716 resultados para Communication -- Social aspects -- Ontario -- Niagara Peninsula
A mídia impressa não especializada apresenta variados assuntos sobre estudantes universitários e esta tese objetiva verificar que aspectos psicossociais desses estudantes são abordados com mais freqüência. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram selecionadas notícias sobre estudantes de graduação veiculadas pelos jornais Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo e A Tribuna. A análise das notícias foi norteada pela Teoria Evolutiva da Adaptação, de Ryad Simon, mais especificamente, no que tange aos setores adaptativos afetivo-relacional, produtivo, orgânico e sócio-cultural. Verificou-se que a mídia impressa dá mais relevância aos setores produtivo e sócio-cultural dos alunos, em detrimento dos setores afetivo-relacional e orgânico. Com a finalidade de investigar o posicionamento de jornalistas frente aos resultados da análise setorial, foi-lhes enviado um questionário com base nos resultados obtidos, e verificou-se que a maioria desses profissionais está ciente da hegemonia dos setores produtivo e sócio-cultural, mas consideram importante a presença de todos os setores adaptativos nas notícias publicadas.
Assuntos como vestibular, escolha profissional ocupam espaço na mídia impressa especializada principalmente no final do ano. Evidentemente, o adolescente está inserido nesse contexto. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar como essa mídia representa o adolescente na etapa da escolha profissional e do vestibular, pesquisando que aspectos da vida desse jovem são mais focalizados. Para tanto, foram analisadas algumas publicações da mídia especializada - revistas GUIA DO ESTUDANTE, ALMANAQUE DO ESTUDANTE e os suplementos teens FOVEST e FOLHATEEN, veiculados pelo jornal Folha de SP. Tomando-se por base a teoria evolutiva da adaptação humana de Ryad Simon,que procura analisar quatro setores adaptativos: Afetivo-Relacional, Produtividade,Sócio-Cultural e Orgânico, procurou-se verificar se a mídia leva em conta todos os setores ou se procura dar maior destaque apenas ao setor da produtividade. O período de análise escolhido foi o que antecede a época do vestibular, de meio e de final de ano. A pesquisa foi quantitativa e qualitativa, buscando-se utilizar, como método, a análise de conteúdo por meio da EDAO, um instrumento da Psicologia que avalia os quatro setores da adaptação humana, segundo a teoria proposta por Simon (1989). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a mídia especializada dá maior ênfase aos aspectos produtivos, portanto ao setor Produtividade. Os demais setores, confirmando as hipóteses formuladas, foram pouco abordados, tanto pelas revistas quanto pelos suplementos.Outro dado observado foi a pouca profundidade na abordagem dos temas. O estudo concluiu, também, que a EDAO - Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada pode ser utilizada como instrumento de análise de conteúdo em pesquisas envolvendo a mídia impressa especializada e os aspectos psicossociais do indivíduo.(AU)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e analisar a rede social Cafés do Brasil rede social na Internet criada para integrar cafeicultores, agrônomos, pesquisadores e demais agentes que atuam no agronegócio café - a partir da comunicação estabelecida entre seus atores, procurando, ainda, avaliar a adequação desta nova formatação de rede social para o processo de comunicação à transferência de informação tecnológica ao setor produtivo e para a interação dos agentes que atuam nos diversos segmentos da cadeia agroindustrial do café. A principal metodologia empregada foi a Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS) que, por meio de análises matemáticas e estatísticas, fundamentadas na modelagem por meio de grafos (sociogramas), permitiu-nos não só descrever as propriedades estruturais da rede estudada, como interpretar e criar significados para as relações sociais identificadas na rede. Os resultados obtidos caracterizam a rede Cafés do Brasil como uma rede pouco conectada tanto no âmbito das relações estabelecidas entre seus atores pela troca de mensagens por e-mail, quanto nos espaços destinados à discussão e debates sobre temas relacionados ao setor. À guisa de conclusões pode-se afirmar que, apesar de possuir estrutura aberta e flexível, e ferramentas que facilitam o compartilhamento de informações, a rede Cafés do Brasil não foi capaz até o momento de integrar de forma satisfatória os agentes da cadeia agroindustrial do café que dela participam, e sua formatação atual não favorece substancialmente o processo de comunicação para a transferência de tecnologia ao setor produtivo. Com base no estudo, apresentamos sugestões para ajustes na configuração da rede de forma a adequá-la aos objetivos para os quais foi construída.(AU)
E-atmospherics have been often analyzed in terms of functional features, leaving its characteristics' link to social capital co-creation as a fertile research area. Prior research have demonstrated the capacity of e-atmospherics' at modifying shopping habits towards deeper engagement. Little is known on how processes and cues emerging from the social aspects of lifestyle influence purchasing behavior. The anatomy of social dimension and ICT is the focus of this research, where attention is devoted to unpack the meanings and type of online mundane social capital creation. Taking a cross-product/services approach to better investigate social construction impact, our approach also involves both an emerging and a mature market where exploratory content analysis of landing page are done on Turkish and French web sites, respectively. We contend that by comprehending social capital, daily micro practices, habits and routine, a better and deeper understanding on e-atmospherics incumbent and potential effects on its multi-national e-customer will be acquired.
