No presente trabalho foram estudadas as características bioquímicas das peroxidases de novos abacaxis, cultivar IAC Gomo-demel e clone IAC-1. As peroxidases dos sucos destes abacaxis apresentaram atividade ótima entre 45ºC e 50°C e entre 50°C e 55°C, respectivamente. Estas peroxidases apresentaram atividade ótima em pH 4,5 e mostraram-se estáveis na faixa de pH 4,0 a 9,0, retendo, após 24 horas de incubação a 50ºC, mais de 80% da atividade inicial. Foi observada regeneração parcial da atividade da peroxidase, após tratamento a 75ºC por 10 minutos. As peroxidases dos sucos dos abacaxis estudados foram inativadas, após tratamento a 90ºC por 2 minutos.
A peroxidase E.C. (POD) e a polifenoloxidase E.C. (PPO) foram extraídas da polpa de goiaba. Os extratos foram preparados utilizando-se a polpa da goiaba e solução tampão fosfato de sódio 100mM com pH variando de 6,0 a 7,0 em intervalos de 0,1. Foi determinada a atividade enzimática da peroxidase e da polifenoloxidase desses extratos, a fim de se observar o melhor pH para a extração de cada enzima. O pH 6,3 foi considerado o melhor para a extração da POD da polpa de goiaba, enquanto que para PPO, o pH foi 6,8. Os extratos brutos de POD e PPO foram submetidos a temperaturas de 60 °C, 65 °C, 70 °C, 75 °C e 80 °C por um período de 0 a 10 min. Os resultados demonstraram um decréscimo da atividade enzimática nos extratos com o aumento da temperatura e do tempo. No entanto, a total inativação não foi atingida o que sugere a presença de isoenzimas termoresistentes.
A peroxidase e a polifenoloxidase estão relacionadas com o escurecimento de frutas, por isso o controle das atividades destas enzimas é de grande importância para a tecnologia de alimentos. Neste trabalho estudaram-se as atividades dessas enzimas nas uvas frescas das cultivares Benitaka e Rubi, bem como as suas termoestabilidades e as suas atividades enzimáticas residuais no suco e nas geléias (extra e light). Foi também avaliada a qualidade microbiológica dos produtos elaborados. As atividades da enzima POD, tanto da fração solúvel quanto da ionicamente ligada, foram semelhantes nas uvas das duas variedades, Benitaka e Rubi. A atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase foi maior na variedade Rubi. As operações de cocção e pasteurização foram mais eficientes para baixar as atividades enzimáticas residuais da POD e PPO quando aplicadas às geléias de uva, em comparação com o suco. Embora não foram suficientes para a total inativação enzimática, essas operações reduziram-nas consideravelmente, e foram eficientes para garantir seguridade microbiológica dos produtos, geléias e suco.
The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the enzymatic activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase in avocado pulps, from the Northwest area of Paraná-Brazil, in order to compare the varieties on their enzymatic activity for both, minimum and industrial processing. Enzymatic extracts were prepared from avocado pulp of Choquete, Fortuna and Quintal varieties, in green and ripe maturation stage. Thermal treatment was applied with temperatures 60, 65, 70, 75 and 80 °C. The enzymatic activities were determined by using spectrophotometer. A decline of polyphenoloxidase activity was observed in all of the varieties when both, temperature and time increased. Total inactivation of enzymes was not observed in the largest temperature. Fortuna and Choquete variety showed the lowest polyphenoloxidase activity in the ripe stage. Soluble peroxidase showed activity in the green stage, whereas, ionically bound peroxidase activity increased with the change from green to ripe maturation stage in Choquete variety.
