806 resultados para Heme Alkylation


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Two series of thermotropic main chain discotic liquid crystalline polyethers, PR4m-n, based on rufigallol were prepared starting from the symmetric tetraethers of rufigallol, R4m; m and n represent the number of carbon atoms in the side chain and spacer segment, respectively. The symmetric tetraethers were in turn readily prepared by selective alkylation of rufigallol under controlled phase-transfer conditions. GPC analysis of the polymers suggested that they were all of moderate molecular weights, with M-n varying between 5400 and 17 000. The length of the spacer segment n in these polyethers was systematically varied, and its effect on the phase transition temperatures and the mesophase structure was examined using DSC, polarized light microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. It is noticed that when the spacer lengths are relatively long(n greater than or equal to 2m), the isotropization temperature (TD-i) decreases as the spacer length n increases, an observation that is in accordance with those previously made. However, when the spacer lengths are relatively small (n < 2m), the dependence of TD-i is quite the opposite; TD-i actually increases with an increase in spacer length. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction studies indicate that, in the discotic columnar mesophases that are formed, the columns pack in a hexagonal manner when n greater than or equal to 2m, while they do so in a rectangular lattice when n < 2m, leading to the formation of Dh and Dr mesophases, respectively. Finally, comparison of the discotic polyethers with their low molar mass analogues confirms the role of polymerization in stabilizing the mesophase; while all the polymers exhibit columnar mesophases, some of their low molar mass analogues are not liquid crystalline.


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Diels-Alder reaction of the dienone 12, obtained by C-alkylation of sodium 2,6-dimethylphenoxide, with acrylonitrile and phenyl vinyl sulfones generate the enynes 14 and 17. Tributyltin radical addition to the terminal acetylene in 14 and 17 lead to the vinylstannanes 15 and 18 via 5-exo trig cyclisation of the resulting vinyl radical, which on oxidative cleavage furnishes the isotwistane-diones 16 and 19. Reductive desulfonylation of the diketosulfone 19 furnishes the dione 11, constituting a formal total synthesis of 2-pupukeanone 5 and 2-isocyanopupukeanone 3.


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First enantiospecific total synthesis of optical antipode of the sesquiterpene 10,11-epoxythapsan-10-ol has been described. (R)-Carvone has been employed as the chiral starting material and a combination of intramolecular alkylation and Criegee fragmentation are employed for intramolecular stereospecific transfer of the chirality. An intramolecular diazoketone cyclopropanation and regioselective cyclopropane ring cleavage reactions have been employed for the creation of the three requisite contiguous quaternary carbon atoms.


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Thioacetamide, a hepatocarcinogen and an inhibitor of heme synthesis, blocks the phenobarbitone- mediated increase in the transcription of cytochrome P-450b+e messenger RNA in rat liver. This property is also shared by CoCl, and 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole, two other inhibitors of heme synthesis. Thus, it appears feasible that heme may serve as a positive regulator of cytochrome P-450b+e gene transcription. Thioacetamide enhances albumin messenger RNA concentration, whereas phenobarbitone decreases the same. However, these changes in albumin messenger RNA concentration are not accompanied by corresponding changes in the transcription rates. Therefore, drug-mediated changes in albumin messenger RNA concentration are due to posttranscriptional regulation. The property of thioacetamide to enhance the albumin messenger RNA concentration is not shared by CoC1, and 3-amino- 1,2,4-triazole. Therefore, heme does not appear to be a regulatory molecule mediating the reciprocal changes brought about in the concentrations of cytochrome P-450b+e and albumin messenger RNAs.


