899 resultados para GHZ REPETITION RATE


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The spatial dynamics of the optical emission from an array of 50x50 individual microplasma devices is reported. The array is operated in noble gas at atmospheric pressure with an ac voltage. The optical emission is analyzed with phase and space resolution. It has been found that the emission is not continuous over the entire ac period, it occurs only twice in each cycle. Each of the observed emission phases shows a self-pulsing of the discharge, with several bursts of emission of a fixed width and repetition rate. Cross-talk between the individual devices can be observed through spatially resolved measurements. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The nonlinear properties of metallodielectric DBRs are investigated via optical pump-probe techniques using a widely tunable, dual-colour, high-repetition rate, ultrafast setup. As a consequence of the Bragg-arranged multilayers, the electric field penetrates to different depths of the nanostructure at different excitation resonances, strongly enhancing the intrinsic nonlinear response of the metal in comparison with bulk films. The analyzed spectral response of these structures reveals how their nonlinear behavior is dominated by the pump-induced modification of the metal dielectric function. Fitting the simulated changes of the optical resonances using transfer-matrix methods matches experiment well, and shows the key effects of the spectral dependence of the spatial mode profiles.


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Using high-energy (∼0.5 GeV) electron beams generated by laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), bremsstrahlung radiation was created by interacting these beams with various solid targets. Secondary processes generate high-energy electrons, positrons, and neutrons, which can be measured shot-to-shot using magnetic spectrometers, short half-life activation, and Compton scattering. Presented here are proof-of-principle results from a high-resolution, high-energy gamma-ray spectrometer capable of single-shot operation, and high repetition rate activation diagnostics. We describe the techniques used in these measurements and their potential applications in diagnosing LWFA electron beams and measuring high-energy radiation from laser-plasma interactions.


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X-ray backscatter imaging can be used for a wide range of imaging applications, in particular for industrial inspection and portal security. Currently, the application of this imaging technique to the detection of landmines is limited due to the surrounding sand or soil strongly attenuating the 10s to 100s of keV X-rays required for backscatter imaging. Here, we introduce a new approach involving a 140 MeV short-pulse (< 100 fs) electron beam generated by laser wakefield acceleration to probe the sample, which produces Bremsstrahlung X-rays within the sample enabling greater depths to be imaged. A variety of detector and scintillator configurations are examined, with the best time response seen from an absorptive coated BaF2 scintillator with a bandpass filter to remove the slow scintillation emission components. An X-ray backscatter image of an array of different density and atomic number items is demonstrated. The use of a compact laser wakefield accelerator to generate the electron source, combined with the rapid development of more compact, efficient and higher repetition rate high power laser systems will make this system feasible for applications in the field.


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The basics of laser driven neutron sources, properties and possible applications are discussed. We describe the laser driven nuclear processes which trigger neutron generation, namely, nuclear reactions induced by laser driven ion beam (ion n), thermonuclear fusion by implosion and photo-induced nuclear (gamma n) reactions. Based on their main properties, i.e. point source (< 100 μm) and short durations (< ns), different applications are described, such as radiography, time-resolved spectroscopy and pump-probe experiments. Prospects on the development of laser technology suggest that, as higher intensities and higher repetition rate lasers become available (for example, using DPSSL technology), laser driven methodologies may provide neutron fluxes comparable to that achieved by accelerator driven neutron sources in the near future.


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As a leading facility in laser-driven nuclear physics, ELI-NP will develop innovative research in the fields of materials behavior in extreme environments and radiobiology, with applications in the development of accelerator components, new materials for next generation fusion and fission reactors, shielding solutions for equipment and human crew in long term space missions and new biomedical technologies. The specific properties of the laser-driven radiation produced with two lasers of 1 PW at a pulse repetition rate of 1 Hz each are an ultra-short time scale, a relatively broadband spectrum and the possibility to provide simultaneously several types of radiation. Complex, cosmic-like radiation will be produced in a ground-based laboratory allowing comprehensive investigations of their effects on materials and biological systems. The expected maximum energy and intensity of the radiation beams are 19 MeV with 10^9 photon/pulse for photon radiation, 2 GeV with 108 electron/pulse for electron beams, 60 MeV with 10^12 proton/pulse for proton and ion beams and 60 MeV with 107 neutron/pulse for a neutron source. Research efforts will be directed also towards measurements for radioprotection of the prompt and activated dose, as a function of laser and target characteristics and to the development and testing of various dosimetric methods and equipment.


