969 resultados para Diabetes mellitus, experimental
Seven obese Type 2 diabetic patients were studied for two 4-h periods after ingestion of a glucose load to determine the effects of preprandial subcutaneous injection of Insulin Lispro (5 min before the meal) or regular insulin (20 min before the meal) on glucose metabolism. Glucose production and utilisation were measured using a dual isotope method. After Lispro, the mean postprandial increase in plasma glucose was 29% lower and the increase in insulin concentration 25% higher than after regular insulin (p < 0.05). Suppression of endogenous glucose production was similar with both types of insulin. Thus, preprandial injection of Lispro reduced postprandial glucose increments in Type 2 diabetic patients as compared to regular insulin. This effect is best explained by the increased postprandial bioavailability of Lispro.
Abstract : The principal focus of this work was to study the molecular changes leading to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). DPN is the most common complication associated with both type I and II diabetes mellitus (DM). This pathology is the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations. Even though the pathological and morphological changes underlying DPN are relatively well described, the implicated molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. The following two approaches were developed to study the development of DPN in a rodent model of DM type I. As a first approach, we studied the implication of lipid metabolism in DPN phenotype, concentrating on Sterol Response Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-lc which is the key regulator of storage lipid metabolism. We showed that SREBP-1c was expressed in peripheral nerves and that its expression profile followed the expression of genes involved in storage lipid metabolism. In addition, the expression of SREBP-1c in the endoneurium of peripheral nerves was dependant upon nutritional status and this expression was also perturbed in type I diabetes. In line with this, we showed that insulin elevated the expression of SREBP-1c in primary cultured Schwann cells by activating the SREBP-1c promoter. Taken together, these findings reveal that SREBP-1c expression in Schwann cells responds to metabolic stimuli including insulin and that this response is affected in type I diabetes mellitus. This suggests that disturbed SREBP-1c regulated lipid metabolism may contribute to the pathophysiology of DPN. As a second approach, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the molecular changes associated with DPN in the Akital~1~+ mouse which is a model of spontaneous early-onset type I diabetes mellitus. This mouse expresses a mutated non-functional isoform of insulin, leading to hypoinsulinemia and hyperglycaemia. To determine the onset of DPN, weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Akital+/+ mice during the first three months of life. A decrease in MNCV was evident akeady one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. To explore the molecular changes associated with the development of DPN in these mice, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) isolated from early diabetic male Akita+/+ mice and sex-matched littermate controls. No major transcriptional changes were detected either in the DRG or in the sciatic nerve endoneurium. This experiment indicates that the phenotypic changes observed during the development of DPN are not correlated with major transcriptional alterations, but mainly with alterations at the protein level. Résumé Lors ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux changements moléculaires aboutissant aux neuropathies périphériques dues au diabète (NPD). Les NPD sont la complication la plus commune du diabète de type I et de type II. Cette pathologie est une cause majeure d'amputations. Même si les changements pathologiques et morphologiques associés aux NPD sont relativement bien décrits, les mécanismes moléculaires provoquant cette pathologie sont mal connus. Deux approches ont principalement été utilisées pour étudier le développement des NPD dans des modèles murins du diabète de type I. Nous avons d'abord étudié l'impact du métabolisme des lipides sur le développement des NPD en nous concentrant sur Sterol Response Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-1 c qui est un régulateur clé des lipides de stockage. Nous avons montré que SREBP-1 c est exprimé dans les nerfs périphériques et que son profil d'expression suit celui de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme des lipides de stockage. De plus, l'expression de SREBP-1c dans l'endoneurium des nerfs périphériques est dépendante du statut