998 resultados para Chromium(III)
Basement rocks were recovered at four sites on Leg 115 along the Reunion hotspot track in the western Indian Ocean. Plate tectonic reconstructions indicate that the drilled structures formed in three different volcanic environments. Sites 706 and 713 from the eastern side of the Saya de Malha Bank and the northern end of the Chagos Bank, respectively, are on a large volcanic platform analogous to Iceland on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Lavas at Site 707 on the northwestern side of the Saya de Malha Bank erupted during the early stages of rifting of the Seychelles from India. Basalts from Site 715 were erupted onto an isolated oceanic island that was distant from ocean ridges and continents much as Reunion Island is today. Many of the rocks were examined in thin section and found to be primarily augite-plagioclase basalts with minor olivine and rare opaque oxides. Site 715 is unusual in that it contains a variety of basalts including olivine-rich and aphyric Fe-Ti basalts. At each of the four sites the rocks were grouped into chemical types (units) on the basis of ship- board bulk-rock analyses and at least one thin section from each chemical unit was analyzed by electron microprobe. The plagioclase and augite chemistry reflects the bulk-rock chemistry and, in general, these minerals were in equilibrium with their host magmas at the time the basalts were quenched. Olivine was rarely preserved, but where it is still present it also appears to have crystallized in equilibrium with the host magma. At three of the drill sites plagioclase phenocrysts or megacrysts that crystallized from a primitive magma are also present. The one site (715) that does not contain these primitive plagioclase phenocrysts is also the site that appears to have been influenced the least by ocean- ridge or Deccan-type magmas. Site 715, furthermore, has a mineralogy that is dominated by olivine as compared with the plagioclase-rich lavas of the other sites.
Geological-geophysical data obtained during Cruises 7, 11, and 12 of R/V Akademic Nikolay Strakhov (1989-1991) within the international project EQUARIDGE in the Strakhov Fracture Zone region (4°N) are presented. The trough of the fracture is interpreted as an open extension joint, a graben produced by stretching along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Bedrock studies showed that typical mid-ocean tholeiitic basalts occur within the narrow (60 nm wide) axial rift zone, whereas igneous rocks not typical for the ocean were found on the eastern and western flank plateaus. This allows to suppose that a reworked relict continental-type basement of pre-Upper Jurassic age possibly exists beneath the flank plateaus, within the segment under discussion. The above data correspond to the hypothesis of E. Bonatti about nonspreading nature of the basement of Mid-Atlantic Ridge within the equatorial segment and the Strakhov Fracture Zone.
Trace element analyses (first-series transition elements, Ti, Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Nb, and REE) were carried out on whole rocks and minerals from 10 peridotite samples from both Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc using a combination of XRF, ID-MS, ICP-MS, and ion microprobe. The concentrations of incompatible trace elements are generally low, reflecting the highly residual nature of the peridotites and their low clinopyroxene content (<2%). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show extreme U shapes with (La/Sm)n ratios in the range of 5.03-250.0 and (Sm/Yb)n ratios in the range of 0.05-0.25; several samples show possible small positive Eu anomalies. LREE enrichment is common to both seamounts, although the peridotites from Conical Seamount have higher (La/Ce)n ratios on extended chondrite-normalized plots, in which both REEs and other trace elements are organized according to their incompatibility with respect to a harzburgitic mantle. Comparison with abyssal peridotite patterns suggests that the LREEs, Rb, Nb, Sr, Sm, and Eu are all enriched in the Leg 125 peridotites, but Ti and the HREEs exhibit no obvious enrichment. The peridotites also give positive anomalies for Zr and Sr relative to their neighboring REEs. Covariation diagrams based on clinopyroxene data show that Ti and the HREEs plot on an extension of an abyssal peridotite trend to more residual compositions. However, the LREEs, Rb, Sr, Sm, and Eu are displaced off this trend toward higher values, suggesting that these elements were introduced during an enrichment event. The axis of dispersion on these plots further suggests that enrichment took place during or after melting and thus was not a characteristic of the lithosphere before subduction. Compared with boninites sampled from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc, the peridotites are significantly more enriched in LREEs. Modeling of the melting process indicates that if they represent the most depleted residues of the melting events that generated forearc boninites they must have experienced subsolidus enrichment in these elements, as well as in Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Sm, and Eu. The lack of any correlation with the degree of serpentinization suggests that low-temperature fluids were not the prime cause of enrichment. The enrichment in the high-field-strength elements also suggests that at least some of this enrichment may have involved melts rather than aqueous fluids. Moreover, the presence of the hydrous minerals magnesio-hornblende and tremolite and the common resorption of orthopyroxene indicate that this high-temperature peridotite-fluid interaction may have taken place in a water-rich environment in the forearc following the melting event that produced the boninites. The peridotites from Leg 125 may therefore contain a record of an important flux of elements into the mantle wedge during the initial formation of forearc lithosphere. Ophiolitic peridotites with these characteristics have not yet been reported, perhaps because the precise equivalents to the serpentinite seamounts have not been analyzed.
