242 resultados para Favorite (Corvette)
Le risque de développer un problème de jeu chez les personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson (MP) est de plus en plus documenté. Un type de médicament visant à contrôler les symptômes moteurs, l’agoniste dopaminergique, serait l’un des principaux facteurs liés à son développement. Par le biais d’une synthèse narrative présentée dans le chapitre 3, les mécanismes neurobiologiques et les autres facteurs en lien sont discutés. Un important constat ressort toutefois : l’étude des habitudes de jeu de ces patients est pratiquement absente. Ce constat est surprenant puisque la littérature sur le jeu regorge d’informations à prendre en considération dans le développement de ce trouble, telles que les types de jeu pratiqués, les montants dépensés, les raisons pour jouer et la présence de proches. Le deuxième article consiste donc à répondre à cette lacune relevée en faisant le portrait de leurs habitudes de jeu. Vingt-cinq personnes souffrant de la MP ont été recrutées et parmi celles-ci, quinze ont joué dans les six derniers mois. L’examen de leurs habitudes de jeu révèle que les jeux préférés sont la loterie et la machine à sous et qu’elles ont, en majorité, débuté la pratique de ces jeux avant l’établissement du diagnostic de la MP. Les patients sont moins intéressés à jouer aux machines à sous comparativement à un échantillon de joueurs âgés de plus de 55 ans mais, en contrepartie, ce jeu est celui auquel les plus grands montants étaient dépensés chez les participants qui ont rapporté avoir développé un problème de jeu. Les participants jouent pour le plaisir ou pour gagner de l’argent, mais des raisons non répertoriées, liées à leur maladie, ont été relevées. Ces patients n’ont pas recours à des proches aidants pour les aider dans la pratique de leur jeu favori et ces derniers ont manifesté leur méconnaissance de la pratique de jeux de hasard et d’argent des participants. Parmi l’ensemble des participants rencontrés, trois d’entre eux se sont révélés être des joueurs à risque. En plus de jouer aux machines à sous, des croyances erronées et des motivations spécifiques à jouer ont été relevées chez ces derniers. La réflexion découlant de ces résultats pourra stimuler la recherche dans l’étude des variables psychosociales en lien avec le développement d’un problème de jeu chez ces patients.
It can be hard to inspire teens for poetry and Lyric. Especially when it is to be performed in a foreign language. I am thinking of myself at that age. German was absolutely not my favorite subject. It was far too theoretic and I often did not get through the grammar. I have often thought about how I would have managed the subject of German, if the lessons had been designed in a different way. At the age of 16, I decided to end my German studies, since they impaired the rest of my grades. What did excite me at the age of 13-18 years? Love was of paramount importance. And what touched the most about Love? For me it was the music, and I think that is the same for many other teenagers. Would it be possible to achieve a different result by the processing of German lyrics in the classroom, than my teacher did? If so, how can we design the teaching, so that it serves its purpose, and follows the curriculum?
The outcome of an empirical audience study in Sweden including questionnaires, focus groups and ten in-depth individual interviews discussing favorite films supports claims about viewers as active and playful (cf. Frampton 2006, Hoover 2006, Plantinga 2009). The soft side of mediatization processes is illustrated showing young adults experiencing enchantment through films (Jerslev 2006, Partridge 2008, Klinger 2008, Oliver & Hartmann 2010). The outcome is in line with a growing number of empirical case studies which support conclusions that both thinking and behavior are affected by film watching (Marsh 2007, Suckfüll 2010, Oliver & Hartmann 2010, Axelson 2014). The results of the interviews exploring specific scenes of idiosyncratic relevance support theories about fiction films as important sources for moral and spiritual reflection (Partridge 2004, Zillman 2005, Lynch 2007, Plantinga 2009). The concept thick viewing is proposed for capturing these moments of film experience when profound and enchanted emotional interpretations take place.
