821 resultados para Convento de Santa Marta
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"Tratado de la consumada perfección" de p. 412 a p. 424.
"Representado con grande aplauso en Madrid" -port.-
The purpose of this study is to investigate the cultural identities of Santa Rita de Cassia constructed from the representations contained in the speech of Santa Cruz urban area residents, which is located in a harsh part of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. These residents make the story of the Saint full of meaning for themselves, in their daily lives, as well as to the society. This is observed in the narration of Rita de Cassia’s story which has been told in the city over the past one hundred and eighty years, the number of women's names and commercial establishments named “Santa Rita”. In 2010, with the inauguration of the Alto de Santa Rita – a space for worshiping the saint –, the amount of visitors increased in the city, due to the construction and inauguration of a colossal monument representing the image of Rita de Cassia. Then, new social, cultural, religious and political aspects became part of the local reality of the city of Santa Cruz, what made residents have something in common to talk about. According to the interdisciplinary approach of Applied Linguistics, our theoretical background is based on the socio-historical language concept, which understands language as discursive practice. Still theoretically speaking, this study establishes an interface with cultural studies, taking into account the concept of cultural identity in post-modernity society. Discourse analysis proved plural, with a multiplicity of cultural identities ranging from very obedient daughter to wife who suffered because of the husband, from very religious woman to the widow who entered the convent, on to the Saint of the miracles and healings interceding in the lives of the ones who seek for help. It was also observed in the above mentioned investigative path that these identities can be constructed and reconstructed if immersed in a different set of social practices historically determined
RESUMO: A cidade de Lisboa acolheu vários conventos e mosteiros que, apesar de actualmente albergarem diversas funções que não a religiosa, persistem na malha urbana da cidade. As antigas cercas conventuais e monásticas que perduraram conservam-se como lugares verdes da cidade. Estas áreas na sua maioria, jardins privados. Contudo, na zona ocidente de Lisboa, duas cercas conventuais são hoje exemplos notáveis de jardins públicos. São os casos da cerca do Convento de Nossa Senhora das Necessidades - hoje o Jardim da Tapada das Necessidades -, e da cerca do Mosteiro de Nossa Senhora da Estrela - hoje o Jardim da Estrela. Este trabalho, com base no estudo do Jardim da Tapada das Necessidades e do Jardim da Estrela, e na essência do jardim português procura estabelecer uma hipótese de intervenção nas cercas de Lisboa. Assim, é proposta a recuperação da cerca conventual do Beato António como espaço de jardim público. Desta forma, este trabalho não só contribui para o conhecimento sobre as cercas conventuais e monásticas de Lisboa, como para a enunciação de uma possível metodologia de intervenção nestes conjuntos; ABSTRACT: The city of Lisbon hosted several convents and monasteries that although currently harboring various functions other than religious, persist in the city. The old convent and monastic fences that lasted are preserved as green places in town. These areas are mostly private gardens. However, in the western part of Lisbon, two conventual fences are outstanding examples of public gardens. This is the case of the Nossa Senhora das Necessidades Convent - now the Jardim das Necessidades - and of the Monastery of Nossa Senhora da Estrela - now the Jardim da Estrela. This paper, based on the study of the Jardim das Necessidades and the Jardim da Estrela, and on the essence of Portuguese gardens, seeks to establish a hypothesis of intervention on the fences of Lisbon. It is therefore proposed to recover the conventual fence of Beato Antonio as a public garden space. Thus, this thesis not only contributes to the knowledge of the Lisbon's conventual and monastic fences, as to the enunciation of a possible intervention methodology in these sets.
