993 resultados para Charles III, of Durazzo, 1345-1386.
Contains facsimiles of original title-pages, London, 1739-1740.
This, the sixty-eighth edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, which corresponds to the year 2016, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the region’s economic performance in 2015 and analyses trends in the first half of 2016, as well as the outlook for the rest of the year. It examines the external and internal factors influencing the region’s economic performance and highlights some of the macroeconomic policy challenges that have arisen in an external context of weak growth and high levels of uncertainty. Part II analyses the challenges that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face at the domestic and international levels in mobilizing financing for development. On the domestic front, slower growth and tighter fiscal restrictions pose significant challenges for the mobilization of resources. Externally, the classification of many of the region’s countries in the middle-income category limits their access to concessional external financing or international support. Part III of this publication may be accessed on the web page of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (www.eclac.org). It contains the notes relating to the economic performance of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015 and the first half of 2016, together with their respective statistical annexes. The cut-off date for updating the statistical information in this publication was 30 June 2016.
Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 3 (eEF3) is a fungal-specific ATPase proposed to catalyze the release of deacylated-tRNA from the ribosomal E-site. In addition, it has been shown to interact with the aminoacyl-tRNA binding GTPase elongation factor 1A (eEF1A), perhaps linking the E and A sites. Domain mapping demonstrates that amino acids 775-980 contain the eEF1A binding sites. Domain III of eEF1A, which is also involved in actin-related functions, is the site of eEF3 binding. The binding of eEF3 to eEF1A is enhanced by ADP, indicating the interaction is favored post-ATP hydrolysis but is not dependent on the eEF1A-bound nucleotide. A temperature-sensitive P915L mutant in the eEF1A binding site of eEF3 has reduced ATPase activity and affinity for eEF1A. These results support the model that upon ATP hydrolysis, eEF3 interacts with eEF1A to help catalyze the delivery of aminoacyl-tRNA at the A-site of the ribosome. The dynamics of when eEF3 interacts with eEF1A may be part of the signal for transition of the post to pre-translocational ribosomal state in yeast.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an important neurodegenerative disorder causing visual problems in the elderly population. The pathology of AD includes the deposition in the brain of abnormal aggregates of ?-amyloid (A?) in the form of senile plaques (SP) and abnormally phosphorylated tau in the form of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). A variety of visual problems have been reported in patients with AD including loss of visual acuity (VA), colour vision and visual fields; changes in pupillary responses to mydriatics, defects in fixation and in smooth and saccadic eye movements; changes in contrast sensitivity and in visual evoked potentials (VEP); and disturbances in complex visual tasks such as reading, visuospatial function, and in the naming and identification of objects. In addition, pathological changes have been observed to affect the eye, visual pathway, and visual cortex in AD. To better understand degeneration of the visual cortex in AD, the laminar distribution of the SP and NFT was studied in visual areas V1 and V2 in 18 cases of AD which varied in disease onset and duration. In area V1, the mean density of SP and NFT reached a maximum in lamina III and in laminae II and III respectively. In V2, mean SP density was maximal in laminae III and IV and NFT density in laminae II and III. The densities of SP in laminae I of V1 and NFT in lamina IV of V2 were negatively correlated with patient age. No significant correlations were observed in any cortical lamina between the density of NFT and disease onset or duration. However, in area V2, the densities of SP in lamina II and lamina V were negatively correlated with disease duration and disease onset respectively. In addition, there were several positive correlations between the densities of SP and NFT in V1 with those in area V2. The data suggest: (1) NFT pathology is greater in area V2 than V1, (2) laminae II/III of V1 and V2 are most affected by the pathology, (3) the formation of SP and NFT in V1 and V2 are interconnected, and (4) the pathology may spread between visual areas via the feed-forward short cortico-cortical connections.