This work aims to evaluate deoxynivalenol degradation by Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oryzae in a submerged fermentation system and to correlate it to the activity of oxydo-reductase enzymes. The submerged medium consisted of sterile distilled water contaminated with 50 μg of DON and 4 × 10(6) spore.mL-1 inoculum of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oryzae species, respectively in each experiment. Sampling was performed every 24 hours for monitoring the peroxidase specific activity, and every 48 hours for determining mycotoxin levels. Results showed that the fungi species were able to decrease DON levels as the peroxidase activity increased. The 48 hours fermentation interval presented the highest peroxidase specific activity (ΔABS/minute.μg.protein-1), 800 and 198, while the highest DON degradation velocity was 10.8 and 12.4 ppb/hour, respectively in both cases for Rhizopus oryzae and Aspergillus oryzae.
Due to the fact that previous studies on the enzymatic activity of Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) diverge widely in their methodology and results, this study aimed to investigate the influence of different analytical conditions on GSH-Px activity in chicken thighs from broilers that were fed different diets with different sources and concentrations of selenium. GSH-Px activity was evaluated six hours after slaughter and 120 days after frozen storage at -18 ºC. The different analytical conditions included time of pre-incubation (0, 10 and 30 minutes), reaction medium, types of substrate (H2O2 (0.72 mM, 7.2 mM, and 72 mM) and Terc-butil hydroperoxide 15 mM), and different buffer concentrations (buffer 1, potassium phosphate 50 mM pH 7.0 + EDTA 1 mM + mercaptoethanol 1 mM, and buffer 2, tris-HCl 50 mM pH 7.6 + EDTA 1 mM + mercapthanol 5 mM). The results show that the highest GSH-Px activity was observed when enzyme and substrate were in contact at 22 ºC without any pre-incubation, and that, when used at concentrations above 0.72 mM, hydrogen peroxide saturated the GSH-Px enzyme and inhibited its activity. The enzyme presented higher affinity to hydrogen peroxide when compared to terc-butil peroxide, and the addition of a buffer containing mercaptoethanol did not increase GSH-Px enzymatic activity. The activity of GSH-Px was not influenced by the source and concentration of selenium in the diet either. The obtained results allowed the determination of the best temperature of contact between the enzyme and substrate (22 ºC), the optimum concentration, and the type of substrate and buffer to be used. This information is extremely useful for future studies on GSH-Px activity in meat due to the divergence and little information found in the literature.
The thermal inactivation of yeast isolated from spoiled Jubileu peach puree and that of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) in cv. Jubileu, which is widely cultivated in southern Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, were studied. PPO and POD were extracted using the protein powder method and submitted to partial purification by precipitation followed by dialysis. The enzymatic activity was determined measuring the increase in absorbance at 420 nm for PPO and 470 nm for POD. The yeast used in this investigation was isolated from spoiled Jubileu peach puree at 22 °Brix, with total initial microbial count of 22 × 10² UFCmL- 1. Stock cultures were maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA) slants at 4 °C and pH 5 for later use for microbial growth. In all cases, kinetic analysis of the results suggests that the thermal inactivation was well described by a first-order kinetic model, and the temperature dependence was significantly represented by the Arrhenius law. Both enzymes were affected by heat denaturation, and PPO was more thermostable. PPO was also more thermosTable than the yeast isolated from peach puree. The D60-values were 1.53 and 1.87 min for PPO and yeast isolated from spoiled Jubileu peach puree, respectively.
Enzymatic senescence processes and browning of fresh cut vegetables negatively affect their sensory properties and nutritional value and finally result in the rejection of affected products by consumers. In order to prevent quality decay, the combined effects of natural antioxidants and storage temperature on peroxidase activity and sensory attributes (overall visual quality, browning and odor) of individual and mixed vegetables for soup (butternut squash, leek and celery) were evaluated. Fresh cut vegetables were treated with antioxidant solutions as tea tree essential oil (15 μl/mL), propolis extract (15 μl/mL) and gallic acid (2 mg/mL) and stored at optimal (5 °C) and abusive (15 °C) temperature for a maximum of 14 days. The application of natural preservatives, plus optimal storage conditions, exerted significant inhibitory effects in peroxidase activity of squash, celery and mixed vegetables throughout the storage. Furthermore, propolis treatment applied on mixed vegetables retarded browning appearance and preserved the visual quality for a longer period when compared to untreated product.
