244 resultados para Bacilli


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Objetivos: Evaluar parámetros clínicos, bacteriológicos y morbimortalidad en pacientes mayores de 65 años con bacteriemia (Grupo A) y compararlos con aquellas ocurridas en menores de 65 años (grupo B) hospitalizados en un servicio de clínica médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional, desde 1989-2006. Criterios de inclusión: dos o más hemocultivos positivos. Análisis estadístico con Epi Info 6.4 . Resultados: Se identificaron 668 bacteriemias: 258 (38,6%) en A y 410 (61,4%) en B. La edad media fue de 74,2 años (DS±7.01) y de 47,2 años (DS±13.7) respectivamente. No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media: 19,1 días (DS±17.07) en A y 19,9 (DS±18,1) en B, ni en el origen nosocomial (40,7 vs 44%). Los focos pulmonar (31 vs 21,2%)(p<0,008) y urinario (27 vs 18,8%)(p=0.017) fue más frecuentes en A. La fiebre >de 38 ºC fue menos frecuente en A (83,8 vs 90,9%)(p=0.0068), mientras que la hipotensión arterial (40,8 vs 32,2%)(p=0.03), oliguria (41,7 vs 30,9%)(p=0.005) y encefalopatía (54,5 vs 39,4%)(p=0.00014) fueron mas comunes en A. Los bacilos gram negativos predominaron en A (46 vs 37%)(p<0.01) con diferencias entre A.baumani (9,16 vs 4,6%) y E.coli (54,1 vs 42,7%)(p<0.05) y en B fueron más frecuentes por S.aureus MS (34.39 vs 24,63)(p=0.01). El shock séptico (33,9 vs 22,4%) y nuevas insuficiencias de órganos (31,1 vs 20,1%) prevalecieron en A (p<0,001). La mortalidad fue de 34,49% para A y de 23,41% para B (p=0,018) Conclusiones: Las bacteriemias en pacientes internados mayores de 65 años comparadas con las ocurridas en pacientes. de menor edad, se caracterizaron significativamente por tener predominio del foco pulmonar y urinario, de hipotensión arterial, oliguria y encefalopatía, de bacteriemia por BGN, principalmente A. baumanii y E. coli; mayor desarrollo de shock séptico, menor frecuencia de fiebre >38°C y de bacteriemia por MSS A, y significativa mayor mortalidad.


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Colony counts on high and low-nutrient agar media incubated at 2 and 20 °C, Acridine Orange Direct Counts and biomasses are reported for sediments of the Sierra Leone Abyssal Plain. All isolates from low-nutrient agars also grew in nutrient-rich seawater broth (100 % SWB). However, a greater proportion of the 2 °C than of the 20 °C isolates grew in 2.5% SWB, containing 125 mg/l peptone and 25 mg/l yeast extract. Only 14 strains or 12.7% of the 2 °C isolates, but none of the 20 °C isolates, grew in 0.25 % SWB. Psychrophilic bacteria with maximum growth temperatures below 12 °C, isolated at 2 °C, were predominant among the cultivable bacteria from the surface layer. They required seawater for growth and belonged mainly to the Gram-negative genera Alteromonas and Vibrio. In contrast to the earlier view that psychrophily is connected with the Gram-negative cell type, it was found that cold-adapted bacteria of the Gram-positive genus Bacillus predominated in the 4 to 6 cm layer. The 20 °C isolates, however, were mostly Gram-positive, mesophilic, not dependent on seawater for growth, not able to utilize organic substrates at 4 °C, and belonged mainly to the genus Bacillus and to the Gram-positive cocci. The majority of the mesophilic bacilli most likely evolved from dormant spores, but not from actively metabolizing cells. It can be concluded that only the strains isolated at 2 °C can be regarded as indigenous to the deep-sea.


