Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the application of a ventilatory support without resorting to invasive methods. Today it’s considered a credible therapeutic option, with enough scientiic evidence to support its application in various situations and clinical settings related to the treatment of acute respiratory disease, as well as chronic respiratory disease. Objectives: Characterize patients undergoing NIV admitted in Unit Intermediate Care (ICU) in the period from October 1st 2015 to June 30th 2016. Methods: Prospective study conducted in ICU between October 2015 and June 2016. In this study were included all patients hospitalized in this unit (ICU) and in that time period a sample of 57 participants was obtained. As data collection instruments we used a questionnaire for sociodemographic and clinical data and the Braden scale. Results: Participants were mostly male 38 (66.7%), the average age 69.5 ± 11.3 years, ranging between 43 and 92 years. They weighed on average 76.6 kg (52 and 150), with an average body mass index of 28.5 kg/m2 (20 to 58.5). With skin intact 28 (49.1%) with abnormal perfusion 12 (21.1%), with altered sensitivity 11 (19.3%) and a high risk of ulcer on the scale of Braden 37 (65%). The admission diagnosis was respiratory failure 33 (57.3%) and had different backgrounds. We used reused mask 53 (93.0%), the average time of NIV was 7.1 days (1-28), 4.8 days of hospitalization (1-18) and an average of 7.8 IPAP pressure. 11 (19.3%) of the participants developed face ulcer pressure.Conclusions: The NIV is used in patients with advanced age, obesity, respiratory failure and high risk of face ulcer development.
Objectives: To present descriptive epidemiology of Orofacial Clefts and to determine the association of syndromic forms with antenatal high-risk conditions, preterm birth, and comorbidities among nestedseries of cases. Methods: A study of nested-series of cases was conducted. Frequencies of cleft type, associated congenital anomalies, syndromic, non-syndromic and multiple malformation forms, and distribution of Orofacial Clefts according to sex and affected-side were determined. Odds ratios were calculated as measures of association between syndromic forms and antenatal high-risk conditions, preterm birth and comorbidities. A total of three hundred and eleven patients with Orofacial Clefts were assessed in a 12-month period. Results: The most frequent type of Orofacial Clefts was cleft lip and palate, this type of cleft was more frequent in males, whereas cleft palate occurred more often in females. The most common cases occurred as non-syndromic forms. Aarskog-Scott syndrome showed the highest frequency amongst syndromic forms. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, developmental dysplasia of the hip, central nervous diseases and respiratory failure showed significant statistical associations (p <0.05) with syndromic forms. Conclusions: These data provide an epidemiological reference of Orofacial Clefts in Colombia. Novel associations between syndromic forms and clinical variables are determined. In order to investigate causality relationships between these variables further studies must be carried out.
Objectives: To present descriptive epidemiology of Orofacial Clefts and to determine the association of syndromic forms with antenatal high-risk conditions, preterm birth, and comorbidities among nested-series of cases. Methods: A study of nested-series of cases was conducted. Frequencies of cleft type, associated congenital anomalies, syndromic, non-syndromic and multiple malformation forms, and distribution of Orofacial Clefts according to sex and affected-side were determined. Odds ratios were calculated as measures of association between syndromic forms and antenatal high-risk conditions, preterm birth and comorbidities. A total of three hundred and eleven patients with Orofacial Clefts were assessed in a 12-month period. Results: The most frequent type of Orofacial Clefts was cleft lip and palate, this type of cleft was more frequent in males, whereas cleft palate occurred more often in females. The most common cases occurred as non-syndromic forms. Aarskog-Scott syndrome showed the highest frequency amongst syndromic forms. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, developmental dysplasia of the hip, central nervous diseases and respiratory failure showed significant statistical associations (p <0.05) with syndromic forms. Conclusions: These data provide an epidemiological reference of Orofacial Clefts in Colombia. Novel associations between syndromic forms and clinical variables are determined. In order to investigate causality relationships between these variables further studies must be carried out.