A importância da encenação de uma transição entre o mundo secular e a vida em clausura, no contexto da arquitectura cartusiana, é amplamente demonstrada através dos percursos de entrada dos conjuntos mais relevantes, bem como em muitos daqueles representados nas gravuras presentes no livro Maisons de l’Ordre des Chartreux – Vues et Notices, uma obra do início do século XX que inclui gravuras da quase totalidade dos 282 mosteiros cartusianos distribuídos por quase toda a Europa. Na maioria das cartuxas podem observarse transições indirectas e prolongadas, capazes de tardar o passo e dar significado à passagem para a clausura – características espaciais que São Bruno, fundador da casa cartusiana, considerava primordiais para a implantação do seu eremitério. A partir de uma cuidada análise dessa transição, nas cartuxas em geral, e da sua evolução morfológica, na cartuxa de Évora em particular – estimulada pela descoberta de dados aqui analisados e interpretados pela primeira vez – apresenta-se, em continuidade com a sua história e tendo como premissa a consolidação do processo de entrada, uma proposta de redefinição da estrutura monacal de Santa Maria Scala Coeli. Esta estrutura originária do século XVI encontra-se incompleta e degradada, em particular na ala sul onde se encontra o seu principal acesso, sendo fundamental o completamento desta área para o cabal reconhecimento da unidade do conjunto e da intenção na qual se traduz a sua génese. De resto, a estratégia de investigação e de projecto descrita nesta dissertação pode ser encarada como um processo plausível de ser utilizado no caso de futuras intervenções noutras estruturas cartusianas, contribuindo assim para a recuperação e preservação do conceito fundador da identidade da arquitectura cartusiana que, no decorrer da expansão da ordem, se foi perdendo; The Architecture of the Carthusian Monastery of Santa Maria Scala Coeli: About the process of entrance. ABSTRACT: The importance of staging a transition between the secular world and life cloistered in the context of Carthusian architecture is amply demonstrated through the input paths of the most important collections, as well as many of those represented in the pictures in the book Maisons de l’Ordre des Chartreux – Vues et Notices, one of the early twentieth century work that includes prints of almost all of the 282 Carthusians monasteries spread across almost all of Europe. In most of Carthusian the transitions that can be observed are indirect and long, able to delay the step and give meaning to the passage to the life cloistered - spatial characteristics that St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order, considered essential for the implementation of his hermitage. From a careful analysis of this transition, looking through the Carthusian in general, and its morphological evolution, in the Charterhouse of Évora in particular, encouraged by the data discovery here analyzed and interpreted for the first time - it is presented in continuity with its history and having premised on the consolidation of the entry process, a proposal for a redefinition of the monastic structure of Santa Maria Scala Coeli. This original structure of the sixteenth century is incomplete and degraded, particularly in the south wing where it is the main access, and where is fundamental the completion of this area to the full recognition of the unity of the whole and to understand the intent in which translates its genesis. Moreover, the research strategy and project described in this paper can be seen as a plausible case to be used in case of future interventions in other cartusianas structures, thus contributing to the recovery and preservation of the founder of the identity concept of the Carthusian architecture that, during the expansion of the order, was missing.
En la actualidad el municipio de Santa Tecla es la cuarta ciudad de El Salvador en importancia, debido a su crecimiento comercial y poblacional ya que es el municipio con mayor población en El Salvador, el presupuesto y el número de empleados asignado a la alcaldía así como el alto porcentaje de comercio formal e informal que existe en el municipio. Dicha situación hace más complejo cubrir las necesidades y servicios que requieren los ciudadanos que habitan en dicho municipio, para dicha situación, la Alcaldía se vale de la autonomía política, económica y administrativa que le otorga la ley para cumplir estas expectativas Sin embargo la debilidad administrativa que enfrenta hoy en día la Alcaldía Municipal de Santa Tecla es la recuperación de lo adeudado por los contribuyentes en concepto de tributos municipales, es el motivo para realizar el presente trabajo de investigación titulado DISEÑO DE UN SISTEMA DE COBROS DE CUENTAS CORRIENTES Y RECUPERACION DE MORA PARA LA ALCALDIA MUNICIPAL DE SANTA TECLA. La metodología utilizada en la investigación fue mediante la recopilación de información tanto bibliográfica relacionada con la fundación de las comunas en el país y sus funciones que realizan, así como la información proporcionada por el gerente financiero de la Alcaldía y los jefes de los departamentos y unidades que intervienen en el cobro de los tributos municipales, lo que permitió profundizar en el desarrollo de la investigación. La investigación de campo se realizó mediante encuestas, las cuales fueron diseñadas para los habitantes del municipio de Santa Tecla y además se estableció que en la alcaldía en mención en su departamento de cuentas corrientes no contaba con objetivos ni políticas para poder efectuar una eficiente recaudación de tributos morosos. Se determinaron las causas por las cuales los contribuyentes no cancelan las tasas municipales así también los impuestos oportunamente, siendo las más importantes la falta de recursos económicos, la falta de tiempo, y la falta de interés para cancelar los tributos. Por lo que en la propuesta de solución se enfoca a mejorar el sistema de cobros de cuentas corrientes y recuperación de la mora a través de: El establecimiento de objetivos, estrategias y políticas para las unidades de Cuentas Corrientes y de Recuperación de Mora de la alcaldía en mención. La implementación de instrumentos y técnicas para el cobro de los tributos, buscando en la medida de lo posible realizar el cobro de forma eficiente, de tal manera que se evite que el contribuyente caiga en mora. La adquisición de un sistema mecanizado que ayude mejorar los procesos y así obtener informes sobre el comportamiento del cobro y lo que se recupera a diario.
