828 resultados para Berne, Canton de
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude de la peinture murale des Xle-Xllle siècles dans l'actuel Canton du Tessin. A cette époque, la région qui compose ce territoire ne constituait pas une unité, mais formait les contrées plus éloignées, adossées au massif central des Alpes, des; villes et des diocèses de Côme et Milan. L'histoire de ses limites territoriales et politiques a déterminé aussi l'orientation de l'histoire des études: l'actuel Canton du Tessiri n'a pas vraiment été considéré ni par les chercheurs qui se sont occupés de la Lombardie, ni par ceux qui se sont occupés de la Suisse: d'une part, car aujourd'hui il ne fait plus partie de la Lombardie, de l'autre, parce qu'à l'époque médiévale il ne faisait pas encore partie du territoire suisse. On a donc affaire à un sujet d'étude marginalisé, qui a pendant longtemps aussi souffert de la marginalité historiographique du Tessin médiéval, considéré comme une région culturellement «en retard» par rapport aux centres de Côme et Milan. À travers le filtre historiographique naît ainsi l'exigence d'étudier ce territoire de manière cohérente, tout en étant conscient de sa fragmentation à l'époque médiévale. Par le recensement et l'analyse de tous les témoignages picturaux des XP-Xllle siècles existants ou désormais disparus, mais pour lesquels subsiste de la documentation visuelle, nous avons essayé de dresser la physionomie artistique de cette région: il s'agissait non seulement de définir leur relations avec les éléments lombards proches, mais dans l'ensemble qu'ils composent avec ceux-ci. Et c'est justement cette unité entre la réalité lombarde et celle tessinoise que, dans la limite du possible, nous avons cherché à recomposer dans ce travail. A cause de sa longue durée, l'arc chronologique choisi s'est révélé fondamental pour saisir les dynamiques et les mécanismes - indispensables, par exemple, pour comprendre le rapport entre centre et périphérie ou la géographie artistique du territoire considéré - qui échapperaient à un regard chronologique plus restreint. Cette contextualisation a mené à une ouverture ultérieure. Historiquement replacés à l'intérieur du panorama pictural lombard, les témoignages tessinois ont été l'objet d'une mise eri perspective plus large qui a permis - quand cela était possible - de les insérer dans la culture artistique contemporaine. Traversée par certaines parmi les plus importantes voies de communication reliant le Nord et le Sud des Alpes, la condition liminaire de cette région ne semble pas avoir conditionné de manière déterminante ses échanges avec d'autres réalités: elle n'apparaît ni plus réceptive, ni plus imperméable que d'autres régions lombardes envers les différents horizons culturels sur lesquels la Lombardie était ouverte, se nourrissant d'apports variés. Les points de contact relevés fournissent des précieux indices sur le fonctionnement des ateliers, sur la circulation des modèles et sur les commanditaires. Ces différents niveaux d'analyse déterminent la structure du travail: le catalogue d'oeuvres examinées - organisé en fiches ordonnées selon la chronologie établie sur la base des résultats apparus lors de l'analyse historique-artistique - est précédé par une partie introductive plus discursive. Cette dernière met en évidence et analyse les émergences principales, situant les ensembles étudiés entre eux et à l'intérieur de l'époque à laquelle ils appartiennent. La définition de la physionomie artistique de la région tessinoise apporte ainsi de nouveaux repères non seulement dans la connaissance de l'art des siècles centraux du Moyen Âge Lombard, mais aussi du vaste espace alpin situé au coeur de l'Occident médiéval.
The Directed Practice Seminar was developed under the theme Document Control in Canton Puriscal, San Jose Costa Rica. The practice consisted of a process of identification, collection, description, analysis and typing of documents Puriscal of historical, scientific and cultural, to publicize the county's documentary heritage, thus contributing to the Costa Rican national literature, and also promote the rescue culture of the peoples, a task that performs modern librarianship.The search, identification and collection of documents that have been published or not, in and to the Canton Puriscal was thorough and in all possible formats: books, journals, letters, brochures, memos, videos, newspaper articles, manuscripts , periodicals, electronic resources, among others.
