976 resultados para CDS
[EUS] Lan honen helburua pirolisi prozesuan plastiko errealek daukaten portaera aztertzea da, polimero puruen pirolisiarekin eduki dezaketen aldeak ikusteko, aldagai desberdinek prozesuari zelan eragiten dioten jakiteko eta prozesuaren baldintzak optimizatzeko. Horretarako CDS Analytical Inc.-en Pyroprobe 2000 pirolisirako ekipoa erabili da.
Sobre la base de la problemática de los tratamientos terapéuticos del glaucoma, en especial cuando se administran en forma de gotas oculares y dado el empleo de los beta-bloqueantes como el grupo de fármacos utilizados como primera opción de tratamiento; y teniendo en cuenta las ventajas que ofrece la microencapsulación de fármacos en el sector farmacéutico y el uso de las ciclodextrinas como agentes encapsulantes, el objetivo de este trabajo se centra en la microencapsulación del fármaco beta-bloqueante (timolol) con HP-β-CD en agua para el tratamiento del glaucoma. Para la consecución de este objetivo se ha seleccionado en base a los métodos de encapsulación y agentes encapsulantes descritos en la bibliografía las CDs como agentes encapsulantes, concretamente la HP-β-CD por su mayor facilidad para formar complejos de inclusión y por su baja toxicidad y se ha elegido el método de encapsulación por inclusión, debido a las características mencionadas y a que las propiedades de los principios activos son potenciadas por este método
磷脂是动物和植物非光合组织细胞膜系统的主要组成成分,在细胞生命过程中扮演着重要角色。尽管绿色植物光合膜的的甘油脂主要是糖脂,但是它仍然含有大约10%的磷脂,说明磷脂在光合膜的结构和功能中起重要作用。构成生物膜的磷脂有多种,但是,光合膜只含有磷脂酰甘油(PG)一种磷脂。光合膜中的PG有其特殊性,即:在PG的sn-2位上总连着一个棕榈酸(16:0)或者反式十六碳烯酸(16:1trans),说明了这种具有特殊结构的甘油脂在维持类囊体膜的结构和功能方面具有重要的作用。 叶绿体中有两个重要酶参与了PG的生物合成,它们分别是胞嘧啶二脂酰甘油合成酶(CDS)和磷脂酰甘油合成酶(PGS)。本实验以烟草和马铃薯为材料,利用RNAi技术,对CDS和PGS基因的表达进行抑制,通过PG缺失突变体,研究其功能。 对转含有PGS片段的沉默结构的转基因烟草叶片膜脂进行了分析,结果表明,与野生型烟草相比较,其PG含量下降了约20%,同时,SQDG和PC的含量增加。PG含量的降低没有引起MGDG和DGDG含量的变化。另外,我们还对转基因植株目的基因片段的RNA表达水平进行了RT-PCR分析,发现其表达量大幅度降低。这些结果表明,在转基因株系中,PGS基因的表达受到了抑制,说明我们获得了PG部分缺失的烟草PGS突变体。 对烟草PG缺失体的PG脂肪酸组成进行分析,表明其特征性脂肪酸反式十六碳烯酸含量明显下降,比野生型降低了44%,C18:0、C18:1和C18:2的相对含量增加,整个变化与总脂脂肪酸变化基本一致。 为了研究PG缺失对光合作用的影响,我们分析了多种光合指标。对叶绿素含量的分析表明,PG含量的降低影响了光合色素的组成。PG部分缺失的转基因烟草中的叶绿素总的含量下降,其中叶绿素b含量下降更为明显,结果,叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值较野生型高。转基因植株净光合速率下降,二氧化碳利用率降低;PSII的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和实际光化学效率(фPSII)降低,光化学猝灭下降,非光化学猝灭增加,尤其老叶的变化更为明显。这些结果说明了PG的部分缺失影响了植株的光合能力,捕光色素蛋白复合体的结构受到了影响,PSII功能遭受损伤。 同时,我们根据已经报道的马铃薯CDS基因,克隆了一个片段,构建沉默结构,并对沉默结构进行了转化。通过抗性基因的筛选以及RT-PCR检测,证明了沉默结构转化成功,目的基因的表达受到抑制,获得了马铃薯CDS转基因植株。 对马铃薯野生型和CDS转基因植株进行膜脂和脂肪酸分析表明,转基因植株叶片的PE、PG和PC等磷脂含量降低,SQDG和DGDG含量增加;C16:1(3t)、C16:2、C16:3、C18:1和C18:2含量下降,C16:0和C18:3含量增加,而C16:1和C18:0变化不明显。马铃薯CDS转基因植株的叶绿素荧光分析表明,PSII最大光化学效率降低,从野生型的0.82下降到0.77。
Using a first-principles method, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of grain boundaries (GBs) in polycrystalline CdTe and the effects of copassivation of elements with far distinct electronegativities. Of the two types of GBs studied in this Letter, we find that the Cd core is less harmful to the carrier transport, but is difficult to passivate with impurities such as Cl and Cu, whereas the Te core creates a high defect density below the conduction band minimum, but all these levels can be removed by copassivation of Cl and Cu. Our analysis indicates that for most polycrystalline systems copassivation or multipassivation is required to passivate the GBs.