The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes, beliefs, and practices of community college professors regarding education for sustainable development (ESD). In-depth interviews with 14 professors from different disciplines were conducted. The participants taught at Miami Dade College, Florida, a Talloires Declaration signatory since 2006, and all had attended Green Studies professional development workshops. Written documents such as assignments and samples of student work were used for triangulation. The annual report of the college’s Earth Ethics Institute and its Web site served as additional sources. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed for common themes. The Talloires Declaration’s 10-point action plan and the key characteristics of ESD (UN DESD, 2006) served as the conceptual framework. The study found that the professors considered ESD an essential issue. The majority discussed the economic and social aspects of ESD; however, the environmental aspect was mentioned most frequently. The professors’ conceptualizations of ESD were influenced by their experiences and evidenced by the metaphors they used. Although their engagement with ESD differed, the professors expressed optimism toward ESD related teaching and learning. They regarded ESD as compatible with their subjects, and most had already been infusing sustainability into their courses or planned to do so. Additionally, the participants’ teaching practices reflected many of the characteristics of ESD. Even though the professors considered ESD challenging, they believed that they could make contributions to the college’s effort. The metaphor of “Planting a Seed” was frequently used to describe this holistic approach. The study also found that many professors regarded interpersonal relationships and communication significant factors for the advancement of ESD. The participants described several challenges to integrating ESD at their college. These related to time constraints, density of curriculum, institutional size and fragmentation, dearth of administrative support and incentives, students’ lack of academic preparation and sustainability awareness, students’ inability to focus on ESD because of personal, social, or economic circumstances, and professors’ frustration about a divisive atmosphere as a result of their engagement with sustainability. Despite these obstacles, the professors believed that ESD could be successfully woven into the community college experience.
Despite growing attention, social values, compared to economic aspects, of information technology (IT) capture substantially less attention in the mainstream IT literature. In the context of mobile technology, social values might be as critical to help justify technology investment as the predominant economics perspective in the existing IT literature. As wireless networks and relevant mobile technologies continue to penetrate the global society and business world, an emerging social phenomenon rapidly reshapes how organizations interact with the technology and reposition themselves in their specific institutional context where organizations often develop networked alliance to compete against one another. This study thus seeks to shed light on how organizations make sense of the social aspects of wireless network implementation. Preliminary understanding derived from two higher education organizations' experiences is summarized. Implications for future research endeavor are suggested.
The intention of the Niagara Parks Commission to undertake restorations of Fort George, Fort Mississauga and Fort Erie has inspired this survey. The aim has not been to create an historical narrative - so many already exist - but rather to present an accurate description of the original appearance, structure and design of each of the Niagara Forts. This it is hoped may be of some practical assistance to those in charge of the actual work of restoration. In the case of Fort Mississauga which was maintained as a military post until 1857, vary complete information has been available. Fort George and Fort Erie were abandoned for military purposes after the War of 1812 and fewer plans and contemporary accounts have survived. While the work of research, involving the collection of every possible plan of the works and every drawing of their appearance as well as the piecing together of material, has been more difficult in the case of the latter forts, it is felt that the essential information has been secured. The use of a number of military terms in the description of the fortifications has been unavoidable and a glossary of these is included on page 66. The list of plans and illustrations is as complete as possible.
Citizens say they are very concerned about the environment, and they know the role they play in their deterioration; but there is a gap between this proclaimed interest and the mobilization against environmental problems. Several news published between 2010 and 2011 about the Spanish energy policy and Doñana have economic and social aspects, that sometimes are confused with environmental aspects. It is worthy of study, therefore, to analyze how the press reflects that citizen interest; and how a critical issue as the quality of the information can influence the attitude of citizens in issues related to the environment. If the journalistic practice does not meet quality its function, it will condition the social participation.
This paper explores the relationship between the rise of “new” social movements (15-M and Occupy) and the Internet. The new social media gives rise to new kinds of social movements which embed this technology from the moment of conception. The future of social movements will be characterised by movinets, which will have the effect of developing new efficient ways of activism. The movinets, with their embedded technology and capacity to circulate ideas among different spheres of reality, have a potential to alter the dynamics of social mobilisation.
Mänskliga faktorer som till exempel kommunikation och tillit påverkar hur människor interagerar med varandra. I agil systemutveckling ingår relationer, samspel och samarbete mellan människor och dessa påverkar om systemutvecklingsprojektet anses framgångsrikt eller ej. Men ofta i systemutvecklingsprojekt så läggs det mer tid på själva tekniken än de sociala aspekterna, där de mänskliga faktorerna i många fall är en avgörande faktor för projektets slutresultat. Syftet med det nuvarande arbetet är att beskriva vilka mänskliga faktorer som är viktiga för att effektivisera samarbete i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt, samt att beskriva hur agil systemutveckling på Trafikverket utförs. Trafikverket ville ha studien genomförd för att resultatet av studien skulle hjälpa till att minska antalet mindre framgångsrika systemutvecklingsprojekt på Trafikverket. Huvudfrågan i arbetet är: Vilka mänskliga faktorer är viktiga för att effektivisera samarbetet mellan verksamhetskunniga och utvecklare i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt? En fallstudie utfördes vid Trafikverket genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer som följdes upp av enkäter och dokumentstudier. Det sammanlagda resultatet tyder på att för att effektivisera samarbetet mellan verksamhetskunniga och utvecklare i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt på Trafikverket krävs fokus på följande fem mänskliga faktorer: kommunikation, tillit, ledarskap, kunskap och motivation.