nutritionnel et est dérégulée lors de diabète de type I. Nous avons également pu montrer que l'insuline augmente l'expression de SREBP-1c dans des cultures primaires de cellules de Schwann en activant le promoteur de SREBP-1c. Ses résultats démontrent que l'expression de SREBP-1c dans les cellules de Schwann est contrôlée par des stimuli métaboliques comme l'insuline et que cette réponse est affectée dans le cas d'un diabète de type I. Ces données suggèrent que la dérégulation de l'expression de SREBP-1c lors du diabète pourrait affecter le métabolisme des lipides et ainsi contribuer à la pathophysiologie des NPD. Comme seconde approche, nous avons réalisé une analyse globale des changements moléculaires associés au développement des NPD chez les souris Akita+/+, un modèle de diabète de type I. Cette souris exprime une forme mutée et non fonctionnelle de l'insuline provoquant une hypoinsulinémie et une hyperglycémie. Afin de déterminer le début du développement de la NPD, le poids, le niveau de glucose sanguin et la vitesse de conduction nerveuse (VCN) ont été mesurés durant les 3 premiers mois de vie. Une diminution de la VCN a été détectée une semaine seulement après le développement de l'hyperglycémie. Pour explorer les changements moléculaires associés avec le développement des NPD, nous avons réalisé un profil d'expression de l'endoneurium du nerf sciatique et des ganglions spinaux isolés à partir de souris Akital+/+ et de souris contrôles Akita+/+. Aucune altération transcriptionnelle majeure n'a été détectée dans nos échantillons. Cette expérience suggère que les changements phénotypiques observés durant le développement des NPD ne sont pas corrélés avec des changements importants au niveau transcriptionnel, mais plutôt avec des altérations au niveau protéique. Résumé : Lors ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux changements moléculaires aboutissant aux neuropathies périphériques dues au diabète (NPD). Les NPD sont la complication la plus commune du diabète de type I et de type II. Cette pathologie est une cause majeure d'amputations. Même si les changements pathologiques et morphologiques associés aux NPD sont relativement bien décrits, les mécanismes moléculaires provoquant cette pathologie sont mal connus. Deux approches ont principalement été utilisées pour étudier le développement des NPD dans des modèles murins du diabète de type I. Nous avons d'abord étudié l'impact du métabolisme des lipides sur le développement des NPD en nous concentrant sur Sterol Response Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-1c qui est un régulateur clé des lipides de stockage. Nous avons montré que SREBP-1 c est exprimé dans les nerfs périphériques et que son profil d'expression suit celui de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme des lipides de stockage. De plus, l'expression de SREBP-1c dans l'endoneurium des nerfs périphériques est dépendante du statut nutritionnel et est dérégulée lors de diabète de type I. Nous avons également pu montrer que l'insuline augmente l'expression de SREBP-1c dans des cultures primaires de cellules de Schwann en activant le promoteur de SREBP-1c. Ses résultats démontrent que l'expression de SREBP-1c dans les cellules de Schwann est contrôlée par des stimuli métaboliques comme l'insuline et que cette réponse est affectée dans le cas d'un diabète de type I. Ces données suggèrent que la dérégulation de l'expression de SREBP-1c lors du diabète pourrait affecter le métabolisme des lipides et ainsi contribuer à la pathophysiologie des NPD. Comme seconde approche, nous avons réalisé une analyse globale des changements moléculaires associés au développement des NPD chez les souris Akita~~Z~+, un modèle de diabète de type I. Cette souris exprime une forme mutée et non fonctionnelle de l'insuline provoquant une hypoinsulinémie et une hyperglycémie. Afin de déterminer le début du développement de la NPD, le poids, le niveau de glucose sanguin et la vitesse de conduction nerveuse (VCN) ont été mesurés durant les 3 premiers mois de vie. Une diminution de la VCN a été détectée une semaine seulement après le développement de l'hyperglycémie. Pour explorer les changements moléculaires associés avec le développement des NPD, nous avons réalisé un profil d'expression de l'endoneurium du nerf sciatique et des ganglions spinaux isolés à partir de souris Akital+/+ et de souris contrôles Akita+/+. Aucune altération transcriptionnelle majeure n'a été détectée dans nos échantillons. Cette expérience suggère que les changements phénotypiques observés durant le développement des NPD ne sont pas corrélés avec des changements importants au niveau transcriptionnel, mais plutôt avec des altérations au niveau protéique.
