995 resultados para Es40-55 monothéisme abraham
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Su contenido se adapta a las especificaciones AS de 2008 para OCR y Edexcel. Se examinan los antecedentes de la Reforma alemana y los factores que condujeron a ella, también se analizan las ideas y la influencia de Lutero, la difusión de estas ideas dentro y fuera de Alemania y el contexto político y religioso que originó estos cambios. Se destacan fechas clave, términos y temas e incluye perfiles biográficos, resúmenes esquemáticos, fuentes literarias y síntesis de los principales debates historiográficos.
Ofrece una guía práctica para enseñar el tema a los estudiantes del nivel AS para la especificación OCR. El objetivo de este recurso es explicar de forma completa todos los acontecimientos de la Reforma alemana y poner énfasis en el análisis histórico pero, para ello los estudiantes deben tener una comprensión completa de los sucesos, personajes, cuestiones y controversias más relevantes de la época.
A través de esta Ley se concedían suplementos de crédito destinados a Educación. Las partidas destinatarias eran: 'gastos diversos', 'auxilios, subvenciones y subsidios', 'Dirección General de Enseñanza Universitaria', 'Universidades' y 'Junta de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid'.
The platelet surface is a dynamic interface that changes rapidly in response to stimuli to coordinate the formation of thrombi at sites of vascular injury. Tight control is essential as loss of organisation may result in the inappropriate formation of thrombi (thrombosis) or excessive bleeding. In this paper we describe the comparative analysis of resting and thrombin-stimulated platelet membrane proteomes and associated proteins to identify proteins important to platelet function. Surface proteins were labelled using a biotin tag and isolated by NeurtrAvidin affinity chromatography. Liquid phase IEF and SDS-PAGE were used to separate proteins, and bands of increased intensity in the stimulated platelet fractions were digested and identified by FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Novel proteins were identified along with proteins known to be translocated to the platelet surface. Furthermore, many platelet proteins revealed changes in location associated with function, including G6B and Hip-55. HIP-55 is an SH3-binding protein important in T-cell receptor signalling. Further analysis of HIP-55 revealed that this adaptor protein becomes increasingly associated with both Syk and integrin beta 3 upon platelet activation. Analysis of HIP-55 deficient platelets revealed reduced fibrinogen binding upon thrombin stimulation, suggesting HIP-55 to be an important regulator of platelet function.
Echovirus type 12 (EV12), an enterovirus of the Picornaviridae family, uses the complement regulator, decay-accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) as a cellular receptor. We have calculated a three-dimensional reconstruction of EV12 bound to a fragment of DAF, consisting of short consensus repeat domains 3 and 4, from cryo-negative stain electron microscopy data (EMD #1057). This shows that, as for an earlier reconstruction of the related echovirus type 7 bound to DAF, attachment is not within the viral canyon but occurs close to the two-fold symmetry axes. Despite this general similarity, our reconstruction reveals a receptor interaction that is quite different from that observed for EV7. Fitting of the crystallographic co-ordinates for DAF34 and EV11 into the reconstruction shows a close agreement between the crystal structure of the receptor fragment and the density for the virus-bound receptor, allowing unambiguous positioning of the receptor with respect to the virion (PDB #1UPN). Our finding that the mode of virus-receptor interaction in EV12 is distinct from that seen for EV7 raises interesting questions regarding the evolution and biological significance of the DAF-binding phenotype in these viruses.