983 resultados para Dimensional effects


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Field soils show rather different spreading behavior at different water saturations, frequently caused by layering of the soil material. We performed tracer experiments in a laboratory sand tank. Such experiments complement and help comprehension of field investigations. We estimated, by image analysis, the first two moments of small plumes traveling through a two-dimensional, heterogeneous medium with strongly anisotropic correlation structure. Three steady state regimes were analyzed. Two main conclusions were drawn. First, low saturation led to very large heterogeneity and to strong preferential flow. Thus the description of the flow paths and the prediction of the solute arrival times require, in this case, more accurate knowledge about the topological structure. Second, saturation-dependent macroscopic anisotropy is an essential element of transport in unsaturated media. For this reason, small structural soil features should be properly upscaled to give appropriate effective soil parameters to be input in transport models.


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For a three-dimensional vertically-oriented fault zone, we consider the coupled effects of fluid flow, heat transfer and reactive mass transport, to investigate the patterns of fluid flow, temperature distribution, mineral alteration and chemically induced porosity changes. We show, analytically and numerically, that finger-like convection patterns can arise in a vertically-oriented fault zone. The onset and patterns of convective fluid flow are controlled by the Rayleigh number which is a function of the thermal properties of the fluid and the rock, the vertical temperature gradient, and the height and the permeability of the fault zone. Vigorous fluid flow causes low temperature gradients over a large region of the fault zone. In such a case, flow across lithological interfaces becomes the most important mechanism for the formation of sharp chemical reaction fronts. The degree of rock buffering, the extent and intensity of alteration, the alteration mineralogy and in some cases the formation of ore deposits are controlled by the magnitude of the flow velocity across these compositional interfaces in the rock. This indicates that alteration patterns along compositional boundaries in the rock may provide some insights into the convection pattern. The advective mass and heat exchanges between the fault zone and the wallrock depend on the permeability contrast between the fault zone and the wallrock. A high permeability contrast promotes focussed convective flow within the fault zone and diffusive exchange of heat and chemical reactants between the fault zone and the wallrock. However, a more gradual permeability change may lead to a regional-scale convective flow system where the flow pattern in the fault affects large-scale fluid flow, mass transport and chemical alteration in the wallrocks


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Hot Jupiters, due to the proximity to their parent stars, are subjected to a strong irradiating flux that governs their radiative and dynamical properties. We compute a suite of three-dimensional circulation models with dual-band radiative transfer, exploring a relevant range of irradiation temperatures, both with and without temperature inversions. We find that, for irradiation temperatures T irr lsim 2000 K, heat redistribution is very efficient, producing comparable dayside and nightside fluxes. For T irr ≈ 2200-2400 K, the redistribution starts to break down, resulting in a high day-night flux contrast. Our simulations indicate that the efficiency of redistribution is primarily governed by the ratio of advective to radiative timescales. Models with temperature inversions display a higher day-night contrast due to the deposition of starlight at higher altitudes, but we find this opacity-driven effect to be secondary compared to the effects of irradiation. The hotspot offset from the substellar point is large when insolation is weak and redistribution is efficient, and decreases as redistribution breaks down. The atmospheric flow can be potentially subjected to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (as indicated by the Richardson number) only in the uppermost layers, with a depth that penetrates down to pressures of a few millibars at most. Shocks penetrate deeper, down to several bars in the hottest model. Ohmic dissipation generally occurs down to deeper levels than shock dissipation (to tens of bars), but the penetration depth varies with the atmospheric opacity. The total dissipated Ohmic power increases steeply with the strength of the irradiating flux and the dissipation depth recedes into the atmosphere, favoring radius inflation in the most irradiated objects. A survey of the existing data, as well as the inferences made from them, reveals that our results are broadly consistent with the observational trends.


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A quantum simulator of U(1) lattice gauge theories can be implemented with superconducting circuits. This allows the investigation of confined and deconfined phases in quantum link models, and of valence bond solid and spin liquid phases in quantum dimer models. Fractionalized confining strings and the real-time dynamics of quantum phase transitions are accessible as well. Here we show how state-of-the-art superconducting technology allows us to simulate these phenomena in relatively small circuit lattices. By exploiting the strong non-linear couplings between quantized excitations emerging when superconducting qubits are coupled, we show how to engineer gauge invariant Hamiltonians, including ring-exchange and four-body Ising interactions. We demonstrate that, despite decoherence and disorder effects, minimal circuit instances allow us to investigate properties such as the dynamics of electric flux strings, signaling confinement in gauge invariant field theories. The experimental realization of these models in larger superconducting circuits could address open questions beyond current computational capability.


