867 resultados para FEEDING HABITS
Objetivo: Describir los hábitos alimenticios de una comunidad universitaria. Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo transversal. El instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario de frecuencias de consumo, administrado por entrevista personal a una muestra accidental de 147 personas. Constaba de cuatro secciones: 1) número de comidas y lugar donde se realizan, 2) patrones de consumo de los distintos grupos de alimentos, 3) modos de preparación de los alimentos, 4) datos de identificación y demográficos. Resultados: En comparación con el patrón de Vivanco y Palacios, nuestra muestra se caracteriza por: alto consumo de carnes (4 veces/semana), disminución del consumo de huevos (2v/sem.), incremento del consumo de hidratos de carbono complejos (5v/sem.), consumo ligeramente inferior de frutas (5v/sem.), ingesta insuficiente de verduras (4v/sem), legumbres (2v/sem) y pescados (2,5v/sem). Conclusiones y Recomendaciones: Atendiendo a los estudios referenciados, es conveniente disminuir el consumo de carnes, aumentando los aportes de pescados, verduras, hortalizas y legumbres, alimentos que, habiendo sido habituales en nuestra dieta mediterránea, parecen haber sido abandonados en beneficio de la conformación de una dieta que tiende a la homogeneización cultural.
"New series" vol. III, no. 3.
Estudo sobre os processos comunicativos envoltos na transformação dos hábitos culinários da comunidade quilombola da Fazenda Picinguaba de Ubatuba, SP. O objetivo é entender as origens e as causas que provocaram alterações nos hábitos culinários da comunidade do Quilombo da Fazenda, a partir de uma análise comparativa entre os fazeres primitivos e os praticados hoje. Foi analisado também o processo comunicacional desenvolvido para a transmissão da cultura alimentar entre as gerações, identificando as linguagens utilizadas. Como instrumento para o entendimento desses fenômenos, esta pesquisa foi realizada à luz das teorias e conceitos dos estudos culturais; dos conceitos sobre comunidades e identidades, além da teoria da folkcomunicação desenvolvida por Luiz Beltrão. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de documentos, além de entrevistas utilizando-se a modalidade história oral com os membros da comunidade. Os resultados obtidos apontam uma mudança nos hábitos alimentares da comunidade do Quilombo da Fazenda, devido à facilidade de acesso ao comércio de gêneros alimentícios, decorrente da construção da rodovia Rio-Santos, e a influência trazida pela televisão, a partir da implantação da rede de energia elétrica em 2008. No entanto, observamos que apesar dessa mudança, a base da cultura alimentar quilombola vem mantendo muito dos seus aspectos originais. A comunicação dentro da comunidade quilombola e a transmissão dos saberes e fazeres tradicionais da comunidade ocorrem predominante pela oralidade. Identificamos a presença de dança, música, roda de conversa, culinária, artesanato que correspondem aos gêneros da folkcomunicação.
Although the effectiveness of herbivores in mitigating the effects of nutrient enrichment is well documented, few studies have examined the effects of nutrient enrichment on components of consumer fitness. Enclosures were deployed in shallow turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) beds in Florida Bay, Florida in fall 2003, spring 2004, and fall 2004 to measure the effects of nitrogen and phosphorous enrichment on the growth, fecundity, and stoichiometry of three invertebrate epiphyte grazers commonly associated with T. testudinum. The gastropod Turbo castanea exhibited significantly greater wet weight gain and lower C:P and N:P in enriched than in ambient treatments. Although nutrient enrichment did not have any significant effects on the growth of caridean shrimp (treatment consisted of several different caridean shrimp species), their C:N was significantly lower in enriched treatments. The final size and stoichiometry of the hermit crab Paguristes tortugae was not significantly affected by nutrient enrichment, nor did nutrient enrichment significantly affect the fecundity of P. tortugae, the only grazer in which gravid individuals or egg masses were present. Our study demonstrated that nutrient enrichment of primary producers can positively affect the growth of marine invertebrate grazers and alter their stoichiometry; however, these effects were species-specific and may be dependent upon the life stage, specific diets, and/or compensatory feeding habits of the grazers.
