236 resultados para Chalcopyrite


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The surfaces of iron-containing sulphide minerals were oxidised by a range of inorganic oxidants, and the resultant surface alteration products studied using various spectroscopic techniques. The characterisation of surface oxidation is relevant to the alteration of ores in nature and their behaviour during flotation and leaching, of importance to the metallurgical industry. The sulphides investigated included pyrite (FeS2), hexagonal pyrrhotine (Fe9S10), monoclinic pyrrhotine (Fe7Se), violarite (FeNi2S4), pentlandite ((FeiNi)9Se), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS). The surfaces were oxidised by various methods including acid (sulphuric), alkali (ammonium hydroxide), hydrogen peroxide, steam, electrochemical and air/oxygen (in a low-temperature (150ºC) furnace), The surfaces were examined using surface sensitive chemical spectroscopic methods including x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ms), Auger electron spectroscopy (LES) and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEKS). Physical characterisation of the surfaces was undertaken using scanning electron microscopy (SM), spectral reflectance measurements and optical microscopy. Bulk characterisation of the sulphide minerals was undertaken using x-ray diffraction and electron microprobe techniques. Observed phases suggested to form in most of the sulphide surfaces include Fe204, Fe1-x0, Fe202, Fe00H, Fe(OH)3, with iron II & III oxy-sulphates. The iron sulphides show variable extents of oxidation, indicating pyrite to be the most stable. Violarite shows stability to oxidation, suggested to result from both its stable spinel crystal structure, and from the rapid formation of sulphur at the surface protecting the sub-surface from further oxidation. The phenomenon of sub-surface enrichment (in metals), forming secondary sulphides, is exhibited by pentlandite and chalcopyrite, forming violarite and copper sulphides respectively. The consequences of this enrichment with regard to processing and leaching are discussed. Arsenopyrite, often a hindrance in ore processing, exhibits the formation of arsenic compounds at the surface, the dissolution of which is discussed in view of the possible environmental hazard caused by the local pollution of water systems. The results obtained allow a characterisation of the sulphides in terms of their relative stability to oxidation, and an order of stability of the sulphide surfaces is proposed. Models were constructed to explain the chemical compositions of the surfaces, and the inter-relationships between the phases determined at the surface and in the sub-surface. These were compared to the thermo-chemically predicted phases shown in Eh/pH and partial pressure diagrams! The results are discussed, both in terms of the mineralogy and geochemistry of natural ores, and the implications for extraction and processing of these ore minerals.


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The Lower Palaeozoic succession at Parys Mountain overlies a Precambrian basement (the Iona Series). This succession consists of Ordovician slates, overlain by, and in part interbedded with, Ordovician dacitic and rhyolitic volcanics, which in turn are unconformably overlain by Silurian slates. Both basement and Palaeozoic rocks have been deformed during Caledonian and Variscan orogenies. The resultant structure of Parys Mountain is interpreted as an east-north-easterly trending, single syncline overturned to the north. Many primary extrusive characters are retained by the volcanic rocks, despite the high degree of deformation. The lithologies and textures allow subdivision and interpretation of these rocks as dacite, lithic tuff, siliceous sinter, rhyolitic tuff, rhyolitic ignimbrite, rhyolitic tuff-lava, and rhyolitic lava. The results of 61 bulk chemical analyses are interpreted to show that the volcanism was of the orogenic calc-alkaline type from a continental margin/island arc environment. The magmas probably result from either partial melting of the crustal part of the oceanic lithosphere on a Benioff zone, or partial melting of the mantle, above a Benioff zone, under high load pressures and high water pressures. The mineral deposits are largely confined within the volcanic succession though some occur in the Ordovician and Silurian slates near to their contacts with the volcanics. The majority of the deposits form conformable lenses and tabular bodies, with subordinate deposits as veins and stockworks. The ore mineral assemblages are of chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and pyrite. The general paragenetic sequence (73 sections) is pyrite--chalcopyrite--galena-sphalerite. The main mineralization episode is interpreted to be syngenetic, genetically related to the volcanism. The veins and stockworks probably result from Caledonian and Variscan remobilization of the primary mineralization. Trace element analyses (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Co, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ba, Sr), on 350 specimens, detected anomalous concentrations of these elements around the mineralized zones, though some occur where no mineralization was found. The analyses also indicate a close relationship between the mineralization and the volcanic horizons, especially the siliceous sinter.


