898 resultados para Cell culture techniques
Productive infection of human endothelial cells with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), a single stranded RNA virus induces shedding of sHLA-E. We show here that sHLA-E that is released upon infection with this flavivirus can inhibit IL-2 and PMA mediated ERK 1/2 phosphorylation in two NK cell lines, Nishi and NKL. Virus infected or IFN-gamma treated cell culture supernatants containing sHLA-E were found to partially inhibit IL-2 mediated induction of CD25 molecules on NKL cells. It was also found that sHLA-E could inhibit IL-2 induced H-3]-thymidine incorporation suggesting that, similar to cell surface expressed HLA-E, sHLA-E could also inhibit NK cell responses. Hence JEV-induced shedding of sHLA-E needs further investigation to better understand immune responses in JEV infections since it may have a role in viral evasion of NK cell responses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Campylobacter jejuni is an important food-borne pathogen. However, relatively little is understood regarding its pathogenesis, and research is hampered by the lack of a suitable model. Recently, a number of groups have developed assays to study the pathogenic mechanisms of C. jejuni using cell culture models. Here, we report the development of an ex vivo organ culture model, allowing for the maintenance of intestinal mucosal tissue, to permit more complex host-bacterium interactions to be studied. Ex vivo organ culture highlights the propensity for C. jejuni to adhere to mucosal tissue via the flagellum, either as discrete colonies or as multicellular units.
The advent of molecular biology has had a dramatic impact on all aspects of biology, not least applied microbial ecology. Microbiological testing of water has traditionally depended largely on culture techniques. Growing understanding that only a small proportion of microbial species are culturable, and that many microorganisms may attain a viable but non-culturable state, has promoted the development of novel approaches to monitoring pathogens in the environment. This has been paralleled by an increased awareness of the surprising genetic diversity of natural microbial populations. By targeting gene sequences that are specific for particular microorganisms, for example genes that encode diagnostic enzymes, or species-specific domains of conserved genes such as 16S ribosomal RNA coding sequences (rrn genes), the problems of culture can be avoided. Technical developments, notably in the area of in vitro amplification of DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), now permit routine detection and identification of specific microorganisms, even when present in very low numbers. Although the techniques of molecular biology have provided some very powerful tools for environmental microbiology, it should not be forgotten that these have their own drawbacks and biases in sampling. For example, molecular techniques are dependent on efficient lysis and recovery of nucleic acids from both vegetative forms and spores of microbial species that may differ radically when growing in the laboratory compared with the natural environment. Furthermore, PCR amplification can introduce its own bias depending on the nature of the oligonucleotide primers utilised. However, despite these potential caveats, it seems likely that a molecular biological approach, particularly with its potential for automation, will provide the mainstay of diagnostic technology for the foreseeable future.
A produção e a otimização de substâncias de valor medicinal têm sido alcançadas pelo uso das técnicas de cultura de tecidos vegetais, que têm apresentado grande relevância quando se considera o status de conservação de uma espécie ou sua ocorrência em ambientes ameaçados. No presente trabalho foi avaliada a produção de carotenoides em culturas de calos e células em suspensão de Cleome rosea Vahl ex DC, espécie nativa encontrada em áreas de restinga nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo. Plantas micropropagadas obtidas a partir de raízes produzidas in vitro foram usadas como fonte de explantes para o início das culturas de calos. A produção de massa calogênica foi avaliada em meio MS suplementado com diferentes concentrações das auxinas ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético e ácido 4-amino- 3,5,6-tricloropicolínico, na presença de luz ou no escuro. O uso de diferentes meios básicos de cultura (B5, Nitsch, White) também foi avaliado. A calogênese foi induzida em todos os tratamentos, entretanto a maior produção de biomassa foi alcançada pelas culturas mantidas na presença de luz. A maior produção de massa calogênica foi obtida em culturas iniciadas no meio MS suplementado com 0,2 mg.L-1 de 2,4-D. A exposição das culturas à luz foi um fator essencial para a produção de carotenoides, que só ocorreu nas culturas mantidas nessa condição. Culturas de calos foram submetidas a tratamentos com substâncias elicitoras (extrato de levedura, metil jasmonato, quitosana) em diferentes concentrações e por um período de exposição de sete ou 14 dias