En los últimos años, la modificación que el medio urbano ejerce sobre el clima regional a una escala local, la llamada isla de calor urbana, ha sido uno de los fenómenos más estudiados, dado que tiene una relación directa con el confort y la calidad de vida de la población. Es por ello que el presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar los primeros resultados de la estimación la isla de calor urbana en Santa Teresita, una localidad balnearia ubicada en el centro este de la provincia de Buenos Aires, a los 33º 33´ 00´´ S y 56º 41´ 00´´ O. La ciudad ha nacido y crecido con un fin turístico asociado al clima templado oceánico y a sus atractivas playas. Se efectuaron mediciones de temperatura del aire y humedad relativa a través de la ciudad para determinar la forma y la intensidad de la isla de calor urbano utilizando estaciones móviles e información de una estación meteorológica fija y datos del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. La ciudad presenta una variación climática generada por las edificaciones, la incidencia del mar y de la vegetación, diferente a lo largo del día.Palabras Clave: Isla de calor urbana – Temperatura - Humedad relativa - Santa Teresita, ArgentinaAbstracIn the last years, the modification that the urban way exercises on the regional climate to a local scale, the so called urban heat island, has been one of the most studied phenomena ast it has a direct relation with the comfort and quality of life of the population. It is for it that the present work takes as an object present the initial results of estimating the urban heat island in Santa Teresita, a touristic locality located in the central eastern province of Buenos Aires, the 33º 3 ‘00 “ S and 56º40‘00 “ W. The city was born and grew up with a tourism associated with the moderate oceanic climate and with their attractive beaches. There were effected measurements of temperature of the air and relative dampness across the city to determine the form and the intensity of the urban heat island using mobile stations and information from a wheater station data sets and the Meteorological National Service. The city has a diverged climate generated by the buildings, the incident of the sea and of the vegetation, different throughout the day.Key words: Urban heat island - Temperature - Relative dampness - Santa Teresita, Argentina.
The Sascha-Pelligrini low-sulphidation epithermal system is located on the western edge of the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Outcrop sampling has returned values of up to 160g/t gold and 796g/t silver, with Mirasol Resources and Coeur D.Alene Mines currently exploring the property. Detailed mapping of the volcanic stratigraphy has defined three units that comprise the middle Jurassic Chon Aike Formation and two units that comprise the upper Jurassic La Matilde Formation. The Chon Aike Formation consists of rhyodacite ignimbrites and tuffs, with the La Matilde Formation including rhyolite ash and lithic tuffs. The volcanic sequence is intruded by a large flow-banded rhyolite dome, with small, spatially restricted granodiorite dykes and sills cropping out across the study area. ASTER multispectral mineral mapping, combined with PIMA (Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis defines an alteration pattern that zones from laumontite-montmorillonite, to illite-pyritechlorite, followed by a quartz-illite-smectite-pyrite-adularia vein selvage. Supergene kaolinite and steam-heated acid-sulphate kaolinite-alunite-opal alteration horizons crop out along the Sascha Vein trend and Pelligrini respectively. Paragenetically, epithermal veining varies from chalcedonic to saccharoidal with minor bladed textures, colloform/crustiform-banded with visible electrum and acanthite, crustiform-banded grey chalcedonic to jasperoidal with fine pyrite, and crystalline comb quartz. Geothermometry of mineralised veins constrains formation temperatures from 174.8 to 205.1¡ÆC and correlates with the stability field for the interstratified illite-smectite vein selvage. Vein morphology, mineralogy and associated alteration are controlled by host rock rheology, permeability, and depth of the palaeo-water table. Mineralisation within ginguro banded veins resulted from fluctuating fluid pH associated with selenide-rich magmatic pulses, pressure release boiling and wall-rock silicate buffering. The study of the Sascha-Pelligrini epithermal system will form the basis for a deposit-specific model helping to clarify the current understanding of epithermal deposits, and may serve as a template for exploration of similar epithermal deposits throughout Santa Cruz.
The pegmatite mineral qingheiite Na2(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)2(Al,Fe3+)(PO4)3 has been studied by a combination of SEM and EMP, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The studied sample was collected from the Santa Ana pegmatite, Argentina. The mineral occurs as a primary mineral in lithium bearing pegmatite, in association with beausite and lithiophilite. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a very sharp intense Raman band at 980 cm�1 assigned to the PO3�4 symmetric stretching mode. Multiple Raman bands are observed in the PO3�4 antisymmetric stretching region, providing evidence for the existence of more than one phosphate unit in the structure of qingheiite and evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the phosphate units. This concept is affirmed by the number of bands in the m4 and m2 bending regions. No intensity was observed in the OH stretching region in the Raman spectrum but significant intensity is found in the infrared spectrum. Infrared bands are observed at 2917, 3195, 3414 and 3498 cm�1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. It is suggested that some water is coordinating the metal cations in the structure of qingheiite.
Albert and Elsa Einstein on the beach with Walter Adams; Santa Barbara, California Portraits; Groups
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Albert and Elsa Einstein on the beach with Walter Adams; Santa Barbara, California Portraits; Groups
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