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Measurements of the ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/ mu ) of electrons in SF6-N2 and CCl2F2-N2 mixtures over the range 80


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We report experimental observation of an unexpectedly large thermopower in mesoscopic two-dimensional (2D) electron systems in GaAs/AlGaA heterostructures at sub-Kelvin temperatures and zero magnetic field. Unlike conventional nonmagnetic high-mobility 2D systems, the thermopower in our devices increases with decreasing temperature below 0.3 K, reaching values in excess of 100 mu V/K, thus exceeding the free electron estimate by more than 2 orders of magnitude. With support from a parallel study of the local density of states, we suggest such a phenomenon to be linked to intrinsic localized states and many-body spin correlations in the system.


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In this paper, for the first time, the effects of energy quantization on single electron transistor (SET) inverter performance are analyzed through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that energy quantization mainly changes the Coulomb blockade region and drain current of SET devices and thus affects the noise margin, power dissipation, and the propagation delay of SET inverter. A new analytical model for the noise margin of SET inverter is proposed which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. A compact expression is developed for a novel parameter quantization threshold which is introduced for the first time in this paper. Quantization threshold explicitly defines the maximum energy quantization that an SET inverter logic circuit can withstand before its noise margin falls below a specified tolerance level. It is found that SET inverter designed with CT:CG=1/3 (where CT and CG are tunnel junction and gate capacitances, respectively) offers maximum robustness against energy quantization.


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A non-synthetic polymer material, polyterpenol, was fabricated using a dry polymerization process namely RF plasma polymerization from an environmentally friendly monomer and its surface, optical and electrical properties investigated. Polyterpenol films were found to be transparent over the visible wavelength range, with a smooth surface with an average roughness of less than 0.4 nm and hardness of 0.4 GPa. The dielectric constant of 3.4 for polyterpenol was higher than that of the conventional polymer materials used in the organic electronic devices. The non-synthetic polymer material was then implemented as a surface modification of the gate insulator in field effect transistor (OFET) and the properties of the device were examined. In comparison to the similar device without the polymer insulating layer, the polyterpenol based OFET device showed significant improvements. The addition of the polyterpenol interlayer in the OFET shifted the threshold voltage significantly; + 20 V to -3 V. The presence of trapped charge was not observed in the polyterpenol interlayer. This assisted in the improvement of effective mobility from 0.012 to 0.021 cm 2/Vs. The switching property of the polyterpenol based OFET was also improved; 107 compared to 104. The results showed that the non-synthetic polyterpenol polymer film is a promising candidate of insulators in electronic devices.