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The comparison of radiotherapy techniques regarding secondary cancer risk has yielded contradictory results possibly stemming from the many different approaches used to estimate risk. The purpose of this study was to make a comprehensive evaluation of different available risk models applied to detailed whole-body dose distributions computed by Monte Carlo for various breast radiotherapy techniques including conventional open tangents, 3D conformal wedged tangents and hybrid intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). First, organ-specific linear risk models developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VII committee were applied to mean doses for remote organs only and all solid organs. Then, different general non-linear risk models were applied to the whole body dose distribution. Finally, organ-specific non-linear risk models for the lung and breast were used to assess the secondary cancer risk for these two specific organs. A total of 32 different calculated absolute risks resulted in a broad range of values (between 0.1% and 48.5%) underlying the large uncertainties in absolute risk calculation. The ratio of risk between two techniques has often been proposed as a more robust assessment of risk than the absolute risk. We found that the ratio of risk between two techniques could also vary substantially considering the different approaches to risk estimation. Sometimes the ratio of risk between two techniques would range between values smaller and larger than one, which then translates into inconsistent results on the potential higher risk of one technique compared to another. We found however that the hybrid IMRT technique resulted in a systematic reduction of risk compared to the other techniques investigated even though the magnitude of this reduction varied substantially with the different approaches investigated. Based on the epidemiological data available, a reasonable approach to risk estimation would be to use organ-specific non-linear risk models applied to the dose distributions of organs within or near the treatment fields (lungs and contralateral breast in the case of breast radiotherapy) as the majority of radiation-induced secondary cancers are found in the beam-bordering regions.


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Chiroptical properties of two-dimensional (2D) supramolecular assemblies (nanosheets) of achiral, charged pyrene trimers (Py3) are rendered chiral by asymmetric physical perturbations. Chiral stimuli in a cuvette can originate either from controlled temperature gradients or by very gentle stirring. The chiroptical activity strongly depends on the degree of supramolecular order of the nanosheets, which is easily controlled by the method of preparation. The high degree of structural order ensures strong cooperative effects within the aggregates, rendering them more susceptible to external stimuli. The samples prepared by using slow thermal annealing protocols are both CD and LD active (in stagnant and stirred solutions), whereas for isothermally aged samples chiroptical activity was in all cases undetectable. In the case of temperature gradients, the optical activity of 2D assemblies could be recorded for a stagnant solution due to migration of the aggregates from the hottest to the coldest regions of the system. However, a considerably stronger exciton coupling, coinciding with the J-band of the interacting pyrenes, is developed upon subtle vortexing (0.5 Hz, 30 rpm) of the aqueous solution of the nanosheets. The sign of the exciton coupling is inverted upon switching between clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation. The supramolecular chirality is evidenced by the appearance of CD activity. To exclude artefacts from proper CD spectra, the contribution from LD to the observed CD was determined. The data suggest that the aggregates experience asymmetrical deformation and alignment effects because of the presence of chiral flows.


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The reaction of copper(II) chloroacetate (1d) with pyrazole (Hpz) mainly yielded the mononuclear compound [Cu(μ-ClCH2COO)2(Hpz)2] (2m), which self-assembled generating a one-dimensional coordination polymer. Moreover, the concomitant isolation of the tetranuclear [{Cu2(μ-pz)(μ-OCH2COO)(Hpz)(MeOH)}2(μ-ClCH2COO)2] (3t) and hexanuclear [{Cu3(μ3-OH)(μ-pz)3(Hpz)2}2(μ-ClCH2COO)2](Cl)2 (4h) species evidenced the occurrence of a peculiar, previously unreported, dehydrochlorination reaction and the formation of the trinuclear triangular moiety [Cu3(μ3-OH)(μ-pz)3]. Theoretical calculations based on density functional theory including solvation effects indicate a possible pathway for the formation of 3t. Interestingly, besides the energy minimum corresponding to 3t, a further relative energy minimum is found for a species which can be considered a possible reaction intermediate.


