991 resultados para Cisa de pas-Valencia
[ES] En este trabajo se ha analizado un grupo de 6 inserciones Alu autosómicas (ACE, APO, PV92, TPA25, FXIIIB y D1) en una muestra de 56 individuos de etnia gitana residentes en el País Vasco, con el objetivo de estimar la intensidad de los procesos de microdiferenciación experimentados por esta población y su parentesco genético con otras poblaciones europeas y asiáticas. Las inserciones Alu polimórficas son unos marcadores muy útiles en los estudios de evolución humana, entre otras razones porque se conoce su estado ancestral, que es la ausencia de inserción y porque se producen por un único evento mutacional. Son por ello particularmente interesantes para analizar la heterogeneidad genética de poblaciones originarias de diferentes continentes.
558 p.
Esta dissertação analisa as diferentes imagens do Brasil construídas pela revista britânica The Economist, de forma a evidenciar como essas imagens forjaram o mito do Brasil como País do Futuro, contribuindo para a construção de uma identidade internacional do País. O marco cronológico desta pesquisa, 1970 a 2010, corresponde a uma longa curva que demonstra a gangorra de interesse e desinteresse da qual o Brasil foi objeto. Para a consecução dos objetivos desta dissertação foram analisadas as publicações editadas entre os anos mencionados. Dessa forma, a dissertação também demonstra que os debates sobre o posicionamento do Brasil na ordem econômica internacional e sobre as perspectivas de alteração nesta ordem são travados entre as elites político-econômicas que, por sua vez, são os segmentos preferenciais dos leitores da The Economist.
O principal objetivo da pesquisa foi averiguar o quanto o ensino da disciplina de Geografia, por meio dos manuais escolares, contribuiu para forjar a ideia de país grande e em constante desenvolvimento no período da ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985). Para isso, tornou-se necessário analisar a influência do mercado editorial, os processos educacionais do período, as legislações, os materiais adquiridos pelo(s) governo(s) e distribuídos entre as escolas e, consequentemente, analisar as ideologias que os governos militares pretenderam passar por meio das obras didáticas. Para viabilizar esse estudo, discutimos a importância da pesquisa em livros didáticos e desenvolvemos uma breve análise do uso dos manuais escolares em períodos anteriores e posteriores ao golpe, com a finalidade de investigar mudanças e permanências nos discursos ideológicos
In this work we investigate the lateral periodicity of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/GaAs/Ga(PAs)/GaAs superlattices by means of X-ray scattering techniques. The multilayers were grown by metalorganic Vapour phase epitaxy on (001)GaAs substrates, which were intentionally off-oriented towards the [011]-direction. The substrate off-orientation and the strain distribution was found to affect the structural properties of the superlattices inducing the generation of laterally ordered macrosteps. Several high-resolution triple-crystal reciprocal space maps, which were recorded for different azimuth angles in the vicinity of the (004) Bragg diffraction and contour maps of the specular reflected beam collected in the vicinity of the (000) reciprocal lattice point, are reported and discussed. The reciprocal space maps clearly show a two-dimensional periodicity of the X-ray peak intensity distribution which can be ascribed to the superlattice periodicity in the direction of the surface normal and to a lateral periodicity in a crystallographic direction coinciding with the miscut orientation. The distribution and correlation of the vertical as well as of the lateral interface roughness was investigated by specular reflectivity and diffuse scattering measurements. Our results show that the morphology of the roughness is influenced by the off-orientation angle and can be described by a 2-dimensional waviness.