La asfixia perinatal es la principal causa de muerte en la primera semana de vida la nivel mundial, los niños que sufren esta complicación y sobreviven pueden presentar trastornos neurológicos de diferente nivel de compromiso que inciden en su desarrollo personal y social. Las cifras de muerte por este problema de salud han disminuido de manera importante, sin embargo en el reporte de la Organización Mundial de Salud (OPS) del 2010, la asfixia perinatal es causa del 29% de muertes infantiles en los países de América Latina y el Caribe 2. Es necesario conocer además la extensión del daño neurológico que sufren estos niños, con este fin se desarrolló un estudio piloto en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi de Bogotá, en el cual se determinó la concentración de un marcador metabólico de daño cerebral, la proteína S100B en suero de 60 recién nacidos sanos, con el objetivo de analizar la asociación del mismo con el peso al nacer, la edad gestacional y el diagnóstico. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre este marcador y las variables analizadas que puede asociarse al pequeño número de pacientes, sin embargo han sentado las bases para el desarrollo de un estudio que incluya varios hospitales de Bogotá y sobre todo la determinación del mismo en recién nacidos con diagnóstico de hipoxia en el período perinatal, lo cual aportará información del grado de la alteración que puedan tener a nivel cerebral y contribuya al mejor manejo evolutivo con la aplicación de medidas de intervención en estadios tempranos de la vida.
Introducción Los sistemas de puntuación para predicción se han desarrollado para medir la severidad de la enfermedad y el pronóstico de los pacientes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Estas medidas son útiles para la toma de decisiones clínicas, la estandarización de la investigación, y la comparación de la calidad de la atención al paciente crítico. Materiales y métodos Estudio de tipo observacional analítico de cohorte en el que reviso las historias clínicas de 283 pacientes oncológicos admitidos a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante enero de 2014 a enero de 2016 y a quienes se les estimo la probabilidad de mortalidad con los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV y MPM II, se realizó regresión logística con las variables predictoras con las que se derivaron cada uno de los modelos es sus estudios originales y se determinó la calibración, la discriminación y se calcularon los criterios de información Akaike AIC y Bayesiano BIC. Resultados En la evaluación de desempeño de los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV mostro mayor capacidad de predicción (AUC = 0,95) en comparación con MPM II (AUC = 0,78), los dos modelos mostraron calibración adecuada con estadístico de Hosmer y Lemeshow para APACHE IV (p = 0,39) y para MPM II (p = 0,99). El ∆ BIC es de 2,9 que muestra evidencia positiva en contra de APACHE IV. Se reporta el estadístico AIC siendo menor para APACHE IV lo que indica que es el modelo con mejor ajuste a los datos. Conclusiones APACHE IV tiene un buen desempeño en la predicción de mortalidad de pacientes críticamente enfermos, incluyendo pacientes oncológicos. Por lo tanto se trata de una herramienta útil para el clínico en su labor diaria, al permitirle distinguir los pacientes con alta probabilidad de mortalidad.
ABSTRACT The Non-invasive Ventilation represents an alternative from ventilatory support, being frequently used in the treatment of respiratory failure. There are many complications associated with this technique, related to the pressure / air flow and the application of interfaces, being this one the focus of the article. The most appropriate interface selection allows a successful technique; the interface must be based on anatomical characteristics of the patient, cutaneous integrity and ventilation requirements. The Nurse plays a key role selecting the appropriate interface; technical monitoring and prevention of complications. The objective of the study is identify sensitive results to nursing care in the prevention of pressure ulcers (PPU) of the face, in adult and elderly submitted to NIV. This research was through EBSCO (CINAHL (Plus with Full Text) and MEDLINE (Plus with Full Text), with selection of full text articles between 2003-01-01 and 31.12.2013. We used the method of PI[C]O and was selected 13 articles from a total of 353. It was identified a set of specific interventions that prevent the appearing of pressure ulcer (PU), and according to Doran (2011), promotes sensitivity to nursing care results. The nursing interventions in adults with NIV have a direct impact on health outcomes, with preventing and resolving complications, with contribution in terms of effective disease control, adherence to the treatment regimen and consequent increase in life quality.