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OBJECTIVES Left ventricular assist devices are an important treatment option for patients with heart failure alter the hemodynamics in the heart and great vessels. Because in vivo magnetic resonance studies of patients with ventricular assist devices are not possible, in vitro models represent an important tool to investigate flow alterations caused by these systems. By using an in vitro magnetic resonance-compatible model that mimics physiologic conditions as close as possible, this work investigated the flow characteristics using 4-dimensional flow-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging of a left ventricular assist device with outflow via the right subclavian artery as commonly used in cardiothoracic surgery in the recent past. METHODS An in vitro model was developed consisting of an aorta with its supra-aortic branches connected to a left ventricular assist device simulating the pulsatile flow of the native failing heart. A second left ventricular assist device supplied the aorta with continuous flow via the right subclavian artery. Four-dimensional flow-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging was performed for different flow rates of the left ventricular assist device simulating the native heart and the left ventricular assist device providing the continuous flow. Flow characteristics were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated in the entire vessel system. RESULTS Flow characteristics inside the aorta and its upper branching vessels revealed that the right subclavian artery and the right carotid artery were solely supported by the continuous-flow left ventricular assist device for all flow rates. The flow rates in the brain-supplying arteries are only marginally affected by different operating conditions. The qualitative analysis revealed only minor effects on the flow characteristics, such as weakly pronounced vortex flow caused by the retrograde flow via the brachiocephalic artery. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate that, despite the massive alterations in natural hemodynamics due to the retrograde flow via the right subclavian and brachiocephalic arteries, there are no drastic consequences on the flow in the brain-feeding arteries and the flow characteristics in the ascending and descending aortas. It may be beneficial to adjust the operating condition of the left ventricular assist device to the residual function of the failing heart.


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Purpose To investigate whether nonhemodynamic resonant saturation effects can be detected in patients with focal epilepsy by using a phase-cycled stimulus-induced rotary saturation (PC-SIRS) approach with spin-lock (SL) preparation and whether they colocalize with the seizure onset zone and surface interictal epileptiform discharges (IED). Materials and Methods The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and all subjects gave written informed consent. Eight patients with focal epilepsy undergoing presurgical surface and intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 3 T with a whole-brain PC-SIRS imaging sequence with alternating SL-on and SL-off and two-dimensional echo-planar readout. The power of the SL radiofrequency pulse was set to 120 Hz to sensitize the sequence to high gamma oscillations present in epileptogenic tissue. Phase cycling was applied to capture distributed current orientations. Voxel-wise subtraction of SL-off from SL-on images enabled the separation of T2* effects from rotary saturation effects. The topography of PC-SIRS effects was compared with the seizure onset zone at intracranial EEG and with surface IED-related potentials. Bayesian statistics were used to test whether prior PC-SIRS information could improve IED source reconstruction. Results Nonhemodynamic resonant saturation effects ipsilateral to the seizure onset zone were detected in six of eight patients (concordance rate, 0.75; 95% confidence interval: 0.40, 0.94) by means of the PC-SIRS technique. They were concordant with IED surface negativity in seven of eight patients (0.88; 95% confidence interval: 0.51, 1.00). Including PC-SIRS as prior information improved the evidence of the standard EEG source models compared with the use of uninformed reconstructions (exceedance probability, 0.77 vs 0.12; Wilcoxon test of model evidence, P < .05). Nonhemodynamic resonant saturation effects resolved in patients with favorable postsurgical outcomes, but persisted in patients with postsurgical seizure recurrence. Conclusion Nonhemodynamic resonant saturation effects are detectable during interictal periods with the PC-SIRS approach in patients with epilepsy. The method may be useful for MR imaging-based detection of neuronal currents in a clinical environment. (©) RSNA, 2016 Online supplemental material is available for this article.


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The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) samples the interstellar neutral (ISN) gas flow of several species every year from December through late March when the Earth moves into the incoming flow. The first quantitative analyses of these data resulted in a narrow tube in four-dimensional interstellar parameter space, which couples speed, flow latitude, flow longitude, and temperature, and center values with approximately 3° larger longitude and 3 km s⁻¹ lower speed, but with temperatures similar to those obtained from observations by the Ulysses spacecraft. IBEX has now recorded six years of ISN flow observations, providing a large database over increasing solar activity and using varying viewing strategies. In this paper, we evaluate systematic effects that are important for the ISN flow vector and temperature determination. We find that all models in use return ISN parameters well within the observational uncertainties and that the derived ISN flow direction is resilient against uncertainties in the ionization rate. We establish observationally an effective IBEX-Lo pointing uncertainty of ±0°18 in spin angle and confirm an uncertainty of ±0°1 in longitude. We also show that the IBEX viewing strategy with different spin-axis orientations minimizes the impact of several systematic uncertainties, and thus improves the robustness of the measurement. The Helium Warm Breeze has likely contributed substantially to the somewhat different center values of the ISN flow vector. By separating the flow vector and temperature determination, we can mitigate these effects on the analysis, which returns an ISN flow vector very close to the Ulysses results, but with a substantially higher temperature. Due to coupling with the ISN flow speed along the ISN parameter tube, we provide the temperature Tvisn∞=8710+440/-680 K for Visn∞=26 km s⁻¹ for comparison, where most of the uncertainty is systematic and likely due to the presence of the Warm Breeze.