ABSTRACT: Aims To assess the prevalence, awareness and treatment levels of Type 2 diabetes in a Swiss city. Methods Population-based cross-sectional study of 6181 subjects (3246 women) aged 35-75 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Type 2 diabetes was defined as fasting plasma glucose >/= 7 mmol/l and/or oral hypoglycaemic treatment and/or insulin. Results Total prevalence of Type 2 diabetes was 6.3% (95% confidence interval: 5.7-7.0%), higher in men (9.1%) than in women (3.8%, P < 0.001) and increased with age. Two-thirds (65.3%; 60.4-70.0%) of participants with Type 2 diabetes were aware of their status and among those aware 86.0% (81.5-90.3%) were treated. Treatment was more frequent in men (91.3%) than in women (75.9%, P < 0.001). Two-thirds of those treated for Type 2 diabetes were on monotherapy. Biguanides were prescribed in 65.0% of Type 2 diabetes patients and represented 48% of all antidiabetic drugs. Multivariable analysis showed male gender, increasing age, waist or BMI to be positively associated with prevalence of Type 2 diabetes, while leisure-time physical activity and alcohol consumption were negatively associated. Among participants presenting with Type 2 diabetes, increasing age was positively associated with awareness of Type 2 diabetes. Among subjects diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, male gender and increasing age were positively associated with treatment. Conclusion Prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in Switzerland is estimated to be between 5.7% and 7.0%. Two-thirds of patients with Type 2 diabetes are aware of their status, and over three quarters of those aware are treated.
Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus exhibit a marked increase in cardiovascular and renal risk. A number of interventional trials have shown that these patients benefit greatly from aggressive BP lowering, especially when the drug regimen comprises an inhibitor of the renin-angiotensin system. The results of the placebo-controlled ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular disease: PreterAx and DiamicroN MR Controlled Evaluation) trial, conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes, are exemplary in this respect. The systematic use of a fixed-dose combination containing the ACE inhibitor perindopril and the diuretic indapamide afforded substantial protection against cardiovascular mortality and myocardial infarction, while providing important renoprotection, reducing the development of micro- and macroalbuminuria, and allowing regression of nephropathy. The beneficial effects were obtained regardless of baseline BP and whether or not the patients were receiving antihypertensive therapy.
Background: Pre-existing psychological factors can strongly influence coping with type 1 diabetes mellitus and interfere with self-monitoring. Psychiatric disorders seem to be positively associated with poor metabolic control. We present a case of extreme compulsive blood testing due to obsessive fear of hypoglycemia in an adolescent with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Case report: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (anti GAD-antibodies 2624 U/l, norm < 9.5) was diagnosed in a boy aged 14.3 years [170 cm (+ 0.93 SDS), weight 50.5 kg (+ 0.05 SDS)]. Laboratory work-up showed no evidence for other autoimmune disease. Family and past medical history were unremarkable. Growth and developmental milestones were normal. Insulin-analog based basal-bolus regime was initiated, associated to standard diabetic education. Routine psychological evaluation performed at the onset of diabetes revealed intermittent anxiety and obsessivecompulsive traits. Accordingly, a close psychiatric follow-up was initiated for the patient and his family. An adequate metabolic control (HbA1c drop from >14 to 8%) was achieved within 3 months, attributed to residual -cell function. In the following 6 months, HbA1c rose unexpectedly despite seemingly adequate adaptations of insulin doses. Obsessive fear of hypoglycemia leading to a severe compulsive behavior developed progressively with as many as 68 glycemia measurements per day (mean over 1 week). The patient reported that he could not bear leaving home with glycemia < 15 mmol/l, ending up with school eviction and severe intra-familial conflict. Despite intensive psychiatric outpatient support, HbA1c rose rapidly to >14% with glycemia-testing reaching peaks of 120 tests/day. The situation could only be discontinued through psychiatric hospitalization with intensive behavioral training. As a result, adequate metabolic balance was restored (HbA1c value: 7.1 %) with acceptable 10-15 daily glycemia measurements. Discussion: The association of overt psychiatric disorders to type 1 diabetes mellitus is very rare in the pediatric age group. It can lead to a pathological behavior with uncontrolled diabetes. Such exceptional situations require long-term admissions with specialized psychiatric care. Slow acceptation of a "less is better" principle in glycemia testing and amelioration of metabolic control are difficult to achieve.