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After more than twenty years of basic and applied research, the use of nanotechnology in the design and manufacture of nanoscale materials is rapidly increasing, particularly in commercial applications that span from electronics across renewable energy areas, and biomedical devices. Novel polymers are attracting significant attention for they promise to provide a low−cost high−performance alternative to existing materials. Furthermore, these polymers have the potential to overcome limitations imposed by currently available materials thus enabling the development of new technologies and applications that are currently beyond our reach. This work focuses on the development of a range of new low−cost environmentally−friendly polymer materials for applications in areas of organic (flexible) electronics, optics, and biomaterials. The choice of the monomer reflects the environmentally−conscious focus of this project. Terpinen−4−ol is a major constituent of Australian grown Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil, attributed with the oil's antimicrobial and anti−inflammatory properties. Plasma polymerisation was chosen as a deposition technique for it requires minimal use of harmful chemicals and produces no hazardous by−products. Polymer thin films were fabricated under varied process conditions to attain materials with distinct physico−chemical, optoelectrical, biological and degradation characteristics. The resultant materials, named polyterpenol, were extensively characterised using a number of well−accepted and novel techniques, and their fundamental properties were defined. Polyterpenol films were demonstrated to be hydrocarbon rich, with variable content of oxygen moieties, primarily in the form of hydroxyl and carboxyl functionalities. The level of preservation of original monomer functionality was shown to be strongly dependent on the deposition energy, with higher applied power increasing the molecular fragmentation and substrate temperature. Polyterpenol water contact angle contact angle increased from 62.7° for the 10 W samples to 76.3° for the films deposited at 100 W. Polymers were determined to resist solubilisation by water, due to the extensive intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds present, and other solvents commonly employed in electronics and biomedical processing. Independent of deposition power, the surface topography of the polymers was shown to be smooth (Rq <0.5 nm), uniform and defect free. Hardness of polyterpenol coatings increased from 0.33 GPa for 10 W to 0.51 GPa for 100 W (at 500 μN load). Coatings deposited at higher input RF powers showed less mechanical deformation during nanoscratch testing, with no considerable damage, cracking or delamination observed. Independent of the substrate, the quality of film adhesion improved with RF power, suggesting these coatings are likely to be more stable and less susceptible to wear. Independent of fabrication conditions, polyterpenol thin films were optically transparent, with refractive index approximating that of glass. Refractive index increased slightly with deposition power, from 1.54 (10 W) to 1.56 (100 W) at 500 nm. The optical band gap values declined with increasing power, from 2.95 eV to 2.64 eV, placing the material within the range for semiconductors. Introduction of iodine impurity reduced the band gap of polyterpenol, from 2.8 eV to 1.64 eV, by extending the density of states more into the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Doping decreased the transparency and increased the refractive index from 1.54 to 1.70 (at 500 nm). At optical frequencies, the real part of permittivity (k) was determined to be between 2.34 and 2.65, indicating a potential low-k material. These permittivity values were confirmed at microwave frequencies, where permittivity increased with input RF energy – from 2.32 to 2.53 (at 10 GHz ) and from 2.65 to 2.83 (at 20 GHz). At low frequencies, the dielectric constant was determined from current−voltage characteristics of Al−polyterpenol−Al devices. At frequencies below 100 kHz, the dielectric constant varied with RF power, from 3.86 to 4.42 at 1 kHz. For all samples, the resistivity was in order of 10⁸−10⁹ _m (at 6 V), confirming the insulating nature of polyterpenol material. In situ iodine doping was demonstrated to increase the conductivity of polyterpenol, from 5.05 × 10⁻⁸ S/cm to 1.20 × 10⁻⁶ S/cm (at 20 V). Exposed to ambient conditions over extended period of time, polyterpenol thin films were demonstrated to be optically, physically and chemically stable. The bulk of ageing occurred within first 150 h after deposition and was attributed to oxidation and volumetric relaxation. Thermal ageing studies indicated thermal stability increased for the films manufactured at higher RF powers, with degradation onset temperature associated with weight loss shifting from 150 ºC to 205 ºC for 10 W and 100 W polyterpenol, respectively. Annealing the films to 405 °C resulted in full dissociation of the polymer, with minimal residue. Given the outcomes of the fundamental characterisation, a number of potential applications for polyterpenol have been identified. Flexibility, tunable permittivity and loss tangent properties of polyterpenol suggest the material can be used as an insulating layer in plastic electronics. Implementation of polyterpenol as a surface modification of the gate insulator in pentacene-based Field Effect Transistor resulted in significant improvements, shifting the threshold voltage from + 20 V to –3 V, enhancing the effective mobility from 0.012 to 0.021 cm²/Vs, and improving the switching property of the device from 10⁷ to 10⁴. Polyterpenol was demonstrated to have a hole transport electron blocking property, with potential applications in many organic devices, such as organic light emitting diodes. Encapsulation of biomedical devices is also proposed, given that under favourable conditions, the original chemical and biological functionality of terpinen−4−ol molecule can be preserved. Films deposited at low RF power were shown to successfully prevent adhesion and retention of several important human pathogens, including P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis, whereas films deposited at higher RF power promoted bacterial cell adhesion and biofilm formation. Preliminary investigations into in vitro biocompatibility of polyterpenol demonstrated the coating to be non−toxic for several types of eukaryotic cells, including Balb/c mice macrophage and human monocyte type (HTP−1 non-adherent) cells. Applied to magnesium substrates, polyterpenol encapsulating layer significantly slowed down in vitro biodegradation of the metal, thus increasing the viability and growth of HTP−1 cells. Recently, applied to varied nanostructured titanium surfaces, polyterpenol thin films successfully reduced attachment, growth, and viability of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.