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an important neurodegenerative disorder causing visual problems in the elderly population. The pathology of AD includes the deposition in the brain of abnormal aggregates of β-amyloid (Aβ) in the form of senile plaques (SP) and abnormally phosphorylated tau in the form of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). A variety of visual problems have been reported in patients with AD including loss of visual acuity (VA), colour vision and visual fields; changes in pupillary responses to mydriatics, defects in fixation and in smooth and saccadic eye movements; changes in contrast sensitivity and in visual evoked potentials (VEP); and disturbances in complex visual tasks such as reading, visuospatial function, and in the naming and identification of objects. In addition, pathological changes have been observed to affect the eye, visual pathway, and visual cortex in AD. To better understand degeneration of the visual cortex in AD, the laminar distribution of the SP and NFT was studied in visual areas V1 and V2 in 18 cases of AD which varied in disease onset and duration. In area V1, the mean density of SP and NFT reached a maximum in lamina III and in laminae II and III respectively. In V2, mean SP density was maximal in laminae III and IV and NFT density in laminae II and III. The densities of SP in laminae I of V1 and NFT in lamina IV of V2 were negatively correlated with patient age. No significant correlations were observed in any cortical lamina between the density of NFT and disease onset or duration. However, in area V2, the densities of SP in lamina II and lamina V were negatively correlated with disease duration and disease onset respectively. In addition, there were several positive correlations between the densities of SP and NFT in V1 with those in area V2. The data suggest: (1) NFT pathology is greater in area V2 than V1, (2) laminae II/III of V1 and V2 are most affected by the pathology, (3) the formation of SP and NFT in V1 and V2 are interconnected, and (4) the pathology may spread between visual areas via the feed-forward short cortico-cortical connections. © 2012 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
The net flux of all irreversible fluxes of radiation and heat crossing the ocean surface is determined for phase III of GATE at position no. 27 (WFS "Planet", FRG). The radiation fluxes have been measured directly, while the heat fluxes have been parameterized with the bulk formula however with bulk coefficients depending on stability. The heat loss of the ocean due to warming of the cooler precipitation is included for the determination of the net flux at the ocean surface. Some examples of hourly mean values of different fluxes during different weather conditions are additionally shown.
Las perspectivas geopolíticas de la guerra de Sucesion espanola traspasaron ampliamente los limites de la herencia territorial de Carlos II. El político enlace del candidato austriaco al trono de Madrid, Carlos III de Austria, con Isabel Cristina de Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, una princesa luterana convertida ex profeso al catolicismo, vinculó las dos dinastias con el esfuerzo misionero de la Santa Sede en el norte del Sacro Imperio. En el presente estudio se propone reconstruir la relacion de la red diplomatica Wolfenbuttel con el papado y la monarquia carolina, ademas de apuntar la difusa -pero constante- presencia de la soberana dentro del proceso de financiación lombarda del misionalismo germánico a comienzos del Setecientos.
Antonio y Gabriel de Sancha, libreros de la Ilustración, y sus relaciones comerciales con Inglaterra
In this article we take as our point of departure the booksellers' catalogues printed by the Sanchas during the reigns of Charles III and Charles IV, as well as the catalogues issued by their London correspondents the booksellers Thomas Payne and Benjamin White. We contextualize the business relationship which developed between the Sanchas and the London booksellers as a direct result of Gabriel de Sancha's visit to London in the Summer of 1784. This study highlights the significance of a parallel offer of recently published books in English and Spanish in some of the most renowned bookshops in Madrid and London between the mid 1780s and the years immediately before the Peninsular War, a circumstance that no doubt stimulated curiosity on both sides and sped up the transfert culturel between both countries. Notwithstanding their business and private troubles, Antonio and Gabriel de Sancha, self-reliant entrepreneurs and cultural intermediaries, were able to establish a dynamic book trade flow which did not imply the subordination of Spain to England.
