good understanding on key background knowledge for being successful in India. It reviews Indian historical development, political structure and climate, international relations, and economy and foreign trade. India's infrastructure, legal framework, socio-cultural set-up, competitive environment, as well as market structure and potential are also analyzed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.