965 resultados para Direct measurement


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Lichenometry is one of the most widely used methods of dating the surface age of substrata including rock surfaces, boulders, walls, and archaeological remains and has been particularly important in dating late Holocene glacial events. Yellow-green species of the crustose genus Rhizocarpon have been the most useful lichens in lichenometry because of their low growth rates and longevity. This review describes: (1) the biology of the genus Rhizocarpon, (2) growth rates and longevity, (3) environmental growth effects, (4) methods of estimating lichen age, (5) the methodology of lichenometry, (6) applications to dating glacial events, and (7) future research. Lichenometry depends on many assumptions, most critically that if the lag time before colonisation of a substratum is known and lichen age can be estimated, then a minimum surface age date can be obtained by measuring the size of the largest Rhizocarpon thallus. Lichen age can be estimated by calibrating thallus size against surfaces of known age (‘indirect lichenometry’), by constructing a growth rate-size curve from direct measurement of growth (‘direct lichenometry’), using radio-carbon (RC) dating, or from lichen ‘growth rings’. Future research should include a more rigorous investigation of the assumptions of lichenometry, especially whether the largest thallus present at a site is a good indicator of substratum age, and further studies on the establishment, development, growth, senescence, and mortality of Rhizocarpon lichens.


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The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is part of the Pierre Auger Observatory and is used to detect the radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers. These observations are compared to the data of the surface detector stations of the Observatory, which provide well-calibrated information on the cosmic-ray energies and arrival directions. The response of the radio stations in the 30-80 MHz regime has been thoroughly calibrated to enable the reconstruction of the incoming electric field. For the latter, the energy deposit per area is determined from the radio pulses at each observer position and is interpolated using a two-dimensional function that takes into account signal asymmetries due to interference between the geomagnetic and charge-excess emission components. The spatial integral over the signal distribution gives a direct measurement of the energy transferred from the primary cosmic ray into radio emission in the AERA frequency range. We measure 15.8 MeV of radiation energy for a 1 EeV air shower arriving perpendicularly to the geomagnetic field. This radiation energy-corrected for geometrical effects-is used as a cosmic-ray energy estimator. Performing an absolute energy calibration against the surface-detector information, we observe that this radio-energy estimator scales quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy as expected for coherent emission. We find an energy resolution of the radio reconstruction of 22% for the data set and 17% for a high-quality subset containing only events with at least five radio stations with signal.


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We present a method to verify the metrological usefulness of noisy Dicke states of a particle ensemble with only a few collective measurements, without the need for a direct measurement of the sensitivity. Our method determines the usefulness of the state for the usual protocol for estimating the angle of rotation with Dicke states, which is based on the measurement of the second moment of a total spin component. It can also be used to detect entangled states that are useful for quantum metrology. We apply our method to recent experimental results.


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Magnetically-induced forces on the inertial masses on-board LISA Path finder are expected to be one of the dominant contributions to the mission noise budget, accounting for up to 40%. The origin of this disturbance is the coupling of the residual magnetization and susceptibility of the test masses with the environmental magnetic field. In order to fully understand this important part of the noise model, a set of coils and magnetometers are integrated as a part of the diagnostics subsystem. During operations a sequence of magnetic excitations will be applied to precisely determine the coupling of the magnetic environment to the test mass displacement using the on-board magnetometers. Since no direct measurement of the magnetic field in the test mass position will be available, an extrapolation of the magnetic measurements to the test mass position will be carried out as a part of the data analysis activities. In this paper we show the first results on the magnetic experiments during an end-to-end LISA Path finder simulation, and we describe the methods under development to map the magnetic field on-board.


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Integrated circuit scaling has enabled a huge growth in processing capability, which necessitates a corresponding increase in inter-chip communication bandwidth. As bandwidth requirements for chip-to-chip interconnection scale, deficiencies of electrical channels become more apparent. Optical links present a viable alternative due to their low frequency-dependent loss and higher bandwidth density in the form of wavelength division multiplexing. As integrated photonics and bonding technologies are maturing, commercialization of hybrid-integrated optical links are becoming a reality. Increasing silicon integration leads to better performance in optical links but necessitates a corresponding co-design strategy in both electronics and photonics. In this light, holistic design of high-speed optical links with an in-depth understanding of photonics and state-of-the-art electronics brings their performance to unprecedented levels. This thesis presents developments in high-speed optical links by co-designing and co-integrating the primary elements of an optical link: receiver, transmitter, and clocking.

In the first part of this thesis a 3D-integrated CMOS/Silicon-photonic receiver will be presented. The electronic chip features a novel design that employs a low-bandwidth TIA front-end, double-sampling and equalization through dynamic offset modulation. Measured results show -14.9dBm of sensitivity and energy efficiency of 170fJ/b at 25Gb/s. The same receiver front-end is also used to implement source-synchronous 4-channel WDM-based parallel optical receiver. Quadrature ILO-based clocking is employed for synchronization and a novel frequency-tracking method that exploits the dynamics of IL in a quadrature ring oscillator to increase the effective locking range. An adaptive body-biasing circuit is designed to maintain the per-bit-energy consumption constant across wide data-rates. The prototype measurements indicate a record-low power consumption of 153fJ/b at 32Gb/s. The receiver sensitivity is measured to be -8.8dBm at 32Gb/s.