visando otimizar a produção do pigmento. A maior produção de carotenoides nas culturas elicitadas foi alcançada com o tratamento com metil jasmonato (MJ) na concentração de 300 μM, independentemente do tempo de exposição ao elicitor. Análises cromatográficas mostraram que o processo de elicitação com MJ induziu ao aumento na produção de β-caroteno. Calos elicitados nessa condição foram usados para iniciar culturas de células em suspensão (CCS). Estas culturas foram acompanhadas por três subculturas realizadas a cada 20 dias, durante a fase exponencial de crescimento. Embora as CCS tenham mantido uma produção de biomassa constante ao longo das subculturas, os valores de produção de carotenoides foram inferiores àqueles alcançados pelas culturas de calos e não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas quando comparadas às CCS iniciadas a partir de calos não elicitados. Extratos de calos produzidos em meio MS suplementado com 0,2 mg.L-1 de 2,4-D foram avaliados quanto à sua capacidade antioxidante por meio da incubação dos extratos com DNA plasmidial em presença de cloreto estanoso (SnCl2), um potente agente redutor capaz de produzir quebras na molécula de DNA. Os extratos foram avaliados em concentrações crescentes (25 - 500 μg.mL-1) e apresentaram uma proteção dose dependente à ação do SnCl2. Estudos de toxicidade com o modelo de Artemia salina demonstraram que os extratos não apresentaram toxicidade nas concentrações avaliadas. Os resultados alcançados mostram que a elicitação foi eficiente para a otimização da produção de β-caroteno nas culturas in vitro e que os extratos obtidos a partir desses materiais apresentaram atividade antioxidante, indicando o êxito das técnicas de cultura de tecidos para a produção deste metabólito sob condição in vitro.
Hovenia dulcis Thunberg, natural da Ásia Oriental, é cultivada no Brasil onde é conhecida como uva-do-japão. A espécie possui várias indicações na medicina popular e alguns estudos apontam o seu potencial antineoplásico, tripanocida e hepatoprotetor. Metabólitos secundários são substâncias não essenciais para a sobrevivência celular, mas que fornecem vantagens adaptativas aos vegetais, sendo atribuído, para algumas delas, atividades biológicas importantes. Substâncias de interesse medicinal têm sido obtidas por técnicas da cultura de tecidos vegetais, como a calogênese e a cultura de células em suspensão, que permitem a síntese de matéria-prima de forma contínua e homogênea, independentemente de fatores ambientais e sazonais. O presente estudo objetivou o estabelecimento de culturas in vitro de H. dulcis, visando à produção de metabólitos de interesse, com vistas à avaliação do seu potencial antineoplásico sobre células K562. Foram testados protocolos para o estabelecimento de diferentes sistemas, como culturas de calos, de células em suspensão (CCS) e compact callus clusters (CCC) e ainda a avaliação do uso de elicitores na otimização de metabólitos produzidos in vitro. Foi verificado que a adição dos fitorreguladores KIN e TDZ, substituindo o BAP, não foi capaz de induzir a formação de calos friáveis, bem como a manutenção das culturas em ausência de luz. O uso do nitrato de prata promoveu a friabilidade de calos em todas as concentrações testadas, considerando-se 2,0 mg.L-1 a melhor concentração. Foram alcançadas taxas de 100% de formação de CCS tanto na presença, quanto em ausência de AgNO3. O maior acúmulo de biomassa foi verificado na concentração mais baixa de PIC (0,625 mg.L-1). A análise dos espectros de RMN indicou a presença de (+)-dihidromiricetina, (+)-galocatequina, hovenitina II, hovenosideo G, hodulosideo III, hodulosideo IV, hodulosideo I e hovenidulciosideo B1 nas culturas de calos friáveis. No estabelecimento de culturas CCC, observou-se a formação de calos compactos verdes em todas as concentrações de ANA testadas. O aumento da velocidade de rotação para 135 rpm aumentou a dispersão das células com consequente formação dos agregados celulares desejados. A seleção de linhagens celulares demonstrou ser um método eficiente na uniformização do tamanho desses agregados e tal uniformidade se manteve estável por mais de cinco subcultivos em 100% das culturas. Uma fração rica em saponinas foi obtida a partir dos agregados celulares, correspondendo a 1,46% da massa seca. A análise por RMN sugeriu a presença das saponinas Hovenosideo G e dos hovenidulciosideos A2 e B2. O uso de elicitores em cultura de calos mostrou-se adequado à produção de metabólitos secundários, sem alterações morfológicas nos mesmos. A elicitação alterou o perfil cromatográfico analisado por HPLC. Na elicitação com 5,0 mg.L-1 de extrato de levedura foi verificado um aumento de quase três vezes (12,280 3,396 equivalentes de quercetina/mg de extrato) na síntese de flavonoides. Finalmente, os estudos de ação antitumoral in vitro demonstraram citotoxicidade dos extratos de calos não elicitados de H. dulcis sobre linhagem de leucemia mieloide crônica (IC50 de 74,05 μg.mL-1.) e inibição do crescimento de tais células (K562), sugerindo o potencial antineoplásico para um produto biotecnológio (calo) desta espécie.