4. The count of Monte Cristo / illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett -- 5. Agénor de Mauléon : a romance of the reign of Charles V. of France / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 6. Agénor de Mauléon : a romance of the reign of Charles V. of France / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 7. The Brigand : a romance of the reign of Don Carlos and Black the story of a dog / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 8. Ascanio : a romance of the reign of Francis First / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 9. The two Dianas : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 10. The two Dianas : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 11. The page of the Duke of Savoy : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Frank T. Merrill -- 12. The horoscope : a romance of the reign of Francois ll. and tales of the caucasus / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 13. Marguerite de Valois : a romance of the reign of Charles lX. / illustrated by Félix Oudart -- 14. La Dame de Monsoreau : a romance of the reign of Henry lll. / illustrated by Eugéne Courboin -- 15. The fourty-five : a romance of the reign of Henri lll. / illustrated by Eugéne Courboin -- 16. The Three Musketeers : a romance of the reign of Louis Xlll. / illustrated by E. Abot, Gustave Doré, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 17. The Three Musketeers : a romance of the reign of Louis Xlll. / illustrated by E. Abot, Gustave Doré, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 20. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 21. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 22. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett --23. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 24. Sylvandire : a romance of the time of Louis XlV. and The Woman with the Velvet Necklace : a romance of the Revolution / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 25. The war of women : a romance of the Fronde / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 26. Le Chevalier D'Harmental : a romance of the regency of Philippe, Duc D'Orléans / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 27. The Regents daughter and the black tulip / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 28. Olympe de Cléves and Chauvelin's will : romances of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 29. Olympe de Cléves and Chauvelin's will : romances of the reign of Louis XV. illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 30. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 31. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 32. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 33. The Queens necklace : a romance of the reign of Louis XVl. / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion, Félix Oudart and Evert Van Muyden -- 34. The Queens necklace : a romance of the reign of Louis XVl. / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion, Félix Oudart and Evert Van Muyden -- 35. Ange Pitou and Blanche de Beaulieu : romances of the French Revolution / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 36. Ange Pitou and Blanche de Beaulieu : romances of the French Revolution / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 37. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 38. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 39. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 40. The Chevalier de Maison-Rouge : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by E. Abot -- 41. The companions of Jehu : a romance of the consulate under Napoleon / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden and F. T. Merrill -- 42. The whites and the blues : a romance of the directory / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 43.The whites and the blues : a romance of the directory / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 44. The She-Wolves of Machecoul : a romance of the Last Vendée to which are added The Corsican Brothers / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 45. The She-Wolves of Machecoul : a romance of the Last Vendée to which are added The Corsican Brothers / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett.
"An alphabetical table": p. [1-12] at end.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that causes neurological disorders in young adults. Previous studies in various populations highlighted an association between the HLA-DRB1*1.5 allele and MS. This study investigated the association between HLA-DRB1*15 and other HLA-DRB1 alleles and MS in a Brazilian Caucasian population sample from Londrina, Southern Brazil. HLA-DRB1 alleles were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction with specific sequence oligonucleotide primers in 119 MS patients and in 305 healthy blood donors as a control. Among the MS patients, 89 (75.0%) presented with relapsing remitting MS, 24 (20.0%) with secondary progressive MS and 6 (5.0%) with primary progressive MS. The frequency of the HLA-DRB1*15 allele observed in the MS Brazilian patients was similar to findings reported in previous studies carried out in populations worldwide. However, the results showed a higher frequency of the HLA-DRB1*15 allele in the MS patients compared to the controls, with a relative frequency of 0.1050 (10.50%) and 0.0443 (4.4%), respectively (OR=2.53; 95% CI 1.43-4.46; p=0.0009). A protector allele was also detected. The frequency of the HLA-DRB1*11 allele was reduced in the MS patients compared to the controls, with a relative frequency of 0.1345 (13.4%) and 0.1869 (18.7%), respectively (OR=0.67; 95% CI 0.44-1.03; p=0.0692). The results demonstrated that the HLA-DRB1*15 allele in heterozygosity is positively associated with MS (p=0.0079), and may be considered a genetic marker of susceptibility to the disease. A negative association between the HLA-DRB1*11 allele in homozygosity and MS was also verified (p=0.0418); this allele may be considered a genetic marker of resistance to MS in the Brazilian population.
Mestrado em Relações Internacionais.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.
