964 resultados para Angular retreat


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* A preliminary version of this paper was presented at XI Encuentros de Geometr´ia Computacional, Santander, Spain, June 2005.


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This paper details work carried out to verify the dimensional measurement performance of the Indoor GPS (iGPS) system; a network of Rotary-Laser Automatic Theodolites (R-LATs). Initially tests were carried out to determine the angular uncertainties on an individual R-LAT transmitter-receiver pair. A method is presented of determining the uncertainty of dimensional measurement for a three dimensional coordinate measurement machine. An experimental procedure was developed to compare three dimensional coordinate measurements with calibrated reference points. The reference standard used to calibrate these reference points was a fringe counting interferometer with the multilateration technique employed to establish three dimensional coordinates. This is an extension of the established technique of comparing measured lengths with calibrated lengths. The method was found to be practical and able to establish that the expanded uncertainty of the basic iGPS system was approximately 1 mm at a 95% confidence level. Further tests carried out on a highly optimized version of the iGPS system have shown that the coordinate uncertainty can be reduced to 0.25 mm at a 95% confidence level.


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For the first time, the Z0 boson angular distribution in the center-of-momentum frame is measured in proton-proton collisions at [special characters omitted] = 7 TeV at the CERN LHC. The data sample, recorded with the CMS detector, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 36 pb–1 . Events in which there is a Z0 and at least one jet, with a jet transverse momentum threshold of 20 GeV and absolute jet rapidity less than 2.4, are selected for the analysis. Only the Z0's muon decay channel is studied. Within experimental and theoretical uncertainties, the measured angular distribution is in agreement with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions.


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The study of the angular distribution of photon plus jet events in pp collisions at [special characters omitted] = 7 TeV with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is presented. The photon is restricted to the central region of the detector (:η: <1.4442) while the jet is allowed to be present in both central and forward regions of CMS (:η: < 2.4). Dominant backgrounds due to jets fragmenting into neutral mesons are accounted for through the use of a template method that discriminates between signal and background. The angular distribution, :η*:, is defined as the absolute value of the difference in η between the leading photon and leading jet in an event divided by two. The angular distribution ranging from 0–1.4 was examined and compared with next-to-leading order QCD predictions and was found to be in good agreement.


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The aim of this thesis is to study the angular momentum of a sample of S0 galaxies. In the quest to understand whether the formation of S0 galaxies is more closely linked to that of ellipticals or that of spirals, our goal is to compare the amount of their specific angular momentum as a function of stellar mass with respect to spirals. Through kinematic comparison between these different classes of galaxies we aim to understand if a scenario of passive evolution, in which the galaxy’s gas is consumed and the star formation is quenched, can be considered as plausible mechanism to explain the transformation from spirals to S0s. In order to derive the structural and photometric parameters of galaxy sub-components we performed a bulge-disc decomposition of optical images using GALFIT. The stellar kinematic of the galaxies was measured using integral field spectroscopic data from CALIFA survey. The development of new original software, based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm, allowed us to obtain the values of the line of sight velocity and velocity dispersion of disc and bulge components. The result that we obtained is that S0 discs have a distribution of stellar specific angular momentum that is in full agreement with that of spiral discs, so the mechanism of simple fading can be considered as one of the most important for transformation from spirals to S0s.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Lately, various programming frameworks has been developed for developing web applications. These frameworks focus on increasing the user experience by performance improvements such as faster render times and response times. One of these frameworks are React, which has introduced a completely new architectural pattern for both managing the state and data flow of an application. React also offers support for native application development and makes server-side rendering possible. Something that is difficult to accomplish with an application developed with Angular 1.5, which is used by the company Dewire today. The aim of this thesis was to compare React with an existing Angular project, in order to determine whether React could be a potential replacement for Angular. To gain knowledge about the subject, a theoretical study of web- based sources has been made. While the practical part has been to rebuild a web application with React together with the architecture Flux, which is based on a view from the Angular project. The implementation process was repeated until the view was completed and a desired data flow, as in the Angular application, was reached. The resulting React application was later compared with the Angular application developed by the company, where the outcome of the comparison showed that the React performed better than Angular in all tests. In conclusion, due to the timeframe of the project, only the most important parts of the Angular project were implemented in order to carry out the measurements that were of interest to the company. By recreating most of the functionality, or the entire Angular application, more interesting comparisons could have been done.


