971 resultados para Fast Computation Algorithm


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Präsentiert wird ein vollständiger, exakter und effizienter Algorithmus zur Berechnung des Nachbarschaftsgraphen eines Arrangements von Quadriken (Algebraische Flächen vom Grad 2). Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Berechnung des vollen 3D Arrangements. Dabei greifen wir auf eine bereits existierende Implementierung zur Berechnung der exakten Parametrisierung der Schnittkurve von zwei Quadriken zurück. Somit ist es möglich, die exakten Parameterwerte der Schnittpunkte zu bestimmen, diese entlang der Kurven zu sortieren und den Nachbarschaftsgraphen zu berechnen. Wir bezeichnen unsere Implementierung als vollständig, da sie auch die Behandlung aller Sonderfälle wie singulärer oder tangentialer Schnittpunkte einschließt. Sie ist exakt, da immer das mathematisch korrekte Ergebnis berechnet wird. Und schließlich bezeichnen wir unsere Implementierung als effizient, da sie im Vergleich mit dem einzigen bisher implementierten Ansatz gut abschneidet. Implementiert wurde unser Ansatz im Rahmen des Projektes EXACUS. Das zentrale Ziel von EXACUS ist es, einen Prototypen eines zuverlässigen und leistungsfähigen CAD Geometriekerns zu entwickeln. Obwohl wir das Design unserer Bibliothek als prototypisch bezeichnen, legen wir dennoch größten Wert auf Vollständigkeit, Exaktheit, Effizienz, Dokumentation und Wiederverwendbarkeit. Über den eigentlich Beitrag zu EXACUS hinaus, hatte der hier vorgestellte Ansatz durch seine besonderen Anforderungen auch wesentlichen Einfluss auf grundlegende Teile von EXACUS. Im Besonderen hat diese Arbeit zur generischen Unterstützung der Zahlentypen und der Verwendung modularer Methoden innerhalb von EXACUS beigetragen. Im Rahmen der derzeitigen Integration von EXACUS in CGAL wurden diese Teile bereits erfolgreich in ausgereifte CGAL Pakete weiterentwickelt.


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Complex networks analysis is a very popular topic in computer science. Unfortunately this networks, extracted from different contexts, are usually very large and the analysis may be very complicated: computation of metrics on these structures could be very complex. Among all metrics we analyse the extraction of subnetworks called communities: they are groups of nodes that probably play the same role within the whole structure. Communities extraction is an interesting operation in many different fields (biology, economics,...). In this work we present a parallel community detection algorithm that can operate on networks with huge number of nodes and edges. After an introduction to graph theory and high performance computing, we will explain our design strategies and our implementation. Then, we will show some performance evaluation made on a distributed memory architectures i.e. the supercomputer IBM-BlueGene/Q "Fermi" at the CINECA supercomputing center, Italy, and we will comment our results.


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The aim of this work is to present various aspects of numerical simulation of particle and radiation transport for industrial and environmental protection applications, to enable the analysis of complex physical processes in a fast, reliable, and efficient way. In the first part we deal with speed-up of numerical simulation of neutron transport for nuclear reactor core analysis. The convergence properties of the source iteration scheme of the Method of Characteristics applied to be heterogeneous structured geometries has been enhanced by means of Boundary Projection Acceleration, enabling the study of 2D and 3D geometries with transport theory without spatial homogenization. The computational performances have been verified with the C5G7 2D and 3D benchmarks, showing a sensible reduction of iterations and CPU time. The second part is devoted to the study of temperature-dependent elastic scattering of neutrons for heavy isotopes near to the thermal zone. A numerical computation of the Doppler convolution of the elastic scattering kernel based on the gas model is presented, for a general energy dependent cross section and scattering law in the center of mass system. The range of integration has been optimized employing a numerical cutoff, allowing a faster numerical evaluation of the convolution integral. Legendre moments of the transfer kernel are subsequently obtained by direct quadrature and a numerical analysis of the convergence is presented. In the third part we focus our attention to remote sensing applications of radiative transfer employed to investigate the Earth's cryosphere. The photon transport equation is applied to simulate reflectivity of glaciers varying the age of the layer of snow or ice, its thickness, the presence or not other underlying layers, the degree of dust included in the snow, creating a framework able to decipher spectral signals collected by orbiting detectors.