Hypersthene-garnet-sillimanite-quartz enclaves were studied in orthopyroxene-plagioclase and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene crystalline schists and gneisses from shear zones exposed in the Palenyi Island within the Early Proterozoic Belomorian Mobile Belt. Qualitative analysis of mineral assemblages indicates that these rocks were metamorphosed to the granulite facies (approximately 900°C and 10-11 kbar). Oxygen isotopic composition was determined in rock-forming minerals composing zones of the enclaves of various mineral and chemical composition. Closure temperatures of the isotopic systems obtained by methods of oxygen isotopic thermometry are close to values obtained with mineralogical geothermometers (garnet-orthopyroxene and garnet-biotite) and correspond to the high-temperature granulite facies (860-900°C). Identified systematic variations in d18O values were determined in the same minerals from zones of different mineral composition. Inasmuch as these zones are practically in contact with one another, these variations in d18O cannot be explained by primary isotopic heterogeneity of the protolith. Model calculations of the extent and trend of d18O variations in minerals suggest that fluid-rock interaction at various integral fluid/rock ratios in discrete zones was the only mechanism that could generate the zoning. This demonstrates that focused fluid flux could occur in lower crustal shear zones. Preservation of high-temperature isotopic equilibria of minerals testifies that the episode of fluid activity at the peak of metamorphism was very brief.
Numerous marine tephra layers cored at Sites 792 and 793 in the Izu-Bonin forearc region offer additional information about the timing and spatial characteristics of arc volcanism and the evolution of island arcs. Explosive volcanism along the Izu-Bonin Arc, with maxima just before rifting of the arc at ~40 and 5-0 Ma, produced black and white tephras of variable grain sizes and chemical compositions. Most of the tephras belong chemically to low-K and low-alkali tholeiitic rock series with a few tephra of the high-K and alkalic rock series. Most of the tephras (low-K series) were derived from the Izu-Bonin Arc, although a few were produced far to the west of the Izu-Bonin Arc (e.g., from the Ryukyu Arc). Black tephras may have come from nearby sources, such as Aogashima, Sumisu, and Torishima islands. The high-K series of tephras, within the sediments younger than 3 Ma, may reflect thickening of the island-arc crust.
Thirty-five samples from the drill core of the three Leg 163 sites (Sites 988, 989, and 990) off the southeast coast of Greenland were analyzed for 27 major, minor, and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and for 25 trace elements, including 14 rare-earth elements (REEs), by an inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Sr- and Nd-isotope data are reported for seven samples and oxygen-isotope data are reported for 19 plagioclase separates. In addition, a reconnaissance survey of the composition of the main mineral phases, plagioclase, pyroxene, and oxides was determined on an electron microprobe to provide the basic information required for petrogenetic modeling. Olivine pseudomorphs are present in many of the samples, but in no case was an olivine grain found that was fresh enough to give a reliable analysis. The chemical and isotopic data recorded here were determined to provide a comparison with the larger data sets acquired by the Edinburgh, Copenhagen, and Leicester laboratories from both Legs 152 and 163 drill cores. This will permit a detailed comparison of the North Atlantic flood basalt province as a whole with the better known Columbia River, Deccan, and Karoo continental flood basalt provinces, for which substantial chemical data sets are already available at Washington State University.
