924 resultados para African American teenage boys


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Chronic low-grade inflammation has been implicated in the processes leading to the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its progression. Non-Hispanic Blacks bear a disproportionate burden of T2D and are highly susceptible to inflammation. This cross-sectional study assessed and compared the serum levels of established adipocytokines; interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), leptin, and novel adipocytokines; chemerin and omentin in Haitian and African Americans with and without T2D. The relationships of these adipocytokines with metabolic syndrome (MetS), anthropometric and HOMA2 measures by ethnicity and diabetes status were also assessed. Serum levels of IL-6, CRP, leptin, chemerin and omentin were determined by the ELISA method. HOMA2 measures were calculated for insulin sensitivity (HOMA2-IS) and insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR). Analyses of available data for 230 Haitian Americans and 241 African Americans (240 with and 231 without T2D) for the first study showed that Haitian Americans with and without MetS had lower levels of IL-6 and CRP compared to African Americans with and without MetS (P Ethnic-specific diabetes intervention and treatment programs must be designed to target Haitian Americans and African Americans as separate unique groups, in order to reduce the burden of T2D among the non-Hispanic Black community. Further research is needed to gain better understanding of the role of inflammation and T2D in this population.


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The early American education system developed around the segregation of White and African American students. These differences in learning environment have led to inferior education for African Americans and can be linked to challenges still facing minorities in the current American education system.


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Este artículo trata de abordar el uso dominante de los enfoques punitivos a los problemas de comportamiento en las escuelas, y se propone un enfoque de justicia restaurativa. En los Estados Unidos, y especialmente después de 1994, las políticas de tolerancia cero han transformado los problemas de control social en una crisis de graves proporciones. Estas políticas («tolerancia cero») parece que han servido, principalmente, para sólo marginalizar más a los chicos latinos y afroamericanos y para agravar, a largo plazo, los retos políticos, económicos y sociales del país. Sobre la base de las tradiciones de justicia restaurativa internacionales y la experiencia de los pueblos indígenas en los Estados Unidos, el objetivo de la justicia restaurativa es devolver a la víctima a la situación anterior al delito y reconstruir la relación del agresor tanto con el ofendido como con la comunidad. El artículo establece los principios que rigen un proceso de restauración, así como sus componentes esenciales.


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The effort to create a colony of African Americans on the west coast of Africa was one of the most celebrated and influential movements in the United States during the first half of the 19th century. While historians have often viewed African colonization through the lens of domestic anti-slavery politics, colonization grew from an imperial impulse which promised to transform the identities of black colonists and indigenous Africans by helping them to build a democratic nation from the foundation of a settler colony. By proposing that persons of African descent could eventually become self-governing subjects, the liberal framework behind colonization offered the possibility of black citizenship rights, but only within racially homogenous nation-states, which some proponents of colonization imagined might lead to a “United States of Africa.” This dissertation examines how the notion of expanding democratic ideals through the export of racial nationhood was crucial to the appeal of colonization. It reveals how colonization surfaced in several crucial debates about race, citizenship, and empire in the antebellum United States by examining discussions about African Americans’ revolutionary claims to political rights, the bounds of US territorial expansion, the removal of native populations in North America, and the racialization of national citizenship, both at home and abroad. By examining African colonization from these perspectives, this dissertation argues that the United States’ efforts to construct a liberal democracy defined by white racial identity were directly connected to the nation’s emerging identity as a defender and exporter of political liberty throughout the world.