Previous research has highlighted the importance of positive physical activity (PA) behaviors during childhood to promote sustained active lifestyles throughout the lifespan (Telama et al. 2005; 2014). It is in this context that the role of schools and teachers in facilitating PA education is promoted. Research suggests that teachers play an important role in the attitudes of children towards PA (Figley 1985) and schools may be an efficient vehicle for PA provision and promotion (McGinnis, Kanner and DeGraw, 1991; Wechsler, Deveraux, Davis and Collins, 2000). Yet despite consensus that schools represent an ideal setting from which to ‘reach’ young people (Department of Health and Human Services, UK, 2012) there remains conceptual (e.g. multi-component intervention) and methodological (e.g. duration, intensity, family involvement) ambiguity regarding the mechanisms of change claimed by PA intervention programmes. This may, in part, contribute to research findings that suggest that PA interventions have had limited impact on children’s overall activity levels and thereby limited impact in reducing children’s metabolic health (Metcalf, Henley & Wilkin, 2012). A marked criticism of the health promotion field has been the focus on behavioural change while failing to acknowledge the impact of context in influencing health outcomes (Golden & Earp, 2011). For years, the trans-theoretical model of behaviour change has been ‘the dominant model for health behaviour change’ (Armitage, 2009); this model focusses primarily on the individual and the psychology of the change process. Arguably, this model is limited by the individual’s decision-making ability and degree of self-efficacy in order to achieve sustained behavioural change and does not take account of external factors that may hinder their ability to realise change. Similar to the trans-theoretical model, socio-ecological models identify the individual at the focal point of change but also emphasises the importance of connecting multiple impacting variables, in particular, the connections between the social environment, the physical environment and public policy in facilitating behavioural change (REF). In this research, a social-ecological framework was used to connect the ways a PA intervention programme had an impact (or not) on participants, and to make explicit the foundational features of the programme that facilitated positive change. In this study, we examined the evaluation of a multi-agency approach to a PA intervention programme which aimed to increase physical activity, and awareness of the importance of physical activity to key stage 2 (age 7-12) pupils in three UK primary schools. The agencies involved were the local health authority, a community based charitable organisation, a local health administrative agency, and the city school district. In examining the impact of the intervention, we adopted a process evaluation model in order to better understand the mechanisms and context that facilitated change. Therefore, the aim of this evaluation was to describe the provision, process and impact of the intervention by 1) assessing changes in physical activity levels 2) assessing changes in the student’s attitudes towards physical activity, 3) examining student’s perceptions of the child size fitness equipment in school and their likelihood of using the equipment outside of school and 4) exploring staff perceptions, specifically the challenges and benefits, of facilitating equipment based exercise sessions in the school environment. Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used Evaluation of the intervention was designed as a matched-control study and was undertaken over a seven-month period. The school-based intervention involved 3 intervention schools (n =436; 224 boys) and one control school (n=123; 70 boys) in a low socioeconomic and multicultural urban setting. The PA intervention was separated into two phases: a motivation DVD and 10 days of circuit based exercise sessions (Phase 1) followed by a maintenance phase (Phase 2) that incorporated a PA reward program and the use of specialist kid’s gym equipment located at each school for a period of 4 wk. Outcome measures were measured at baseline (January) and endpoint (July; end of academic school year) using reliable and valid self-report measures. The children’s attitudes towards PA were assessed using the Children’s Attitudes towards Physical Activity (CATPA) questionnaire. The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C), a 7-day recall questionnaire, was used to assess PA levels over a school week. A standardised test battery (Fitnessgram®) was used to assess cardiovascular fitness, body composition, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. After the 4 wk period, similar kid’s equipment was available for general access at local community facilities. The control school did not receive any of the interventions. All physical fitness tests and PA questionnaires were administered and collected prior to the start of the intervention (January) and following the intervention period (July) by an independent evaluation team. Evaluation testing took place at the individual schools over 2-3 consecutive days (depending on the number of children to be tested at the school). Staff (n=19) and student perceptions (n = 436) of the child sized fitness equipment were assessed via questionnaires post-intervention. Students completed a questionnaire to assess enjoyment, usage, ease of use and equipment assess and usage in the community. A questionnaire assessed staff perceptions on the delivery of the exercise sessions, classroom engagement and student perceptions. Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings Findings showed that both the intervention (16.4%) and control groups increased their PAQ-C score by post-intervention (p < 0.05); with the intervention (17.8%) and control (21.3%) boys showing the greatest increase in physical activity levels. At post-intervention, there was a 5.5% decline in the intervention girls’ attitudes toward PA in the aesthetic subdomains (p = 0.009); whereas the control boys had an increase in positive attitudes in the health domain (p = 0.003). No significant differences in attitudes towards physical activity were observed in any other domain for either group at post-intervention (p > 0.05). The results of the equipment questionnaire, 96% of the children stated they enjoyed using the equipment and would like to use the equipment again in the future; however at post-intervention only 27% reported using the equipment outside of school in the last 7 days. Students identified the ski walker (34%) and cycle (32%) as their favorite pieces of equipment; with the single joint exercises such as leg extension and bicep/tricep machine (<3%) as their least favorite. Key themes from staff were that the equipment sessions were enjoyable, a novel activity, children felt very grown-up, and the activity was linked to a real fitness experience. They also expressed the need for more support to deliver the sessions and more time required for each session. Findings from this study suggest that a more integrated approach within the various agencies is required, particularly more support to increase teachers pedagogical content knowledge in physical activity instruction which is age appropriate. Future recommendations for successful implementation include sufficient time period for all students to access and engage with the equipment; increased access and marketing of facilities to parents within the local community, and professional teacher support strategies to facilitate the exercise sessions.
O presente trabalho pretende estudar a relação existente entre o consumo de ações de marketing desportivo e o envolvimento clubístico, compromisso psicológico e a lealdade clubística. O estudo procura apresentar as ações de marketing desportivo que influenciam a criação e fortalecimento das ligações psicológicas entre os fãs desportivos e os seus clubes favoritos com o objetivo de atingir uma fidelização. Criar uma ampla base de fãs fidelizados é importante para os clubes desportivos, pois tem uma influência direta na sua imagem e receita financeira. Numa primeira fase, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre estudos já realizados na área que se pretende estudar. Num segundo momento, realizou-se uma fase experimental através da aplicação de questionários que foram analisados quantativamente, numa amostra de 164 participantes. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram uma forte relação entre as dimensões estudadas (envolvimento, compromisso psicológico e lealdade) e o consumo de ações de marketing desportivo e permitiram ainda concluir que os fãs homens e os fãs jovens são os mais consumidores de ações de marketing desportivo. Os resultados postulam ainda que os estudos realizados nesta área são limitados, de modo que o aprofundamento no assunto aguarda por investigações futuras.
On Seminar Day—Caltech’s annual reunion event—May 19, 2012, for the first time the Caltech Archives and Library offered alumni/ae the opportunity to record mini-interviews with Archives’ staff. Nine people participated, including one alumni spouse and one daughter. These alums held bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees across several divisions, with engineering marginally in the lead. One former student who transferred out of Caltech came back to relate how well his Caltech years had served him in his later studies and career in psychology. Ranging from 10 to 15 minutes in length, the interviews typically relate stories or episodes from student years. Favorite topics include pranks and traditions, some of which have died out. Alumni also reflect on professors and classes which were memorable and on the unique intellectual stimulus that a Caltech education provides. Readers will find that the transcripts of the short interviews reflect the personal and colloquial tone at which the event aimed.
