999 resultados para All-carbon quaternary


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In this Letter the results of an experimental investigation of 1 keV electron irradiation of a 1:1 ice mixture of NH3:CO2 at 30 K was made under ultrahigh vacuum (10(-9) mbar) conditions. Molecular products formed within the ice were detected and monitored using FTIR spectroscopy. The formation of ammonium ions (NH4+), cyanate ions (OCN-), CO was observed leading to the synthesis of ammonium carbamate (NH4NH2CO2). The consequences of these results for prebiotic chemistry in the interstellar medium and star forming regions are discussed. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are nearing the acceptable performance level for automotive and stationary applications, the focus on the research is shifting more and more toward enhancing their durability that still remains a major concern in their commercial acceptability. Hydrous ruthenium oxide (RuO2) is a promising material for pseudocapacitors due to its high stability, high specific-capacitance and rapid faradaic-reaction. Incorporation of carbon-supported RuO2 (RuO2/C) to platinum (Pt) is found to ameliorate both stability and catalytic activity of fuel cell cathodes that exhibit higher performance and durability in relation to Pt/C cathodes as evidenced by cell polarization, impedance and cyclic voltammetry data. The degradation in performance of Pt-RuO2/C cathodes is found to be only similar to 8% after 10000 accelerated stress test (AST) cycles as against similar to 60% for Pt/C cathodes after 7000 AST cycles under similar conditions. These data are in conformity with the Electrochemical Surface Area and impedance results. Interestingly, Pt-RuO2/C cathodes can withstand more than 10000 AST cycles with only a nominal loss in their performance. Studies on catalytic electrodes with X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and cross-sectional field-emission scanning electron microscopy reflect that incorporation of RuO2 to Pt helps mitigating aggregation of Pt particles and improves its stability during long-term operation of PEFCs. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.jes113440] All rights reserved.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) in bulk form offer outstanding structural and functional properties, and are shown to remain viscoelastic over a wide temperature range (77-1273 K) under inert conditions. We examine the quasi-static and dynamic compressive mechanical response of these cellular CNT materials in ambient air up to a temperature of 773 K. In uniaxial quasi-static compression, several displacement bursts are noted at large strains. These are results of the slippage and zipping of the CNT, and lead to significant mechanical energy absorption. Results of the dynamic mechanical analysis experiments show no degradation in storage modulus and loss coefficient for up to 20 h at 673 K. Hence, these stable cellular CNT structures can be utilized up to a maximum temperature of 673 K in air, which is much higher than the best polymers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ternary solubilities of solid isomers of nitrobenzoic acid (NBA) were experimentally determined at 308, 318 and 328K over a pressure range of 12-18 MPa in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2). Compared to its binary solubility, the ternary solubilities of m-NBA increased at 308 K while it decreased at 328 K. However, the ternary solubilities of p-NBA increased at all temperatures and pressures except at 13 MPa and 328K. A new model was developed by applying solution model and activity coefficient model for the ternary solubilities of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical solid mixtures in terms of temperature, density and cosolute composition. The model equation involves four temperature independent constraint-free parameters. The model equation correlates the ternary solubilities of seven pharmaceutical solid mixtures along with current data with an average AARD around 9.5% and sixteen non-pharmaceutical solid mixtures with 9% AARD. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon footprint (CF) refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide and its equivalents emitted due to various anthropogenic activities. Carbon emission and sequestration inventories have been reviewed sector-wise for all federal states in India to identify the sectors and regions responsible for carbon imbalances. This would help in implementing appropriate climate change mitigation and management strategies at disaggregated levels. Major sectors of carbon emissions in India are through electricity generation, transport, domestic energy consumption, industries and agriculture. A majority of carbon storage occurs in forest biomass and soil. This paper focuses on the statewise carbon emissions (CO2. CO and CH4), using region specific emission factors and statewise carbon sequestration capacity. The estimate shows that CO2, CO and CH4 emissions from India are 965.9, 22.5 and 16.9 Tg per year, respectively. Electricity generation contributes 35.5% of total CO2 emission, which is followed by the contribution from transport. Vehicular transport exclusively contributes 25.5% of total emission. The analysis shows that Maharashtra emits higher CO2, followed by Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. The carbon status, which is the ratio of annual carbon storage against carbon emission, for each federal state is computed. This shows that small states and union territories (UT) like Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where carbon sequestration is higher due to good vegetation cover, have carbon status > 1. Annually, 7.35% of total carbon emissions get stored either in forest biomass or soil, out of which 34% is in Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using all atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations we report a microscopic picture of the carbon nanotube (6,5)-dendrimer complex for PAMAM dendrimers of generations 2 to 4. We study the compact wrapping conformations of the dendrimer onto the nanotube surface for all the three generations of PAMAM dendrimer. A high degree of wrapping for the non-protonated dendrimer is observed as compared to the protonated dendrimer. For comparison, we also study the interaction of another dendrimer, poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM), with the nanotube. The results of the distance of closest approach as well as the number of close contacts between the nanotube and the dendrimer reveal that the PAMAM dendrimer interacts strongly as compared to the PETIM dendrimer. We also calculate the binding energy between the nanotube and the dendrimer using MM/PBSA methods and attribute the strong binding to the charge transfer between them. Dendrimer wrapping on the CNT will make it soluble and the dendrimer can act as an efficient dispersing agent for the nanotubes.