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Nous étudions la recombinaison radiative des porteurs de charges photogénérés dans les puits quantiques InGaN/GaN étroits (2 nm). Nous caractérisons le comportement de la photoluminescence face aux différentes conditions expérimentales telles la température, l'énergie et la puissance de l'excitation et la tension électrique appliquée. Ces mesures montrent que l'émission provient d'états localisés. De plus, les champs électriques, présents nativement dans ces matériaux, n'ont pas une influence dominante sur la recombinaison des porteurs. Nous avons montré que le spectre d'émission se modifie significativement et subitement lorsque la puissance de l'excitation passe sous un certain seuil. L'émission possède donc deux ``phases'' dont nous avons déterminé le diagramme. La phase adoptée dépend à la fois de la puissance, de la température et de la tension électrique appliquée. Nous proposons que la phase à basse puissance soit associée à un état électriquement chargé dans le matériau. Ensuite, nous avons caractérisé la dynamique temporelle de notre échantillon. Le taux de répétition de l'excitation a une influence importante sur la dynamique mesurée. Nous concluons qu'elle ne suit pas une exponentielle étirée comme on le pensait précédemment. Elle est exponentielle à court temps et suit une loi de puissance à grand temps. Ces deux régimes sont lié à un seul et même mécanisme de recombinaison. Nous avons développé un modèle de recombinaison à trois niveaux afin d'expliquer le comportement temporel de la luminescence. Ce modèle suppose l'existence de centres de localisation où les porteurs peuvent se piéger, indépendamment ou non. L'électron peut donc se trouver sur un même centre que le trou ou sur n'importe quel autre centre. En supposant le transfert des porteurs entre centres par saut tunnel on détermine, en fonction de la distribution spatiale des centres, la dynamique de recombinaison. Ce modèle indique que la recombinaison dans les puits InGaN/GaN minces est liée à des agglomérats de centre de localisation.


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A high power Nz laser of the double-Blumlein type having a modified gas flow system, electrode configuration, and discharge geometry with minimum inductance is described. By incorporating a triggere’d-pressurized spark gap switch, arc-free operation was achieved for a wide E/P range. The device gives a peak power in excess of 700 kW with a FWHM of 3 ns and an efficiency of 0.51%, which is remarkably high for a pulsed nitrogen laser system. The dependence of output power on parameters such as operating pressure, voltage, and repetition rate are discussed.


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The authors apply the theory of photothermal lens formation and also that of pure optical nonlinearity to account for the phase modulation in a beam as it traverses a nonlinear medium. It is used to simultaneously determine the nonlinear optical refraction and the thermo-optic coefficient. They demonstrate this technique using some metal phthalocyanines dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, irradiated by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with 10 Hz repetition rate and a pulse width of 8 ns. The mechanism for reverse saturable absorption in these materials is also discussed.


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El vello facial no deseado es un problema común en las mujeres, los tratamientos láser han mostrado efectividad para su manejo. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la depilación láser en cara de las pacientes tratadas a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más ) luego de un seguimiento de 6 meses durante los años 1997 y 2012. Metodología: 55 mujeres que con tipo de piel II a V recibieron 20 o más sesiones de láser con seguimiento mayor a 6 meses posterior al la última sesión. Resultados: la edad promedio fue (32 ± 9,3 años), el 18,2 % presentaban SOP o Hiperandrogenismo el número de sesiones en cara fue de (30,84 ± 12,132), un promedio de disparos de (6,330 ± 7,804), los Kilojulios acumulados tuvieron un promedio de (126,5 ± 161,4) la fluencia promedio fue (18,5 ± 3,2 Julios/cm2), el láser de Alexandrita fue utilizado en el 98% de las pacientes. Se encontró cambios significativos entre el conteo inicial y el final de vello facial (484,9 ± 568.9 (med=300) vs. 103,33± 138,63 (med=60), p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon). El 32.7% mostraron reducción > 90% (5,5% reducción del 100%). Conclusión : El tratamiento con de depilación con láser mostro una reducción significativa del vello facial, en mujeres mayores de 14 años con un tratamiento a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más), con una tasa de reducción mayor del 90% en 32.7% de las pacientes y un promedio de reducción del grupo de 79,36 ±15,51 %, similar a lo reportado en los diferentes estudios (77%).