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Two aspects of gold mineralisation in the Caledonides of the British Isles have been investigated: gold-telluride mineralisation at Clogau Mine, North Wales; and placer gold mineralisation in the Southern Uplands, Scotland. The primary ore assemblage at Clogau Mine is pyrite, arsenopyrite, cobaltite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, galena, tellurbismuth, tetradymite, altaite, hessite, native gold, wehrlite, hedleyite, native bismuth, bismuthunite and various sulphosalts. The generalised paragenesis is early Fe, Co, Cu, As and S species, and later minerals of Pb, Bi, Ag, Au, Te, Sb. Electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) of complex telluride-sulphide intergrowths suggests that these intergrowths formed by co-crystallisation/replacement processes and not exsolution. Minor element chemical variation, in the sulphides and tellurides, indicates that antimony and cadmium are preferentially partitioned into telluride minerals. Mineral stability diagrams suggest that during gold deposition log bf aTe2 was between -7.9 and -9.7 and log bf aS2 between -12.4 and -13.8. Co-existing mineral assemblages indicate that the final stages of telluride mineralisation were between c. 250 - 275oC. It is suggested that the high-grade telluride ore shoot was the result of remobilisation of Au, Bi, Ag and Te from low grade mineralisation elsewhere within the vein system, and that gold deposition was brought about by destabilisation of gold chloride complexes by interaction with graphite, sulphides and tellurbismuth. Scanning electron microscopy of planer gold grains from the Southern Uplands, Scotland, indicates that detailed studies on the morphology of placer gold can be used to elucidate the history of gold in the placer environment. In total 18 different morphological characteristics were identified. These were divided on an empirical basis, using the relative degree of mechanical attrition, into proximal and distal characteristics. One morphological characteristic (a porous/spongy surface at high magnification) is considered to be chemical in origin and represent the growth of `new' gold in the placer environment. The geographical distribution of morphological characteristics has been examined and suggests that proximal placer gold is spatially associated with the Loch Doon, Cairsphairn and Fleet granitoids. Quantitative EPMA of the placer gold reveals two compositional populations of placer gold. Examination of the geographical distribution of fineness suggests a loose spatial association between granitoids and low fineness placer gold. Also identified was chemically heterogeneous placer gold. EPMA studies of these heterogeneities allowed estimation of annealing history limits, which suggest that the heterogeneities formed between 150 and 235oC. It is concluded, on the basis of relationships between morphology and composition, that there are two types of placer gold in the Southern Uplands: (i) placer gold which is directly inherited from a hypogene source probably spatially associated with granitoids; and (ii) placer gold that has formed during supergene processes.


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The bioleaching of chalcopyrite has not been applied on a commercial scale due to the low process efficiency, so this process has been extensively studied in recent years. The bioleaching of chalcopyrite tailings becomes even more difficult by the presence of higher amounts of impurities, among them are the carbonates. The presence of carbonates in the ore promotes the increase in pH of the solution and may inhibit the development of bioleaching. Therefore, this research aims to apply the acid treatment for optimization of bioleaching process, in order to recover the lost copper throughout the process besides reducing the content of this toxic metal in the tailings pond. The removal and recovery of toxic metals is very important in protecting the environment and human health. The bioleaching experiments were performed in two stages, the first made up using the pre-treated tailing with sulfuric acid in bioleaching, and the second was made using the tailing without treatment with sulfuric acid addition at the beginning of bioleaching. The acid treatment was carried out in bioreactors with three different volumes of H2SO4 96% and a control experiment. All bioleaching experiments were performed in triplicate over a control, without addition of inoculum. The results showed that acid treatment was effective in removal of carbonates and managed to promote a good performance in the bioleaching of chalcopyrite in both steps studied, it is demonstrated that circa 47% copper recovery can be achieved.