In this work we investigate the structural properties of symmetrically strained (GaIn)As/GaAs/Ga(PAs)/GaAs superlattices by means of x-ray diffraction, reciprocal-space mapping, and x-ray reflectivity. The multilayers were grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy on (001) GaAs substrates intentionally off-oriented towards one of the nearest [110] directions. High-resolution triple-crystal reciprocal-space maps recorded for different azimuth angles in the vicinity of the (004) Bragg diffraction clearly show a double periodicity of the x-ray peak intensity that can be ascribed to a lateral and a vertical periodicity occurring parallel and perpendicular to the growth surface. Moreover, from the intensity modulation of the satellite peaks, a lateral-strain gradient within the epilayer unit cell is found, varying from a tensile to a compressive strain. Thus, the substrate off-orientation promotes a lateral modulation of the layer thickness (ordered interface roughness) and of the lattice strain, giving rise to laterally ordered macrosteps. In this respect, contour maps of the specular reflected beam in the vicinity of the (000) reciprocal lattice point were recorded in order to inspect the vertical and lateral interface roughness correlation, A semiquantitative analysis of our results shows that the interface morphology and roughness is greatly influenced by the off-orientation angle and the lateral strain distribution. Two mean spatial wavelengths can be determined, one corresponding exactly to the macrostep periodicity and the other indicating a further interface waviness along the macrosteps. The same spatial periodicities were found on the surface by atomic-force-microscopy images confirming the x-ray results and revealing a strong vertical correlation of the interfaces up to the outer surface.
8 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
There is concern in the Cross-Channel region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France) and Kent (Great Britain), regarding the extent of atmospheric pollution detected in the area from emitted gaseous (VOC, NOx, S02)and particulate substances. In particular, the air quality of the Cross-Channel or "Trans-Manche" region is highly affected by the heavily industrial area of Dunkerque, in addition to transportation sources linked to cross-channel traffic in Kent and Calais, posing threats to the environment and human health. In the framework of the cross-border EU Interreg IIIA activity, the joint Anglo-French project, ATTMA, has been commissioned to study Aerosol Transport in the Trans-Manche Atmosphere. Using ground monitoring data from UK and French networks and with the assistance of satellite images the project aims to determine dispersion patterns. and identify sources responsible for the pollutants. The findings of this study will increase awareness and have a bearing on future air quality policy in the region. Public interest is evident by the presence of local authorities on both sides of the English Channel as collaborators. The research is based on pollution transport simulations using (a) Lagrangian Particle Dispersion (LPD) models, (b) an Eulerian Receptor Based model. This paper is concerned with part (a), the LPD Models. Lagrangian Particle Dispersion (LPD) models are often used to numerically simulate the dispersion of a passive tracer in the planetary boundary layer by calculating the Lagrangian trajectories of thousands of notional particles. In this contribution, the project investigated the use of two widely used particle dispersion models: the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model and the model FLEXPART. In both models forward tracking and inverse (or·. receptor-based) modes are possible. Certain distinct pollution episodes have been selected from the monitor database EXPER/PF and from UK monitoring stations, and their likely trajectory predicted using prevailing weather data. Global meteorological datasets were downloaded from the ECMWF MARS archive. Part of the difficulty in identifying pollution sources arises from the fact that much of the pollution outside the monitoring area. For example heightened particulate concentrations are to originate from sand storms in the Sahara, or volcanic activity in Iceland or the Caribbean work identifies such long range influences. The output of the simulations shows that there are notable differences between the formulations of and Hysplit, although both models used the same meteorological data and source input, suggesting that the identification of the primary emissions during air pollution episodes may be rather uncertain.
Se hace un estudio de los matorrales seriales de las sierras del Boquerón y Palomera (Valencia-Albacete). Se discute su posición sintaxonómica y se proponen cuatro nuevasasociaciones (Salvio lavandulifoliae-Erinacetum anthyllidis, Salvio lavandulifoliae-Genistetum mugronensis, Thymo piperellae-Hypericetum ericoidis y Gypsopyllo struthii-Ononidetum edentulae) y diez nuevas subasociaciones.
Se estudia la asociación Rubo ulmifolii-Tametum communis, zarzal que constituye la orla espinosa de los bosques climáticos eutrofos del País Vasco cantábrico (robledales, fresnedas). Para distinguir el manto de los encinares cantábricos relictos (Lauro-Quercetum ilicis) se describe una nueva subasociación Rubo-Tametum rosetosum sempervirentis.
En este texto se explica el cambio de hábitos que ha supuesto la lectura en formato digital. Se indican los factores que determinan la selección un formato u otro, al igual que la situación en la que se encuentra la lectura digital en España. Para ello, se analizan las noticias sobre este tema encontradas en los periódicos: ABC, El País y El Mundo durante el año 2011 -período relevante para la lectura digital- y se comparan con los resultados de las encuestas de AIMC, FGEE, etc., con el fin de sacar conclusiones certeras.
The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.