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Knowledge of the generation of H202 in cellular oxidations has existed for many years. It has been assumed that H202 is tOxiC tO cells and the presence of catalase is indicative of a detoxication mechanism. Other radicals of oxygen were recently recognized to be more potent destructive agents of biological material than H202. Also catalase and other peroxidases utilize H202 in some cellular oxidation processes leading to several important metabolites. Thus, the generation of H202 in cellular processes seems to be purposeful and H202 can not be dismissed as a mere undesirable byproduct. Biological formation of H202 is not limited to the previously known flavoproteins and some copper enzymes, but other redox systems, particularly heme and non-heme iron proteins, are now found to undergo auto-oxidation yielding H202. The capacity for generation of H202 is now found to be widespread in a variety of organisms and in the organdies of the cells. The reduction of oxygen to H20 by mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase being the predominant oxygen-utilizing reaction had over-shadowed the importance of the quantitatively minor pathways. Under aerobic conditions generation of H202 by a Variety of biomembranes has now been found to be a physiological event interlinked with phenomena such as phagocytosis, transport processes and thermogenesis in some as yet unidentified way. The underlying mechanisms of these processes seem to involve generation and utilization of H202 in mitochondria, microsomes, peroxisomes or plasma membranes. This review gives an account of the potential of biomembranes to generate H202 and its implication in the cellular processes.


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A new indole oxygenase from the leaves of Tecoma stans was isolated and purified to homogenity. The purified enzyme system catalyzes the conversion of indole to anthranilic acid. It is optimally active at pH 5.2 and 30°C. Two moles of oxygen are consumed and one mole of anthranilic acid is formed for every mole of indole oxidized. Dialysis resulted in complete loss of the activity. The inactive enzyme could be reactivated by the addition of concentrated dialysate. The enzyme is not inhibited by copperspecific chelators, non-heme iron chelators or atebrin. It is not a cuproflavoprotein, unlike the other indole oxygenases and oxidases.


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The mitochondrion is an organelle of outmost importance, and the mitochondrial network performs an array of functions that go well beyond ATP synthesis. Defects in mitochondrial performance lead to diseases, often affecting nervous system and muscle. Although many of these mitochondrial diseases have been linked to defects in specific genes, the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathologies remain unclear. The work in this thesis aims to determine how defects in mitochondria are communicated within - and interpreted by - the cells, and how this contributes to disease phenotypes. Fumarate hydratase (FH) is an enzyme of the citrate cycle. Recessive defects in FH lead to infantile mitochondrial encephalopathies, while dominant mutations predispose to tumor formation. Defects in succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), the enzyme that precedes FH in the citrate cycle, have also been described. Mutations in SDH subunits SDHB, SDHC and SDHD are associated with tumor predisposition, while mutations in SDHA lead to a characteristic mitochondrial encephalopathy of childhood. Thus, the citrate cycle, via FH and SDH, seems to have essential roles in mitochondrial function, as well as in the regulation of processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation or death. Tumor predisposition is not a typical feature of mitochondrial energy deficiency diseases. However, defects in citrate cycle enzymes also affect mitochondrial energy metabolism. It is therefore necessary to distinguish what is specific for defects in citrate cycle, and thus possibly associated with the tumor phenotype, from the generic consequences of defects in mitochondrial aerobic metabolism. We used primary fibroblasts from patients with recessive FH defects to study the cellular consequences of FH-deficiency (FH-). Similarly to the tumors observed in FH- patients, these fibroblasts have very low FH activity. The use of primary cells has the advantage that they are diploid, in contrast with the aneuploid tumor cells, thereby enabling the study of the early consequences of FH- in diploid background, before tumorigenesis and aneuploidy. To distinguish the specific consequences of FH- from typical consequences of defects in mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, we used primary fibroblasts from patients with MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) and from patients with NARP (neuropathy, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa). These diseases also affect mitochondrial aerobic metabolism but are not known to predispose to tumor formation. To study in vivo the systemic consequences of defects in mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, we used a transgenic mouse model of late-onset mitochondrial myopathy. The mouse contains a transgene with an in-frame duplication of a segment of Twinkle, the mitochondrial replicative helicase, whose defects underlie the human disease progressive external ophthalmoplegia. This mouse model replicates the phenotype in the patients, particularly neuronal degeneration, mitochondrial myopathy, and subtle decrease of respiratory chain activity associated with mtDNA deletions. Due to the accumulation of mtDNA deletions, the mouse was named deletor. We first studied the consequences of FH- and of respiratory chain defects for energy metabolism in primary fibroblasts. To further characterize the effects of FH- and respiratory chain malfunction in primary fibroblasts at transcriptional level, we used expression microarrays. In order to understand the in vivo consequences of respiratory chain defects in vivo, we also studied the transcriptional consequences of Twinkle defects in deletor mice skeletal muscle, cerebellum and hippocampus. Fumarate accumulated in the FH- homozygous cells, but not in the compound heterozygous lines. However, virtually all FH- lines lacked cytoplasmic FH. Induction of glycolysis was common to FH-, MELAS and NARP fibroblasts. In deletor muscle glycolysis seemed to be upregulated. This was in contrast with deletor cerebellum and hippocampus, where mitochondrial biogenesis was in progress. Despite sharing a glycolytic pattern in energy metabolism, FH- and respiratory chain defects led to opposite consequences in redox environment. FH- was associated with reduced redox environment, while MELAS and NARP displayed evidences of oxidative stress. The deletor cerebellum had transcriptional induction of antioxidant defenses, suggesting increased production of reactive oxygen species. Since the fibroblasts do not represent the tissues where the tumors appear in FH- patients, we compared the fibroblast array data with the data from FH- leiomyomas and normal myometrium. This allowed the determination of the pathways and networks affected by FH-deficiency in primary cells that are also relevant for myoma formation. A key pathway regulating smooth muscle differentiation, SRF (serum response factor)-FOS-JUNB, was found to be downregulated in FH- cells and in myomas. While in the deletor mouse many pathways were affected in a tissue-specific basis, like FGF21 induction in the deletor muscle, others were systemic, such as the downregulation of ALAS2-linked heme synthesis in all deletor tissues analyzed. However, interestingly, even a tissue-specific response of FGF21 excretion could elicit a global starvation response. The work presented in this thesis has contributed to a better understanding of mitochondrial stress signalling and of pathways interpreting and transducing it to human pathology.