Como consequência das invasões francesas a Portugal, dá-se a partida da corte portuguesa para o Brasil e o consequente desenvolvimento daquela colónia. Esse crescimento tornou-a num destino de eleição para a emigração portuguesa e levou a que, após o regresso do rei a Portugal, o Brasil se tornasse num país independente. O recémcriado império brasileiro manteve-se atrativo para milhares de portugueses, muito dos quais regressavam posteriormente à terra natal com uma favorável situação económica. Nessas circunstâncias, estava Manoel Pinto quando retornou a Portugal e constituiu família em Castelo de Paiva. Porém o imprevisto fez dele um foragido levando-o de novo a terras brasileiras, onde um novo acontecimento deu um rumo improvável à situação e ao desfecho que lhe seguiu.
The Blue Streak, named for the Sandusky, Ohio athletic teams, opened in 1964. It was the first new wooden roller coaster at the park since the Cyclone in 1929. A classic out-and-back coaster with a fast and hilly ride, the 78-foot-high Blue Streak is a long time guest favorite. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014.
La propuesta del presente trabajo es conocer el resultado del nivel de aceptación del público del medio de comunicación cuencano vespertino, diario La Tarde. Con este motivo, en el primer capítulo se presentan los antecedentes del nacimiento de la prensa y su incorporación en Cuenca alrededor de 1822. Previo a entrar en el análisis propio de los medios, se hace un recorrido por las principales teorías del periodismo: teoría del espejo, newsmaking, gatekeeper, agenda setting, instrumentalista, espiral del silencio; entre otras. En el segundo capítulo se analiza diario La Tarde, su logotipo, estudios de mercado, perfil de los lectores, análisis de la competencia, FODA; así como su análisis estructural detallando el proceso de impresión, técnico, valorativo y noticioso. El tercer capítulo se enfoca al análisis de la preferencia de los lectores, la frecuencia de lectura y horas preferidas, usos de medios digitales, secciones que más le gustan, secciones que implementaría y otros aspectos que permiten medir el grado de satisfacción ante la presencia de este diario cuencano. Para ello se aplicó una encuesta en las parroquias: Gil Ramírez Dávalos, El Sagrario y San Blas, en la cual se recaudaron datos por medio de un cuestionario prediseñado aplicado en un universo de 147 personas. Entre los resultados del estudio a pesar de los pocos años de creación de La Tarde, se evidenció que su presencia en el mercado no es del todo sólida, lo que impide ampliar su mercado.
El CRM es una herramienta que apoya la gestión de relaciones sólidas y duraderas con los clientes de manera que los productos y servicios que la empresa ofrece cumplan efectivamente las expectativas de sus clientes y por tanto se garantice la continuidad de las ventas en un entorno tan competitivo como el actual. El objetivo de este documento es presentar los resultados de la investigación de mercados que busca identificar las principales características que debe tener, desde el punto de vista del cliente, un sistema CRM para la empresa ‘Antojos Saludables’, para ello se presentará una caracterización de los clientes o posibles clientes de la empresa y las expectativas o percepciones respecto a asuntos de infraestructura tecnológica como seguridad de transacciones online, medios de pago preferidos para compras online, aplicaciones más usadas en plataformas de compra online, para finalmente mostrar algunas sugerencias sobre estrategias convenientes para el diseño del sistema de información que soporte el CRM de "Antojos Saludables".
Many aquarists know this fish as Ambylgobius hectori but accepted name is actually Koumansetta hectori. K. hectori, Hector's goby, is a species of goby native to the Indian Ocean (including the Red Sea), first record from Persian Gulf (Kish Island, Iran) to the islands of Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean. It can be found on sheltered coral reefs at depths of from 3 to 30 meters (though usually between 5 to 20 meters). This species reaches a length of 8.5 centimeters (3.3 in) SL. This attractive little fish measures only 2” at maturity and spends its time hovering over rocks and substrates out in the open water column. Known for their bold yellow stripes, peaceful disposition, the diminutive Hector’s Goby is a nano reef favorite. It can also be found in the aquarium trade.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal. To respect the reproduction rights and copyrights, the electronic version of this thesis was stripped of images and audiovisuals. The integral version has been left with Documents Management and Archives Service at the University of Montreal.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal. To respect the reproduction rights and copyrights, the electronic version of this thesis was stripped of images and audiovisuals. The integral version has been left with Documents Management and Archives Service at the University of Montreal.
