1000 resultados para Ecole. de Saint-Denis


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data publication contains measurements from the Continuous Surface Sampling System [CSSS] made during one campaign of the Tara Oceans Expedition. Water was pumped at the front of the vessel from ~2m depth, then de-bubbled and circulated to a Sea-Bird TSG temperature and conductivity sensor. System maintenance (instrument cleaning, flushing) was done approximately once a week and in port between successive legs. All data were stamped with a GPS.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set is a registry of all samples collected during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013). The registry provides details about the sampling location and methodology of each sample. Uniform resource locators (URLs) offer direct links to additional contextual environmental data published at PANGAEA, and to the corresponding nucleotides data published at the European Nucleotides Archive (EBI-ENA).


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set is a registry of all campaigns (from port to port) conducted during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013). The registry provides details about the scientific interest of each campaign, including direct links (URLs) to the corresponding (1) campaign report, (2) samples collected during the campaign, (3) environmental data published at PANGAEA, and (4) nucleotides data published at the European Nucleotides Archive (EBI-ENA).


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set is a registry of all events conducted during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013). The registry provides details about the sampling date, time, location and methodology of each event. Uniform resource locators (URLs) offer direct links to the corresponding (1) event logsheet filled on board, (2) environmental data published at PANGAEA, (3) list of samples prepared on board from each event, and (4) nucleotides data published at the European Nucleotides Archive (EBI-ENA).


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The present data set provides contextual data for samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) that were selected for publication in a special issue of the SCIENCE journal (see related references below). Contextual data include various diversity indexes calculated for the sampling location using satellite and model climatologies (Darwin project, Physat) and results from the sequencing of Tara Oceans samples.


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Developing innovative interventions that are in sync with a health promotion paradigm often represents a challenge for professionals working in local public health organizations. Thus, it is critical to have both professional development programs that favor new practices and tools to examine these practices. In this case study, we analyze the health promotion approach used in a pilot intervention addressing children’s vulnerability that was developed and carried out by participants enrolled in a public health professional development program. More specifically, we use a modified version of Guichard and Ridde’s (Une grille d’analyse des actions pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales de santé. In Potvin, L., Moquet, M.-J. and Jones, C. M. (eds), Réduire les Inégalités Sociales en Santé. INPES, Saint-Denis Cedex, pp. 297– 312, 2010) analytical grid to assess deductively the program participants’ use of health promotion practices in the analysis and planning, implementation, evaluation, sustainability and empowerment phases of the pilot intervention. We also seek evidence of practices involving (empowerment, participation, equity, holism, an ecological approach, intersectorality and sustainability) in the intervention. The results are mixed: our findings reveal evidence of the application of several dimensions of health promotion (equity, holism, an ecological approach, intersectorality and sustainability), but also a lack of integration of two key dimensions; that is, empowerment and participation, during various phases of the pilot intervention. These results show that the professional development program is associated with the adoption of a pilot intervention integrating multiple but not all dimensions of health promotion. We make recommendations to facilitate a more complete integration. This research also shows that the Guichard and Ridde grid proves to be a thorough instrument to document the practices of participants.


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The present data set is a worldwide compilation from 11 oceanographic expeditions during which an underwater vision profiler (UVP) was deployed in situ to determine the vertical distribution (biomass) of 4 taxonomic groups of plankton larger than 600 µm, belonging to the Infrakingdom Rhizaria, including Collodaria, Acantharia, Phaeodaria and other Rhizaria. Vertical distributions are binned in four layers: 0-100, 0-200, 100-500 and 0-500 m.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set is a registry of all stations conducted during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013). The registry provides details about the scientific interest of each station, including (1) the geographic context, (2) legal context, (3) the environmental features that were targeted, and (4) a detailed account of devices deployed during the station. Uniform resource locators (URLs) offer direct links to the corresponding (1) physical oceanographic context reports, (2) list of samples collected during the station, (3) environmental data published at PANGAEA, and (4) nucleotides data published at the European Nucleotides Archive (EBI-ENA).


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International audience


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International audience


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Developing innovative interventions that are in sync with a health promotion paradigm often represents a challenge for professionals working in local public health organizations. Thus, it is critical to have both professional development programs that favor new practices and tools to examine these practices. In this case study, we analyze the health promotion approach used in a pilot intervention addressing children’s vulnerability that was developed and carried out by participants enrolled in a public health professional development program. More specifically, we use a modified version of Guichard and Ridde’s (Une grille d’analyse des actions pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales de santé. In Potvin, L., Moquet, M.-J. and Jones, C. M. (eds), Réduire les Inégalités Sociales en Santé. INPES, Saint-Denis Cedex, pp. 297– 312, 2010) analytical grid to assess deductively the program participants’ use of health promotion practices in the analysis and planning, implementation, evaluation, sustainability and empowerment phases of the pilot intervention. We also seek evidence of practices involving (empowerment, participation, equity, holism, an ecological approach, intersectorality and sustainability) in the intervention. The results are mixed: our findings reveal evidence of the application of several dimensions of health promotion (equity, holism, an ecological approach, intersectorality and sustainability), but also a lack of integration of two key dimensions; that is, empowerment and participation, during various phases of the pilot intervention. These results show that the professional development program is associated with the adoption of a pilot intervention integrating multiple but not all dimensions of health promotion. We make recommendations to facilitate a more complete integration. This research also shows that the Guichard and Ridde grid proves to be a thorough instrument to document the practices of participants.


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Le rôle central du phytoplancton à la base de la chaîne trophique aquatique motive une compréhension étayée des facteurs pouvant faire varier les populations et la composition des populations de phytoplancton. Cette compréhension est d'autant plus importante dans le contexte actuel, puisque nous savons que l'humain influence le climat et les milieux aquatiques par sa présence et ses activités. Nous tentons donc, dans notre étude, de déterminer les variables environnementales importantes qui dictent les changements de taille et de composition de la communauté de phytoplancton à l'échelle d'un lac et d'en déduire les niches réalisées des différentes espèces du lac. L'utilisation d'une station mobile de manière verticale dans le lac Montjoie (Saint-Denis-de-Brompton) a permis de collecter des données in situ à haute fréquence et résolution temporelle caractérisant la colonne d'eau. Combinée à ces mesures, une banque de données sur l'abondance de différentes catégories de phytoplancton a été créée à l'aide d'un cytomètre en flux imageur (IFCB) et d'un programme de reconnaissance d'images qui lui est associé. En combinant ces données nous avons déterminé que la température moyenne au-dessus de la thermocline et que la profondeur limite de chlorophylle (2 écarts-types sous le maximum de chlorophylle) étaient les 2 variables (parmi les variables mesurées) les plus appropriées pour déterminer les niches réalisées de nos catégories de phytoplancton. À l'aide de ces 2 variables, nous avons pu déterminer les niches réalisées d'une trentaine de catégories présentes dans notre lac. Les niches ont été déterminées à la fois sur les données d'abondance et sur les données de taux de croissance nette à l'aide de deux méthodes différentes, soit l'analyse canonique des correspondances (CCA) et la maximisation de l'entropie d'information (MaxEnt). Ce sont finalement les niches déterminées avec les taux de croissance nette qui sont les plus pertinentes. Les deux méthodes ont donné des résultats semblables, mais c'est MaxEnt qui est la plus versatile pour l'ajout de nouvelles variables explicatives et c'est donc celle-ci que nous privilégierons dans le futur.