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells that is insufficient to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Autoimmune destruction of β cells results in type 1 diabetes mellitus, whereas conditions that reduce insulin sensitivity and negatively affect β-cell activities result in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Without proper management, patients with diabetes mellitus develop serious complications that reduce their quality of life and life expectancy. Biomarkers for early detection of the disease and identification of individuals at risk of developing complications would greatly improve the care of these patients. Small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) control gene expression and participate in many physiopathological processes. Hundreds of miRNAs are actively or passively released in the circulation and can be used to evaluate health status and disease progression. Both type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with distinct modifications in the profile of miRNAs in the blood, which are sometimes detectable several years before the disease manifests. Moreover, circulating levels of certain miRNAs seem to be predictive of long-term complications. Technical and scientific obstacles still exist that need to be overcome, but circulating miRNAs might soon become part of the diagnostic arsenal to identify individuals at risk of developing diabetes mellitus and its devastating complications.
The possible connection between chronic oral inflammatory processes, such as apical periodontitis and periodontal disease (PD), and systemic health is one of the most interesting aspects faced by the medical and dental scientific community. Chronic apical periodontitis shares important characteristics with PD: 1) both are chronic infections of the oral cavity, 2) the Gram-negative anaerobic microbiota found in both diseases is comparable, and 3) in both infectious processes increased local levels of inflammatory mediators may have an impact on systemic levels. One of the systemic disorders linked to PD is diabetes mellitus (DM); is therefore plausible to assume that chronic apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment are also associated with DM. The status of knowledge regarding the relationship between DM and endodontics is reviewed. Upon review, we conclude that there are data in the literature that associate DM with a higher prevalence of periapical lesions, greater size of the osteolityc lesions, greater likelihood of asymptomatic infections and worse prognosis for root filled teeth. The results of some studies suggest that periapical disease may contribute to diabetic metabolic dyscontrol
Current treatment guidelines consider diabetes to be equivalent to existing cardiovascular disease (CVD), but few data exist about the relative importance of these risk factors for total and CVD mortality in older women.We studied 9704 women aged >= 65 years enrolled in a prospective cohort study (Study of Osteoporotic Fracture) during a mean follow-up of 13 years and compared all-cause and CVD mortality among non-diabetic women without and with history of CVD at baseline and diabetic women without and with history of CVD. Diabetes mellitus and CVD were defined as self-report of physician diagnoses. Cause of death was adjudicated from death certificates and medical records when available. Ascertainment of vital status was 99% complete. Multivariate Cox hazard models adjusted for age, smoking, physical activity, systolic blood pressure, waist girth and education were used to compare mortality among the four groups with non-diabetic women without CVD as the referent group. At baseline mean age was 71.7 } 5.3 years, 7.0% reported diabetes mellitus and 14.5% reported prior CVD. 4257 women died during follow-up, 36.6% were attributed to CVD. Compared to non-diabetic women without prior CVD, the risk of CVD mortality was elevated among both non-diabetic women with CVD (HR = 1.82, 95% CI: 1.60-2.07, P <0.001) and diabetic women without prior CVD (HR = 2.24, CI: 1.87-2.69, P <0.001). CVD mortality was highest among diabetic women with CVD (HR = 3.41, CI: 2.61-4.45, P <0.001). Compared to non-diabetic women with CVD, diabetic women without prior CVD had a significantly higher adjusted HR for total and CVD mortality (P < 0.001 and P <0.05 respectively). Older diabetic women without prior CVD have a higher risk of all-cause and CVD mortality compared to nondiabetic women with pre-existing CVD. For older women, these data support the equivalence of prior CVD and diabetes mellitus in current guidelines for the prevention of CVD in primary care.