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The bioleaching of chalcopyrite has not been applied on a commercial scale due to the low process efficiency, so this process has been extensively studied in recent years. The bioleaching of chalcopyrite tailings becomes even more difficult by the presence of higher amounts of impurities, among them are the carbonates. The presence of carbonates in the ore promotes the increase in pH of the solution and may inhibit the development of bioleaching. Therefore, this research aims to apply the acid treatment for optimization of bioleaching process, in order to recover the lost copper throughout the process besides reducing the content of this toxic metal in the tailings pond. The removal and recovery of toxic metals is very important in protecting the environment and human health. The bioleaching experiments were performed in two stages, the first made up using the pre-treated tailing with sulfuric acid in bioleaching, and the second was made using the tailing without treatment with sulfuric acid addition at the beginning of bioleaching. The acid treatment was carried out in bioreactors with three different volumes of H2SO4 96% and a control experiment. All bioleaching experiments were performed in triplicate over a control, without addition of inoculum. The results showed that acid treatment was effective in removal of carbonates and managed to promote a good performance in the bioleaching of chalcopyrite in both steps studied, it is demonstrated that circa 47% copper recovery can be achieved.


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The Ming deposit, Newfoundland Appalachians, is a metamorphosed (upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies), Cambro-Ordovician, bimodalmafic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit that consists of several, spatially-associated, elongated orebodies composed of stratabound semimassive to massive sulfides and/or discordant sulfide stringers in a rhyodacitic footwall. Copper is the main commodity; however, the deposit contains precious metal-bearing zones with elevated Au grades. In this study, field observations, microscopy, and micro-analytical tools including electron microprobe, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and secondary ion mass spectrometry were used to constrain the relative timing of precious metal emplacement, the physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal fluid precipitation, and the sources of sulfur, precious metals, semi-metals and metals. The ore mineral assemblage is complex and indicates an intermediate sulfidation state. Pyrite and chalcopyrite are the dominant ore minerals with minor sphalerite and pyrrhotite, and trace galena, arsenopyrite and cubanite. Additional trace phases include tellurides, NiSb phases, sulfosalts, electrum, AgHg±Au alloys, and oxides. Silver phases and precious metals occur predominantly in semi-massive and massive sulfides as free grains, and as grains spatially associated with arsenopyrite and/or sulfosalts. Precious metal phases occurring between recrystallized pyrite and within cataclastic pyrite are rare. Hence, the complex ore assemblage and textures strongly suggest syngenetic precious metal emplacement, whereas metamorphism and deformation only internally and locally remobilized precious metal phases. The ore assemblage formed from reduced, acidic hydrothermal fluids over a range of temperatures (≈350 to below 260ºC). The abundance of telluride and Ag-bearing tetrahedrite, however, varies strongly between the different orebodies indicating variable ƒTe₂, ƒSe₂, mBi, and mSb within the hydrothermal fluids. The variations in the concentrations of semi-metals and metals (As, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Te), as well as Au and Ag, were due to variations in temperature but also to a likely contribution of magmatic fluids into the VMS hydrothermal system from presumably different geothermal reservoirs. Sulfur isotope studies indicate at least two sulfur sources: sulfur from thermochemically-reduced seawater sulfate and igneous sulfur. The source of igneous sulfur is the igneous footwall, direct magmatic fluid/volatiles, or both. Upper greenschist to lower amphibolite metamorphic conditions and deformation had no significant effect on the sulfur isotope composition of the sulfides at the Ming deposit.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193 recovered core from the active PACMANUS hydrothermal field (eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea) that provided an excellent opportunity to study mineralization related to a seafloor hydrothermal system hosted by felsic volcanic rocks. The purpose of this work is to provide a data set of mineral chemistry of the sulfide-oxide mineralization and associated gold occurrence in samples drilled at Sites 1188 and 1189. PACMANUS consists of five active vent sites, namely Rogers Ruins, Roman Ruins, Satanic Mills, Tsukushi, and Snowcap. In this work two sites were studied: Snowcap and Roman Ruins. Snowcap is situated in a water depth of 1670 meters below sea level [mbsl], covers a knoll of dacite-rhyodacite lava, and is characterized by low-temperature diffuse venting. Roman Ruin lies in a water depth of 1693-1710 mbsl, is 150 m across, and contains numerous large, active and inactive, columnar chimneys. Sulfide mineralogy at the Roman Ruins site is dominated by pyrite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, and galena. Sulfide minerals are relatively rare at Snow Cap. These are dominated by pyrite with minor chalcopyrite and sphalerite and traces of pyrrhotite. Native gold has been found in a single sample from Hole 1189B (Roman Ruins). Oxide minerals are represented by Ti magnetite, magnetite, ilmenite, hercynite (Fe spinel), and less abundant Al-Mg rich chromite (average = 10.6 wt% Al2O3 and 5.8 wt% MgO), Fe-Ti oxides, and a single occurrence of pyrophanite (Mn Ti O3). Oxide mineralization is more developed at Snowcap, whereas sulfide minerals are more extensive and show better development at Roman Ruins. The mineralogy was obtained mainly by a detailed optical microscopy study. Oxide mineral identifications were confirmed by X-ray diffraction, and mineral chemistry was determined by electron probe microanalyses.