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Over 2 billion people are estimated to be infected with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet fewer than 10% progress to clinical tuberculosis within their lifetime. Twin studies and variations in the outcome of tuberculosis infection after exposure to similar environmental risks suggest genetic heterogeneity among individuals in their susceptibility to disease. In a mouse model of tuberculosis, we have established that resistance and susceptibility to virulent M. tuberculosis is a complex genetic trait. A new locus with a major effect on tuberculosis susceptibility, designated sst1 (susceptibility to tuberculosis 1), was mapped to a 9-centimorgan (cM) interval on mouse chromosome 1. It is located 10–19 cM distal to a previously identified gene, Nramp1, that controls the innate resistance of mice to the attenuated bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine strain. The phenotypic expression of the newly identified locus is distinct from that of Nramp1 in that sst1 controls progression of tuberculosis infection in a lung-specific manner. Mice segregating at the sst1 locus exhibit marked differences in the growth rates of virulent tubercle bacilli in the lungs. Lung lesions in congenic sst1-susceptible mice are characterized by extensive necrosis and unrestricted extracellular multiplication of virulent mycobacteria, whereas sst1-resistant mice develop interstitial granulomas and effectively control multiplication of the bacilli. The resistant allele of sst1, although powerful in controlling infection, is not sufficient to confer full protection against virulent M. tuberculosis, indicating that other genes located outside of the sst1 locus are likely also to be important for controlling tuberculosis infection.


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Cell-mediated immune responses are essential for protection against many intracellular pathogens. For Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), protection requires the activity of T cells that recognize antigens presented in the context of both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and I molecules. Since MHC class I presentation generally requires antigen to be localized to the cytoplasmic compartment of antigen-presenting cells, it remains unclear how pathogens that reside primarily within endocytic vesicles of infected macrophages, such as MTB, can elicit specific MHC class I-restricted T cells. A mechanism is described for virulent MTB that allows soluble antigens ordinarily unable to enter the cytoplasm, such as ovalbumin, to be presented through the MHC class I pathway to T cells. The mechanism is selective for MHC class I presentation, since MTB infection inhibited MHC class II presentation of ovalbumin. The MHC class I presentation requires the tubercle bacilli to be viable, and it is dependent upon the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), which translocates antigenic peptides from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. The process is mimicked by Listeria monocytogenes and soluble listeriolysin, a pore-forming hemolysin derived from it, suggesting that virulent MTB may have evolved a comparable mechanism that allows molecules in a vacuolar compartment to enter the cytoplasmic presentation pathway for the generation of protective MHC class I-restricted T cells.


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Alternative RNA polymerase sigma factors are a common means of coordinating gene regulation in bacteria. Using PCR amplification with degenerate primers, we identified and cloned a sigma factor gene, sigF, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The deduced protein encoded by sigF shows significant similarity to SigF sporulation sigma factors from Streptomyces coelicolor and Bacillus subtilis and to SigB, a stress-response sigma factor, from B. subtilis. Southern blot surveys with a sigF-specific probe identified cross-hybridizing bands in other slow-growing mycobacteria, Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and Mycobacterium avium, but not in the rapid-growers Mycobacterium smegmatis or Mycobacterium abscessus. RNase protection assays revealed that M. tuberculosis sigF mRNA is not present during exponential-phase growth in M. bovis BCG cultures but is strongly induced during stationary phase, nitrogen depletion, and cold shock. Weak expression of M. tuberculosis sigF was also detected during late-exponential phase, oxidative stress, anaerobiasis, and alcohol shock. The specific expression of M. tuberculosis sigF during stress or stationary phase suggests that it may play a role in the ability of tubercle bacilli to adapt to host defenses and persist during human infection.


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The incidence of tuberculosis is increasing on a global scale, in part due to its strong association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Attachment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to its host cell, the alveolar macrophage (AM), is an important early step in the pathogenesis of infection. Bronchoalveolar lavage of HIV-infected individuals demonstrated the presence of a factor which significantly enhances the attachment of tubercle bacilli to AMs 3-fold relative to a normal control population. This factor is surfactant protein A (SP-A). SP-A levels are increased in the lungs of HIV-infected individuals. SP-A levels and attachment of M. tuberculosis to AMs inversely correlate with peripheral blood CD4 lymphocyte counts. Elevated concentrations of SP-A during the progression of HIV infection may represent an important nonimmune risk factor for acquiring tuberculosis, even before significant depletion of CD4 lymphocytes in the peripheral blood occurs.


