992 resultados para Food, fortified, utilization
ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE To assess inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability, and construct validity of retail food store, open-air food market, and restaurant observation tools adapted to the Brazilian urban context.METHODS This study is part of a cross-sectional observation survey conducted in 13 districts across the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2010-2011. Food store and restaurant observational tools were developed based on previously available tools, and then tested it. They included measures on the availability, variety, quality, pricing, and promotion of fruits and vegetables and ultra-processed foods. We used Kappa statistics and intra-class correlation coefficients to assess inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities in samples of 142 restaurants, 97 retail food stores (including open-air food markets), and of 62 restaurants and 45 retail food stores (including open-air food markets), respectively. Construct validity as the tool’s abilities to discriminate based on store types and different income contexts were assessed in the entire sample: 305 retail food stores, 8 fruits and vegetable markets, and 472 restaurants.RESULTS Inter-rater and test-retest reliability were generally high, with most Kappa values greater than 0.70 (range 0.49-1.00). Both tools discriminated between store types and neighborhoods with different median income. Fruits and vegetables were more likely to be found in middle to higher-income neighborhoods, while soda, fruit-flavored drink mixes, cookies, and chips were cheaper and more likely to be found in lower-income neighborhoods.CONCLUSIONS The measures were reliable and able to reveal significant differences across store types and different contexts. Although some items may require revision, results suggest that the tools may be used to reliably measure the food stores and restaurant food environment in urban settings of middle-income countries. Such studies can help .inform health promotion interventions and policies in these contexts.
In this paper the authors intend to demonstrate the utilization of remote experimentation (RE) using mobile computational devices in the Science areas of the elementary school, with the purpose to develop practices that will help in the assimilation process of the subjects taught in classroom seeking to interlink them with the daily students? activities. Allying mobility with RE we intend to minimize the space-temporal barrier giving more availability and speed in the information access. The implemented architecture utilizes technologies and freely distributed softwares with open code resources besides remote experiments developed in the Laboratory of Remote Experimentation (RExLab) of Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in Brazil, through the physical computation platform of the ?open hardware of construction of our own. The utilization of open code computational tools and the integration of hardware to the 3D virtual worlds, accessible through mobile devices, give to the project an innovative face with a high potential for reproducibility and reusability.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar
Snails reared in cages colonized by periphyton grew from 5.0mm to 8.8mm shell diameter, each laid 0.5 batch of eggs per day and the overall survival during the period was 75%
A bi-enzymatic biosensor (LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE) for carbamates was prepared in a single step by electrodeposition of a hybrid film onto a graphene doped carbon paste electrode (GPE). Graphene and the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were morphologically characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler velocimetry. The electrodeposited hybrid film was composed of laccase (LACC), tyrosinase (TYR) and AuNPs entrapped in a chitosan (CS) polymeric matrix. Experimental parameters, namely graphene redox state, AuNPs:CS ratio, enzymes concentration, pH and inhibition time were evaluated. LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE exhibited an improved Michaelis–Menten kinetic constant (26.9 ± 0.5 M) when compared with LACC–AuNPs–CS/GPE (37.8 ± 0.2 M) and TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE (52.3 ± 0.4 M). Using 4-aminophenol as substrate at pH 5.5, the device presented wide linear ranges, low detection limits (1.68×10− 9 ± 1.18×10− 10 – 2.15×10− 7 ± 3.41×10− 9 M), high accuracy, sensitivity (1.13×106 ± 8.11×104 – 2.19×108 ± 2.51×107 %inhibition M− 1), repeatability (1.2–5.8% RSD), reproducibility (3.2–6.5% RSD) and stability (ca. twenty days) to determine carbaryl, formetanate hydrochloride, propoxur and ziram in citrus fruits based on their inhibitory capacity on the polyphenoloxidases activity. Recoveries at two fortified levels ranged from 93.8 ± 0.3% (lemon) to 97.8 ± 0.3% (orange). Glucose, citric acid and ascorbic acid do not interfere significantly in the electroanalysis. The proposed electroanalytical procedure can be a promising tool for food safety control.
The preliminary results from a bipolar industrial solidstate based Marx generator, developed for the food industry, capable of delivering 25 kV/250 A positive and negative pulses with 12 kW average power, are presented and discussed. This modular topology uses only four controlled switches per cell, 27 cells in total that can be charged up to 1000V each, the two extra cells are used for droop compensation. The triggering signals for all the switches are generated by a FPGA. Considering that biomaterials are similar to resistive type loads, experimental results from this new bipolar 25 kV modulator into resistive loads are presented and discussed.