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Zeitreihen sind allgegenwärtig. Die Erfassung und Verarbeitung kontinuierlich gemessener Daten ist in allen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Finanzwelt vertreten. Das enorme Anwachsen aufgezeichneter Datenmengen, sei es durch automatisierte Monitoring-Systeme oder integrierte Sensoren, bedarf außerordentlich schneller Algorithmen in Theorie und Praxis. Infolgedessen beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der effizienten Berechnung von Teilsequenzalignments. Komplexe Algorithmen wie z.B. Anomaliedetektion, Motivfabfrage oder die unüberwachte Extraktion von prototypischen Bausteinen in Zeitreihen machen exzessiven Gebrauch von diesen Alignments. Darin begründet sich der Bedarf nach schnellen Implementierungen. Diese Arbeit untergliedert sich in drei Ansätze, die sich dieser Herausforderung widmen. Das umfasst vier Alignierungsalgorithmen und ihre Parallelisierung auf CUDA-fähiger Hardware, einen Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von Datenströmen und eine einheitliche Behandlung von Liegruppen-wertigen Zeitreihen.rnrnDer erste Beitrag ist eine vollständige CUDA-Portierung der UCR-Suite, die weltführende Implementierung von Teilsequenzalignierung. Das umfasst ein neues Berechnungsschema zur Ermittlung lokaler Alignierungsgüten unter Verwendung z-normierten euklidischen Abstands, welches auf jeder parallelen Hardware mit Unterstützung für schnelle Fouriertransformation einsetzbar ist. Des Weiteren geben wir eine SIMT-verträgliche Umsetzung der Lower-Bound-Kaskade der UCR-Suite zur effizienten Berechnung lokaler Alignierungsgüten unter Dynamic Time Warping an. Beide CUDA-Implementierungen ermöglichen eine um ein bis zwei Größenordnungen schnellere Berechnung als etablierte Methoden.rnrnAls zweites untersuchen wir zwei Linearzeit-Approximierungen für das elastische Alignment von Teilsequenzen. Auf der einen Seite behandeln wir ein SIMT-verträgliches Relaxierungschema für Greedy DTW und seine effiziente CUDA-Parallelisierung. Auf der anderen Seite führen wir ein neues lokales Abstandsmaß ein, den Gliding Elastic Match (GEM), welches mit der gleichen asymptotischen Zeitkomplexität wie Greedy DTW berechnet werden kann, jedoch eine vollständige Relaxierung der Penalty-Matrix bietet. Weitere Verbesserungen umfassen Invarianz gegen Trends auf der Messachse und uniforme Skalierung auf der Zeitachse. Des Weiteren wird eine Erweiterung von GEM zur Multi-Shape-Segmentierung diskutiert und auf Bewegungsdaten evaluiert. Beide CUDA-Parallelisierung verzeichnen Laufzeitverbesserungen um bis zu zwei Größenordnungen.rnrnDie Behandlung von Zeitreihen beschränkt sich in der Literatur in der Regel auf reellwertige Messdaten. Der dritte Beitrag umfasst eine einheitliche Methode zur Behandlung von Liegruppen-wertigen Zeitreihen. Darauf aufbauend werden Distanzmaße auf der Rotationsgruppe SO(3) und auf der euklidischen Gruppe SE(3) behandelt. Des Weiteren werden speichereffiziente Darstellungen und gruppenkompatible Erweiterungen elastischer Maße diskutiert.


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Clenshaw’s recurrenee formula is used to derive recursive algorithms for the discrete cosine transform @CT) and the inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT). The recursive DCT algorithm presented here requires one fewer delay element per coefficient and one fewer multiply operation per coeflident compared with two recently proposed methods. Clenshaw’s recurrence formula provides a unified development for the recursive DCT and IDCT algorithms. The M v e al gorithms apply to arbitrary lengtb algorithms and are appropriate for VLSI implementation.


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We derive a new class of iterative schemes for accelerating the convergence of the EM algorithm, by exploiting the connection between fixed point iterations and extrapolation methods. First, we present a general formulation of one-step iterative schemes, which are obtained by cycling with the extrapolation methods. We, then square the one-step schemes to obtain the new class of methods, which we call SQUAREM. Squaring a one-step iterative scheme is simply applying it twice within each cycle of the extrapolation method. Here we focus on the first order or rank-one extrapolation methods for two reasons, (1) simplicity, and (2) computational efficiency. In particular, we study two first order extrapolation methods, the reduced rank extrapolation (RRE1) and minimal polynomial extrapolation (MPE1). The convergence of the new schemes, both one-step and squared, is non-monotonic with respect to the residual norm. The first order one-step and SQUAREM schemes are linearly convergent, like the EM algorithm but they have a faster rate of convergence. We demonstrate, through five different examples, the effectiveness of the first order SQUAREM schemes, SqRRE1 and SqMPE1, in accelerating the EM algorithm. The SQUAREM schemes are also shown to be vastly superior to their one-step counterparts, RRE1 and MPE1, in terms of computational efficiency. The proposed extrapolation schemes can fail due to the numerical problems of stagnation and near breakdown. We have developed a new hybrid iterative scheme that combines the RRE1 and MPE1 schemes in such a manner that it overcomes both stagnation and near breakdown. The squared first order hybrid scheme, SqHyb1, emerges as the iterative scheme of choice based on our numerical experiments. It combines the fast convergence of the SqMPE1, while avoiding near breakdowns, with the stability of SqRRE1, while avoiding stagnations. The SQUAREM methods can be incorporated very easily into an existing EM algorithm. They only require the basic EM step for their implementation and do not require any other auxiliary quantities such as the complete data log likelihood, and its gradient or hessian. They are an attractive option in problems with a very large number of parameters, and in problems where the statistical model is complex, the EM algorithm is slow and each EM step is computationally demanding.