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As águas residuárias provenientes da indústria do charque são conhecidas por apresentarem elevado teor de cloreto de sódio, aliado a grandes concentrações de matéria orgânica proveniente do sangue liberado ao longo do processo industrial. Esse tipo de água residuária apresenta potencial para degradação biológica, contudo, o cloreto de sódio, em concentração elevada, pode inibir a atividade dos microrganismos e, em alguns casos, levar sistemas biológicos à falência. No presente trabalho, foi avaliada a viabilidade de degradação anaeróbia de efluente sintético de Charqueada contendo elevado teor de cloreto de sódio, em reator anaeróbio tipo UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), em escala de laboratório. Foram utilizados 4 reatores, alimentados com água residuária sintética com características similares à água residuária de Charqueada. O reator 1 foi utilizado como controle, o reator 2 recebeu NaCl e os demais (3 e 4) foram operados na presença de NaCl acrescidos de: betaína e potássio com cálcio, respectivamente. Os compostos citados são conhecidos como antagonizantes, por possuirem capacidade de minimizar o efeito inibitório do sódio sobre o processo de digestão anaeróbia. Os reatores foram inoculados com lodo de reator UASB e submetidos à concentração de 5000 mg/L de matéria orgânica, como DQO. A carga orgânica aplicada foi de 5 Kg/m3.d e os reatores não suportaram tal carga. Reiniciou-se a operação com aumento progressivo da DQO de 500 a 2000 mg/L resultando em cargas orgânicas de 0,5 a 2,0 Kg/m3.d, respectivamente. Após estabilização dos reatores, iniciou-se a fase de introdução de cloreto de sódio (1.500 a 13.500 mg/L) e antagonizantes com aumento progressivo a cada fase. Na presença ou ausência de antagonizantes, os reatores 2, 3 e 4 não tiveram o desempenho alterado até a concentração de NaCl de 6000 mg/L. Na presença de 9000 mg/L de NaCl, a betaína se mostrou pouco efetiva como soluto compatível no reator 3 e os antagonizantes do reator 4, potássio e cálcio, apresentaram efeitos estimulatórios. As morfologias encontradas ao longo do experimento foram cocos, víbrios, bacilos, sarcinas, além de morfologias semelhantes a Methanosarcina sp. e Methanosaeta sp. O aumento da concentração de cloreto de sódio provocou a redição da população de Arqueas.


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O jacaré-de-papo (Caiman latirostris) é considerado um crocodiliano de médio porte que apresenta uma ampla distribuição latitudinal na América do Sul. Possivelmente a espécie possui a situação mais complexa entre os crocodilianos brasileiros quanto ao aspecto da conservação, basicamente porque suas populações encontram-se fragmentadas em grande parte de sua área de distribuição original e por utilizarem áreas com fortes atividades antrópicas. Embora a espécie possua aparentemente um processo adaptativo frente a estas pressões, um aspecto fisiológico pode ainda sofrer rápida alteração quando submetido a elas: o estado sanitário. Desta maneira, este estudo objetivou determinar o estado sanitário do maior predador aquático, utilizando duas áreas distintas no Estado de São Paulo, através da determinação dos perfis hematológicos e bioquímicos do sangue, além da caracterização da microbiota oral, servindo de modelo à conservação da espécie em ambientes alterados. No primeiro capítulo foram determinados o perfil hematológico e bioquímico do sangue utilizando-se 29 indivíduos (19 machos e 10 fêmeas) capturados em Angatuba e 11 indivíduos (2 machos, 4 fêmeas e 5 filhotes) capturados em Cubatão. Diferenças estatísticas significativas foram encontradas nos valores de creatinina na comparação entre fêmeas de ambas as áreas de estudo (p = 0,033) e nos valores de alanina aminotransferase (p = 0,003), hemácias (p = 0,034), hemoglobina (p = 0,049) e volume corpuscular médio (p = 0,027) quando da comparação entre sexos. No segundo capítulo determinou-se a microbiota oral destes animais através do isolamento, identificação e caracterização bacteriana, em conjunto com o teste de perfil de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos. Foram determinados 14 diferentes tipos de bactérias na área de Angatuba, sendo uma classificada como baciliforme aeróbio Gram-positivo, uma como bacilo Gram-negativo e 12 classificadas como Enterobactérias Gram-negativas. Na área de Cubatão foram isolados cinco tipos de bactérias, sendo quatro classificadas como Enterobactérias Gram-negativas e uma como baciliforme aeróbio Gram-positivo. Considerando que o uso de antimicrobianos é um processo primário no tratamento de animais e pessoas, principalmente nos casos que envolvam infecções provocadas pela interação homem x animais, para ambas as áreas de estudo, as quinolonas Enrofloxacina e Norfloxacina, além do aminoglicosídeo Gentamicina, foram os antimicrobianos que apresentaram os menores índices de resistência frente aos isolados testados.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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1. The virulence of human and bovine tubercle bacilli for guinea pigs and rabbits / by Marion Dorset -- 2. The comparative virulence of human and bovine tubercle bacilli for some large animals / by E.A. de Schweinitz, Marion Dorset and E.C. Schroeder -- 3. Studies in immunity from tuberculosis / by E.C. Schroeder and The persistence of tubercle bacilli in tissues of animals after injection / by E.C. Schroeder.