Single crystalline ternary ZnxCd1-xS nanocombs, which have 'comb' shaped' teeth on one side, have been synthesized by a one-step metallo-organic chemical vapor deposition process at a low temperature of 420 degrees C. The asymmetric, growth behavior of the nanocombs is likely to be induced by the polarization of the c-ptane. Because of the uniform structure and perfect geometrical shape, the nanoteeth could be potentially useful as nanocantilever arrays for nanosensors and, nanotweezers. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The photoluminescence of Mn2+ in ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles with an average size of 4.5 nm has been measured under hydrostatic pressure from 0 to 6 GPa. The emission position is red-shifted at a rate of -33.3+/-0.6meV/GPa, which is in good agreement with the calculated value of -30.4meV/GPa using the crystal field theory. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate the electronic structures of the inhomogeneous quantum dots within the framework of the effective mass theory. The results show that the energies of electron and hole states depend sensitively on the relative magnitude 77 of the core radius to the capped quantum dot radius. The spatial distribution of the electrons and holes vary significantly when the ratio eta changes. A quantum-confinement-driven type-II-type-I transition is found in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs-capped quantum dot structures. The phase diagram is obtained for different capped quantum dot radii. The ground-state exciton binding energy shows a highly nonlinear dependence on the innner structures of inhomogeneous quantum dots, which originates from the redistribution of the electron and hole wave functions.
In the framework of the effective-mass envelope-function theory, the electronic and optical properties of a spherical core-shell quantum-dot quantum well (QDQW) structure with one and two wells have been investigated. The results show that the energies of electron and hole states depend sensitively on the well thickness and core radius of quantum-dot quantum well structure. An interesting spatially separated characteristic of electron and hole in QDQW is found and enhanced significantly in the two-wells case. The normalized oscillator strength for the optical transition between the electron and hole states in QDQW exhibits a deep valley at some special well thickness. The Coulomb interaction between the electron and hole is also taken into account. [S0163-1829(98)02412-6].
溶剂萃取由于具有处理量大、操作简单、易于连续化等优点,被广泛应用于湿法冶金工业。而溶剂萃取过程通常都伴随着有机相微乳体系的形成、变化、甚至完全破乳的过程以及萃合物分子聚集状态的不断变化,因此可以认为,液-液萃取体系提供了一系列可调控的微乳体系。相对于液液萃取在金属分离方面的广泛应用,液液萃取过程中形成的微乳体系在材料制备方面的应用研究还处于起始阶段。本论文在广泛调研文献资料的基础上,开展了利用硫代有机膦萃取剂Cyanex 301萃取体系制备纳米硫化物的研究,取得了一些有意义的结果。该工作的开展将对促进溶剂萃取分离与纳米材料制备一体化研究起到一定的作用,并为寻找简便易行且适用于大规模生产的纳米材料制备新方法提供思路。主要内容如下: 1. 通过两相热法,利用Cyanex 301-AgNO3两相萃取体系制备了尺寸均匀、分散性好的Ag2S纳米粒子。并且发现了与通常纳米材料制备过程不一样的现象,即Ag2S产物的粒径随着反应温度的升高逐渐增大,这与通常观察到的产物颗粒随反应温度升高而变小的现象完全不同。通过红外谱图分析,确定了反应机理,并提出了影响产物粒径的可能机制,认为产物粒径的变化是Cyanex 301作为硫源与作为表面修饰剂相互竞争的结果。 2. 通过两步法合成了四面体、类六角锥和六角片型的Ag2S/CdS纳米复合材料。Ag2S纳米粒子在产物的形成中起到了晶种与模板导向作用,溶剂对产物的形貌也起到诱导作用。 3. 利用两相热法,一步合成了CuS微米花和微米球自组装结构,产物的形貌随水相金属离子浓度的改变而发生变化。
Two obvious emissions are observed from the ZnS clusters encapsulated in zeolite-Y. The emission around 355 nm is sharp and weak, locating at the onset of the absorption edge. The band around 535 nm is broad, strong and Stokes-shifted. Both the two emissions shift to blue and their intensities firstly increase then decrease as the loading of ZnS in zeolite-Y or clusters size decreases. Through investigation, the former is attributed to the excitonic fluorescence, and the latter to the trapped luminescence from surface states. The cluster size-dependence of the luminescence may be explained qualitatively by considering both the carrier recombination and the nonradiative recombination rates. Four peaks appearing in the excitation spectra are assigned to the transitions of 1S-1S, 1S-1P, 1S-1D and surface state, respectively. The excitation spectra of the clusters do not coincide with their absorption spectra. The states splitted by quantum-size confinement are detected in the excitation spectra, but could not be differentiated in the optical absorption spectra due to inhomogeneous broadening. The size-dependence of the excitation spectra is similar to that of the absorption spectra. Both the excitation spectra of excitonic and of trapped emissions are similar, but change in relative intensity and shift in position are observed.
A broad absorption band around 500 nm is observed in ZnS nanoparticles. The absorption becomes more intensive and shifts to the blue as the particle size is decreased. The absorption energy is lower than the band gap of the particles and is considered to be caused by the surface states. This assignment is supported by the results of the fluorescence and of the thermoluminescence of the surface states. Both the absorption and the fluorescence reveal that the surface states are size dependent. The glow peak of the semiconductor particles is not varied as much upon decreasing size, indicating the trap depth of the surface states is not sensitive to the particle size. Considering these results, a new model on the size dependence of the surface states is proposed, which may explain our observations reasonably. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.