The paper illustrates the different carp culture techniques based on six published papers from different countries. It also notes the economic and ecological importance of carp aquaculture.
Previous studies have shown that the maintenance and proliferation of undifferentiated rhesus monkey embryonic stem (rES) cells requires medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS). Due to the uncharacterized composition and variation in serum nature, the present study aimed to replace the serum-containing medium with a serum-free medium in the rES cell culture. The results showed that after the initial 48-h culture in the routinely used serum-containing medium, rES cells can grow and proliferate for a prolonged period in the serum-free medium composed of DMEM supplemented with a cocktail of BSA, IGF-1, TGF-alpha, bFGF, aFGF, estradiol, and progesterone. rES cells cultured in the serum-free medium maintained high level of alkaline phosphatase activity and OCT4 level. There was no indication of differentiation as judged by the marker gene expression of all three embryonic germ layers and trophoblast. In addition, serum-free culture would not affect the passage capacity and differentiation potential of rES cells. This work will facilitate the future study of induced differentiation of rES cells and other applications.
Sertoli cells play a central role in the control and maintenance of spermatogenesis. Isolated Sertoli cells of mouse and rat testes have been shown to secrete plasminogen activator (PA) and a plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) in culture. In this study, we have investigated the hormonal regulation of PA and PAI-1 activities in cultured monkey Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells (5x10(5) cells/well) isolated from infant rhesus monkey testes were preincubated at 35 degrees C for 16 h in 24-well plates precoated with poly(D-lysine) (5 mu g/cm(2)) in 0.5 mi McCoy's 5a medium containing 5% of fetal calf serum and further incubated for 48 h in 0.5 mi serum-free medium with or without various hormones or other compounds, PA as well as PAI-1 activities in the conditioned media were assayed by fibrin overlay and reverse fibrin autography techniques respectively. The Sertoli cells in vitro secreted only tissue-type PA (tPA), no detectable amount of urokinase-type PA (uPA) could be observed, Monkey Sertoli cells were also capable of secreting PAI-1, Immunocytochemical studies indicated that both tPA and PAI-1 positive staining localized in the Sertoli cells, spermatids and residual bodies of the seminiferous epithelium; Northern blot analysis further confirmed the presence of both tPA and PAI-1 mRNA in monkey Sertoli cells. Addition of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) derivatives or cAMP-generating agents and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist or phorbol ester (PMA) to the cell culture significantly increased tPA activity. PAI-1 activity in the culture was also enhanced by these reagents except 8-bromo-dibutyryl-cAMP, forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthin (MIX) which greatly stimulated tPA activity, whereas decreased PAI-1 activity, implying that neutralization of PAI-1 activity by tile high level of tPA in the conditioned media may occur. These data suggest that increased intracellular signals which activate protein kinase A (PKA), or protein kinase C (PKC) can modulate Sertoli cell tPA and PAI-1 activities, The concomitant induction of PA and PAI-1 by the same reagents in the Sertoli cells may reflect a finely tuned regulatory mechanism in which PAI-1 could limit the excession of the proteolysis.
Cell monolayers line most of the surfaces and cavities in the human body. During development and normal physiology, monolayers sustain, detect and generate mechanical stresses, yet little is known about their mechanical properties. We describe a cell culture and mechanical testing protocol for generating freely suspended cell monolayers and examining their mechanical and biological response to uniaxial stretch. Cells are cultured on temporary collagen scaffolds polymerized between two parallel glass capillaries. Once cells form a monolayer covering the collagen and the capillaries, the scaffold is removed with collagenase, leaving the monolayer suspended between the test rods. The suspended monolayers are subjected to stretching by prying the capillaries apart with a micromanipulator. The applied force can be measured for the characterization of monolayer mechanics. Monolayers can be imaged with standard optical microscopy to examine changes in cell morphology and subcellular organization concomitant with stretch. The entire preparation and testing protocol requires 3-4 d.