Diabetes mellitus has become a major cause of death worldwide and diabetic ketoacidosis is the most common cause of death in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Acute complications of diabetes mellitus as causes of death may be difficult to diagnose due to missing characteristic macroscopic and microscopic findings. Biochemical analyses, including vitreous glucose, blood (or alternative specimen) beta-hydroxybutyrate, and blood glycated hemoglobin determination, may complement postmortem investigations and provide useful information for determining the cause of death even in corpses with advanced decompositional changes. In this article, we performed a review of the literature pertaining to the diagnostic performance of classical and novel biochemical parameters that may be used in the forensic casework to identify disorders in glucose metabolism. We also present a review focusing on the usefulness of traditional and alternative specimens that can be sampled and subsequently analyzed to diagnose acute complications of diabetes mellitus as causes of death.
La diabetes mellitus (DM) constituye uno de los principales problemas de salud pública debido a su elevada prevalencia, al hecho de que puede afectar a personas de cualquier edad, sexo, clase social y área geográfica, a su elevada morbilidad y mortalidad y a su elevado coste sanitario. Tanto la DM tipo 1 (DM1) como la DM tipo 2 (DM2) cursan con hiperglucemia lo que puede originar complicaciones agudas hiperglucémicas e hipogucémicas, debido al tratamiento, y graves complicaciones crónicas macrovasculares y microvasculares, que pueden producir infarto de miocardio, accidente vascular...
La diabetes mellitus (DM) constituye uno de los principales problemas de salud pública debido a su elevada prevalencia, al hecho de que puede afectar a personas de cualquier edad, sexo, clase social y área geográfica, a su elevada morbilidad y mortalidad y a su elevado coste sanitario. Tanto la DM tipo 1 (DM1) como la DM tipo 2 (DM2) cursan con hiperglucemia lo que puede originar complicaciones agudas hiperglucémicas e hipogucémicas, debido al tratamiento, y graves complicaciones crónicas macrovasculares y microvasculares, que pueden producir infarto de miocardio, accidente vascular...
BACKGROUND: There have been inconsistent reports on the potential association between diabetes mellitus and epilepsy. METHODS: We examined a consecutive cohort of 2016 people with pharmacoresistant epilepsy admitted to a tertiary medical centre. RESULTS: We identified 20 individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM); a point prevalence of 9.9 (95% CI: 6.4, 15.3) cases per 1000 individuals. This represents a more than two-fold increase relative to published prevalence estimates of T1DM in the general population. The onset of T1DM preceded that of epilepsy in 80% of individuals, by a median of 1.5 years. Individuals with T1DM were significantly more likely to have cryptogenic/unknown epilepsy relative to those with type 2 diabetes mellitus or without diabetes (85% versus 35% and 49%, p=0.045). All individuals with T1DM had focal epilepsy, the majority of which were temporal lobe in origin, although there was no evidence that this proportion was any different from those without T1DM (p>0.999). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of T1DM appears to be increased in people with pharmacoresistant epilepsy and is associated with cryptogenic/unknown epilepsy. These findings may have pathophysiological implications, especially in the context of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies.