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Mesoscale iron enrichment experiments have revealed that additional iron affects the phytoplankton productivity and carbon cycle. However, the role of initial size of fertilized patch in determining the patch evolution is poorly quantified due to the limited observational capability and complex of physical processes. Using a three-dimensional ocean circulation model, we simulated different sizes of inert tracer patches that were only regulated by physical circulation and diffusion. Model results showed that during the first few days since release of inert tracer, the calculated dilution rate was found to be a linear function with time, which was sensitive to the initial patch size with steeper slope for smaller size patch. After the initial phase of rapid decay, the relationship between dilution rate and time became an exponential function, which was also size dependent. Therefore, larger initial size patches can usually last longer and ultimately affect biogeochemical processes much stronger than smaller patches.


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SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) chlorophyll data revealed strong interannual variability in fall phytoplankton dynamics in the Gulf of Maine, with 3 general features in any one year: (1) rapid chlorophyll increases in response to storm events in fall; (2) gradual chlorophyll increases in response to seasonal wind-and cooling-induced mixing that gradually deepens the mixed layer; and (3) the absence of any observable fall bloom. We applied a mixed-layer box model and a 1-dimensional physical-biological numerical model to examine the influence of physical forcing (surface wind, heat flux, and freshening) on the mixed-layer dynamics and its impact on the entrainment of deep-water nutrients and thus on the appearance of fall bloom. The model results suggest that during early fall, the surface mixed-layer depth is controlled by both wind-and cooling-induced mixing. Strong interannual variability in mixed-layer depth has a direct impact on short-and long-term vertical nutrient fluxes and thus the fall bloom. Phytoplankton concentrations over time are sensitive to initial pre-bloom profiles of nutrients. The strength of the initial stratification can affect the modeled phytoplankton concentration, while the timing of intermittent freshening events is related to the significant interannual variability of fall blooms.


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Ocean acidification and warming are both primarily caused by increased levels of atmospheric CO2, and marine organisms are exposed to these two stressors simultaneously. Although the effects of temperature on fish have been investigated over the last century, the long-term effects of moderate CO2 exposure and the combination of both stressors are almost entirely unknown. A proteomics approach was used to assess the adverse physiological and biochemical changes that may occur from the exposure to these two environmental stressors. We analysed gills and blood plasma of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) exposed to temperatures of 12°C (control) and 18°C (impaired growth) in combination with control (400 µatm) or high-CO2 water (1000 µatm) for 14 weeks. The proteomic analysis was performed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) followed by Nanoflow LC-MS/MS using a LTQ-Orbitrap. The high-CO2 treatment induced the up-regulation of immune system-related proteins, as indicated by the up-regulation of the plasma proteins complement component C3 and fibrinogen beta chain precursor in both temperature treatments. Changes in gill proteome in the high-CO2 (18°C) group were mostly related to increased energy metabolism proteins (ATP synthase, malate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase thermostable, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase), possibly coupled to a higher energy demand. Gills from fish exposed to high-CO2 at both temperature treatments showed changes in proteins associated with increased cellular turnover and apoptosis signalling (annexin 5, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma, receptor for protein kinase C, and putative ribosomal protein S27). This study indicates that moderate CO2-driven acidification, alone and combined with high temperature, can elicit biochemical changes that may affect fish health.


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A two-dimensional finite element model of current flow in the front surface of a PV cell is presented. In order to validate this model we perform an experimental test. Later, particular attention is paid to the effects of non-uniform illumination in the finger direction which is typical in a linear concentrator system. Fill factor, open circuit voltage and efficiency are shown to decrease with increasing degree of non-uniform illumination. It is shown that these detrimental effects can be mitigated significantly by reoptimization of the number of front surface metallization fingers to suit the degree of non-uniformity. The behavior of current flow in the front surface of a cell operating at open circuit voltage under non-uniform illumination is discussed in detail.


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The consideration of real operating conditions for the design and optimization of a multijunction solar cell receiver-concentrator assembly is indispensable. Such a requirement involves the need for suitable modeling and simulation tools in order to complement the experimental work and circumvent its well-known burdens and restrictions. Three-dimensional distributed models have been demonstrated in the past to be a powerful choice for the analysis of distributed phenomena in single- and dual-junction solar cells, as well as for the design of strategies to minimize the solar cell losses when operating under high concentrations. In this paper, we present the application of these models for the analysis of triple-junction solar cells under real operating conditions. The impact of different chromatic aberration profiles on the short-circuit current of triple-junction solar cells is analyzed in detail using the developed distributed model. Current spreading conditions the impact of a given chromatic aberration profile on the solar cell I-V curve. The focus is put on determining the role of current spreading in the connection between photocurrent profile, subcell voltage and current, and semiconductor layers sheet resistance.