Fishes, the biggest and most diverse community in vertebrates are good experimental models for studies of cell and developmental biology by many favorable characteristics. Nuclear transplantation in fish has been thoroughly studied in China since 1960s. Fish nuclei of embryonic cells from different genera were transplanted into enucleated eggs generating nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrids of adults. Most importantly, nuclei of cultured goldfish kidney cells had been reprogrammed in enucleated eggs to support embryogenesis and ontogenesis of a fertile fish. This was the first case of cloned fish with somatic cells. Based on the technique of microinjection, recombinant MThGH gene has been transferred into fish eggs and the first batch of transgenic fish were produced in 1984. The behavior of foreign gene was characterized and the onset of the foreign gene replication occurred between the blastula to gastrula stages and random integration mainly occurred at later stages of embryogenesis. This eventually led to the transgenic mosaicism. The MThGH-transferred common carp enhanced growth rate by 2-4 times in the founder juveniles and doubled the body weight in the adults. The transgenic common carp were more efficient in utilizing dietary protein than the controls. An "all-fish" gene construct CAgcGH has been made by splicing the common carp beta-actin gene (CA) promoter onto the grass carp growth hormone gene (gcGH) coding sequence. The CAgcGH-transferred Yellow River Carp have also shown significantly fast-growth trait. Combination of techniques of fish cell culture, gene transformation with cultured cells and nuclear transplantation should be able to generate homogeneous strain of valuable transgenic fish to fulfil human requirement in 21(st) century.
Marine sponges (Porifera) possess an extraordinary diversity of bioactive metabolites for new drug discovery and development. In vitro cultivation of sponge cells in a bioreactor system is very attractive for the sustainable production of sponge-derived bioactive metabolites; however, it is still a challenging task. The recent establishment of sponge primmorphs, multicellular aggregates from dissociated mixed-cell population (MCP), has been widely acknowledged to hold great promise for cultivation in vitro. Here we present a new method to establish an in vitro sponge primmorph culture from archaeocyte-dominant cell population (ADCP) enriched by a Ficoll gradient, rather than a mixed-cell population (MCP). Our rationale is based upon the totipotency (the ability of a cell to differentiate into other cell types) of archaeocyte cells and the different biological functions of various sponge cell types. A sponge, Hymeniacidon perleve collected from the China Yellow Sea was used as a model system for this investigation. Distinct dynamics of primmorph formation were observed while significant increases in DNA synthesis, cell proliferation (up to threefold), and cell growth (up to fourfold) were achieved. Furthermore, a time-dependent spiculogenesis was clearly demonstrated in our longterm culture, indicating high metabolic activity of primmorphs from the ADCP. This new method represents an important step forward to advance sponge cell culture in vitro that may lead to commercial exploitation of sponge-derived drugs. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Plant cell cultures have been suggested as a feasible technology for the production of a myriad of plant-derived metabolites. However, commercial application of plant cell culture has met limited success with only a handful of metabolites produced at the pilot- and commercial-scales. To improve the production of secondary metabolites in plant cell cultures, efforts have been devoted predominantly to the optimization of biosynthetic pathways by both process and genetic engineering approaches. Given that secondary metabolism includes-the synthesis. metabolism and catabolism of endogenous compounds by the specialized proteins, this review intends to draw attention to the manipulation and optimization of post-biosynthetic events that follow the formation of core metabolite structures in biosynthetic pathways. These post-biosynthetic events-the chemical and enzymatic modifications, transport, storage/secretion and catabolism/degradation have been largely unexplored in the past. Potential areas are identified where further research is needed to answer fundamental questions that have implications for advanced bioprocess design. Anthocyanin production by plant cell cultures is used as a case study for this discussion, as it presents a good example of compounds for which there are extensive research publications but still no commercial bioprocess. It is perceived that research on post-biosynthetic processes may lead to future opportunities for significant advances in commercial plant cell cultures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV)-based thin films are biologically active for cell culture. Using layer-by-layer assembly of CPMV and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), quantitatively scalable biomolecular surfaces were constructed, which were well characterized using quartz crystal microbalance, UV-vis and atomic force microscopy. The surface coverage of CPMV nanoparticles depended on the adsorption time and pH of the virus solution, with a greater amount of CPMV adsorption occurring near its isoelectric point. It was found that the adhesion and proliferation of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts can be controlled by the coverage of viral particles using this multilayer technique.
A method for culturing medulla terminalis (MT) neurons in the eyestalk of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, was first established. The neurons showed immediate outgrowth in the culture medium supplemented with glutamine, glucose and antibiotics. The cells grew for about 2-7 days and then sustained for a week or more. At least six types of neurons were distinguished on the basis of size and form of soma and outgrowth pattern of cells. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.