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The Los Negritos porphyry copper deposit is located ~ 4 km to the northeast of Carmen de Andacollo Mine in the Chilean Cretaceous metallogenic belt. The mineralization is hosted in andesite of the Quebrada Marquesa Formation and a series of at least four early to intramineral porphyry intrusive rock types: plagioclase quartz biotite porphyry (P1b and P1a dated at 109.60± 0.75 Ma and 107.22± 0.40 Ma); plagioclase biotite porphyry (P2: 106.30 ± 0.47 Ma); and quartz plagioclase biotite porphyry (P3: 106.19 ± 0.42 Ma). These units are cut by late‐ to post‐mineral plagioclase‐hornblende porphyritic rocks (P4b: 106.20 ± 0.69 Ma and P4a: 106.50 ± 0.68 Ma). The earliest intrusive units (P1) were affected by an initial stage of K‐feldspar‐biotite alteration, with chalcopyrite, molybdenite (date at 108.5 ± 0.5 Ma) and gold (up to 0.11 ppm), and the surrounding volcanic host rock was overprinted by chlorite‐epidote dominated (propylitic) alteration. Subsequent to the P2 and P3 intrusion, these rocks were affected by albite and then a second stage of potassic alteration. The Ti and Ba contents in hydrothermal biotite are notably lower (typically Ti = 0.100‐0.144 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.001‐0.005 a.p.f.u) than in magmatic ones (generally Ti = 0.186‐0.222 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.014‐0.023 a.p.f.u.), and constitute an excellent discriminant of the nature of biotite. These early stages of alteration were overprinted by copper‐molybdenum bearing chlorite‐sericite alteration at 106.60 ± 0.5 Ma (Re‐Os age in molybdenite) and by quartz‐sericite‐pyrite veins (phyllic), respectively in the southwest and northeast areas. The average temperature associated with these two alteration facies is estimated around 305 °C. Weak albite‐calcite alteration, spatially associated with sulfosalts and distributed along the margins of P3, overprinted the phyllic facies. The intrusive rock units at the Los Negritos and Carmen de Andacollo deposits are geochemically classified as diorite to granodiorite with a calc‐alkaline magmatic affinity, and formed in a volcanic arc setting from partial melting of a metasomatized mantle wedge. They are interpreted to be cogenetic, and related to a common long‐lived magma chamber that emplaced during a period of tectonic inversion known as the Subhercynian, Peruvian or Pacific event.