The fish, Hoplias malabaricus (Osteichthyes: Erythrinidae) and armored catfish, Hypostomus pusarum (Loricariidae) are of freshwater origin from the neotropical region, and are considered ecologically and economically of important. This work investigated the trophic strategies, the morphology and histology of the digestive tract of these fish captured from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A total of 133 individuals of H. malabaricus and 118 specimens of H. pusarum were analyzed. The two study species occupy different levels in the food chain and spatial distribution in the water column of the reservoir. The results of this study are presented in the form of four scientific papers. The first article describes the morphology and histology of the digestive tract and the feeding habits of H. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794). This fish has a short intestine, with an intestinal coefficient of 0.72 ± 0.09. The dietary importance index indicates that H. malabaricus feeds preferentially on animal matter, especially on fish (72.8%) and prawns (27.2%). The histology of its digestive tract confirms the carnivorous feeding habit. The second article discusses about the pioneering work on the feeding strategy and the characterization of anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of H. pusarum. The intestine of this fish is long, with an intestinal coefficient of 10.8±0.7. The dietary importance index indicates that H. pusarum feeds preferentially on organic matter in decomposition (88.7%) and on filamentous microalgae and diatoms (11.3%). The third article compares the morphological aspects of the digestive tract of H. malabaricus and H. pusarum, in relation to their food habits. The arrangement of the digestive organs in both species is directly related to the shape of the peritoneal cavity and the form of the body. The short intestine of H. malabaricus and the long intestine of H. pusarum are associated with their feeding habits. The morphology of the digestive tracts of H. malabaricus and H. pusarum confirm their food habits, carnivorous and detritivorous / herbivorous, respectively. The fourth article discusses the food and reproductive aspects (length and weight, length-weight relationship, type of growth and sex ratio) of H. pusarum. This species has a negatively allometric growth, with the predominance of females in the sampled population. H. malabaricus inhabits the pelagic environment and is a carnivore, while H. pusarum, lives in the benthic environment and is characterized as a detritivore/herbivore. Each species studied shows a very different diet, without trophic competition between them. The morphological and anatomical structures of the digestive tract reflect their feeding strategy.
In the present paper, the ecology and feeding habits of euphausiids are described. The samples were taken at the time of the NE-monsoon (1964/65) by R. V. "Meteor" in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters. 24 species were determined. According to distribution of the species, the following marine areas can be distinguished: Arabian Sea: 24 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. tenera, E. distinguenda, Stylocheiron carinatum. Gulf of Aden: 10 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Red Sea: 6 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Gulf of Oman : 5 Species, dominant are Euphausia distinguenda, Pseudeupbaufia latifrons. Persian Gulf: 1 species - Pseudeuphausia latifrons. The total number of euphausiids indicate the biomass of this group. High densities of euphausiids (200-299 and > 300 individuals/100 m**3) occur in the innermost part of the Gulf cf Aden, in the area south of the equator near the African east coast, near Karachi (Indian west coast) and in the Persian Gulf. Comparison with data relating to production biology confirms that these are eutrophic zones which coincide with areas in which upwelling occurs at the time of the NE-monsoon. The central part of the Arabian Sea differs from adjacent waters by virtue of less dense euphausiid populations (> 199 individuals/100 m**3). Measurements relating to production biology demonstrate a relatively low concentration of primary food sources. Food material was ascertained by analysis of stomach content. The following omnivorous species were examined: Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda, E. tenera, Pseudeuphausia latifrons and Thysanopoda tricuspidata. Apart from crustacean remains large numbers of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, tintinnids, dinoflagellates were found in the stomachs. Quantitatively crustaceans form the most important item in the diet. Food selection on the basis of size and form appears to be restricted to certain genera of tintinnids. The genera Stylocheiron and Nematoscelis are predators. Only crustacean remains were found in the stomachs of Stylocheiron abbreviatum, whereas Radiolaria, Foraminifera and tintinnids occurred to some extent in Nematasceli sp. Different euphausiids in the food chain in the Arabian Sea. In omnivorous species the position is variable, since they not only feed by filtering autotrophic and heterotrophic Protista, but also by predation on zooplankton. Carnivorous species without filtering apparatus feed exclusively on zooplankton of the size of copepods. Only these species are well established as occupying a higher position in the food chain. The parasitic protozoan Tbalassomyces fagei was found on Euphausia diomedeae, E. fenera, E. distinguenda and E. sanzoi.
Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sandstone and Ilundain Marl formations) and marginal marine deposits (Gendulain Formation). The micropalaeontological content is high. It is dominated by foraminifera, and common ostracods and other microfossils are also present. The fossil ichnoasssemblages include at least 23 ichnogenera and 28 ichnospecies indicative of Nereites, Cruziana, Glossifungites and ?Scoyenia-Mermia ichnofacies. Body macrofossils of 78 taxa corresponding to macroforaminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms and vertebrates have been identified. Both the number of ichnotaxa and of species (e. g. bryozoans, molluscs and condrichthyans) may be considerably higher. Body fossil assemblages are comparable to those from the Eocene of the Nord Pyrenean area (Basque Coast), and also to those from the Eocene of the west-central and eastern part of South Pyrenean area (Aragon and Catalonia). At the European scale, the molluscs assemblages seem endemic from the Pyrenean area, although several Tethyan (Italy and Alps) and Northern elements (Paris basin and Normandy) have been recorded. Palaeontological data of studied sedimentary units fit well with the shallowing process that throughout the middle and late Eocene occurs in the area, according to the sedimentological and stratigraphical data.