This study was undertaken to isolate ligninase-producing white-rot fungi for use in the extraction of fibre from pineapple leaf agriwaste. Fifteen fungal strains were isolated from dead tree trunks and leaf litter. Ligninolytic enzymes (lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), and laccase (Lac)), were produced by solid-state fermentation (SSF) using pineapple leaves as the substrate. Of the isolated strains, the one showing maximum production of ligninolytic enzymes was identified to be Ganoderma lucidum by 18S ribotyping. Single parameter optimization and response surface methodology of different process variables were carried out for enzyme production. Incubation period, agitation, and Tween-80 were identified to be the most significant variables through Plackett-Burman design. These variables were further optimized by Box-Behnken design. The overall maximum yield of ligninolytic enzymes was achieved by experimental analysis under these optimal conditions. Quantitative lignin analysis of pineapple leaves by Klason lignin method showed significant degradation of lignin by Ganoderma lucidum under SSF
Moringa oleifera is becoming increasingly popular as an industrial crop due to its multitude of useful attributes as water purifier, nutritional supplement and biofuel feedstock. Given its tolerance to sub-optimal growing conditions, most of the current and anticipated cultivation areas are in medium to low rainfall areas. This study aimed to assess the effect of various irrigation levels on floral initiation, flowering and fruit set. Three treatments namely, a 900 mm (900IT), 600 mm (600IT) and 300 mm (300IT) per annum irrigation treatment were administered through drip irrigation, simulating three total annual rainfall amounts. Individual inflorescences from each treatment were tagged during floral initiation and monitored throughout until fruit set. Flower bud initiation was highest at the 300IT and lowest at the 900IT for two consecutive growing seasons. Fruit set on the other hand, decreased with the decrease in irrigation treatment. Floral abortion, reduced pollen viability as well as moisture stress in the style were contributing factors to the reduction in fruiting/yield observed at the 300IT. Moderate water stress prior to floral initiation could stimulate flower initiation, however, this should be followed by sufficient irrigation to ensure good pollination, fruit set and yield.
Shallow groundwater beneath a former airfield site in southern England has been heavily contaminated with a wide range of chlorinated solvents. The feasibility of using bacterial biosensors to complement chemical analysis and enable cost-effective, and focussed sampling has been assessed as part of a site evaluation programme. Five different biosensors, three metabolic (Vibrio fischeri, Pseudomonas fluorescens 10568 and Escherichia coli HB101) and two catabolic (Pseudomonas putida TVA8 and E. coli DH5alpha), were employed to identify areas where the availability and toxicity of pollutants is of most immediate environmental concern. The biosensors used showed different sensitivities to each other and to the groundwater samples tested. There was generally a good agreement with chemical analyses. The potential efficacy of remediation strategies was explored by coupling sample manipulation to biosensor tests. Manipulation involved sparging and charcoal treatment procedures to simulate remediative engineering solutions. Sparging was sufficient at most locations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ascidian Ciona intestinalis, a marine invertebrate chordate, is an emerging model system for developmental and evolutionary studies. The endostyle, one of the characteristic organs of ascidians, is a pharyngeal structure with iodine-concentrating and peroxidase activities and is therefore considered to be homologous to the follicular thyroid of higher vertebrates. We have previously reported that a limited part of the endostyle (zone VII) is marked by the expression of orthologs of the thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroid transcription factor-2 (TTF-2/FoxE) genes. In this study, we have identified the Ciona homolog of NADPH oxidase/peroxidase (Duox), which provides hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for iodine metabolism by TPO in the vertebrate thyroid. Expression patterns assessed by in situ hybridization have revealed that Ciona Duox (Ci-Duox) is predominantly expressed in the dorsal part of zone VII of the endostyle. Furthermore, two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization with Ci-Duox and Ciona TPO (CiTPO) has revealed that the ventral boundary of the Ci-Duox domain of expression is more dorsal than that of CiTPO. We have also characterized several genes, such as Ci-Fgf8/17/18, 5HT7, and Ci-NK4, which are predominantly expressed in the ventral part of zone VII, in a region complementary to the Ci-Duox expression domain. These observations suggest that, at the molecular level, zone VII has a complex organization that might have some impact on the specification of cell types and functions in this thyroid-equivalent element of the ascidian endostyle.