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A cDNA clone for cytochrome P-450e, a phenobarbitone-inducible species in rat liver, has been isolated and characterized. With the use of this cloned DNA, an attempt has been initiated to elucidate the factors regulating the cytochrome P-450 gene expression. Inhibitors of heme synthesis such as cobalt chloride and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole block the induction of cytochrome P-450e by phenobarbitone at the level of transcription. This is evident from the decrease in the rate of synthesis of cytochrome P-450e, a decrease in the levels of specific translatable messenger RNA, a decrease in the specific cytoplasmic and nuclear messenger RNA contents, and nuclear transcription of cytochrome P-450e gene, as revealed by hybridization to the cloned probe, under these conditions. It is proposed that heme is a general regulator of cytochrome P-450 gene expression at the level of transcription, whereas the drug or its metabolite would impart the specificity needed for the induction of a particular species.


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In Neurospora crassa, the activity of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the second and rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway, is low in normal cells compared to the activity detected in plants, animals and bacteria. The activity is almost undetectable when Neurospora crassa is grown under iron-deficient conditions. The enzyme activity increases strikingly on addition of iron to iron-deficient cultures. This increase can be blocked by the addition of protoporphyrin, the penultimate product of the heme-biosynthetic pathway, to the cultures. The question whether iron directly acts at the genetic level or acts merely by removing protoporphyrin, converting the latter into heme prosthetic groups of hemoproteins, has been investigated by studying the effect of inhibition of heme synthesis on the induction of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase. It has been found that treatments with levulinic acid or cyanide which inhibit the formation of the porphyrin moiety, induce δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase, whereas treatments which inhibit at a step after protoporphyrin formation (iron-deficiency and cobalt treatment) repress the enzyme. The endogenous levels of protoporphyrin are strictly controlled: a decrease below the optimum level causing induction and an increase above the optimum level leading to repression of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase. Levulinic acid and cyanide can induce the enzyme in iron-deficient cultures in the absence of added iron, indicating that the metal iron acts only by converting protoporphyrin to heme fixed in hemoproteins in Neurospora crassa. Therefore it is suggested that protoporphyrin is the physiological regulator of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase in Neurospora crassa.