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Postantibiotic effect (PAE) describes the suppression of microbial growth occurring after a short exposure to an antimicrobial agent. PAE appears to be a property of the majority of antimicrobial agents and is demonstrated by a wide variety of microorganisms. At present, carbapenems and penems are the only members of the -lactam group of antimicrobial agents that exhibit a significant PAE on Gram-negative bacilli. A standardised method was developed to evaluate the in vitro PAE of three carbapenems; imipenem, meropenem and biapenem on Gram-negative bacteria under reproducible laboratory conditions that partially mimicked those occurring in vivo. The effects on carbapenem PAE of the method of antimicrobial removal, concentration, exposure duration, inoculum size, inoculum growth phase, multiple exposures and pooled human serum were determined. Additionally, the reproducibility, susceptibility prior to and after PAE determination and inter-strain variation of carbapenem PAE were evaluated. The method developed determined PAE by utilising viable counts and demonstrated carbapenem PAE to be reproducible, constant over successive exposures, dependent on genera, concentration, duration of exposure, inoculum size and growth phase. In addition, carbapenem PAE was not significantly effected either by agitation, the antimicrobial removal method or the viable count diluent. At present, the mechanism underlying PAE is undetermined. It is thought to be due to either the prolonged persistence of the antimicrobial at the cellular site of action or the true recovery period from non-lethal damage. Increasing the L-lysine concentration and salinity at recovery decreased and increased the carbapenem and imipenem PAE of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. In addition, no apparent change was observed in the production of virulence factors by P.aeruginosa in PAE phase. However, alterations in cell morphology were observed throughout PAE phase, and the reappearance of normal cell morphology corresponded to the duration of PAE determined by viable count. Thus, the recovery of the penicillin binding protein target enzymes appears to be the mechanism behind carbapenem PAE in P. aeruginosa.


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OBJECTIVES: Inhibitors of uridine diphosphate-3-O-(R-3-hydroxymyristoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase (LpxC, which catalyses the first, irreversible step in lipid A biosynthesis) are a promising new class of antibiotics against Gram-negative bacteria. The objectives of the present study were to: (i) compare the antibiotic activities of three LpxC inhibitors (LPC-058, LPC-011 and LPC-087) and the reference inhibitor CHIR-090 against Gram-negative bacilli (including MDR and XDR isolates); and (ii) investigate the effect of combining these inhibitors with conventional antibiotics. METHODS: MICs were determined for 369 clinical isolates (234 Enterobacteriaceae and 135 non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli). Time-kill assays with LPC-058 were performed on four MDR/XDR strains, including Escherichia coli producing CTX-M-15 ESBL and Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii producing KPC-2, VIM-1 and OXA-23 carbapenemases, respectively. RESULTS: LPC-058 was the most potent antibiotic and displayed the broadest spectrum of antimicrobial activity, with MIC90 values for Enterobacteriaceae, P. aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia and A. baumannii of 0.12, 0.5, 1 and 1 mg/L, respectively. LPC-058 was bactericidal at 1× or 2× MIC against CTX-M-15, KPC-2 and VIM-1 carbapenemase-producing strains and bacteriostatic at ≤4× MIC against OXA-23 carbapenemase-producing A. baumannii. Combinations of LPC-058 with β-lactams, amikacin and ciprofloxacin were synergistic against these strains, albeit in a species-dependent manner. LPC-058's high efficacy was attributed to the presence of the difluoromethyl-allo-threonyl head group and a linear biphenyl-diacetylene tail group. CONCLUSIONS: These in vitro data highlight the therapeutic potential of the new LpxC inhibitor LPC-058 against MDR/XDR strains and set the stage for subsequent in vivo studies.