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The drift mobility of photoexcited holes in single-crystal beta-AgI has been measured between 260 and 312 °K. In this range the drift mobility µd increased with temperature due to trap-limited behavior. At 300 °K µd=12 cm2/V sec, the concentration and energy of the dominant traps being given by Nt=3×109 to 5×109/cm3 and Et=0.52 to 0.50 eV, respectively. Electron drift mobilities could not be determined due to low electron lifetimes. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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For achieving efficient fusion energy production, the plasma-facing wall materials of the fusion reactor should ensure long time operation. In the next step fusion device, ITER, the first wall region facing the highest heat and particle load, i.e. the divertor area, will mainly consist of tiles based on tungsten. During the reactor operation, the tungsten material is slowly but inevitably saturated with tritium. Tritium is the relatively short-lived hydrogen isotope used in the fusion reaction. The amount of tritium retained in the wall materials should be minimized and its recycling back to the plasma must be unrestrained, otherwise it cannot be used for fueling the plasma. A very expensive and thus economically not viable solution is to replace the first walls quite often. A better solution is to heat the walls to temperatures where tritium is released. Unfortunately, the exact mechanisms of hydrogen release in tungsten are not known. In this thesis both experimental and computational methods have been used for studying the release and retention of hydrogen in tungsten. The experimental work consists of hydrogen implantations into pure polycrystalline tungsten, the determination of the hydrogen concentrations using ion beam analyses (IBA) and monitoring the out-diffused hydrogen gas with thermodesorption spectrometry (TDS) as the tungsten samples are heated at elevated temperatures. Combining IBA methods with TDS, the retained amount of hydrogen is obtained as well as the temperatures needed for the hydrogen release. With computational methods the hydrogen-defect interactions and implantation-induced irradiation damage can be examined at the atomic level. The method of multiscale modelling combines the results obtained from computational methodologies applicable at different length and time scales. Electron density functional theory calculations were used for determining the energetics of the elementary processes of hydrogen in tungsten, such as diffusivity and trapping to vacancies and surfaces. Results from the energetics of pure tungsten defects were used in the development of an classical bond-order potential for describing the tungsten defects to be used in molecular dynamics simulations. The developed potential was utilized in determination of the defect clustering and annihilation properties. These results were further employed in binary collision and rate theory calculations to determine the evolution of large defect clusters that trap hydrogen in the course of implantation. The computational results for the defect and trapped hydrogen concentrations were successfully compared with the experimental results. With the aforedescribed multiscale analysis the experimental results within this thesis and found in the literature were explained both quantitatively and qualitatively.


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Using Huxley's solution of the diffusion equation for electron-attaching gases, the ratio of diffusion coefficient D to mobility μ for electrons in dry air was measured over the range 3·06 × 10-17


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We demonstrate a top-gated field effect transistor made of a reduced graphene oxide (RGO) monolayer (graphene) by dielectrophoresis. The Raman spectrum of RGO flakes of typical size of 5 mu m x 5 mu m shows a single 2D band at 2687 cm(-1), characteristic of single-layer graphene.The two-probe current-voltage measurements of RGO flakes, deposited in between the patterned electrodes with a gap of 2.5 mu m using ac dielectrophoresis, show ohmic behavior with a resistance of similar to 37 k Omega. The temperature dependence of the resistance (R) of RGO measured between 305 K and 393 K yields a temperature coefficient of resistance [dR/dT]/R similar to -9.5 x 10(-4)/K, the same as that of mechanically exfoliated single-layer graphene. The field-effect transistor action was obtained by electrochemical top-gating using a solid polymer electrolyte (PEO + LiClO4) and Pt wire. The ambipolar nature of graphene flakes is observed up to a doping level of similar to 6 x 10(12)/cm(2) and carrier mobility of similar to 50 cm(2)/V s. The source-drain current characteristics show a tendency of current saturation at high source-drain voltage which is analyzed quantitatively by a diffusive transport model. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A highly transparent all ZnO thin film transistor (ZnO-TFT) with a transmittance of above 80% in the visible part of the spectrum, was fabricated by direct current magnetron sputtering, with a bottom gate configuration. The ZnO-TFT with undoped ZnO channel layers deposited on 300 nm Zn0.7Mg0.3O gate dielectric layers attains an on/off ratio of 104 and mobility of 20 cm2/V s. The capacitance-voltage (C−V) characteristics of the ZnO-TFT exhibited a transition from depletion to accumulation with a small hysteresis indicating the presence of oxide traps. The trap density was also computed from the Levinson’s plot. The use of Zn0.7Mg0.3O as a dielectric layer adds additional dimension to its applications. The room temperature processing of the device depicts the possibility of the use of flexible substrates such as polymer substrates. The results provide the realization of transparent electronics for next-generation optoelectronics.


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We report the synthesis of a novel class of low band gap copolymers based on anacenaphtho[1,2-b]quinoxaline core and oligothiophene derivatives acting as the acceptor and the donor moieties, respectively. The optical properties of the copolymers were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy while the electrochemical properties were determined by cyclic voltammetry. The band gap of these polymers was found to be in the range 1.8-2.0 eV as calculated from the optical absorption band edge. X-ray diffraction measurements show weak pi-pi stacking interactions between the polymer chains. The hole mobility of the copolymers was evaluated using field-effect transistor measurements yielding values in the range 10(-5)-10(-3) cm(2)/Vs.