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The purpose of this work was to study and quantify the differences in dose distributions computed with some of the newest dose calculation algorithms available in commercial planning systems. The study was done for clinical cases originally calculated with pencil beam convolution (PBC) where large density inhomogeneities were present. Three other dose algorithms were used: a pencil beam like algorithm, the anisotropic analytic algorithm (AAA), a convolution superposition algorithm, collapsed cone convolution (CCC), and a Monte Carlo program, voxel Monte Carlo (VMC++). The dose calculation algorithms were compared under static field irradiations at 6 MV and 15 MV using multileaf collimators and hard wedges where necessary. Five clinical cases were studied: three lung and two breast cases. We found that, in terms of accuracy, the CCC algorithm performed better overall than AAA compared to VMC++, but AAA remains an attractive option for routine use in the clinic due to its short computation times. Dose differences between the different algorithms and VMC++ for the median value of the planning target volume (PTV) were typically 0.4% (range: 0.0 to 1.4%) in the lung and -1.3% (range: -2.1 to -0.6%) in the breast for the few cases we analysed. As expected, PTV coverage and dose homogeneity turned out to be more critical in the lung than in the breast cases with respect to the accuracy of the dose calculation. This was observed in the dose volume histograms obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations.


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BACKGROUND: This study investigated the role of a negative FAST in the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm of multiply injured patients with liver or splenic lesions. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 226 multiply injured patients with liver or splenic lesions treated at Bern University Hospital, Switzerland. RESULTS: FAST failed to detect free fluid or organ lesions in 45 of 226 patients with spleen or liver injuries (sensitivity 80.1%). Overall specificity was 99.5%. The positive and negative predictive values were 99.4% and 83.3%. The overall likelihood ratios for a positive and negative FAST were 160.2 and 0.2. Grade III-V organ lesions were detected more frequently than grade I and II lesions. Without the additional diagnostic accuracy of a CT scan, the mean ISS of the FAST-false-negative patients would be significantly underestimated and 7 previously unsuspected intra-abdominal injuries would have been missed. CONCLUSION: FAST is an expedient tool for the primary assessment of polytraumatized patients to rule out high grade intra-abdominal injuries. However, the low overall diagnostic sensitivity of FAST may lead to underestimated injury patterns and delayed complications may occur. Hence, in hemodynamically stable patients with abdominal trauma, an early CT scan should be considered and one must be aware of the potential shortcomings of a "negative FAST".


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An algorithm, based on ‘vertex priority values’ has been proposed to uniquely sequence and represent connectivity matrix of chemical structures of cyclic/ acyclic functionalized achiral hydrocarbons and their derivatives. In this method ‘vertex priority values’ have been assigned in terms of atomic weights, subgraph lengths, loops, and heteroatom contents. Subsequently the terminal vertices have been considered upon completing the sequencing of the core vertices. This approach provides a multilayered connectivity graph, which can be put to use in comparing two or more structures or parts thereof for any given purpose. Furthermore the basic vertex connection tables generated here are useful in the computation of characteristic matrices/ topological indices, automorphism groups, and in storing, sorting and retrieving of chemical structures from databases.


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A detailed microdosimetric characterization of the M. D. Anderson 42 MeV (p,Be) fast neutron beam was performed using the techniques of microdosimetry and a 1/2 inch diameter Rossi proportional counter. These measurements were performed at 5, 15, and 30 cm depths on the central axis, 3 cm inside, and 3 cm outside the field edge for 10 $\times$ 10 and 20 $\times$ 20 cm field sizes. Spectra were also measured at 5 and 15 cm depth on central axis for a 6 $\times$ 6 cm field size. Continuous slowing down approximation calculations were performed to model the nuclear processes that occur in the fast neutron beam. Irradiation of the CR-39 was performed using a tandem electrostatic accelerator for protons of 10, 6, and 3 MeV and alpha particles of 15, 10, and 7 MeV incident energy on target at angles of incidence from 0 to 85 degrees. The critical angle as well as track etch rate and normal incidence diameter versus linear energy transfer (LET) were obtained from these measurements. The bulk etch rate was also calculated from these measurements. Dose response of the material was studied, and the angular distribution of charged particles created by the fast neutron beam was measured with CR-39. The efficiency of CR-39 was calculated versus that of the Rossi chamber, and an algorithm was devised for derivation of LET spectra from the major and minor axis dimensions of the observed tracks. The CR-39 was irradiated in the same positions as the Rossi chamber, and the derived spectra were compared directly. ^