O golfinho-comum (Delphinus delphis) é uma das espécies de cetáceos mais abundantes e mais amplamente distribuídas em todo o planeta, sendo a espécie mais abundante ao longo da costa continental portuguesa. Algumas das suas principais presas apresentam um elevado interesse comercial estando por isso, muitas vezes, associado a capturas acidentais em artes de pesca. Contudo, estudos mais recentes sobre os hábitos alimentares desta espécie na costa portuguesa são escassos. Assim, este estudo visa contribuir para a avaliação da ecologia alimentar deste cetáceo na costa portuguesa através de índices de importância numérica, ocorrência e do peso estimado, permitindo descrever a dieta não só em termos qualitativos, mas também em termos quantitativos. Foram examinados os conteúdos estomacais de 55 golfinhoscomuns arrojados na costa continental portuguesa (norte e centro) entre 2004 e 2015. De um total de 6699 presas identificadas, 66% pertenciam à classe dos peixes, 32% eram cefalópodes e 3% eram crustáceos. As espécies-presa de peixes mais importantes em termos de importância numérica foram os góbios (Gobiidae) e o carapau (Trachurus sp.). Em relação à ocorrência foram o góbio (Gobiidae) e a sardinha (Sardina pilchardus), seguidas de carapau, as espécies predominantes. Relativamente ao peso, a sardinha foi a espécie-presa predominante, seguida de faneca (Trisopterus luscus) e carapau. Quanto aos cefalópodes, a lula-bicuda (Alloteuthis sp.) foi a espécie mais importante, tanto em termos de importância numérica como em termos de ocorrência. A lula-comum (Loligo sp.) foi a mais importante em termos de peso total estimado. As espécies demersais dominaram a dieta do golfinho-comum, com uma percentagem numérica de 40%. Foram detetadas diferenças entre machos e fêmeas na composição da dieta relativamente à sardinha. Foram detetadas diferenças entre indivíduos maturos e imaturos na composição da dieta relativamente à lula-bicuda. A diversidade de presas observada nos conteúdos estomacais do golfinho-comum sugere um comportamento oportunista, consumindo as presas mais abundantes, localmente. As interações com as artes de pesca podem levar a uma elevada mortalidade destes mamíferos marinhos. Deste modo, a realização de estudos sobre os hábitos alimentares de cetáceos permitem uma melhor compreensão das possíveis interações com a pesca, e a melhoria de estratégias de conservação para evitar a morte destes animais.
The Lake Victoria ecosystem has experienced such a profound ecological change that Oreochromis niloticus - an introduced species, is the only important cichlid (out of the original 250 + spp) left in the lake. It is the basis of an important commercial fishery which is intensely exploited by sophisticated methods. An investigation of its feeding habits at present indicates that the species could also playa major role in the energy flux of the lake. Fisheries management in Lake Victoria will thus require multi-disciplinary studies which reflect a total ecosystem approach.
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome
Tese de dout. Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome
El pulpo Octopus mimus es un importante recurso de la pesquería artesanal bentónica, que se distribuye desde el norte del Perú a San Vicente, Chile. Se analizaron contenidos gástricos de 741 ejemplares obtenidos de la captura comercial en la bahía del Callao, durante agosto 2013-agosto 2014. Se determinó que las presas más importantes fueron crustáceos Decapoda: Petrolisthes desmarestii (%FO=24,13; %P=21,29%; N=27,10), Cycloxanthops sexdecimdentatus (%FO=16,35; %P=12,16%; N=15,99) y Allopetrolisthes angulosus (%FO=6,17; %P=6,05; %N=25,20). No hubo diferencias en la dieta entre machos y hembras en %FO y %P (Mann -Whitney U-test, p>0,05). Se observaron diferencias en el IR asociado a las fases de desarrollo gonadal en hembras, ejemplares madurantes/maduros mostraron mayor IR (0,17±0,17) que los desovados (0,08± 0,06), en machos no se observaron diferencias. El IR fue mayor en otoño (0,21±0,17) (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0,05). Los índices ecológicos mostraron que O. mimus es un depredador generalista (B’>3), observándose traslapo entre la dieta de machos y hembras (Cλ>0,6), por lo que se concluye que su alimentación está influenciada por una combinación de factores fisiológicos y ambientales.