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Dans la région de Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada), plus de 1 000 bâtiments résidentiels et commerciaux montrent de graves problèmes de détérioration du béton. Les problèmes de détérioration sont liés à l’oxydation des sulfures de fer incorporés dans le granulat utilisé pour la confection du béton. Ce projet de doctorat vise à mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de la détérioration de béton incorporant des granulats contenant des sulfures de fer, et ce afin de développer une méthodologie pour évaluer efficacement la réactivité potentielle de ce type de granulats. Un examen pétrographique détaillé de carottes de béton extraites de fondations résidentielles montrant différents degré d’endommagement a été réalisé. Le granulat problématique contenant des sulfures de fer a été identifié comme un gabbro à hypersthène incorporant différentes proportions (selon les différentes localisations dans les deux carrières d’origine) de pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite et pentlandite. Les produits de réaction secondaires observés dans les échantillons dégradés comprennent des formes minérales de "rouille", gypse, ettringite et thaumasite. Ces observations ont permis de déterminer qu’en présence d’eau et d’oxygène, la pyrrhotite s’oxyde pour former des oxyhydroxides de fer et de l’acide sulfurique qui provoquent une attaque aux sulfates dans le béton. Tout d’abord, la fiabilité de l’approche chimique proposée dans la norme européenne NF EN 12 620, qui consiste à mesurer la teneur en soufre total (ST,% en masse) dans le granulat pour détecter la présence (ou non) de sulfures de fer, a été évaluée de façon critique. Environ 50% (21/43) des granulats testés, représentant une variété de types de roches/lithologies, a montré une ST > 0,10%, montrant qu’une proportion importante de types de roches ne contient pas une quantité notable de sulfure, qui, pour la plupart d’entre eux, sont susceptibles d’être inoffensifs dans le béton. Ces types de roches/granulats nécessiteraient toutefois d’autres tests pour identifier la présence potentielle de pyrrhotite compte tenu de la limite de ST de 0,10 % proposée dans les normes européennes. Basé sur une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de nombreuses analyses de laboratoire, un test accéléré d’expansion sur barres de mortier divisé en deux phases a ensuite été développé pour reproduire, en laboratoire, les mécanismes de détérioration observés à Trois-Rivières. Le test consiste en un conditionnement de 90 jours à 80°C/80% RH, avec 2 cycles de mouillage de trois heures chacun, par semaine, dans une solution d’hypochlorite de sodium (eau de javel) à 6% (Phase I), suivi d’une période pouvant atteindre 90 jours de conditionnement à 4°C/100 % HR (Phase II). Les granulats ayant un potentiel d’oxydation ont présenté une expansion de 0,10 % au cours de la Phase I, tandis que la formation potentielle de thaumasite est détectée par le regain rapide de l’expansion suivi par la destruction des échantillons durant la Phase II. Un test de consommation d’oxygène a également été modifié à partir d’un test de Drainage Minier Acide, afin d’évaluer quantitativement le potentiel d’oxydation des sulfures de fer incorporés dans les granulats à béton. Cette technique mesure le taux de consommation d’oxygène dans la partie supérieure d’un cylindre fermé contenant une couche de matériau compacté afin de déterminer son potentiel d’oxydation. Des paramètres optimisés pour évaluer le potentiel d’oxydation des granulats comprennent une taille de particule inférieure à 150 μm, saturation à 40 %, un rapport de 10 cm d’épaisseur de granulat par 10 cm de dégagement et trois heures d’essai à 22ᵒC. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le test est capable de discriminer les granulats contenant des sulfures de fer des granulats de contrôle (sans sulfures de fer) avec un seuil limite fixé à 5% d’oxygène consommé. Finalement, un protocole d’évaluation capable d’estimer les effets néfastes potentiels des granulats à béton incorporant des sulfures de fer a été proposé. Le protocole est divisé en 3 grandes phases: (1) mesure de la teneur en soufre total, (2) évaluation de la consommation d’oxygène, et (3) un test accéléré d’expansion sur barres de mortier. Des limites provisoires sont proposées pour chaque phase du protocole, qui doivent être encore validées par la mise à l’essai d’un plus large éventail de granulats.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2015.


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Se presentan las propiedades eléctricas del compuesto Cu3BiS3 depositado por co-evaporación. Este es un nuevo compuesto que puede tener propiedades adecuadas para ser utilizado como capa absorbente en celdas solares. Las muestras fueron caracterizadas a través de medidas de efecto Hall y fotovoltaje superficial transiente (SPV). A través de medidas de efecto Hall se encontró que la concentración de portadores de carga n es del orden de 1016 cm-3 independiente de la relación de masas de Cu/Bi. También se encontró que la movilidad de este compuesto (μ del orden de 4 cm2V -1s-1) varía de acuerdo con los mecanismos de transporte que la gobiernan en dependencia con la temperatura. A partir de las medidas de SPV se encontró alta densidad de defectos superficiales, defectos que son pasivados al superponer una capa buffer sobre el compuesto Cu3BiS3.