Next, on the optical transmitter side, three new techniques will be presented. First one is a differential ring modulator that breaks the optical bandwidth/quality factor trade-off known to limit the speed of high-Q ring modulators. This structure maintains a constant energy in the ring to avoid pattern-dependent power droop. As a first proof of concept, a prototype has been fabricated and measured up to 10Gb/s. The second technique is thermal stabilization of micro-ring resonator modulators through direct measurement of temperature using a monolithic PTAT temperature sensor. The measured temperature is used in a feedback loop to adjust the thermal tuner of the ring. A prototype is fabricated and a closed-loop feedback system is demonstrated to operate at 20Gb/s in the presence of temperature fluctuations. The third technique is a switched-capacitor based pre-emphasis technique designed to extend the inherently low bandwidth of carrier injection micro-ring modulators. A measured prototype of the optical transmitter achieves energy efficiency of 342fJ/bit at 10Gb/s and the wavelength stabilization circuit based on the monolithic PTAT sensor consumes 0.29mW.

Lastly, a first-order frequency synthesizer that is suitable for high-speed on-chip clock generation will be discussed. The proposed design features an architecture combining an LC quadrature VCO, two sample-and-holds, a PI, digital coarse-tuning, and rotational frequency detection for fine-tuning. In addition to an electrical reference clock, as an extra feature, the prototype chip is capable of receiving a low jitter optical reference clock generated by a high-repetition-rate mode-locked laser. The output clock at 8GHz has an integrated RMS jitter of 490fs, peak-to-peak periodic jitter of 2.06ps, and total RMS jitter of 680fs. The reference spurs are measured to be –64.3dB below the carrier frequency. At 8GHz the system consumes 2.49mW from a 1V supply.


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The authors regret that the original text: The SAGAT instrument has been previously validated (Bell et al., 2006) is incorrect and should read: The SAGAT technique has been demonstrated as valid, sensitive and reliable measure of situation awareness in diverse applications (Endsley, 2000).

Endsley, M. R. (2000) Direct measurement of situation awareness: Validity and use of SAGAT. In Endsley, M.R. & Garland, D.J. (Eds.), Situation awareness analysis and measurement (pp 147–173). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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Cloud edge mixing plays an important role in the life cycle and development of clouds. Entrainment of subsaturated air affects the cloud at the microscale, altering the number density and size distribution of its droplets. The resulting effect is determined by two timescales: the time required for the mixing event to complete, and the time required for the droplets to adjust to their new environment. If mixing is rapid, evaporation of droplets is uniform and said to be homogeneous in nature. In contrast, slow mixing (compared to the adjustment timescale) results in the droplets adjusting to the transient state of the mixture, producing an inhomogeneous result. Studying this process in real clouds involves the use of airborne optical instruments capable of measuring clouds at the `single particle' level. Single particle resolution allows for direct measurement of the droplet size distribution. This is in contrast to other `bulk' methods (i.e. hot-wire probes, lidar, radar) which measure a higher order moment of the distribution and require assumptions about the distribution shape to compute a size distribution. The sampling strategy of current optical instruments requires them to integrate over a path tens to hundreds of meters to form a single size distribution. This is much larger than typical mixing scales (which can extend down to the order of centimeters), resulting in difficulties resolving mixing signatures. The Holodec is an optical particle instrument that uses digital holography to record discrete, local volumes of droplets. This method allows for statistically significant size distributions to be calculated for centimeter scale volumes, allowing for full resolution at the scales important to the mixing process. The hologram also records the three dimensional position of all particles within the volume, allowing for the spatial structure of the cloud volume to be studied. Both of these features represent a new and unique view into the mixing problem. In this dissertation, holographic data recorded during two different field projects is analyzed to study the mixing structure of cumulus clouds. Using Holodec data, it is shown that mixing at cloud top can produce regions of clear but humid air that can subside down along the edge of the cloud as a narrow shell, or advect down shear as a `humid halo'. This air is then entrained into the cloud at lower levels, producing mixing that appears to be very inhomogeneous. This inhomogeneous-like mixing is shown to be well correlated with regions containing elevated concentrations of large droplets. This is used to argue in favor of the hypothesis that dilution can lead to enhanced droplet growth rates. I also make observations on the microscale spatial structure of observed cloud volumes recorded by the Holodec.