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Black boys are confronted with unique educational circumstances. They are often misdiagnosed and misplaced into special education programs (Bush-Daniels, 2008; Patton, 1998; Terman et al., 1996). Additionally, they are less likely to be enrolled in gifted and talented programs, even if their former achievements reflect their aptitude to succeed (Black Alliance for Educational Options, n.d.; Moore & Flowers, 2012). Given these statistics, a considerable emphasis has been placed on the causes and the consequences of low/under achievement for this population. As a result, the experiences of Black males who are achieving have been greatly neglected. Moreover, little is known about the factors that facilitate academic achievement among high-achieving Black boys. In an effort to bring the heterogenic nature of schooling experiences for Black boys to light, the present study examined the influence risk and protective factors had on the academic experiences of high-achieving Black boys. Grounded in the risk and resilience framework and the Integrative Model for the Study of Minority Youth Development, this study explored whether the high-achieving Black high school boys in this sample (n =88) reported experiencing discrimination (i.e. academic-based) and how this academic-based discrimination related to their 1) academic performance (i.e. GPA), 2) perceptions of math ability, and 3) race-based academic self-concept. In addition to exploring how academic-based discrimination was linked to academic achievement, this study examined how cultural resources such as racial socialization messages and racial identity related to academic achievement. Specifically, cultural socialization, preparation for bias, egalitarianism, private regard and public regard were evaluated alongside the three academic outcomes under study. Finally, the study explored whether aspects of racial socialization or racial identity buffered the effects of discrimination on any of the outcomes. Interestingly, the race/ethnicity of the student mattered for how students perceived their math ability. The risk factor academic-based discrimination was linked to academic performance. Cultural resources cultural socialization, preparation for bias, and private regard were linked to various academic outcomes of interest. There was only one significant moderating effect: a high private regard buffered the relationship between academic-based discrimination and race-based academic self-concept. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed.


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Determinar la validez concurrente del Sistema de Observación de Tiempo de Instrucción de Condición Física (SOFIT) a través de acelerometría, como método para medir los niveles de actividad física (AF) de los escolares de 1º a 9º durante la clase de educación física en tres colegios públicos de Bogotá, Colombia. Estudio transversal entre Octubre de 2014 y Marzo de 2015. La medición se realizó en tres colegios públicos de Bogotá. Participaron 48 estudiantes (25 niñas; 23 niños), entre 5 y 17 años, seleccionados de acuerdo al protocolo de SOFIT. El resultado se categoriza en porcentaje de tiempo en comportamiento sedentario, AF moderada, AF vigorosa, y AF moderada a vigorosa. Se validó utilizando como patrón de oro la acelerometría en las mismas categorías. Se realizó diferencia de medias, regresión lineal y modelo de efectos fijos. La correlación entre SOFIT y acelerometría fue buena para AF moderada (rho=,958; p=0,000), AF vigorosa (rho=,937; p=0,000) y AF de moderada a vigorosa (rho=0,962; p=0,000). Al igual que utilizando un modelo de efectos fijos, AF moderada (β1=0,92; p=0,00), vigorosa (β1=0,94; p=0,00) y AF de moderada a vigorosa (β1=0,95; p=0,00), mostrando ausencia de diferencias significativas entre los dos métodos para la medición de los niveles de AF. El comportamiento sedentario correlacionó positivamente en Spearman (rho=,0965; p=0,000), El sistema SOFIT demostró ser válido para medir niveles de AF en clases de educación física, tras buena correlación y concordancia con acelerometría. SOFIT es un instrumento de fácil acceso y de bajo costo para la medición de la AF durante las clases de educación física en el contexto escolar y se recomienda su uso en futuros estudios.