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Esta investigação faz um registro de um estudo de caso realizado com o objetivo de avaliar quais as contribuições trazidas pelo Fundo de Manutenção e Valorização da Educação Básica (FUNDEB) ao ensino fundamental, no Município de Nazarezinho – Paraíba/Brasil, no período de 2007 a 2009. O estudo está fundamentado nos principais acontecimentos históricos da educação brasileira: o financiamento educacional, as políticas de investimento e monitoramento internacional, as políticas neoliberais, o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a organização e vigência das principais legislações educacionais do país. Os principais programas educacionais da gestão do Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, origem e desenvolvimento do FUNDEB a nível nacional e local, também fundamentaram a pesquisa conceitos de qualidade, financiamento educacional e políticas educacionais. Como aporte teórico, buscou-se as principais referências brasileiras: Davies (2008), Pinto (2004), Arelaro (2005), Azevedo (2005) e (Saviani) (2008). Como metodologia foram utilizadas técnicas de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores da rede municipal de ensino. A amostra documental foi feita através de estudo dos relatórios, balanços, demonstrativos de receitas e despesas do FUNDEB, Atas do Conselho de Acompanhamento do FUNDEB. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o novo fundo, no citado município, trouxe significativas melhorias em vários aspectos educacionais: formação docente, aquisição de equipamentos e infraestrutura das escolas. Porém, na questão da aplicação condigna dos recursos, ainda são necessários ajustes. Também percebemos que o índice de evasão e repetência continua muito alto. A pesquisa trouxe contribuições efetivas no que diz respeito às informações sobre os recursos do FUNDEB, inclusive abrindo debate para que o município pudesse discutir as formas de aplicação dos recursos conforme a lei na sociedade e no Conselho de Acompanhamento do FUNDEB.


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With its highly fluctuating ion production matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) poses many practical challenges for its application in mass spectrometry. Instrument tuning and quantitative ion abundance measurements using ion signal alone depend on a stable ion beam. Liquid MALDI matrices have been shown to be a promising alternative to the commonly used solid matrices. Their application in areas where a stable ion current is essential has been discussed but only limited data have been provided to demonstrate their practical use and advantages in the formation of stable MALDI ion beams. In this article we present experimental data showing high MALDI ion beam stability over more than two orders of magnitude at high analytical sensitivity (low femtomole amount prepared) for quantitative peptide abundance measurements and instrument tuning in a MALDI Q-TOF mass spectrometer. Samples were deposited on an inexpensive conductive hydrophobic surface and shrunk to droplets <10 nL in size. By using a sample droplet <10 nL it was possible to acquire data from a single irradiated spot for roughly 10,000 shots with little variation in ion signal intensity at a laser repetition rate of 5-20 Hz.


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Surface modifications have been applied in endosteal bone devices in order to improve the osseointegration through direct contact between neoformed bone and the implant without an intervening soft tissue layer. Surface characteristics of titanium implants have been modified by addictive methods, such as metallic titanium, titanium oxide and hydroxyapatite powder plasma spray, as well as by subtractive methods, such as acid etching, acid etching associated with sandblasting by either AlO2 or TiO2, and recently by laser ablation. Surface modification for dental and medical implants can be obtained by using laser irradiation technique where its parameters like repetition rate, pulse energy, scanning speed and fluency must be taken into accounting to the appropriate surface topography. Surfaces of commercially pure Ti (cpTi) were modified by laser Nd:YVO4 in nine different parameters configurations, all under normal atmosphere. The samples were characterized by SEM and XRD refined by Rietveld method. The crystalline phases alpha Ti, beta Ti, Ti6O, Ti3O and TiO were formed by the melting and fast cooling processes during irradiation. The resulting phases on the irradiated surface were correlated with the laser beam parameters: the aim of the present work was to control titanium oxides formations in order to improve implants osseointegration by using a laser irradiation technique which is of great importance to biomaterial devices due to being a clean and reproducible process. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction Oral mucositis (OM) is a significant early complication of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). This phase III randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study was designed to compare the ability of 2 different low level GaAlAs diode lasers (650 nm and 780 nm) to prevent oral mucositis in HCT patients conditioned with chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy.Materials and methods Seventy patients were enrolled and randomized into 1 of 3 treatment groups: 650 nm laser, 780 nm laser or placebo. All active laser treatment patients received daily direct laser treatment to the lower labial mucosa, right and left buccal mucosa, lateral and ventral surfaces of the tongue, and floor of mouth with energy densities of 2 J/cm(2). Study treatment began on the first day of conditioning and continued through day +2 post HCT. Mucositis and oral pain was measured on days 0, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, and 21 post HCT.Results the 650 nm wavelength reduced the severity of oral mucositis and pain scores. Low level laser therapy was well-tolerated and no adverse events were noted.Discussion While these results are encouraging, further study is needed to truly establish the efficacy of this mucositis prevention strategy. Future research needs to determine the effects of modification of laser parameters (e.g., wavelength, fluence, repetition rate of energy delivery, etc.) on the effectiveness of LLE laser to prevent OM.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)