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Les besoins toujours croissants en terme de transfert de données numériques poussent au développement de nouvelles technologies pour accroître la capacité des réseaux, notamment en ce qui concerne les réseaux de fibre optique. Parmi ces nouvelles technologies, le multiplexage spatial permet de multiplier la capacité des liens optiques actuels. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à une forme de multiplexage spatial utilisant le moment cinétique orbital de la lumière comme base orthogonale pour séparer un certain nombre de canaux. Nous présentons d’abord les notions d’électromagnétisme et de physique nécessaires à la compréhension des développements ultérieurs. Les équations de Maxwell sont dérivées afin d’expliquer les modes scalaires et vectoriels de la fibre optique. Nous présentons également d’autres propriétés modales, soit la coupure des modes, et les indices de groupe et de dispersion. La notion de moment cinétique orbital est ensuite introduite, avec plus particulièrement ses applications dans le domaine des télécommunications. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons la carte modale comme un outil pour aider au design des fibres optiques à quelques modes. Nous développons la solution vectorielle des équations de coupure des modes pour les fibres en anneau, puis nous généralisons ces équations pour tous les profils de fibres à trois couches. Enfin, nous donnons quelques exemples d’application de la carte modale. Dans la troisième partie, nous présentons des designs de fibres pour la transmission des modes avec un moment cinétique orbital. Les outils développés dans la seconde partie sont utilisés pour effectuer ces designs. Un premier design de fibre, caractérisé par un centre creux, est étudié et démontré. Puis un second design, une famille de fibres avec un profil en anneau, est étudié. Des mesures d’indice effectif et d’indice de groupe sont effectuées sur ces fibres. Les outils et les fibres développés auront permis une meilleure compréhension de la transmission dans la fibre optique des modes ayant un moment cinétique orbital. Nous espérons que ces avancements aideront à développer prochainement des systèmes de communications performants utilisant le multiplexage spatial.


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The spherical reduction of the rational Calogero model (of type A n−1 and after removing the center of mass) is considered as a maximally superintegrable quantum system, which describes a particle on the (n−2)-sphere subject to a very particular potential. We present a detailed analysis of the simplest non-separable case, n=4, whose potential is singular at the edges of a spherical tetrahexahedron. A complete set of independent conserved charges and of Hamiltonian intertwiners is constructed, and their algebra is elucidated. They arise from the ring of polynomials in Dunkl-deformed angular momenta, by classifying the subspaces invariant and antiinvariant under all Weyl reflections, respectively.


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Svalbard is a heavily glacier-covered archipelago in the Arctic. Dickson Land (DL), in the central part of the largest island, Spitsbergen, is relatively arid, and as a result, glaciers there are relatively small and restricted mostly to valleys and cirques. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of glacier changes in DL based on inventories compiled from topographic maps and digital elevation models for the Little Ice Age maximum (LIA), the 1960s, 1990 and 2009/11. Total glacier area decreased by ~38 % since the LIA maximum, and front retreat has increased over the study period. Recently, most of the local glaciers have been consistently thinning in all elevation bands, in contrast to larger Svalbard ice masses which remain closer to balance. The mean 1990–2009/11 geodetic mass balance of glaciers in DL is among the most negative from the Svalbard regional means known from the literature.


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En este trabajo de fin de grado se ha desarrollado una aplicación de administración que sustituye a las que ofrecen por defecto las aplicaciones creadas con el framework de desarrollo web Django. La aplicación está compuesta por dos partes: un servidor, desarrollado con Node y Express, que ataca a la base de datos MySQL de la aplicación Django (es el nexo de unión entre ambas), y expone una API que es utilizada por la otra parte que compone la aplicación, la parte del cliente. La API es totalmente privada, siendo necesario un token de autenticación válido para poder obtener una respuesta satisfactoria de la misma. La generación del token también es tarea del servidor. El cliente, que es la parte que ve el usuario final, está desarrollada usando el framework Angular. La interfaz de usuario utiliza Bootstrap, por lo que su visualización es correcta en cualquier tipo de dispositivo, tanto de escritorio como móvil. En definitiva, se ha desarrollado una aplicación JavaScript End-to-End, empleando las últimas tecnologías web, mejorando ostensiblemente, las prestaciones que ofrece un panel de administración generado automáticamente por una aplicación Django.