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Objetivo: Describir la relación de las etapas de cambio conductual frente al consumo de frutas y verduras con el estado nutricional en un grupo de escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 1.922 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a nueve instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento (CCC-Fuprecol) validado en el “estudio FUPRECOL” y se calculó el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) como marcador del estado nutricional. Se calcularon prevalencias y se establecieron asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.045 niños-niñas y adolescentes vs hombres (45.6%) y mujeres (54.3%) y 877. La mayor proporción de consumo de frutas en el subgrupo de hombres (niños entre 9 y 12 años vs. adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años) se observó en la etapa de mantenimiento, (53.3 % vs. 38.8 %, X2 p<0.001), seguido de preparación/acción (25.0 % vs. 32.4 %, X2 p<0.001). En mujeres entre 9 y 12 años, la mayor proporción se ubicó en la etapa de mantenimiento (54.4 %), a diferencia de las adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años que acusaron mayor frecuencia la etapa de preparación/acción (42.0 %). Se observó que pertenecer al grupo de mujeres, se asociaba como variable para el cumplimiento de la recomendación mínima de frutas y verduras con valores de OR 1.54 (IC95% 1.22-1.93) y OR 1.48 (IC95% 1.19-1.84), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Aproximadamente, 66 % de los participantes tienen la intención o la voluntad de cumplir las recomendaciones de consumo de frutas y verduras. La identificación temprana de niños y adolescentes con bajo consumo de alimentos vegetales, permitirá implementar intervenciones para promover comportamientos saludables a fin de prevenir el riesgo cardiometabólico en la edad adulta.


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Research on teacher identities is both important and increasing. In this forum contribution I re-interpret assertions about an African American science teacher’s identities in terms of Jonathon Turner’s (2002) constructs of role identity and sub-identity. I contest the notion of renegotiation of identities, suggesting that particular role identities can be brought to the foreground and then backgrounded depending on the situation and the need to confirm a sub-identity. Finally, I recommend the inclusion of teachers’ voices in identity research through greater use of co-authoring roles for teachers.


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The ‘black is beautiful’ movement began in the United States in the early sixties, and changed mainstream attitudes towards the body, fashion and personal aesthetics, gaining African American people a new sense of pride in being – and being called – ‘black’. In Australia the movement also had implications for changing the political meanings of ‘black’ in white society. However, it is not until the last decade, through the global influence of Afro-American music, that a distinctly Indigenous sense of black sexiness has captured the attention of mainstream audiences. The article examines such recent developments, and suggests that, through the appropriation of Afro-American aesthetics and styles, Indigenous producers and performers have developed new forms of Indigenous public agency, demonstrating that black is beautiful, and Indigenous.


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ADAM Cass's I Love You, Bro is an engaging portrayal of just how far some young people can go in constructing fantasy worlds online. The play is, according to Cass, based on the case of two teenage boys in Britain in the early 2000s. Troubled teen Johnny lives at home with his mother and her new partner. Lurking in an online chat room one day, he strikes up a conversation with MarkyMark, a slightly older soccer-playing boy from the popular crowd in his own local town, who mistakes him for a girl. The plot unfolds from this one moment of mistaken identity. Johnny concocts an increasingly tenuous series of characters, plot twists and intrigues to try to maintain his relationship with MarkyMark and deal with the lie at the heart of his first love, eventually conspiring - as he tells us from the first moment - to cause his own murder.


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Background: Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality, with 75% of preterm births occurring late preterm. Previous studies have investigated the microbial diversity within placentas delivered early preterm but there has been no investigation of the prevalence of bacteria, particularly Ureaplasma spp. in late preterm placentas. Method: Women giving birth late preterm (320 – 366 weeks of gestation) in Cincinnati were recruited for this study. Samples of chorioamnion were collected aseptically at the time of delivery, shipped to QUT and tested for Ureaplasma spp. and other bacteria by culture and/or PCR assays. The presence of bacteria was correlated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including histological chorioamnionitis (tissue sections read by US pathologists). Results: To date, Ureaplasma spp. have been detected in 15/270 (5.5%) of placentas by culture and 19/270 (7%) by PCR. Ureaplasma presence correlated with histological chorioamnionitis (12/19%; 63%). However, the presence of other bacteria was not associated with chorioamnionitis (5%). Chorioamnionitis was unevenly distributed in ethnic groups, with a higher incidence in African-Americans’ (6/7; 86%), compared to Caucasians’ (6/12; 50%) who were colonised with ureaplasmas. Conclusion: This study is the first to report the prevalence of ureaplasmas in women (7%) who deliver late preterm. Ureaplasma spp. were associated with a higher incidence of chorioamnionitis (63% compared to 15% for non-infected women). This data strongly suggests that ureaplasmas are a cause of late preterm deliveries and African-American women are at greater risk of chorioamnionitis.