Numerous types of acute respiratory failure are routinely treated using non-invasive ventilatory support (NIV). Its efficacy is well documented: NIV lowers intubation and death rates in various respiratory disorders. It can be delivered by means of face masks or head helmets. Currently the scientific community’s interest about NIV helmets is mostly focused on optimising the mixing between CO2 and clean air and on improving patient comfort. To this end, fluid dynamic analysis plays a particularly important role and a two- pronged approach is frequently employed. While on one hand numerical simulations provide information about the entire flow field and different geometries, they exhibit require huge temporal and computational resources. Experiments on the other hand help to validate simulations and provide results with a much smaller time investment and thus remain at the core of research in fluid dynamics. The aim of this thesis work was to develop a flow bench and to utilise it for the analysis of NIV helmets. A flow test bench and an instrumented mannequin were successfully designed, produced and put into use. Experiments were performed to characterise the helmet interface in terms of pressure drop and flow rate drop over different inlet flow rates and outlet pressure set points. Velocity measurements by means of Particle Image Velocimetry were performed. Pressure drop and flow rate characteristics from experiments were contrasted with CFD data and sufficient agreement was observed between both numerical and experimental results. PIV studies permitted qualitative and quantitative comparisons with numerical simulation data and offered a clear picture of the internal flow behaviour, aiding the identification of coherent flow features.
OBJECTIVE - To identify, the anaerobic threshold and respiratory compensation point in patients with heart failure. METHODS - The study comprised 42 Men,divided according to the functional class (FC) as follows: group I (GI) - 15 patients in FC I; group II (GII) - 15 patients in FC II; and group III (GIII) - 12 patients in FC III. Patients underwent a treadmill cardiopulmonary exercise test, where the expired gases were analyzed. RESULTS - The values for the heart rate (in bpm) at the anaerobic threshold were the following: GI, 122±27; GII, 117±17; GIII, 114±22. At the respiratory compensation point, the heart rates (in bpm) were as follows: GI, 145±33; GII, 133±14; GIII 123±22. The values for the heart rates at the respiratory compensation point in GI and GIII showed statistical difference. The values of oxygen consumption (VO2) at the anaerobic threshold were the following (in ml/kg/min): GI, 13.6±3.25; GII, 10.77±1.89; GIII, 8.7±1.44 and, at the respiratory compensation point, they were as follows: GI, 19.1±2.2; GII, 14.22±2.63; GIII, 10.27±1.85. CONCLUSION - Patients with stable functional class I, II, and III heart failure reached the anaerobic threshold and the respiratory compensation point at different levels of oxygen consumption and heart rate. The role played by these thresholds in physical activity for this group of patients needs to be better clarified.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of respiratory muscle fatigue on intercostal and forearm muscle perfusion and oxygenation in patients with heart failure. Five clinically stable heart failure patients with respiratory muscle weakness (age, 66±12 years; left ventricle ejection fraction, 34±3%) and nine matched healthy controls underwent a respiratory muscle fatigue protocol, breathing against a fixed resistance at 60% of their maximal inspiratory pressure for as long as they could sustain the predetermined inspiratory pressure. Intercostal and forearm muscle blood volume and oxygenation were continuously monitored by near-infrared spectroscopy with transducers placed on the seventh left intercostal space and the left forearm. Data were compared by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni correction. Respiratory fatigue occurred at 5.1±1.3 min in heart failure patients and at 9.3±1.4 min in controls (P<0.05), but perceived effort, changes in heart rate, and in systolic blood pressure were similar between groups (P>0.05). Respiratory fatigue in heart failure reduced intercostal and forearm muscle blood volume (P<0.05) along with decreased tissue oxygenation both in intercostal (heart failure, -2.6±1.6%; controls, +1.6±0.5%; P<0.05) and in forearm muscles (heart failure, -4.5±0.5%; controls, +0.5±0.8%; P<0.05). These results suggest that respiratory fatigue in patients with heart failure causes an oxygen demand/delivery mismatch in respiratory muscles, probably leading to a reflex reduction in peripheral limb muscle perfusion, featuring a respiratory metaboreflex.