Since classical antiquity, the public library has been the institution that helps people to know their history and face the changes that society increasingly demands. Similarly, school libraries are piloting the learning of children; in them, manage to have their first contact with books, his first great travel stories with dinosaurs, robots, fiction, among others through the stories, legends and knowledge games. School libraries contribute to strengthening reading habits from the earliest years of life.In conducting the research, developed an assessment of the current situation of the two libraries under study, based on the following variables: services, human resources, budget, infrastructure, children's collection, furniture, electronic equipment and audiovisual, recreational interests, needs of information, socio-cultural characteristics and availability. This was achieved through the collection of information externada by children of preschool and junior, mothers or guardians and teachers of the Education Unit of Four Queens and in charge of the School Library Education Unit Four Queens (BEUPCR) and J. Francisco Public Library Orlich (BPFJO).According to the diagnosis and analysis of information, it is shown that the aspects related to personnel, electronic equipment and resources are limited, in addition, there were deficiencies in infrastructure BEUPCR.
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Se analiza de que forma la degradación de los recursos naturales conduce a través de un proceso histórico, motivado por la expulsión de la población sobrante que no pudo aprovecharse de las tierras en el área central del país, emigrar a la periferia de la Depresión Central, en el caso que nos ocupa al cantón de Puriscal, en busca de tierras para expandir el cultivo de café, granos básicos, ganadería extensiva y más recientemente al cultivo del tabaco. Las condiciones naturales del suelo imperantes en el área, los materiales muy frágiles, la fuerte pendiente unida a las prácticas agrícolas y ganaderas no acordes con la productividad agropecuaria. La penetración de empresas de la agroindustria de los lácteos, destruyo la producción campesina de la leche, y la poca productividad de la actividad tabacalera sucumbió por la importación del tabaco. Los bajos precios del café y la crítica situación de los granos básicos, provocaron un proceso de empobrecimiento de la población, que se manifiesta en tasas de migración neta negativas, desde el censo de 1950 hasta el presente. El proceso de empobrecimiento de la población es notable como consecuencias de lo interior y se manifiesta por los indicadores que en la investigación se analizan. Paralelamente el deterioro de los aspectos socioeconómicos, la investigación revela un deterioro en los niveles de salud, entendida como una condición donde intervienen aspectos de carácter físico, cultural, socioeconómico, psicológico y ambiental. La investigación analiza la distribución espacial del comportamiento de algunas enfermedades, mediante, la utilización del Sistema de Información Geográfica IDRISI. Por último, se analiza el papel del Estado a través de las políticas de salud tendentes a contrarrestar el impacto de la morbilidad y mortalidad.
En la segunda parte de este artículo se aborda la cuestión metodológica, en donde se estudia la distribución espacial de diferentes tipos de cáncer en el cantón de Puriscal, utilizando en Sistema de Información Geográfica IDRISI, los datos empíricos se obtuvieron en el Registro Nacional de Tumores. Del Programa de Vigilancia Epistemológica, se obtuvo información para el análisis de enfermedades transmisibles, en las bases de datos del Departamento de Estadística del Ministerio de Salud. La investigación toma en cuenta factores ambientales, culturales y socioeconómicos, que inciden en la distribución espacial de las enfermedades.