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We present a measurement of the top-quark width using $t\bar{t}$ events produced in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at Fermilab's Tevatron collider and collected by the CDF II detector. In the mode where the top quark decays to a $W$ boson and a bottom quark, we select events in which one $W$ decays leptonically and the other hadronically~(lepton + jets channel) . From a data sample corresponding to 4.3~fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, we identify 756 candidate events. The top-quark mass and the mass of $W$ boson that decays hadronically are reconstructed for each event and compared with templates of different top-quark widths~($\Gamma_t$) and deviations from nominal jet energy scale~($\Delta_{JES}$) to perform a simultaneous fit for both parameters, where $\Delta_{JES}$ is used for the {\it in situ} calibration of the jet energy scale. By applying a Feldman-Cousins approach, we establish an upper limit at 95$\%$ confidence level~(CL) of $\Gamma_t $


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We perform a measurement of direct CP violation in b to s+gamma Acp, and the measurement of a difference between Acp for neutral B and charged B mesons, Delta A_{X_s\gamma}, using 429 inverse femtobarn of data recorded at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. B mesons are reconstructed from 16 exclusive final states. Particle identification is done using an algorithm based on Error Correcting Output Code with an exhaustive matrix. Background rejection and best candidate selection are done using two decision tree-based classifiers. We found $\acp = 1.73%+-1.93%+-1.02% and Delta A_X_sgamma = 4.97%+-3.90%+-1.45% where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic respectively. Based on the measured value of Delta A_X_sgamma, we determine a 90% confidence interval for Im C_8g/C_7gamma, where C_7gamma and C_8g are Wilson coefficients for New Physics amplitudes, at -1.64 < Im C_8g/C_7gamma < 6.52.


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Aerosols affect the Earth's energy budget directly by scattering and absorbing radiation and indirectly by acting as cloud condensation nuclei and, thereby, affecting cloud properties. However, large uncertainties exist in current estimates of aerosol forcing because of incomplete knowledge concerning the distribution and the physical and chemical properties of aerosols as well as aerosol-cloud interactions. In recent years, a great deal of effort has gone into improving measurements and datasets. It is thus feasible to shift the estimates of aerosol forcing from largely model-based to increasingly measurement-based. Our goal is to assess current observational capabilities and identify uncertainties in the aerosol direct forcing through comparisons of different methods with independent sources of uncertainties. Here we assess the aerosol optical depth (τ), direct radiative effect (DRE) by natural and anthropogenic aerosols, and direct climate forcing (DCF) by anthropogenic aerosols, focusing on satellite and ground-based measurements supplemented by global chemical transport model (CTM) simulations. The multi-spectral MODIS measures global distributions of aerosol optical depth (τ) on a daily scale, with a high accuracy of ±0.03±0.05τ over ocean. The annual average τ is about 0.14 over global ocean, of which about 21%±7% is contributed by human activities, as estimated by MODIS fine-mode fraction. The multi-angle MISR derives an annual average AOD of 0.23 over global land with an uncertainty of ~20% or ±0.05. These high-accuracy aerosol products and broadband flux measurements from CERES make it feasible to obtain observational constraints for the aerosol direct effect, especially over global the ocean. A number of measurement-based approaches estimate the clear-sky DRE (on solar radiation) at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) to be about -5.5±0.2 Wm-2 (median ± standard error from various methods) over the global ocean. Accounting for thin cirrus contamination of the satellite derived aerosol field will reduce the TOA DRE to -5.0 Wm-2. Because of a lack of measurements of aerosol absorption and difficulty in characterizing land surface reflection, estimates of DRE over land and at the ocean surface are currently realized through a combination of satellite retrievals, surface measurements, and model simulations, and are less constrained. Over the oceans the surface DRE is estimated to be -8.8±0.7 Wm-2. Over land, an integration of satellite retrievals and model simulations derives a DRE of -4.9±0.7 Wm-2 and -11.8±1.9 Wm-2 at the TOA and surface, respectively. CTM simulations derive a wide range of DRE estimates that on average are smaller than the measurement-based DRE by about 30-40%, even after accounting for thin cirrus and cloud contamination. A number of issues remain. Current estimates of the aerosol direct effect over land are poorly constrained. Uncertainties of DRE estimates are also larger on regional scales than on a global scale and large discrepancies exist between different approaches. The characterization of aerosol absorption and vertical distribution remains challenging. The aerosol direct effect in the thermal infrared range and in cloudy conditions remains relatively unexplored and quite uncertain, because of a lack of global systematic aerosol vertical profile measurements. A coordinated research strategy needs to be developed for integration and assimilation of satellite measurements into models to constrain model simulations. Enhanced measurement capabilities in the next few years and high-level scientific cooperation will further advance our knowledge.


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A stable aqueous electrolyte film is formed between a mercury drop and a flat mica surface due to electrical double-layer repulsion when a negative potential is applied to the mercury. Film thickness has been measured as a function of applied potential while keeping the film pressure constant. By making measurements in this way, it is possible to map the data directly according to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. An excellent fit to the data is obtained, providing direct evidence for this classical equation and its use as the basis of the Gouy-Chapman model of the diffuse double layer in electrolyte solutions.