982 resultados para Godman, John D. (John Davidson), 1794-1830.
Resumen tomado del autor
par Théo-Doedalus
Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Abril 1994 18-11
Discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael Portaencasa con motivo de la Festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino e investidura de Doctores "Honoris Causa" de los profesores Lacombe (científico de renombre en el campo de Minas), MacCarthy (destacado investigador en el campo de la inteligencia artificial) y Carpentier.
However, the State of Missouri was not going to go down without a fight. In mid- January, 1939, John D. Taylor, a representative from Keytesville, MO, introduced a bill in the Missouri legislature designed to postpone integration of the University. Taylor, chairman of the House Appropriations committee, proudly called himself “an unreconstructed rebel.” Taylor’s proposal, House Bill No. 195, authorized Lincoln University to “establish whatever graduate and professional schools are necessary to the equivalent of the University of Missouri.”