940 resultados para Brittle books.


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After thirty-six years of biennial updates, the authors take great pride in being able to publish the nineteenth version (2001) of the “Brandon/Hill Selected List of Print Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library.” This list of 630 books and 143 journals is intended as a selection guide for health sciences libraries or similar facilities. It can also function as a core collection for a library consortium. Books and journals are categorized by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index, and the subject list of journals, by an alphabetical title listing. Due to continuing requests from librarians, a “minimal core list” consisting of 81 titles has been pulled out from the 217 asterisked (*) initial-purchase books and marked with daggers (†*) before the asterisks. To purchase the entire collection of 630 books and to pay for 143 2001 journal subscriptions would require $124,000. The cost of only the asterisked items, books and journals, totals $55,000. The “minimal core list” book collection costs approximately $14,300.


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Amyloplasts of starchy tissues such as those of maize (Zea mays L.) function in the synthesis and accumulation of starch during kernel development. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is known to be located in chloroplasts, and for many years it was generally accepted that AGPase was also localized in amyloplasts of starchy tissues. Recent aqueous fractionation of young maize endosperm led to the conclusion that 95% of the cellular AGPase was extraplastidial, but immunolocalization studies at the electron- and light-microscopic levels supported the conclusion that maize endosperm AGPase was localized in the amyloplasts. We report the results of two nonaqueous procedures that provide evidence that in maize endosperms in the linear phase of starch accumulation, 90% or more of the cellular AGPase is extraplastidial. We also provide evidence that the brittle-1 protein (BT1), an adenylate translocator with a KTGGL motif common to the ADP-glucose-binding site of starch synthases and bacterial glycogen synthases, functions in the transfer of ADP-glucose into the amyloplast stroma. The importance of the BT1 translocator in starch accumulation in maize endosperms is demonstrated by the severely reduced starch content in bt1 mutant kernels.


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This list of 424 books and 77 journals is intended as a selection guide for print literature to be used in a library supporting allied health educational programs or allied health personnel in either an academic or health care setting. Because of the impossibility of covering the large number and wide variety of allied health professions and occupations, the recommended publications are focused primarily on the educational programs listed and recognized by the American Medical Association and other accrediting bodies. Books and journals are categorized by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index, and the subject list of journals by an alphabetical title listing. Items suggested for initial purchase (167 books and 31 journals) are indicated by asterisks. To purchase the entire collection of books and journals (2000 subscriptions) would require an expenditure of about $31,970. The cost of only the asterisked items totals $12,515.


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As bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras procuram oferecer o acesso de livros eletrônicos (e-books) aos usuários, contudo, o uso de e-books está aquém do esperado em bibliotecas, esta situação nos leva ao problema de pesquisa: haveria problemas na produção do serviço de disponibilização de e-books na biblioteca universitária que afetem o uso de e-books nas bibliotecas? Que tipos de problemas podem estar relacionados? Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a gestão de e-books em bibliotecas universitárias, com o propósito de compreender melhor o uso de e-books na biblioteca e detectar possíveis problemas na produção do serviço. A partir de um estudo de caso de uma rede de bibliotecas de uma universidade pública brasileira e de revisão de literatura, constatou-se que há quatro principais tipos de problemas na gestão de e-books: comerciais, institucionais, organizacionais e conceituais, os quais estão diretamente relacionados com o baixo uso de e-books nas bibliotecas universitárias. A base teórica em gestão de serviços permitiu identificar a relação entre a necessidade de revisão do conceito de serviço de biblioteca acadêmica em conjunto com a solução de questões pontuais de gestão, avançando no entendimento do problema.


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The present paper seeks to explain the diverse advantages of virtual books and also the main barriers that make it difficult their implementation in the classroom. A brief review of the literature on ICT, e-learning, distance education and e-books will be complemented with a case study about the preparation, development and implementation of an e-book. The paper could be helpful both for systems analysts and for teachers when they are developing and implementing e-books.


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Los e.books, o libros electrónicos, dan respuesta a muchas de las necesidades planteadas en la educación superior del siglo XXI. Suponen restar cierto protagonismo a los libros impresos, que sólo permiten el aprendizaje a través de la lectura y la comprensión, y que son generalmente estáticos y poco interactivos. Por el contrario los libros-plataforma multimedia 2.0 tienen indudables ventajas sobre los convencionales: se pueden acceder desde diversos soportes (ordenador, tablet, smartphone…), son accesibles y utilizables en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar sin necesidad de trasportarlos físicamente, suponen un ahorro de costes, ya que el coste del libro-plataforma virtual es de un 70 a un 80% más barato que el impreso, contienen útiles archivos que se pueden ver o descargar, contienen enlaces (hipervínculos) a webs externas para ampliar la información, etc. Mediante este trabajo pretendemos explicar las diversas ventajas de los libros virtuales, pero también proponer diversas pautas que puedan ser útiles para su implementación en el aula. Para ello además de una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema se explicará la experiencia que hemos tenido en la elaboración, desarrollo e implementación de un e.book.


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This folder contains six leaves with undated book and shelf lists.


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This one-page document contains a list of books sent to Increase Mather (1639-1723; Harvard AB 1656) by Captain Chadder on behalf of English Harvard benefactor Thomas Hollis (1659-1731).


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This paper-bound index was created by Benjamin Wadsworth, probably around 1736. Although most entries are in his hand, additional entries have been made in other, unidentified hands. It is arranged alphabetically, though the keywords used to alphabetize topics are not always logical or intuitive. Each entry lists the College Book and page number where information on the given topic can be found.


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This document also lists volumes donated by a Mr. Bradstreet and Mr. Harris, as well as a list of "books saved [from the 1764 fire] by being borrowed" by individuals named Sewall, Parker, Cushing, Appleton, Brigden, Marsh, Cooke, Bowdoin, and Chardon.