A presente dissertação tem como intuito aplicar o regime de Responsabilidade Ambiental no perímetro industrial da Monteiro, Ribas – Indústrias, S.A.. Para tal, averiguou-se que na ordem jurídica nacional, o regime de Responsabilidade Ambiental (RA) encontra-se consagrada na legislação nacional pelo Decreto-Lei nº 147/2008 de 29 de Julho (Diploma RA),e respetivas alterações, aplicando-se a danos ambientais ou ameaças iminentes de danos ambientais causados aos recursos naturais nomeadamente “espécies e habitats naturais protegidos”, “água” e “solo”. Também se verificou que este regime introduz obrigações específicas para os operadores abrangidos, designadamente é da responsabilidade do operador aplicar as medidas de prevenção e reparação dos danos, devendo ser reportados os acontecimentos à autoridade competente, Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. Para cumprimento do requisito da garantia financeira e sendo a Monteiro, Ribas – Indústrias, S.A. enumerada no Anexo III do Decreto-Lei nº 147/2008 de 29 de Julho, optou-se pela constituição de um fundo próprio no valor de 50.000,00€. Com recurso à metodologia proposta pela Norma Espanhola UNE 150008:2008 - Análise e avaliação do Risco Ambiental, procedeu-se à formulação de vários cenários e quantificação de riscos para a Monteiro, Ribas – Indústrias, S.A. tendo-se apurado que os riscos estavam avaliados como baixo ou moderado. Por fim, conclui-se que em Portugal, embora exista um Decreto-Lei sobre Responsabilidade Ambiental, este tema ainda não está suficientemente desenvolvido pois não permite proceder a análise e avaliação do risco ambiental, tendo sido tomado assim como referência a metodologia aplicada na Norma Espanhola UNE 150008:2008.
A presente dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento e a caracterização de sensores ópticos com base em membranas de poli(cloreto de vinilo), PVC, para determinação de Norfloxacina em amostras do sector da aquacultura. Estes sensores basearam-se na reacção colorimétrica entre um metal imobilizado em PVC e a Norfloxacina. O metal foi escolhido com base em ensaios prévios de reacção colorimétrica entre a Norfloxacina e várias espécies metálicas, nomeadamente, Fe(III), Al(III), Pb(II), Aluminon, Mo(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Co(II), Sn(II) e V(V). A reacção mais intensa foi obtida com o Fe(III). Neste sentido, numa primeira fase foram desenvolvidos sensores baseados em Fe(III). O efeito de alguns parâmetros experimentais na resposta desses sensores foi avaliado de modo univariado. Incluem-se aqui o efeito do pH, avaliado entre 2,00 e 6,00, e o da concentração de Fe(III), variada entre cerca de 1,00x10-5 M e 2,00x10-4 M. Os melhores valores foram obtidos a pH 3, para o qual se verificou um comportamento linear entre cerca de 1,00x10-5 M e 1,70x10-4 M de Fe(III). Utilizando as condições seleccionadas anteriormente, procedeu-se à caracterização do complexo sob ponto de vista químico. Os valores obtidos apontaram para a necessidade de um excesso de Fe(III) de, pelo menos, 10 vezes, no sentido de garantir a máxima extensão de complexação. O complexo referido apresentou, nestas condições, um comportamento linear ao longo do intervalo de concentrações de cerca de 7,00x10-5 M a 7,00x10-4 M em NOR. O complexo formado foi estável ao longo de 90 minutos. As condições óptimas para análise desse complexo numa superfície sólida foram obtidas após avaliação do efeito da quantidade de Fe(III) e do tipo e quantidade de solvente mediador (o-nitrofenil octil éter, di-n-octilftalato, dibutilftalato, bis(etilhexil)sebacato, bis(etilhexil)ftalato). O bis(etilhexil)sebacato foi o solvente mediador escolhido e a relação de quantidade entre o PVC e o solvente mediador foi igual a 1:2. O procedimento de preparação do sensor sólido e subsequente optimização foi aplicado a outras espécies metálicas, para além do Fe(III), tais como, Cu(II), Mn(II) e aluminon. A conjugação de todos estes metais permitiu desenvolver um array de sensores para despistagem de Norfloxacina em águas de aquacultura. Algumas membranas sensoras foram aplicadas com sucesso no controlo de Norfloxacina em amostras de águas ambientais dopadas. Os resultados obtidos com membranas de Fe(III) e Cu(II) foram exactos, tendo-se registado valores de concentração próximos dos reais. O método proposto permitiu, por isso, a despistagem rápida e eficaz da presença de um antibiótico em águas ambientais, permitindo ainda o seu doseamento a um baixo custo. Numa perspectiva de rotina, e tendo em vista a despistagem deste antibiótico, este método revelou-se mais rápido e mais barato do que os demais métodos descritos na literatura para este efeito.