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The effects of the herbicide, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, an inhibitor of heme synthesis in rat liver, have been examined in the mold Neurospora crassa. The drug is a potent inhibitor of the growth of the mold and produces biochemical changes identical to those produced by chloramphenicol. 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole, like chloramphenicol, is a direct and specific inhibitor of protein synthesis on mitoribosomes. A decrease in the levels of mitochondrial proteins which are completely or partly made on mitoribosomes and an accumulation in the levels of mitochondrial proteins of cytosolic origin have been observed. Both drugs depress porphyrin and heme levels, but there is actually an elevation in the levels of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway in Neurospora crassa. In liver the enzyme is present in non-limiting amounts and the levels are depressed under conditions of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole treatment. In Neurospora crassa the ‘derepression’ of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase under conditions of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole or chloramphenicol treatment is only partial because the drugs inhibit protein synthesis on mitoribosomes. It is concluded that an optimal rate of protein synthesis on mitoribosomes is necessary to maintain an adequate rate of heme synthesis.


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A new indole oxygenase from the leaves of Tecoma stans was isolated and purified to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme system catalyses the conversion of indole to anthranilic acid. It is optimally active at pH 5.2 and at 30°C. Oxygen (2 mol) is consumed and anthranilic acid (1 mol) is formed for every mole of indole oxidized. Neither sulfhydryl reagents nor sulfhydryl compounds inhibited the enzyme activity. The oxygenase also attacks, apart from indole, 5-hydroxyindole, 5-bromoindole and 5-methylindole. It is not inhibited by copper specific chelators or non-heme iron specific chelators. Atebrin did not inhibit the enzyme activity suggesting that it is not a flavoprotein, unlike other indole oxygenases and indole oxidases. Dialysis resulted in complete loss of enzyme activity. The inactive enzyme could not be reactivated by addition of various cofactors.


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Knoevenagel condensation of 2-acylcyclohexanones or 2-ethoxycarbonylcyclohexanone with either cyanoacetamide or malononitrile followed by silver salt alkylation gave the 5,6,7,8-tetrahydroisoquinolines (3a–i). Chromic acid oxidation of the 5,6,7,8-tetrahydroisoquinolines (3a–i) to the corresponding tetralones (4a–i) followed by sodium borohydride reduction and p-toluenesulphonic acid-catalysed dehydration of the resulting alcohols (5a–i) gave the 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines (6a–i). Reaction of 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines (6a–g) with potassium amide in liquid ammonia gave a mixture of the 1,3-dihydroisoquinolines (7a–g) and the isoquinolines (8a–g). The C-1 unsubstituted 1,2-dihydroisoquinoline (7c) was found to be very unstable. In the case of the 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines (6h and 6i), reaction of potassium amide in liquid ammonia resulted in a mixture of 1-aminoisoquinoline (9) and the isoquinolines (8h and 8i). All the above compounds have been characterised by spectral data. A probable pathway for the formation of the 1,2-dihydroisoquinolines (7a–g) and the isoquinolines (8a–i) is suggested.