Nas últimas décadas foram feitos grandes esforços para definir, conhecer e avaliar quais são as competências informativas que os estudantes universitários necessitam para poder progredir na sua aprendizagem e na sua inserção no mercado laboral. Apesar do argumento de que os avanços tecnológicos facilitaram o acesso à informação, existe uma preocupação constante, porque os estudantes universitários não possuem competências suficientes para gerir e usar a informação: gerem quantidades enormes de informação através da Internet, mas não sabem o que fazer com ela, como avaliá-la, de que modo devem usá-la ou aproveitá-la de forma estratégica e ética. O questionário IL-HUMASS sobre literacia da informação foi concebido e desenhado com o objetivo de avaliar competências de informação e para ser aplicado à população de estudantes, professores e profissionais da informação dos diversos níveis na área das Ciências Sociais e Humanas nas universidades espanholas e portuguesas. Contém 26 itens agrupados em quatro categorias (pesquisa, avaliação, processamento e comunicação e difusão da informação) e em três dimensões de autoavaliação (importância, autoavaliação e fonte favorita de aprendizagem). A avaliação das qualidades psicométricas do IL-HUMASS para Português foi feita numa amostra de 1.077 estudantes universitários portugueses. A análise fatorial exploratória do questionário indicou um ajustamento aceitável, apoiando a estrutura original composta por quatro categorias para cada dimensão. O IL-HUMASS apresentou características psicométricas aceitáveis de consistência interna e validade de constructo. As características psicométricas do IL-HUMASS validam a sua utilização no nosso país em estudos que requeiram a avaliação de múltiplos indicadores, apresentando-se como particularmente útil para avaliar e diagnosticar competências em literacia da informação. Conclui-se com um diagnóstico do nível de competências de informação dos estudantes universitários, destacando algumas forças e debilidades, assim como uma proposta de intervenção subjacente nas oportunidades de melhoria e de necessidades de aprendizagem.
Nas últimas décadas foram feitos grandes esforços para definir, conhecer e avaliar quais são as competências informativas que os estudantes universitários necessitam para poder progredir na sua aprendizagem e na sua inserção no mercado laboral. Apesar do argumento de que os avanços tecnológicos facilitaram o acesso à informação, existe uma preocupação constante, porque os estudantes universitários não possuem competências suficientes para gerir e usar a informação: gerem quantidades enormes de informação através da Internet, mas não sabem o que fazer com ela, como avaliá-la, de que modo devem usá-la ou aproveitá-la de forma estratégica e ética. O questionário IL-HUMASS sobre literacia da informação foi concebido e desenhado com o objetivo de avaliar competências de informação e para ser aplicado à população de estudantes, professores e profissionais da informação dos diversos níveis na área das Ciências Sociais e Humanas nas universidades espanholas e portuguesas. Contém 26 itens agrupados em quatro categorias (pesquisa, avaliação, processamento e comunicação e difusão da informação) e em três dimensões de autoavaliação (importância, autoavaliação e fonte favorita aprendizagem). A avaliação das qualidades psicométricas do IL-HUMASS para Português foi feita numa amostra de 1.077 estudantes universitários portugueses. A análise fatorial exploratória do questionário indicou um ajustamento aceitável, apoiando a estrutura original composta por quatro categorias para cada dimensão. O IL-HUMASS apresentou características psicométricas aceitáveis de consistência interna e validade de constructo. As características psicométricas do IL-HUMASS validam a sua utilização no nosso país em estudos que requeiram a avaliação de múltiplos indicadores, apresentando-se como particularmente útil para avaliar e diagnosticar competências em literacia da informação. Conclui-se com um diagnóstico do nível de competências de informação dos estudantes universitários, destacando algumas forças e debilidades, assim como uma proposta de intervenção subjacente nas oportunidades de melhoria e de necessidades de aprendizagem.