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Dr Kathy A. Mills provides a critical synthesis and review of the new book by Matthew W. Hughey entitle: White Bound: Nationalists, Antiractists, and the Shared Meanings of Race, published by Standford University Press in 2012. A sample of Dr Mills' review reads: "The author positions race squarely at the center to challenge the shared assumptions of white supremacist logic on both sides of the debate. The clever thesis blurs the boundaries between “good whites” and “bad whites”, rendering the white reader intellectually stimulated, but existentially unchanged – White Bound – as the author ponders: “Perhaps we have met the enemy, and he [it] is us” (p.193)...The unanswered question that remains is: How do we resist the various “shades” of white supremacy to pursue counter-hegemonic practices?"


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Facial cues of racial outgroup or anger mediate fear learning that is resistant to extinction. Whether this resistance is potentiated if fear is conditioned to angry, other race faces has not been established. Two groups of Caucasian participants were conditioned with two happy and two angry face conditional stimuli (CSs). During acquisition, one happy and one angry face were paired with an aversive unconditional stimulus whereas the second happy and angry faces were presented alone. CS face race (Caucasian, African American) was varied between groups. During habituation, electrodermal responses were larger to angry faces regardless of race and declined less to other race faces. Extinction was immediate for Caucasian happy faces, delayed for angry faces regardless of race, and slowest for happy racial outgroup faces. Combining the facial cues of other race and anger does not enhance resistance to extinction of fear.


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The article by Kretzschmar et al 1 in this issue of Menopause details a study investigating the effect of a mild-intensity aerobic exercise training program on markers of mortality risk in both pre- and post-menopausal African American women. The findings of this study showed that aerobic exercise training was successful in improving some markers of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality in post-menopausal women. The premise of this study, however, does suggest that increased exercise intensity may be required in post-menopausal women as opposed to pre-menopausal women to achieve the same decreased changes in CVD markers. The outcome of the study is thus of interest to the readers of Menopause and to all those who provide health care to postmenopausal women, as it suggests that higher levels of exercise intensity or perhaps additional interventions may need to be considered in this population to further decrease mortality risk. The study therefore, has greater implications than simply the suggestion of tailoring exercise interventions generally; rather, the publication highlights the importance of prescribing exercise as medicine in a tailored fashion for women depending on their menopausal status.


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Background: Physical activity after breast cancer diagnosis is associated with improved survival. This study examines levels of and changes in physical activity following breast cancer diagnosis, overall and by race. Methods: The Carolina Breast Cancer Study, Phase III, assessed pre- and post-diagnosis physical activity levels in a cohort of 1,735 women, aged 20-74, diagnosed with invasive breast cancer between 2008 and 2011 in 44 counties of North Carolina. Logistic regression and analysis of variance were used to examine whether demographic, behavioral and clinical characteristics were associated with activity levels. Results: Only 35% of breast cancer survivors met current physical activity guidelines post-diagnosis. A decrease in activity following diagnosis was reported by 59% of patients, with the average study participant reducing their activity by 230 minutes (95% CI: 190, 270). Following adjustment for potential confounders, when compared to white women, African-American women were less likely to meet national physical activity guidelines post-diagnosis (odds ratio: 1.38, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.88), reported less weekly post-diagnosis physical activity (182 vs. 215 minutes; p=0.13), and reported higher average reductions in pre- versus post-diagnosis weekly activity (262 vs. 230 minutes; p-value = 0.13). Conclusion: Despite compelling evidence demonstrating the benefits of physical activity post-breast cancer, it is clear that more work needs to be done to promote physical activity in breast cancer patients, especially among African-American women.