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There is great demand for easily-accessible, user-friendly dietary self-management applications. Yet accurate, fully-automatic estimation of nutritional intake using computer vision methods remains an open research problem. One key element of this problem is the volume estimation, which can be computed from 3D models obtained using multi-view geometry. The paper presents a computational system for volume estimation based on the processing of two meal images. A 3D model of the served meal is reconstructed using the acquired images and the volume is computed from the shape. The algorithm was tested on food models (dummy foods) with known volume and on real served food. Volume accuracy was in the order of 90 %, while the total execution time was below 15 seconds per image pair. The proposed system combines simple and computational affordable methods for 3D reconstruction, remained stable throughout the experiments, operates in near real time, and places minimum constraints on users.


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In astrophysical regimes where the collisional excitation of hydrogen atoms is relevant, the cross-sections for the interactions of hydrogen atoms with electrons and protons are necessary for calculating line profiles and intensities. In particular, at relative velocities exceeding ∼1000 km s−1, collisional excitation by protons dominates over that by electrons. Surprisingly, the H–H+ cross-sections at these velocities do not exist for atomic levels of n≥ 4, forcing researchers to utilize extrapolation via inaccurate scaling laws. In this study, we present a faster and improved algorithm for computing cross-sections for the H–H+ collisional system, including excitation and charge transfer to the n≥ 2 levels of the hydrogen atom. We develop a code named BDSCX which directly solves the Schrödinger equation with variable (but non-adaptive) resolution and utilizes a hybrid spatial-Fourier grid. Our novel hybrid grid reduces the number of grid points needed from ∼4000n6 (for a ‘brute force’, Cartesian grid) to ∼2000n4 and speeds up the computation by a factor of ∼50 for calculations going up to n= 4. We present (l, m)-resolved results for charge transfer and excitation final states for n= 2–4 and for projectile energies of 5–80 keV, as well as fitting functions for the cross-sections. The ability to accurately compute H–H+ cross-sections to n= 4 allows us to calculate the Balmer decrement, the ratio of Hα to Hβ line intensities. We find that the Balmer decrement starts to increase beyond its largely constant value of 2–3 below 10 keV, reaching values of 4–5 at 5 keV, thus complicating its use as a diagnostic of dust extinction when fast (∼1000 km s−1) shocks are impinging upon the ambient interstellar medium.


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PURPOSE To systematically evaluate the dependence of intravoxel-incoherent-motion (IVIM) parameters on the b-value threshold separating the perfusion and diffusion compartment, and to implement and test an algorithm for the standardized computation of this threshold. METHODS Diffusion weighted images of the upper abdomen were acquired at 3 Tesla in eleven healthy male volunteers with 10 different b-values and in two healthy male volunteers with 16 different b-values. Region-of-interest IVIM analysis was applied to the abdominal organs and skeletal muscle with a systematic increase of the b-value threshold for computing pseudodiffusion D*, perfusion fraction Fp , diffusion coefficient D, and the sum of squared residuals to the bi-exponential IVIM-fit. RESULTS IVIM parameters strongly depended on the choice of the b-value threshold. The proposed algorithm successfully provided optimal b-value thresholds with the smallest residuals for all evaluated organs [s/mm2]: e.g., right liver lobe 20, spleen 20, right renal cortex 150, skeletal muscle 150. Mean D* [10(-3) mm(2) /s], Fp [%], and D [10(-3) mm(2) /s] values (±standard deviation) were: right liver lobe, 88.7 ± 42.5, 22.6 ± 7.4, 0.73 ± 0.12; right renal cortex: 11.5 ± 1.8, 18.3 ± 2.9, 1.68 ± 0.05; spleen: 41.9 ± 57.9, 8.2 ± 3.4, 0.69 ± 0.07; skeletal muscle: 21.7 ± 19.0; 7.4 ± 3.0; 1.36 ± 0.04. CONCLUSION IVIM parameters strongly depend upon the choice of the b-value threshold used for computation. The proposed algorithm may be used as a robust approach for IVIM analysis without organ-specific adaptation. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cataloging geocentric objects can be put in the framework of Multiple Target Tracking (MTT). Current work tends to focus on the S = 2 MTT problem because of its favorable computational complexity of O(n²). The MTT problem becomes NP-hard for a dimension of S˃3. The challenge is to find an approximation to the solution within a reasonable computation time. To effciently approximate this solution a Genetic Algorithm is used. The algorithm is applied to a simulated test case. These results represent the first steps towards a method that can treat the S˃3 problem effciently and with minimal manual intervention.