A felsic volcanic series (605-825 mbsf) overlain by upper Eocene shallow-water sediments (500-605 mbsf) and basalticandesitic sills that intruded into sediments of Holocene to Miocene age (0-500 mbsf) was drilled in the forearc region of the Lau Basin at a water depth of 4810 m. The volcanic sequence at Site 841 includes altered and mineralized calc-alkaline rhyolites and dacites, dacitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, flow breccias, and welded tuffs. These rocks formed subaerially or in a very shallow-water environment suffering a subsidence of >5000 m since Eocene times. Calculations of gains and losses of the major components during alteration show most pronounced changes in the uppermost 70 m of the volcanic sequence. Here, Al, Fe, Mg, and K are enriched, whereas Si and Na are strongly depleted. Illite, vermiculite, chlorite, and hematite predominate in this part of the hole. Throughout the section, quartz, plagioclase, kaolinite, and calcite are present. Sulfide mineralization (up to 10 vol%) consisting mainly of disseminated pyrite (with minor pyrrhotite inclusions) and marcasite together with minor amounts of chalcopyrite is pervasive throughout. Locally, a few sulfide-bearing quartz-carbonate veins as well as Ti-amphibole replacement by rutile and then by pyrite were observed. Strong variations in the As content of sulfides (from 0 to 0.69 wt%) from the same depth interval and local enrichments of Co, Ni, and Cu in pyrite are interpreted to result from fluctuations in fluid composition. Calculations of oxygen and sulfur fugacities indicate that fO2 and fS2 were high at the top and lower at the bottom of the sequence. Sulfur isotope determinations on separated pyrite grains from two samples give d34S values of +6.4ë and +8.4ë, which are close to those reported from Kuroko and Okinawa Trough massive sulfide deposits and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Japanese Ryukyu Island Arc. Calculated chlorite formation temperatures of 265°-290°C at the top of the sequence are consistent with minimum formation temperatures of fluid inclusions in secondary quartz, revealing a narrow range of 270°-297°C. Chlorite formation temperatures are constant downhole and do not exceed 300°C. The presence of marcasite and 4C-type pyrrhotite indicates a formation temperature of <= 250°C. At a later stage, illite was formed at the top of the volcanic series at temperatures well below 200°C.
The basement of Bougainville Guyot drilled at Site 831 consists of andesitic hyalobreccias derived from a submarine arc volcano. The volcanic sequence has been dated by K/Ar at approximately 37 Ma. The 121 m of andesitic hyalobreccias drilled in Hole 831B have been divided into five subunits of two types: one appears to be primary, and the other contains evidence of reworking and a subaerial clastic input. Variations are attributed to fluctuations in water depth. The distinctive hyalobreccias consist of andesitic blebs with chilled margins and peripheral fractures set in a chaotic greenish matrix that is mainly altered glass, with crystals similar to those in the blebs or clasts. Their formation is attributed to violent reaction of andesitic magma discharged into seawater, in perhaps the submarine equivalent of fire-fountaining. There was limited reworking by currents and debris flows on the flanks of the submarine volcano. The andesite shows no significant compositional variation in phenocryst phases throughout the drilled sequence and contains phenocrysts of plagioclase (An88-43), clinopyroxene (Ca44Mg46Fe10-Ca41Mg40Fe19), orthopyroxene (Ca4Mg79Fe17-Ca3Mg58Fe39), and titanomagnetite. There is a systematic change in volcanic composition with height in the section, from more mafic andesites at the base, to overlying more acid andesites, and strong evidence exists that magma mixing may have played a significant role in the genesis of these lavas. The andesites have affinities with the low-K arc tholeiite series. Trace element and isotopic systematics for these rocks indicate very minor involvement of a LILE- and 87Sr-enriched slab-derived fluid in their petrogenesis. This accords with the previous suggestion that Bougainville Guyot forms part of an Eocene proto-island arc developed along the southern side of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, above a southward-dipping subduction zone.