Airports, over time, have emerged as separate independent entities often described as ‘enclaves’. As such airports regularly planned and implemented developments within their boundaries with limited inclusion of local actors in decision making processes. Urban encroachment on airport boundaries has increasingly focused the planning interests of airports to consider what their neighbouring cities are doing. Likewise city planners are progressively more interested in the development activities of airports. Despite shared interests in what happens on the either side of the fence line, relationships between airports and their neighbouring cities have often been strained, if not, at times, hostile. A number of strategies and conceptualisations for the co-existence of urban and airport environs have been put forward. However, these models are likely to have a limited effect unless they can be implemented to maximise opportunities for both cities and airports, and at the same time not confound their long-term interests. The isolation of airport planning from local and regional planning agencies, and the resulting power struggles are not new. Under current conditions the need to ‘bridge the gap’ between airports and their urban surrounds has become an increasing, yet under explored imperative. This paper examines the decision making arena for airport-region development to define the barriers, enablers, tensions and puzzles for the governance of airport-region development, from a cross-country perspective. Findings suggest that while there are many embedded rule structures that foster airport-region tensions, there are nonetheless a number of pathways for moving airports beyond decision making enclaves, to more integrated mechanisms for city and regional planning. In providing preliminary answers for overcoming the barriers, tensions and intractable issues of mutually agreeable airport and city development, the research makes a primary contribution to the ground level governance of collaborative planning. This research also serves as a launching point for future, more detailed research into the areas of airport-region decision making and collaborative planning for airport-regions. This work was carried out through the Airport Metropolis Research Project under the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Projects funding scheme (LP0775225).
This paper demonstrates the application of the reliability-centred maintenance (RCM) process to analyse and develop preventive maintenance tasks for electric multiple units (EMU) in the East Rail of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC). Two systems, the 25 kV electrical power supply and the air-conditioning system of the EMU, have been chosen for the study. RCM approach on the two systems is delineated step by step in the paper. This study confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of RCM applications on the maintenance of electric trains.
There is a renaissance of interest in public service motivation in public management research. Moynnihan and Pandey (2007) assert that public service motivation (PSM) has significant practical relevance as it deals with the relationship between motivation and the public interest. There is a need to explore employee needs generated by public service motivation in order to attract and retain a high calibre cadre of public servants (Gabris & Simo, 1995). Such exploration is particularly important beyond the American context which has dominated the literature to date (Taylor, 2007; Vandenabeele, Scheepers, & Hondeghem, 2006; Vandenabeele & Van de Walle, 2008).
Triggered by the continuing global financial crisis, most public administration systems internationally are reviewing their ability to meet public expectations in more challenging strategic environments, while satisfying the pressure from their political masters to drive down the costs of public administration. Consequently public sector organizations are under constant pressure to reform to meet not only the global economic challenges, but the need for more responsive government (Brown et al 2003). Doyle et al (2000) propose that organizational change is seldom well managed, but that the public sector faces greater difficulty in implementing corporate change than the private sector because of its unique environment, e.g. the need to deliver bureaucratically impartial outcomes. The scale of the changes required, and the constraints imposed by the context within which these changes need to occur, have intensified the need for capable public sector leadership and management. The types of capability required now extend beyond those typically required in public organizations through the efficiency drive of new public management. Acquiring these capabilities remains a key issue for public organizations. One challenge for public management, then, is leadership and management quality, including the need to recruit externally to refresh, re-energize and change the sector and its individual organizations as well as develop advanced skills among existing senior executives.
La ferrovia della Valle Maggia, in Canton Ticino, ha operato tra il 1905 ed il 1965 collegando Locarno, sul Verbano, a Bignasco. Il tracciato prevedeva un armamento a scartamento ridotto; il servizio era operato con vetture automotrici dotate di giardiniera o rimorchio per le merci.
A common problem with the use of tensor modeling in generating quality recommendations for large datasets is scalability. In this paper, we propose the Tensor-based Recommendation using Probabilistic Ranking method that generates the reconstructed tensor using block-striped parallel matrix multiplication and then probabilistically calculates the preferences of user to rank the recommended items. Empirical analysis on two real-world datasets shows that the proposed method is scalable for large tensor datasets and is able to outperform the benchmarking methods in terms of accuracy.
This paper proposes a linear large signal state-space model for a phase controlled CLC (Capacitor Inductor Capacitor) Resonant Dual Active Bridge (RDAB). The proposed model is useful for fast simulation and for the estimation of state variables under large signal variation. The model is also useful for control design because the slow changing dynamics of the dq variables are relatively easy to control. Simulation results of the proposed model are presented and compared to the simulated circuit model to demonstrate the proposed model's accuracy. This proposed model was used for the design of a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and it has been implemented in the circuit simulation to show the proposed models usefulness in control design.