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The aim of the present study was to develop novel Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-loaded polymeric microparticles with optimized particle surface characteristics and biocompatibility, so that whole live attenuated bacteria could be further used for pre-exposure vaccination against Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the intranasal route. BCG was encapsulated in chitosan and alginate microparticles through three different polyionic complexation methods by high speed stirring. For comparison purposes, similar formulations were prepared with high shear homogenization and sonication. Additional optimization studies were conducted with polymers of different quality specifications in a wide range of pH values, and with three different cryoprotectors. Particle morphology, size distribution, encapsulation efficiency, surface charge, physicochemical properties and biocompatibility were assessed. Particles exhibited a micrometer size and a spherical morphology. Chitosan addition to BCG shifted the bacilli surface charge from negative zeta potential values to strongly positive ones. Chitosan of low molecular weight produced particle suspensions of lower size distribution and higher stability, allowing efficient BCG encapsulation and biocompatibility. Particle formulation consistency was improved when the availability of functional groups from alginate and chitosan was close to stoichiometric proportion. Thus, the herein described microparticulate system constitutes a promising strategy to deliver BCG vaccine by the intranasal route.


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A critical step during Bacillus anthracis infection is the outgrowth of germinated spores into vegetative bacilli that proliferate and disseminate rapidly within the host. An important challenge exists for developing chemotherapeutic agents that act upon and kill B. anthracis immediately after germination initiation when antibiotic resistance is lost, but prior to the outgrowth into vegetative bacilli, which is accompanied by toxin production. Chemical agents must also function in a manner refractive to the development of antimicrobial resistance. In this thesis we have identified the lantibiotics as a class of chemotherapeutics that are predicted to satisfy these two criteria. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of nisin, a prototypical lantibiotic, in prevention of outgrowth of germinated B. anthracis spores. Like all lantibiotics, nisin is a ribosomally translated peptide that undergoes post-translational modification to form (methyl)lanthionine rings that are critical for antimicrobial activity. Our studies indicate that nisin rapidly inhibits the in vitro outgrowth of germinated B. anthracis Sterne 7702 spores. Although germination initiation was shown to be essential for nisin-dependent antimicrobial activity, nisin did not inhibit or promote germination initiation. Nisin irreversibly killed germinated spores by blocking the establishment of a membrane potential and oxidative metabolism, while not affecting the dissolution of the outer spore structures. The membrane permeability of the spore was increased by nisin, but germinated spores did not undergo full lysis. Nisin was demonstrated to localize to lipid II, which is the penultimate precursor for cell wall biogenesis. This localization suggests two possible independent mechanisms of action, membrane pore formation and inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis. Structure-activity studies with a truncated form of nisin lacking the two C-terminal (methyl)lanthionine rings and with non-pore forming mutants indicated that membrane disruption is essential for nisin-dependent inhibition of spore outgrowth to prevent membrane potential establishment. Finally, utilizing an in vitro infection model, it was shown that nisin reduced the viability of B. anthracis spores within an infection resulting in increased survival of immune cells while reducing infection-mediated cytokine expression. Fluorescence microscopy indicated that nisin localizes with spores within phagosomes of peritioneal macrophages in germinating conditions. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of nisin, as a model lantibiotic, for preventing spore outgrowth. It is speculated that nisin targeting of lipid II, resulting in membrane perturbations, may be effective at inhibiting the outgrowth of spores prepared from bacteria across a number of species.


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INTRODUCTION: Leprosy is still one of the most frequent causes of peripheral neuropathy. Although regarded as eradicated in Portugal, is still documented in neuropathological study of patients with clinical peripheral neuropathy without proper diagnosis.