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We report on the threshold voltage modeling of ultra-thin (1 nm-5 nm) silicon body double-gate (DG) MOSFETs using self-consistent Poisson-Schrodinger solver (SCHRED). We define the threshold voltage (V th) of symmetric DG MOSFETs as the gate voltage at which the center potential (Φ c) saturates to Φ c (s a t), and analyze the effects of oxide thickness (t ox) and substrate doping (N A) variations on V th. The validity of this definition is demonstrated by comparing the results with the charge transition (from weak to strong inversion) based model using SCHRED simulations. In addition, it is also shown that the proposed V t h definition, electrically corresponds to a condition where the inversion layer capacitance (C i n v) is equal to the oxide capacitance (C o x) across a wide-range of substrate doping densities. A capacitance based analytical model based on the criteria C i n v C o x is proposed to compute Φ c (s a t), while accounting for band-gap widening. This is validated through comparisons with the Poisson-Schrodinger solution. Further, we show that at the threshold voltage condition, the electron distribution (n(x)) along the depth (x) of the silicon film makes a transition from a strong single peak at the center of the silicon film to the onset of a symmetric double-peak away from the center of the silicon film. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Engineering devices with a large electrical response to magnetic field is of fundamental importance for a range of applications such as magnetic field sensing and magnetic read heads. We show that a colossal nonsaturating linear magnetoresistance (NLMR) arises in two-dimensional electron systems hosted in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure in the strongly insulating regime. When operated at high source-drain bias, the magnetoresistance of our devices increases almost linearly with magnetic field, reaching nearly 10 000% at 8 T, thus surpassing many known nonmagnetic materials that exhibit giant NLMR. The temperature dependence and mobility analysis indicate that the NLMR has a purely classical origin, driven by nanoscale inhomogeneities. A large NLMR combined with small device dimensions makes these systems an attractive candidate for on-chip magnetic field sensing.


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In this paper, we analyze the combined effects of size quantization and device temperature variations (T = 50K to 400 K) on the intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n) and thereby on the threshold voltage (V-th) for thin silicon film (t(si) = 1 nm to 10 nm) based fully-depleted Double-Gate Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs. The threshold voltage (V-th) is defined as the gate voltage (V-g) at which the potential at the center of the channel (Phi(c)) begins to saturate (Phi(c) = Phi(c(sat))). It is shown that in the strong quantum confinement regime (t(si) <= 3nm), the effects of size quantization far over-ride the effects of temperature variations on the total change in band-gap (Delta E-g(eff)), intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n), Phi(c(sat)) and the threshold voltage (V-th). On the other hand, for t(si) >= 4 nm, it is shown that size quantization effects recede with increasing t(si), while the effects of temperature variations become increasingly significant. Through detailed analysis, a physical model for the threshold voltage is presented both for the undoped and doped cases valid over a wide-range of device temperatures, silicon film thicknesses and substrate doping densities. Both in the undoped and doped cases, it is shown that the threshold voltage strongly depends on the channel charge density and that it is independent of incomplete ionization effects, at lower device temperatures. The results are compared with the published work available in literature, and it is shown that the present approach incorporates quantization and temperature effects over the entire temperature range. We also present an analytical model for V-th as a function of device temperature (T). (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Current organic semiconductors for organic photovoltaics (OPV) have relative dielectric constants (relative permittivities, epsilon(r)) in the range of 2-4. As a consequence, Coulombically bound electron-hole pairs (excitons) are produced upon absorption of light, giving rise to limited power conversion efficiencies. We introduce a strategy to enhance epsilon(r) of well-known donors and acceptors without breaking conjugation, degrading charge carrier mobility or altering the transport gap. The ability of ethylene glycol (EG) repeating units to rapidly reorient their dipoles with the charge redistributions in the environment was proven via density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Fullerene derivatives functionalized with triethylene glycol side chains were studied for the enhancement of epsilon(r) together with poly(p-phenylene vinylene) and diketo-pyrrolopyrrole based polymers functionalized with similar side chains. The polymers showed a doubling of epsilon(r) with respect to their reference polymers in identical backbone. Fullerene derivatives presented enhancements up to 6 compared with phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) as the reference. Importantly, the applied modifications did not affect the mobility of electrons and holes and provided excellent solubility in common organic solvents.