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The high efficiency of fuel-cell-powered electric vehicles makes them a potentially viable option for future transportation. Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are most promising among various fuel cells for electric traction due to their quick start-up and low-temperature operation. In recent years, the performance of PEFCs has reached the acceptable level both for automotive and stationary applications and efforts are now being expended in increasing their durability, which remains a major concern in their commercialization. To make PEFCs meet automotive targets an understanding of the factors affecting the stability of carbon support and platinum catalyst is critical. Alloying platinum (Pt) with first-row transition metals such as cobalt (Co) is reported to facilitate both higher degree of crystallinity and enhanced activity in relation to pristine Pt. But a major challenge for the application of Pt-transition metal alloys in PEFCs is to improve the stability of these binary catalysts. Dissolution of the non-precious metal in the acidic environment could alleviate the activity of the catalysts and hence cell performance. The use of graphitic carbon as cathode-catalyst support enhances the long-term stability of Pt and its alloys in relation to non-graphitic carbon as the former exhibits higher resistance to carbon corrosion in relation to the latter in PEFC cathodes during accelerated-stress test (AST). Changes in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance and charge-transfer resistance are monitored during AST through cyclic voltammetry, cell polarization and impedance measurements, respectively. Studies on catalytic electrodes with X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy reflect that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt and Pt3Co catalyst particles. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.051301jes] All rights reserved.


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We report spontaneous translocation of small interfering RNA (siRNA) inside carbon nanotubes (CNTs) of various diameters and chirality using all atom molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent. We use umbrella sampling method to calculate the free energy landscape of the siRNA entry and translocation event. Free energy profiles show that siRNA gains free energy while translocating inside CNT, and barrier for siRNA exit from CNT ranges from 40 to 110 kcal/mol depending on CNT chirality and salt concentration. The translocation time tau decreases with the increase of CNT diameter with a critical diameter of 24 angstrom for the translocation. In contrast, double strand DNA of the same sequence does not translocate inside CNT due to large free energy barrier for the translocation. This study helps in understanding the nucleic acid transport through nanopores at microscopic level and may help designing carbon nanotube based sensor for siRNA. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4773302]


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In this paper, we study the Fowler-Nordheim field emission (FNFE) from carbon nanotubes on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law by considering the fact that the intense electric field needed for FNFE changes the band structure in a fundamental way. It has been found that the field emitted current increases with increasing electric field in oscillatory manner due to the appearance of van Hove singularities and exhibits spikes for particular values of the electric field where the singularity occurs. The numerical values of the field emitted current in all the cases vary widely and the determined by the chiral indices and the diameter in the respective cases. The results of this paper find three applications in the fields of nanoscience and technology.


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A low thermal diffusivity of adsorption beds induces a large thermal gradient across cylindrical adsorbers used in adsorption cooling cycles. This reduces the concentration difference across which a thermal compressor operates. Slow adsorption kinetics in conjunction with the void volume effect further diminishes throughputs from those adsorption thermal compressors. The problem can be partially alleviated by increasing the desorption temperatures. The theme of this paper is the determination the minimum desorption temperature required for a given set of evaporating/condensing temperatures for an activated carbon + HFC 134a adsorption cooler. The calculation scheme is validated from experimental data. Results from a parametric analysis covering a range of evaporating/condensing/desorption temperatures are presented. It is found that the overall uptake efficiency and Carnot COP characterize these bounds. A design methodology for adsorber sizing is evolved. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the low temperature electrical and magnetic properties of polypyrrole (PPy)/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT) coaxial composite fibrils synthesized by the electro-polymerization method. The iron-filled MWNTs were first grown by chemical vapor deposition of a mixture of liquid phase organic compound and ferrocene by the one step method. Then the PPy/MWNT fibrils were prepared by the electrochemical polymerization process. Electron microscopy studies reveal that PPy coating on the surface of nanotube is quite uniform throughout the length. The temperature dependent electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements were done from room temperature down to 5 and 10 K, respectively. The room temperature resistivity (rho) of PPy/MWNT composite fibril sample is similar to 3.8 Omega m with resistivity ratio R-5 K/R-300 K] of similar to 300, and the analysis of rho(T) in terms of reduced activation energy shows that resistivity lies in the insulating regime below 40 K. The resistivity varies according to three dimensional variable range hopping mechanism at low temperature. The magnetization versus applied field (M-H loop) data up to a field of 20 kOe are presented, displaying ferromagnetic behavior at all temperatures with enhanced coercivities similar to 680 and 1870 Oe at room temperature and 10 K, respectively. The observation of enhanced coercivity is due to significant dipolar interaction among encapsulated iron nanoparticles, and their shape anisotropy contribution as well.


