795 resultados para Good luck


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Abstract In this paper I defend a solution to the moral luck problem based on what I call "a fair opportunity account of control." I focus on Thomas Nagel's claim that moral luck reveals a paradox, and argue that the apparent paradox emerges only because he assumes that attributions of responsibility require agents to have total control over their actions. I argue that a more modest understanding of what it takes for someone to be a responsible agent-i.e., being capable of doing the right thing for the right reasons-dissolves the paradox and shows that responsibility and luck aren't at odds.


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kuv., 23 x 16 cm


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kuv., 23 x 16 cm


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Julkaisumaa: 056 BE BEL Belgia


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This thesis strived to find out which informal learning (IL) mechanisms are used the most by the respondents. Additionally, the goal was to know more about the respondents as informal learners and what could explain possible differences. The target was to resolve whether informal learning explains differences in individual performance or, do some other explanations for success exist. Informal learning was to be made more visible, since many are unaware of it. Relevant IL mechanisms that the interviewees could explain were selected for this thesis. The theory on informal learning was presented and some additional informal learning mechanisms were included: Underlying learning theories, internal and external learning resources, as well as some sport related informal learning mechanisms. Various scholars have explained these terms. The final results of this thesis relate to business context, but sport is at the scope of my research. The target group consisted of nine individuals in team sports that were considered as high performers (good/successful). Hence, also the concept of high performance was clarified with competence, expertise and talent literature. The study is qualitative and face-to-face interviews were chosen. The data was analyzed with Grounded Theory principles and theory elaboration. This thesis pointed out similarities and differences between the respondents´ answers (good/successful, inexperienced/experienced). Thus, the analysis clarified that there are different attitudes to learning and different learner profiles in sports context. Also, it became clear that some informal learning mechanisms are more used than others. Secondly, based on the most crucial differences, Typology of Talentum was formulated based on Le Deist & Winteron´s (2005, 39) Typology of holistic competence. Some variables of informal learning seemed to constitute the Meta-competence of Typology that ultimately causes the differences in individual performance and success. The results can be transferred to business context because meta-competence is transferable by nature.


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Kanadalaisen kirjailijan L. M. Montgomeryn tunnetun ja rakastetun Anna-sarjan ensimmäinen osa Anne of Green Gables -teos (1908) kertoo orvosta tytöstä, joka pääsee Prinssi Edwardin saaren Avonlean kylään asumaan naimattoman sisarusparin Marilla ja Matthew`n kasvattilapseksi. Luonto on keskeisellä sijalla teoksessa: Anna on luontoa rakastava ja luonnon keskellä viihtyvä tyttö ja myös teoksen kertoja kuvaa paljon luontoa. Tutkimukseni käsittelee luontoa Anne of Green Gables -teoksessa. Tutkin luontoteemaa teoksessa seuraavista näkökulmista: Analysoin, kuinka luonto kuvataan teoksessa ja millainen on teoksen luontokuva. Luontokuvaa käsittelen pastoraalin käsitteen kautta, ja kysyn teokselta, voidaanko se tulkita pastoraaliksi ja kuinka teos asettuu pastoraalin traditioon. Lisäksi erittelen, millainen on päähenkilön Annan luontosuhde. Millaisen arvon hän antaa luonnolle ja mitä merkityksiä hän liittää luontoon? Tutkimus asettuu ekokriittiseen viitekehykseen, ja pohdin myös sitä, minkälainen on teoksen representaatio luonnosta ekokriittisesti tarkastellen. Amerikkalaisen transsendentalistin Ralph Waldo Emersonin luontofilosofia kulkee myös taustajuonteena tutkielmassa ja erittelen, mitä yhtymäkohtia hänen luontofilosofiassaan on Anne of Green Gables -teokseen. Anne of Green Gables -teoksen luontokuvaa voidaan luonnehtia romantisoiduksi ja idealisoivaksi. Luonto kuvataan kauniiksi, ja sen kauneutta ylistää niin Anna kuin teoksen kaikkitietävä kertojakin. Teoksen luontokuva on pastoraalinen, sillä siinä esiintyy vahvasti pastoraaliin liittyvä diskurssi maaseudun ja kaupungin vastakkainasettelusta siten, että maaseutu assosioituu positiivisesti, kun taas kaupunki nähdään negatiivisessa valossa. Luonnonläheinen Avonlean kylä näyttäytyy teoksessa niin idealisoidussa valossa, että se muistuttaa jo jonkinlaista myyttistä paratiisia. Näin ollen teoksen pastoraalisuus saa pejoratiivisiakin piirteitä. Annan luontosuhdetta värittää voimakas kunnioitus ja arvostus luontoa kohtaan. Hänen luontoon liittämistä arvoista keskeiselle sijalle nousee luonnon kauneus. Luonnon kauneuden arvostaminen toimii kuitenkin porttina luonnon toiseuttamiseen, mistä syntyy pieni arvoristiriita. Toisaalta kuitenkin Anna samaistuu luontoon tavalla, joka hämärtää perinteistä subjekti–objekti-dikotomiaa. Anna näyttäytyy vihreän maailman arkkityyppinä, lapsena, joka sulautuu luontoon ja kokee sen kodikseen. Luonto edustaa Annalle vapautta ja herättää myös hänen mielikuvituksena ja taiteellisen inspiraation. Lisäksi luonto on Annalle paikka, jossa voi saavuttaa autenttisen yhteyden Jumalaan.