Mucosal pH (pHi) is influenced by local perfusion and metabolism (mucosal-arterial Pco2 gradient, DeltaPco2), systemic metabolic acidosis (arterial bicarbonate), and respiration (arterial Pco2). We determined these components of pHi and their relation to outcome during the first 24 h of intensive care. We studied 103 patients with acute respiratory or circulatory failure (age, 63 +/- 2 [mean +/- SEM]; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, 20 +/- 1; Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, 8 +/- 0). pHi, and the effects of bicarbonate and arterial and mucosal Pco2 on pHi, were assessed at admission, 6, and 24 h. pHi was reduced (at admission, 7.27 +/- 0.01) due to low arterial bicarbonate and increased DeltaPco2. Low pHi (<7.32) at admission (n = 58; mortality, 29% vs. 13% in those with pHi >/=7.32 at admission; P = 0.061) was associated with an increased DeltaPco2 in 59% of patients (mortality, 47% vs. 4% for patients with low pHi and normal DeltaPco2; P = 0.0003). An increased versus normal DeltaPco2, regardless of pHi, was associated with increased mortality at admission (51% vs. 5%; P < 0.0001; n = 39) and at 6 h (34% vs. 13%; P = 0.016; n = 45). A delayed normalization or persistently low pHi (n = 47) or high DeltaPco2 (n = 25) was associated with high mortality (low pHi [34%] vs. high DeltaPco2 [60%]; P = 0.046). In nonsurvivors, hypocapnia increased pHi at baseline, 6, and 24 h (all P = 0.001). In patients with initially normal pHi or DeltaPco2, outcome was not related to subsequent changes in pHi or DeltaPco2. Increased DeltaPco2 during early resuscitation suggests poor tissue perfusion and is associated with high mortality. Arterial bicarbonate contributes more to pHi than the DeltaPco2 but is not associated with mortality. Hyperventilation partly masks mucosal acidosis. Inadequate tissue perfusion may persist despite stable hemodynamics and contributes to poor outcome.
Background: The Borg Scale may be a useful tool for heart failure patients to self-monitor and self-regulate exercise on land or in water (hydrotherapy) by maintaining the heart rate (HR) between the anaerobic threshold and respiratory compensation point. Methods and Results: Patients performed a cardiopulmonary exercise test to determine their anaerobic threshold/respiratory compensation points. The percentage of the mean HR during the exercise session in relation to the anaerobic threshold HR (%EHR-AT), in relation to the respiratory compensation point (%EHR-RCP), in relation to the peak HR by the exercise test (%EHR-Peak) and in relation to the maximum predicted HR (%EHR-Predicted) was calculated. Next, patients were randomized into the land or water exercise group. One blinded investigator instructed the patients in each group to exercise at a level between ""relatively easy and slightly tiring"". The mean HR throughout the 30-min exercise session was recorded. The %EHR-AT and %EHR-Predicted did not differ between the land and water exercisegroups, but they differed in the %EHR-RCP (95 +/- 7 to 86 +/- 7. P<0.001) and in the %EHR-Peak (85 +/- 8 to 78 +/- 9, P=0.007). Conclusions: Exercise guided by the Borg scale maintains the patient's HR between the anaerobic threshold and respiratory compensation point (ie, in the exercise training zone). (Circ J 2009; 73: 1871-1876)
Objective: To determine whether the presence of in vitro penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae increases the risk of clinical failure in children hospitalised with severe pneumonia and treated with penicillin/ampicillin. Design: Multicentre, prospective, observational study. Setting: 12 tertiary-care centres in three countries in Latin America. Patients: 240 children aged 3-59 months, hospitalised with severe pneumonia and known in vitro susceptibility of S pneumoniae. Intervention: Patients were treated with intravenous penicillin/ampicillin after collection of blood and, when possible, pleural fluid for culture. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test was used to determine penicillin susceptibility of the pneumococcal strains isolated. Children were continuously monitored until discharge. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was treatment failure (using clinical criteria). Results: Overall treatment failure was 21%. After allowing for different potential confounders, there was no evidence of association between treatment failure and in vitro resistance of S pneumoniae to penicillin according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)/National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) interpretative standards ((adj)RR = 1.03; 95%Cl: 0.49-1.90 for resistant S pneumoniae). Conclusions: Intravenous penicillin/ampicillin remains the drug of choice for treating penicillin-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia in areas where the MIC does not exceed 2 mu g/ml.
