Petrology and geochemistry of the Izu-Bonin Forearc tephras

Autoria(s): Fujioka, Kantaro; Matsuo, Yoshiko; Nishimura, Akira; Koyama, Masato; Rodolfo, Kelvin S

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 32.018671 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 140.529887 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 31.105700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 140.379300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 32.399800 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 140.888200 * DATE/TIME START: 1989-05-17T01:36:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1989-05-27T18:10:00




Numerous marine tephra layers cored at Sites 792 and 793 in the Izu-Bonin forearc region offer additional information about the timing and spatial characteristics of arc volcanism and the evolution of island arcs. Explosive volcanism along the Izu-Bonin Arc, with maxima just before rifting of the arc at ~40 and 5-0 Ma, produced black and white tephras of variable grain sizes and chemical compositions. Most of the tephras belong chemically to low-K and low-alkali tholeiitic rock series with a few tephra of the high-K and alkalic rock series. Most of the tephras (low-K series) were derived from the Izu-Bonin Arc, although a few were produced far to the west of the Izu-Bonin Arc (e.g., from the Ryukyu Arc). Black tephras may have come from nearby sources, such as Aogashima, Sumisu, and Torishima islands. The high-K series of tephras, within the sediments younger than 3 Ma, may reflect thickening of the island-arc crust.


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Supplement to: Fujioka, Kantaro; Matsuo, Yoshiko; Nishimura, Akira; Koyama, Masato; Rodolfo, Kelvin S (1992): Tephras of the Izu-Bonin Forearc (Sites 787, 792, and 793). In: Taylor, B; Fujioka, K.; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 126, 47-74, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #<1.75 phi; 1.75-2.00 phi; 126-792A; 126-792B; 126-792C; 126-792D; 126-792E; 126-793A; 2.00-2.25 phi; 2.25-2.50 phi; 2.5-2.75 phi; 2.75-3.00 phi; 3.00-3.25 phi; 3.25-3.50 phi; 3.50-3.75 phi; 3.75-4.00 phi; 4.00-4.25 phi; 4.25-4.50 phi; 4.50-4.75 phi; 4.75-5.00 phi; 5.0-6.0 phi; 6.0-7.0 phi; Al2O3; Al2O3 std dev; Alkali; Alkali, standard deviation; Alkali std dev; Aluminium oxide; Aluminium oxide, standard deviation; Biotite; Bt; Calcium oxide; Calcium oxide, standard deviation; CaO; CaO std dev; Chromium(III) oxide; Chromium(III) oxide, standard deviation; Clinopyroxene; Comm 2; Comment; Comment 2 (continued); Cpx; Cr2O3; Cr2O3 std dev; cummulative %; D50; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Electron microprobe; Elements, total; Event; FeO; FeO std dev; glass; Grain max; Grain size, maximum; Grain size descr; Grain size description; Hbl; Hornblende; Iron oxide, FeO; Iron oxide, FeO, standard deviation; Joides Resolution; K2O; K2O std dev; Kurt; Kurtosis; Label; Leg126; lithic; Lithic; Lithic grains; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Mag; Magnesium oxide; Magnesium oxide, standard deviation; Magnetite; Manganese oxide; Manganese oxide, standard deviation; max; mean; Mean; Mean, grain size; Mean, standard deviation; Mean std dev; Median, grain size; MgO; MgO std dev; min; Minerals; MnO; MnO std dev; mode; mode, crystals; Na2O; Na2O std dev; Nickel oxide; Nickel oxide, standard deviation; NiO; NiO std dev; North Pacific Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Opaque; Opaque minerals; Opx; Orthopyroxene; phi 16; phi 25; phi 5; phi 50; phi 75; phi 84; phi 95; Pl; Plagioclase; Potassium oxide; Potassium oxide, standard deviation; Ref ind; Refractive index; Samp com; Sample code/label; Sample comment; Silicon dioxide; Silicon dioxide, standard deviation; SiO2; SiO2 std dev; Size fraction < 1.75 phi; Size fraction 0.037-0.032 mm, 4.75-5.00 phi; Size fraction 0.044-0.037 mm, 4.50-4.75 phi; Size fraction 0.053-0.044 mm, 4.25-4.50 phi; Size fraction 0.063-0.053 mm, 4.00-4.25 phi; Size fraction 0.074-0.063 mm, 3.75-4.00 phi; Size fraction 0.088-0.074 mm, 3.50-3.75 phi; Size fraction 0.105-0.088 mm, 3.25-3.50 phi; Size fraction 0.125-0.105 mm, 3.00-3.25 phi; Size fraction 0.149-0.125 mm, 2.75-3.00 phi; Size fraction 0.210-0.177 mm, 2.25-2.50 phi; Size fraction 0.250-0.210 mm, 2.00-2.25 phi; Size fraction 0.297-0.250 mm, 1.75-2.00 phi; Size fraction 2.5-2.75 phi; Size fraction 5.0-6.0 phi; Size fraction 6.0-7.0 phi; Skew; Skewness; Sodium oxide; Sodium oxide, standard deviation; Standard deviation; Std dev; Thickness; Thn; TiO2; TiO2 std dev; Titanium oxide; Titanium oxide, standard deviation; total; V2O5; Vanadium, standard deviation; Vanadium oxide; Volcanic glass; Volc glass; V std dev