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Background and Objective: Arecoline, an arecanut alkaloid present in the saliva of betel quid chewers, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a variety of inflammatory oral diseases, including oral submucous fibrosis and periodontitis. To understand the molecular b asis of arecoline action in epithelial changes associated with these diseases, we investigated the effects of arecoline on human keratinocytes with respect to cell growth regulation and the expression of stress-responsive genes.Material and Methods:Human keratinocyte cells (of the HaCaT cell line) were treated with arecoline, following which cell viability was assessed using the Trypan Blue dye-exclusion assay, cell growth and proliferation were analyzed using the MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporation assays, cell cycle arrest and generation of reactive oxygen species were examined using flow cytometry, and gene expression changes were investigated using the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique. The role of oxidative stress, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways were studied using specific inhibitors. Western blot analysis was performed to study p38 MAPK activation.Results:Arecoline induced the generation of reactive oxygen species and cell cycle arrest at the G1/G0 phase in HaCaT cells without affecting the expression of p21/Cip1. Arecoline-induced epithelial cell death at higher concentrations was caused by oxidative trauma without eliciting apoptosis. Sublethal concentrations of arecoline upregulated the expression of the following stress-responsive genes: heme oxygenase-1; ferritin light chain; glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit; and glutathione reductase.Additionally, there was a dose-dependent induction of interleukin-1alfa mRNA by arecoline via oxidative stress and p38 MAPK activation. Conclusion:our data highlight the role of oxidative stress in arecoline-mediated cell death, gene regulation and inflammatory processes in human keratinocytes.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the western countries. Approximately two-thirds of breast cancer tumours are hormone dependent, requiring estrogens to grow. Estrogens are formed in the human body via a multistep route starting from cholesterol. The final steps in the biosynthesis include the CYP450 aromatase enzyme, converting the male hormones androgens (preferred substrate androstenedione ASD) into estrogens(estrone E1), and the 17beta-HSD1 enzyme, converting the biologically less active E1 into the active hormone 17beta-hydroxyestradiol E2. E2 is bound to the nuclear estrogen receptors causing a cascade of biochemical reactions leading to cell proliferation in normal tissue, and to tumour growth in cancer tissue. Aromatase and 17beta-HSD1 are expressed in or near the breast tumour, locally providing the tissue with estrogens. One approach in treating hormone dependent breast tumours is to block the local estrogen production by inhibiting these two enzymes. Aromatase inhibitors are already on the market in treating breast cancer, despite the lack of an experimentally solved structure. The structure of 17beta-HSD1, on the other hand, has been solved, but no commercial drugs have emerged from the drug discovery projects reported in the literature. Computer-assisted molecular modelling is an invaluable tool in modern drug design projects. Modelling techniques can be used to generate a model of the target protein and to design novel inhibitors for them even if the target protein structure is unknown. Molecular modelling has applications in predicting the activities of theoretical inhibitors and in finding possible active inhibitors from a compound database. Inhibitor binding at atomic level can also be studied with molecular modelling. To clarify the interactions between the aromatase enzyme and its substrate and inhibitors, we generated a homology model based on a mammalian CYP450 enzyme, rabbit progesterone 21-hydroxylase CYP2C5. The model was carefully validated using molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) with and without the natural substrate ASD. Binding orientation of the inhibitors was based on the hypothesis that the inhibitors coordinate to the heme iron, and were studied using MDS. The inhibitors were dietary phytoestrogens, which have been shown to reduce the risk for breast cancer. To further validate the model, the interactions of a commercial breast cancer drug were studied with MDS and ligand–protein docking. In the case of 17beta-HSD1, a 3D QSAR model was generated on the basis of MDS of an enzyme complex with active inhibitor and ligand–protein docking, employing a compound library synthesised in our laboratory. Furthermore, four pharmacophore hypotheses with and without a bound substrate or an inhibitor were developed and used in screening a commercial database of drug-like compounds. The homology model of aromatase showed stable behaviour in MDS and was capable of explaining most of the results from mutagenesis studies. We were able to identify the active site residues contributing to the inhibitor binding, and explain differences in coordination geometry corresponding to the inhibitory activity. Interactions between the inhibitors and aromatase were in agreement with the mutagenesis studies reported for aromatase. Simulations of 17beta-HSD1 with inhibitors revealed an inhibitor binding mode with hydrogen bond interactions previously not reported, and a hydrophobic pocket capable of accommodating a bulky side chain. Pharmacophore hypothesis generation, followed by virtual screening, was able to identify several compounds that can be used in lead compound generation. The visualisation of the interaction fields from the QSAR model and the pharmacophores provided us with novel ideas for inhibitor development in our drug discovery project.


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The three possible isomers of cyclohexane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid were synthesised and separated in order to study the regiospecificity and stereoselectivity of the α-C alkylation of their trimethyl esters. No definitive conclusions could be reached on this aspect for reasons which became apparent in the course of the work. However, the three independent methods adopted for the synthesis of the isomeric tricarboxylic acids have given dramatically different isomer compositions. The reasons are explored in this paper.