The aim of this study was to evaluate (1) the prevalence of periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMs) in a consecutive sample of congestive heart failure (CHF) outpatients; (2) the presence of correlation between PLMs, subjective daytime sleepiness, and sleep architecture; and (3) the heart rate response to PLMs in CHF. Seventy-nine [50 men, age 59 +/- 11 years, body mass index (BMI) 26 +/- 5 kg/m(2)] consecutive adult stable outpatients with CHF [left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 36 +/- 6%] were prospectively evaluated. The patients underwent assessment of echocardiography, sleepiness (Epworth Scale), and overnight in-lab polysomnography. Fifteen patients (19%) had PLM index > 5. These subjects were similar in sex distribution, BMI, subjective somnolence, LVEF, and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), but were significantly older than subjects without PLMs. Sleep architecture was similar in subjects with and without PLMs. There was a small but significant elevation of heart rate after PLMs (80.1 +/- 9.4 vs. 81.5 +/- 9.2; p < 0.001). The cardiac acceleration was also present in absence of electroencephalogram activation. The prevalence of PLMs in consecutive sample of adult CHF outpatients was 19%. There were no differences in subjective daytime sleepiness, sleep architecture, AHI, and severity of CHF in subjects with and without PLMs. PLMs caused a small but statistically significant cardiac acceleration.
Exercise training has been shown to be effective in improving exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure and left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction. Real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography (RTMCE) is a new technique that allows quantitative analysis of myocardial blood flow (MBF). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exercise training on MBF in patients with LV dysfunction. We studied 23 patients with LV dysfunction who underwent RTMCE and cardiopulmonary exercise testing at baseline and 4 months after medical treatment (control group, n = 10) or medical treatment plus exercise training (trained group, n = 13). Replenishment velocity (0) and MBF reserves were derived from quantitative RTMCE. The 4-month exercise training consisted of 3 60-minute exercise sessions/week at an intensity corresponding to anaerobic threshold, 10% below the respiratory compensation point. Aerobic exercise training did not change LV diameters, volumes, or ejection fraction. At baseline, no difference was observed in MBF reserve between the control and trained groups (1.89, 1.67 to 1.98, vs 1.81, 1.28 to 2.38, p = 0.38). Four-month exercise training resulted in a significant increase in beta reserve from 1.72 (1.45 to 1.48) to 2.20 (1.69 to 2.77, p <0.001) and an MBF reserve from 1.81 (1.28 to 2.38) to 3.05 (2.07 to 3.93, p <0.001). In the control group, 13 reserve decreased from 1.51 (1.10 to 1.85) to 1.46 (1.14 to 2.33, p = 0.03) and MBF reserve from 1.89 (1.67 to 1.98) to 1.55 (1.11 to 2.27, p <0.001). Peak oxygen consumption increased by 13.8% after 4 months of exercise training and decreased by 1.9% in the control group. In conclusion, exercise training resulted in significant improvement of MBF reserve in patients with heart failure and LV dysfunction. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2010;105:243-248)