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Purpose of this study is to clarify the industrial solutions purchasing process from purchaser companies’ point of view. Also customer’s view on value generating aspects and difficulties in purchases will be discussed as well as different purchas-ing entities where customers have ended up in their solution purchases. Current solution literature is mainly concentrated in supplier views and customer perspec-tive has been left without adequate attention. However, knowledge of the customer and the identification of customer need are at the core of a successful solution business. The focus of this thesis is on Finnish companies’ solution purchases that have been realized during last five years. Industrial solutions in this case are facto-ries or other large industrial plants. Industrial solutions’ purchasing process will be opened all the way from discovering the need until the start-up of the plant. Of in-terest is the customer experience of the success of the acquisition and the pur-chaser’s view on good practices allowing a successful procurement project.


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The objective of this study was to verify the compliance of the supermarket sector with respect to the Good Practice Program standards of the city of Santa Maria (RS), Brazil. Sixty nine establishments were verified using a checklist of good practices for the supermarket sector in Santa Maria, RS (Brazil), from April to July 2011. The data were collected by a food safety and quality professional using this checklist. The results showed that the overall adequacy of the establishments surveyed was 29.07%. The highest percentage of compliance was found for storage at ambient temperature (64.13%). The lowest compliance percentage was also found in different sections and areas in the supermarkets such as bakery and confectionery (14.93%), water supply (18.30%), food handling (21.01%), sausage and cold meat (or deli meat) (36.38%), and documentation-related items (4.97%). None of the supermarkets evaluated had the necessary documentation for the implementation of good practices. The results of this study show the importance of effectively implementing a good practice program and quality systems by raising awareness among technicians and professionals of the importance of quality programs used in food companies and the need for more thorough inspection delivered by competent authorities to ensure food safety for consumers.