Mänskliga faktorer som till exempel kommunikation och tillit påverkar hur människor interagerar med varandra. I agil systemutveckling ingår relationer, samspel och samarbete mellan människor och dessa påverkar om systemutvecklingsprojektet anses framgångsrikt eller ej. Men ofta i systemutvecklingsprojekt så läggs det mer tid på själva tekniken än de sociala aspekterna, där de mänskliga faktorerna i många fall är en avgörande faktor för projektets slutresultat. Syftet med det nuvarande arbetet är att beskriva vilka mänskliga faktorer som är viktiga för att effektivisera samarbete i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt, samt att beskriva hur agil systemutveckling på Trafikverket utförs. Trafikverket ville ha studien genomförd för att resultatet av studien skulle hjälpa till att minska antalet mindre framgångsrika systemutvecklingsprojekt på Trafikverket. Huvudfrågan i arbetet är: Vilka mänskliga faktorer är viktiga för att effektivisera samarbetet mellan verksamhetskunniga och utvecklare i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt? En fallstudie utfördes vid Trafikverket genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer som följdes upp av enkäter och dokumentstudier. Det sammanlagda resultatet tyder på att för att effektivisera samarbetet mellan verksamhetskunniga och utvecklare i agila systemutvecklingsprojekt på Trafikverket krävs fokus på följande fem mänskliga faktorer: kommunikation, tillit, ledarskap, kunskap och motivation.
An important aspect of sustainability is to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning while improving human well-being. For this, the ecosystem service (ES) approach has the potential to bridge the still existing gap between ecological management and social development, especially by focusing on trade-offs and synergies between ES and between their beneficiaries. Several frameworks have been proposed to account for trade-offs and synergies between ES, and between ES and other components of social-ecological systems. However, to date, insufficient explicit attention has been paid to the three facets encompassed in the ES concept, namely potential supply, demand, and use, leading to incomplete descriptions of ES interactions. We expand on previous frameworks by proposing a new influence network framework (INF) based on an explicit consideration of influence relationships between these three ES facets, biodiversity, and external driving variables. We tested its ability to provide a comprehensive view of complex social-ecological interactions around ES through a consultative process focused on environmental management in the French Alps. We synthetized the interactions mentioned during this consultative process and grouped variables according to their overall propensity to influence or be influenced by the system. The resulting directed sequence of influences distinguished between: (1) mostly influential variables (dynamic social variables and ecological state variables), (2) target variables (provisioning and cultural services), and (3) mostly impacted variables (regulating services and biodiversity parameters). We discussed possible reasons for the discrepancies between actual and perceived influences and proposed options to overcome them. We demonstrated that the INF holds the potential to deliver collective assessments of ES relations by: (1) including ecological as well as social aspects, (2) providing opportunities for colearning processes between stakeholder groups, and (3) supporting communication about complex social-ecological systems and consequences for environmental management.
Problem This dissertation presents a literature-based framework for communication in science (with the elements partners, purposes, message, and channel), which it then applies in and amends through an empirical study of how geoscientists use two social computing technologies (SCTs), blogging and Twitter (both general use and tweeting from conferences). How are these technologies used and what value do scientists derive from them? Method The empirical part used a two-pronged qualitative study, using (1) purposive samples of ~400 blog posts and ~1000 tweets and (2) a purposive sample of 8 geoscientist interviews. Blog posts, tweets, and interviews were coded using the framework, adding new codes as needed. The results were aggregated into 8 geoscientist case studies, and general patterns were derived through cross-case analysis. Results A detailed picture of how geoscientists use blogs and twitter emerged, including a number of new functions not served by traditional channels. Some highlights: Geoscientists use SCTs for communication among themselves as well as with the public. Blogs serve persuasion and personal knowledge management; Twitter often amplifies the signal of traditional communications such as journal articles. Blogs include tutorials for peers, reviews of basic science concepts, and book reviews. Twitter includes links to readings, requests for assistance, and discussions of politics and religion. Twitter at conferences provides live coverage of sessions. Conclusions Both blogs and Twitter are routine parts of scientists' communication toolbox, blogs for in-depth, well-prepared essays, Twitter for faster and broader interactions. Both have important roles in supporting community building, mentoring, and learning and teaching. The Framework of Communication in Science was a useful tool in studying these two SCTs in this domain. The results should encourage science administrators to facilitate SCT use of scientists in their organization and information providers to search SCT documents as an important source of information.