Resumo: Na promoção de comportamentos alimentares saudáveis ao longo da vida. que deve iniciar-se o mais precocemente possível, a educação alimentar é um elemento chave. O jardim-de-infância é um espaço efectivo na implementação de projectos de educação alimentar, onde os educadores de infância são actores imprescindíveis. Este estudo teve como objectivo desenvolver uma metodologia apropriada para identificar as capacidades de estudantes de educação de infância e avaliar as suas aptidões no contexto da educação alimentar infantil. A população alvo do estudo foram estudantes do 4ºano da licenciatura em educação de infância de instituições públicas e privadas da área metropolitana de Lisboa (n=287). Construiu-se um videograma, integrador dos domínios da aprendizagem (cognitivo e afectivo) e dos factores associados aos comportamentos em saúde (predisponentes, capacitadores e de esforço). A construção dos questionários estruturou-se em: conhecimentos-atitudes-comportamentos.Pretendia-se que os estudantes transmitissem a sua opinião, de acordo com os questionários.Os estudantes manifestaram conhecimentos, no âmbito da alimentação infantil e da utilidade e aplicabilidade da educação alimentar.Nenhum estudante apresentou conhecimentos negativos, numa escala de zero a 18 valores, 86,9% obtiveram uma classificação entre 11 e 17 valores e 13,1% a classificação máxima.A atitude dos estudantes revelou-se consensual com o desejável, 98,5% apresentaram atitudes positivas face aos aspectos estruturadores das actividades de educação alimentar.No domínio do "saber fazer" 51,0% dos estudantes demonstraram fragilidades no seu desempenho/comportamento. Em conclusão, a utilização do questionário demonstrou ser apropriado para a medição dos conhecimentos, das atitudes e como forma de os estudantes, após visionarem o videograma, espelharem o seu desempenho/comportamento face à representação do educador de infância. A taxa de resposta nunca foi inferior a 98,9% (n=284). No domínio dos conhecimentos, os estudantes manifestaram concepções positivas no campo da alimentação infantil e da educação alimentar. As atitudes enfatizaram-se no domínio afectivo, nos aspectos relacionais e comunicacionais. No domínio dos comportamentos, 91,8% dos estudantes apresentaram dificuldades na identificação dos aspectos menos correctos do desempenho dos actores do video, o que pode sugerir lacunas no âmbito do "saber fazer". Abstract:Nutrition education is key element to promote lifelong healthy eating behaviours and it must begin since early stages of life. Nursery schools are an effective space in the implementation of nutrition education projects, where the nursery teachers are indispensable actors. The aim of this study was to develop an appropriate methodology to identify nursery education student´s skills and evaluate their attitudes in the childhood nutrition education's context. The study's population were students of the 4th degree in private and public nursery education universities in Lisbon metropolitan area (n=287). A video integrator of learning domains (cognitive and affective) and of factors associated with health behaviours (predisposing, enabling and reinforcing) was developed. Questionnaire´s construction was structured in: knowledge-attitudes-behaviours.According to the questionnaires students were asked to transmit their opinion. Students revealed knowledge, in the scope of the childhood nutrition and in utility and applicability of nutrition education. No students presented negative results in knowledge ina zero - 18 scale; 86,9% students obtained a classification between 11 and 17 and the maximum classification was obtained by 13.1% students. Student's attitude was according to win the desirable, 98,5% student´s revealed positive attitudes in the nutrition education's structure aspects of chilhood activities.In the domain of the "know to do" 51,0% of students showed fragilities in their performance/behaviour. In conclusion, the questionnaire´s utilization confirm to be appropriated in measurement knowledge and attitudes and also, after watching the video, as a way for students reflect their performance/behaviour face to the nursery teacher´s representation. Answer´s rate was never lower than 98.9% (n=284). In the knowledge's domain students demonstrated positive conceptions in the childhood nutrition and nutrition education's fields. Attitudes were emphasized in the effective domain in the communication and relational aspects. In behaviour's domain 91.8% students presented difficulties in identifying the less correct aspects of the video actor's performance what may suggest gaps in the "know to do" scope.
The Salmonella serovars involved in 25 food poisoning episodes which occurred in the Southeast and South of Brazil from 1982 to 1991 were identified. The most frequently detected serotype was S. Typhimurium (13/25, 52%), and the food most frequently involved in the transmission of Salmonella was homemade mayonnaise. The need to set up a permanent program of epidemiologic alert for food poisoning is emphasized.
In order to verify the presence of intestinal parasites in food handlers, stool samples were collected from 104 cooks and their helpers that were working in food preparation in 20 public elementary schools, in various areas of the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The samples were collected during the months of November and December, 1988, in plastic flasks containing a 10% formaldehyde solution and processed by the Hoffmann, Pons & Janer method. The sediment was examined using triplicate slides. All individuals were females aged between 24 to 69 years. Intestinal parasites were found in 85.0% of the studied schools and 47.1% of the studied food handlers (cooks and helpers) were found to be positive. Among the 49 infected food handlers, 32 (65.3%) carried a single parasite and 17 (34.7%) carried two parasites. The following intestinal parasites were found: Giardia lamblia (21.1%), Entamoeba coli (21.1%), hookworms (9.6%), Ascaris lumbricoides (5.8%), Entamoeba histolytica (2.9%), Hymenolepis nana (1.9%), Strongyloides stercoralis (1.0%). These data emphasize the need for a rigid semi-annual control in all school food handlers, including diagnosis, specific treatment and orientation about the mechanisms of transmission of the intestinal parasites.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de doutor em Bioquímica pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Laboratory investigation of botulism from 1982 to 2001 confirmed the occurrence of eight positive outbreaks/cases of botulism in Brazil. From those, type A botulism was observed in seven of them. Biological material of one case (serum and feces) was positive in the first step of the bioassay, but the amount of sample was not sufficient for typification. One of the outbreaks that occurred in 2001 was negative for botulinum toxin in samples of serum, gastric washing and feces, collected eight days before the onset of the symptoms in the affected person who was clinically diagnosed as presenting the disease. Other two cases presenting compatible clinical diagnoses presented negative results. However, in those cases, the collection of samples was (1) after antiserum administration or (2) later than eight days of the onset of symptoms. Investigation was performed by mouse bioassay, as described in the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods (compiled by American Public Health Association - APHA)11, using specific antiserum from Centers for Disease Control (CDC), USA.
272 isolates of Salmonella Enteritidis (111 isolated from frozen broiler chicken carcasses, 126 from human food and other biological materials involved in food poisoning outbreaks and 35 from different poultry materials) were selected for phage typing. From these, 111 were phage typed, 57.65% being classified as phage type 4, 32.43% as phage type 4a, 3.60% as phage type 6a and 0.90% as phage type 7, whereas 5.40% samples were not phage typeable. The predominance of phage type 4 is in agreement with the results published worldwide, and reinforces the need for studies related to the epidemiological meaning of these findings.