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This study focuses on teacher practices in publicly funded music schools in Finland. As views on the aims of music education change and broaden, music schools across Europe share the challenge of developing their activities in response. In public and scholarly debate, there have been calls for increased diversity of contents and concepts of teaching. In Finland, the official national curriculum for state-funded music schools builds on the ideal that teaching and learning should create conditions which promote ‘a good relationship to music’. The meaning of this concept has been deliberately left open in order to leave room for dialogue, flexibility, and teacher autonomy. Since what is meant by ‘good’ is not defined in advance, the notion of ‘improving’ practices is also open to discussion. The purpose of the study is to examine these issues from teachers’ point of view by asking what music school teachers aim to accomplish as they develop their practices. Methodologically, the study introduces a suggestion for building empirical research on Alperson’s ‘robust’ praxial approach to music education, a philosophical theory which is strongly committed to practitioner perspectives and musical diversity. A systematic method for analysing music education practices, interpretive practice analysis, is elaborated with support from interpretive research methods originally used in policy analysis. In addition, the research design shows how reflecting conversations (a collaborative approach well-known in Nordic social work) can be fruitfully applied in interpretive research and combined with teacher inquiry. Data have been generated in a collaborative project involving five experienced music school teachers and the researcher. The empirical material includes transcripts from group conversations, data from teacher inquiry conducted within the project, and transcripts from follow-up interviews. The teachers’ aspirations can be understood as strivings to reinforce the connection between musical practices and various forms of human flourishing such that music and flourishing can sustain each other. Examples from their practices show how the word ‘good’ receives its meaning in context. Central among the teachers’ concerns is their hope that students develop a free and sustainable interest in music, often described as inspiration. I propose that ‘good relationships to music’ and ‘inspiration’ can be understood as philosophical mediators which support the transition from an indeterminate ‘interest in music’ towards specific ways in which music can become a (co-)constitutive part of living well in each person’s particular circumstances. Different musical practices emphasise different aspects of what is considered important in music and in human life. Music school teachers consciously balance between a variety of such values. They also make efforts to resist pressure which might threaten the goods they think are most important. Such goods include joy, participation, perseverance, solid musical skills related to specific practices, and a strong sense of vitality. The insights from this study suggest that when teachers are able to create inspiration, they seem to do so by performing complex work which combines musical and educational aims and makes general positive contributions to their students’ lives. Ensuring that teaching and learning in music schools remain as constructive and meaningful as possible for both students and teachers is a demanding task. The study indicates that collaborative, reflective and interdisciplinary work may be helpful as support for development processes on both individual and collective levels of music school teacher practices.


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Abstract: Nietzsche's Will-to-Power Ontology: An Interpretation of Beyond Good and Evil § 36 By: Mark Minuk Will-to-power is the central component of Nietzsche's philosophy, and passage 36 of Beyond Good and Evil is essential to coming to an understanding of it. 1 argue for and defend the thesis that will-to-power constitutes Nietzsche's ontology, and offer a new understanding of what that means. Nietzsche's ontology can be talked about as though it were a traditional substance ontology (i.e., a world made up of forces; a duality of conflicting forces described as 'towards which' and 'away from which'). However, 1 argue that what defines this ontology is an understanding of valuation as ontologically fundamental—^the basis of interpretation, and from which a substance ontology emerges. In the second chapter, I explain Nietzsche's ontology, as reflected in this passage, through a discussion of Heidegger's two ontological categories in Being and Time (readiness-to-hand, and present-at-hand). In a nutshell, it means that the world of our desires and passions (the most basic of which is for power) is ontologically more fundamental than the material world, or any other interpretation, which is to say, the material world emerges out of a world of our desires and passions. In the first chapter, I address the problematic form of the passage reflected in the first sentence. The passage is in a hypothetical style makes no claim to positive knowledge or truth, and, superficially, looks like Schopenhaurian position for the metaphysics of the will, which Nietzsche rejects. 1 argue that the hypothetical form of the passage is a matter of style, namely, the style of a free-spirit for whom the question of truth is reframed as a question of values. In the third and final chapter, 1 address the charge that Nietzsche's interpretation is a conscious anthropomorphic projection. 1 suggest that the charge rests on a distinction (between nature and man) that Nietzsche rejects. I also address the problem of the causality of the will for Nietzsche, by suggesting that an alternative, perspectival form of causality is possible.


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This study examined the effectiveness of context on the acquisition of new vocabulary for good and poor readers. Twentyeight Grade Three children, fourteen good readers and fourteen poor readers, took part in a word-learning task within three conditions: (1) strong sentence context, (2) weak sentence context, and (3) list condition. The primary hypothesis was that poor readers would show less learning in the list condition than good readers and that there would be no difference in the amount of learning in the sentence conditions. Results revealed that: (a) Words are read faster in sentence contexts than in 1 ist contexts; (b) more learning or greater improvement in performance occurs in list contexts and weak sentence contexts as opposed to strong sentence contexts; and (c) that most of these differences can be attributed to the build-up of meaning in sentences. Results indicated that good and poor readers learned more about words in all three condi tions. More learning and greater performance occurred in the list condition as opposed to the two sentence conditions for both subject groups. However, the poor readers learned significantly more about words in both the list condition and the weak sentence condition than the good readers.