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Three samples of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) TF200, TF150 and TF100, where T and F stand for toluene and ferrocene respectively, and numeral denotes the amount (mg) of ferrocene] filled with iron-nanoparticles (Fe-NPs) of different aspect ratios are grown by chemical vapor deposition of toluene-ferrocene mixture. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis shows a systematic variation in the intensities of peak corresponding to Fe, indicating that Fe is present in different amounts in the three MWCNT samples. The lengths of Fe-NPs lie in the range of 200-250; 80-120; and 30-40 nm for TF200, TF150 and TF100, respectively, as estimated statistically from transmission electron microscopy micrographs. However, the diameter of the encapsulated Fe-NPs does not vary significantly for different samples and is 20-30 nm for all samples. Hysteresis loop measurements on these MWCNT samples were done at 10, 150 and 300 K up to an applied field of 1.5 T. At 10 K, values of coercivity are 2584, 2315, and 2251 Oe for TF200, TF150 and TF100 respectively. This is attributed to the strong shape anisotropy of the Fe-NPs and significant dipolar interactions between them. Further, M-H loops reveal that saturation magnetization of TF200 is almost four times that of TF100 at all temperatures.


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We demonstrate the effect of mechanical strain on the electrostrictive behavior of catalytically grown cellular structure of carbon nanotube (CNT). In the small strain regime, where the stress-strain behavior of the material is linear, application of an electric-field along the mechanical loading direction induces an instantaneous increase in the stress and causes an increase in the apparent Young's modulus. The instantaneous increase in the stress shows a cubic-polynomial dependence on the electric-field, which is attributed to the non-linear coupling of the mechanical strain and the electric-field induced polarization of the CNT. The electrostriction induced actuation becomes >100 times larger if the CNT sample is pre-deformed to a small strain. However, in the non-linear stress-strain regime, although a sharp increase in the apparent Young's modulus is observed upon application of an electric-field, no instantaneous increase in the stress occurs. This characteristic suggests that the softening due to the buckling of individual CNT compensates for any instantaneous rise in the electrostriction induced stress at the higher strains. We also present an analytical model to elucidate the experimental observations. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The experimental solubilities of the mixture of nitrophenol (m- and p-) isomers were determined at 308, 318 and 328 K over a pressure range of 10-17.55 MPa. Compared to the binary solubilities, the ternary solubilities of m-nitrophenol increased at 308, 318 and 328 K. The ternary solubilities of p-nitrophenol increased at 308 K, while the ternary solubilities decreased at lower pressures and increased at higher pressure at 318 and 328 K. The solubilities of the solid mixtures in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) were correlated with solution models by incorporating the non-idealities using activity coefficient based models. The Wilson and NRTL activity coefficient models were applied to determine the nature of the interactions between the molecules. The equation developed by using the NRTL model has three parameters and correlates mixture solubilities of solid solutes in terms of temperature and cosolute composition. The equation derived from the Wilson model contains five parameters and correlates solubilities in terms of temperature, density and cosolute composition. These two new equations developed in this work were used to correlate the solubilities of 25 binary solid mixtures including the current data. The average AARDs of the model equations derived using the NRTL and Wilson models for the solid mixtures were found to be 7% and 4%, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate the efficacy of amorphous macroporous carbon substrates as electrodes to support neuronal cell proliferation and differentiation in electric field mediated culture conditions. The electric field was applied perpendicular to carbon substrate electrode, while growing mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells in vitro. The placement of the second electrode outside of the cell culture medium allows the investigation of cell response to electric field without the concurrent complexities of submerged electrodes such as potentially toxic electrode reactions, electro-kinetic flows and charge transfer (electrical current) in the cell medium. The macroporous carbon electrodes are uniquely characterized by a higher specific charge storage capacity (0.2 mC/cm(2)) and low impedance (3.3 k Omega at 1 kHz). The optimal window of electric field stimulation for better cell viability and neurite outgrowth is established. When a uniform or a gradient electric field was applied perpendicular to the amorphous carbon substrate, it was found that the N2a cell viability and neurite length were higher at low electric field strengths (<= 2.5 V/cm) compared to that measured without an applied field (0 V/cm). While the cell viability was assessed by two complementary biochemical assays (MTT and LDH), the differentiation was studied by indirect immunostaining. Overall, the results of the present study unambiguously establish the uniform/gradient vertical electric field based culture protocol to either enhance or to restrict neurite outgrowth respectively at lower or higher field strengths, when neuroblastoma cells are cultured on porous glassy carbon electrodes having a desired combination of electrochemical properties. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.