A novel biomarker was developed in Daphnia magna to detect organic pollution in groundwater. The haem peroxidase assay, which is an indirect means of measuring oxidase activity, was particularly sensitive to kerosene contamination. Exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of kerosene-contaminated groundwater resulted in a haem peroxidase activity increase by dose with a two-fold activity peak at 25%. Reproduction in D. magna remained unimpaired when exposed to concentrations below 25% for 21 days, and a decline in fecundity was only observed at concentrations above the peak in enzyme activity. The measurement of haem peroxidase activity in D. magna detected sublethal effects of kerosene in just 24 h, whilst offering information on the health status of the organisms. The biomarker may be useful in determining concentrations above which detrimental effects would occur from long-term exposure for fuel hydrocarbons. Moreover, this novel assay detects exposure to chemicals in samples that would normally be classified as non-toxic by acute toxicity tests.
Cellular actions of isoflavones may mediate the beneficial health effects associated with high soy consumption. We have investigated protection by genistein and daidzein against oxidative stress-induced endothelial injury. Genistein but not daidzein protected endothelial cells from damage induced by oxidative stress. This protection was accompanied by decreases in intracellular glutathione levels that could be explained by the generation of glutathionyl conjugates of the oxidised genistein metabolite, 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyisoflavone. Both isoflavones evoked increased protein expression of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase-heavy subunit (gamma-GCS-HS) and increased cytosolic accumulation and nuclear translocation of Nrf2. However, only genistein led to increases in the cytosolic accumulation and nuclear translocation of Nrf1 and the increased expression of and activity of glutathione peroxidase. These results suggest that genistein-induced protective effects depend primarily on the activation of glutathione peroxidase mediated by Nrf1 activation, and not on Nrf2 activation or increases in glutathione synthesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of total selenium (Se) and the proportions of total Se comprised as selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys) in the post mortem tissues of female pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus Torquator) offered diets containing graded additions of selenized enriched yeast (SY) or sodium selenite (SS). Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and tissue glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity of breast (Pectoralis Major) were assessed at 0 and 5 d post-mortem. A total of 216 female pheasant chicks were enrolled onto the study. 24 birds were euthanased at the start of the study and samples of blood, breast muscle, leg muscle (Peroneus Longus and M. Gastrocnemius), heart, liver, kidney and gizzard collected for determination of total Se. Remaining birds were blocked by live weight and randomly allocated to one of four dietary treatments (n=48 birds/treatment) that either differed in Se source (SY vs. SS) or dose (Con [0.2 mg total Se/kg], SY-L and SS-L [0.3 mg/kg total Se as SY and SS, respectively], and SY-H [0.45 mg total Se/kg]). Following 42 and 91 days of treatment 24 birds/treatment were euthanased and samples of blood, breast muscle, leg muscle, heart, liver, kidney and gizzard retained for determination of total Se and the proportion of total Se comprised as SeMet or SeCys. Whole blood GSH-Px activity was determined at each time point. Tissue GSH-Px activity and TBARS were determined in breast tissue at the end of the study. There were positive responses (P<0.001) in both blood and tissues to the graded addition of SY to the diet but the same responses were not apparent in the blood and tissues of selenite supplemented birds receiving comparable doses. Although there were differences between tissue types in the distribution of SeMet and SeCys there were few differences between treatments. There were effects of treatment on erythrocyte GSH-Px activity (P = 0.012) with values being higher in treatments SY-H and SS-L when compared to the negative control and treatment SY-L. There were no effects of treatment on tissue GSH-Px activity which is reflected in the overall lack of any treatment effects on TBARS.