Objetivo La mayoría de enfermos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) se controla en atención primaria de salud (APS). La atención y educación proporcionadas por enfermería son clave para controlar la glucemia y prevenir las complicaciones macro y microangiopáticas de la DM. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la proporción de carga asistencial atribuible a la DM en consultas de enfermería de APS. Material y método Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal. Durante 2 semanas consecutivas se registraron datos de todos los enfermos que acudieron a 15 consultas de enfermería de APS ubicadas en 14 Áreas Básicas de Salud (ABS) de la provincia de Barcelona. Las variables de estudio fueron: edad, sexo, situación laboral, motivo de consulta, duración de la visita, presencia de DM y, en los enfermos diabéticos, el tipo de tratamiento. La recogida de datos se realizó en 2 períodos. El primero entre noviembre del año 2003 y enero del 2004 y el segundo en abril de 2005. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de estas variables con un intervalo de confianza del 95% y la asociación entre variables mediante el programa SPSS v.11.1. Resultados Tenía DM el 29% de los pacientes. La DM es el primer motivo de consulta (29,1%), aumenta con la edad y llega al 40% en mayores de 65 años. La duración media de una visita por DM es de 14,59 min, un 30,8% más elevada que la duración media del resto de los problemas de salud. Globalmente, las mujeres consultan más que los varones (56,6%) excepto en DM, curas y hábito tabáquico. Conclusiones La DM es el problema de salud que genera más demanda y consume más tiempo de enfermería en la APS. Esta realidad y el futuro que se prevé con relación al incremento de la prevalencia de DM exigen considerar nuevas estrategias organizativas y formativas, y establecer criterios para mejorar la gestión de recursos y promover estrategias educativas más efectivas.
Objetivo La mayoría de enfermos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) se controla en atención primaria de salud (APS). La atención y educación proporcionadas por enfermería son clave para controlar la glucemia y prevenir las complicaciones macro y microangiopáticas de la DM. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la proporción de carga asistencial atribuible a la DM en consultas de enfermería de APS. Material y método Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal. Durante 2 semanas consecutivas se registraron datos de todos los enfermos que acudieron a 15 consultas de enfermería de APS ubicadas en 14 Áreas Básicas de Salud (ABS) de la provincia de Barcelona. Las variables de estudio fueron: edad, sexo, situación laboral, motivo de consulta, duración de la visita, presencia de DM y, en los enfermos diabéticos, el tipo de tratamiento. La recogida de datos se realizó en 2 períodos. El primero entre noviembre del año 2003 y enero del 2004 y el segundo en abril de 2005. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de estas variables con un intervalo de confianza del 95% y la asociación entre variables mediante el programa SPSS v.11.1. Resultados Tenía DM el 29% de los pacientes. La DM es el primer motivo de consulta (29,1%), aumenta con la edad y llega al 40% en mayores de 65 años. La duración media de una visita por DM es de 14,59 min, un 30,8% más elevada que la duración media del resto de los problemas de salud. Globalmente, las mujeres consultan más que los varones (56,6%) excepto en DM, curas y hábito tabáquico. Conclusiones La DM es el problema de salud que genera más demanda y consume más tiempo de enfermería en la APS. Esta realidad y el futuro que se prevé con relación al incremento de la prevalencia de DM exigen considerar nuevas estrategias organizativas y formativas, y establecer criterios para mejorar la gestión de recursos y promover estrategias educativas más efectivas.
RESUMO O diabetes mellitus apresenta inúmeras lacunas na efetividade do seu tratamento, e a avaliação em serviço necessita ser contínua, sistemática e com dimensão orientadora de seus elementos intrínsecos: processo formativo e avaliação de competências profissional. Objetivo Apresentar o desenho didático de construção de ferramenta de avaliação de competências que o médico possui sobre o manejo do diabetes mellitus, com base em sua fisiopatologia. Métodos Estruturada como uma pesquisa participativa, o Ambiente Virtual de Avaliação de Competências, por meio de casos clínicos virtuais simulados, propõe um desenho aberto que vai sendo construído, avaliado, corrigido e melhorado durante sua execução. Resultados Com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), o instrumento foi desenvolvido no âmbito de uma pesquisa de mestrado vinculada à Telessaúde da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Validado o instrumento, viabilizou-se sua utilização por discentes e profissionais. Considerações As ações interativas propostas pelo ambiente virtual possibilitarão avaliar conhecimentos e identificar padrões que poderão melhorar conteúdos para manejo do DM. Propõe-se sua utilização na rede básica de saúde para confirmar sua validação, a fim de alcançar seus objetivos.