994 resultados para Brasil Relações Exteriores


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Title Varies: Boletim Comercial; Boletim


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This search addresses the public policies that directly or indirectly corroborate for the implementation of the Brazilian Law number 10.639/2003 in Federal University of Uberlndia and it analyzes the affirmative actions in this context. The study aims to answer some questions such as: Why we have found difficulties in implementing the Law 10.639/2003 and its correlate legislation in the institutions responsible for teachers formation, particularly in the courses of History, Visual Arts, Portuguese Language and Literature and Education teachers? We started from the hypothesis that implementing the Law 10.639/2003 is considered by popular movements that fight for the emancipation of black population and for its rights consider such actions as a form of eradicating racial and ethnic prejudice which are still present in our society. The methodology is based on case study, which allows the triangulation to other methodological approaches such as qualitative analysis and bibliographic search. The investigation instruments were: I. Bibliographic sources including books, papers, periodic and so one; II. Documental sources: specific legislation on the theme (Brazilian Federal Law 10.639/2003, Resolution CNE/CP 1/2004 and others; III. Oral sources obtained from semi structured interviews with coordinators of the selected Graduation courses. Critical multicuturalism according to McLaren (1999) allowed us to approach our research object in order to understand its plural characteristics, specially reading the different aspects that permeate the relationship between culture and identity, cultural differences and power relationship in modern society. In the study, we did not perceive the involvement of the Higher Education professionals in order to implement Law 10.639/2003. The problem perceived for implementing the law and its pedagogical normative legal framework is the personal and institutional attitude, because every subject involved in it has a direct responsibility. We cannot believe that the institutions may claim lack of knowledge and research in the area as impediments to implementing the disciplines and the pedagogical contents concerning to the Law nor contracting researcher experts and scholars on this topic to compose the frames of the University.


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Cincia Poltica, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincia Poltica, 2016.


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O texto analisa o Mercosul sob a perspectiva das polticas exteriores de Brasil e Argentina e a influncia destas sobre a conformao do bloco.


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O artigo apresenta uma reflexo de teoria e poltica, que busca inserir a anlise da poltica exterior de Argentina, Brasil e Chile no quadro das relações hemisfricas (Estados Unidos) e do Mercosul. No caso dos trs pases latino-americanos, apresenta-se uma identificao das tendncias predominantes na interpretao da insero possvel, da viso de si mesmos no atual sistema internacional e uma aproximao geral das agendas bilaterais, sub-regionais e da agenda hemisfrica norte-americana.


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Distinguindo as percepes mais difundidas sobre as relações do Brasil com o continente africano, o artigo avalia as nfases diplomticas brasileiras nos planos bilateral e multilateral. A tendncia atual seria de uma crescente mobilizao em favor de um resgate da frica que se realizaria por meio da Organizao das Naes Unidas. Essa tendncia seria a mais adequada para as preferncias do Brasil.


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O artigo se prope a analisar as relações entre o Brasil e a Frana desde o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial at o presente. Para isso, o autor divide a histria da relao entre os dois pases em trs blocos assim denominados: 1) a parceria bloqueada (1945 - 64); 2) a negligncia cordial (1963 - 95); e 3) a parceria possvel (1990 - 2000).


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo central analisar os motivos do declnio da cooperao para o desenvolvimento entre o Brasil e a Alemanha e as suas perspectivas num contexto de integrao regional.


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Desde 1990, particularmente durante os dois mandatos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, as relações internacionais do Brasil foram caracterizadas por ausncia de estratgia de insero no mundo da interdependncia global, visto que a abertura foi eleita como ideologia de mudana. O Brasil empenhou-se junto aos rgos multilaterais para estabelecer um ordenamento mundial nas reas do comrcio, meio ambiente, finanas e segurana. Atribuiu importncia ao processo de integrao do Cone Sul. As relações internacionais apresentaram resultados medocres no comrcio exterior, induziram forte dependncia financeira e abalaram o ncleo nacional da economia.