Esta dissertação tem como título A natureza comunicativa da cultura: pesquisa exploratória sobre a Festividade de Carimbó de São Benedito de Santarém Novo – Pará. O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender a natureza comunicativa dessa festividade, observando as características que a constituem e nelas buscando elementos que são interpretados como processos comunicativos. A proposta parte das noções de natureza comunicativa da cultura em Martín-Barbero (2006) e França (2001), além da concepção de processo comunicativo desta pesquisadora. Delineamos, assim, os contextos nos quais a pesquisa está inserida, refletindo sobre a “invenção” da Amazônia (ARAGÓN, 2007; MAUÉS, 1999; DUTRA, 2009) e sua formação socio-histórica (BEZERRA NETO, 2001; BECKER, 2009) e cultural (SALLES, 2004; ALVES FILHO, 2001; LOUREIRO, 2000). No que se refere à Comunicação, buscamos sua “perspectiva antropológica” (WOLTON, 2006) aliada às relações entre mídia e modernidade (THOMPSON, 2011). Entendendo a Comunicação a partir da cultura, discutimos, observando a experiência cultural que a festividade representa (RODRIGUES, 1994), as relações entre a tradição e a modernidade (THOMPSON, 2011) em seus processos de hibridação (GARCÍA-CANCLINI, 2008). Além disso, refletimos sobre a “herança funcional” das pesquisas em Comunicação (WOLF, 2008; MARTÍN-BARBERO, 2004, 2006, 2009a; MARTINO, 2004, 2006) e nossa perspectiva de natureza comunicativa da cultura (MARTÍN-BARBERO, 2006; FRANÇA. 2001), relacionando-a aos conceitos de “mediações comunicativas da cultura” e de “midiatização” (BRAGA, 2012; SODRÉ, 2011). Para desenvolvermos a pesquisa de campo, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizamos técnicas da etnografia para a coleta de dados, tais como: a observação participante, a entrevista em profundidade com os integrantes da festa e o diário de campo. Compreendemos, assim, a natureza comunicativa da festividade a partir dos elementos que a constituem destacando o seu caráter comunitário e de tradição, o que nos levou a evidenciar a comunicação em seu sentido de compartilhamento e de comunhão.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aborda a problemática enfrentada, diuturnamente, pelas pessoas com necessidades especiais, frente às barreiras arquitetônicas, nos edifícios destinados ao uso público e nos meios de transporte coletivo, bem como diante da falta de equipamentos e elementos do mobiliário urbano acessíveis. Utiliza dados censitários acerca das referidas pessoas. Analisa essa problemática sob o enfoque dos direitos humanos. Enfatiza a imprescindibilidade de eliminação das referidas barreiras ou de serem adaptadas. Demonstra como o assunto é tratado no plano internacional e como está substanciado em normas constitucionais nacionais e estaduais, nas leis orgânicas municipais e na legislação infraconstitucional específica nos níveis federal, estadual e municipal, bem assim em normas técnicas. Aponta a precariedade das estruturas físico-ambientais, principalmente no município de Belém, Estado do Pará. Contém propostas para a efetividade das normas de acessibilidade e locomoção das aludidas pessoas e a concreção desses direitos humanos.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
The usability and accessibility, when applied to digital information environments, provide ease of use and access to information, respectively. Thus, we aim to discuss these concepts and apply them in specific digital environments to the elderly through the documentary and bibliographic study of specific recommendations on projects for elderly users. This study was conducted in conjunction with students at the Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade (UNATI) - UNESP - Marilia, who assisted in the classification of recommendations for usability and accessibility are essential (Priority 1), important (Priority 2) and optional (Priority 3). The results indicate the importance of this type of study for the digital and social inclusion of older people by facilitating elements of access and use of information, providing the building more inclusive informational architectures. The resulting recommendations can be used as a starting point for the design of digital environments for the elderly in a specific heuristic evaluation, for example. However, it remains important to the application of usability testing with users, including the application to validate these recommendations, since different contexts may arise from the implementation of different elements, resources and information services.
This study was aimed to analyze a procedure that makes the description of pictures in printed text from a book that promotes accessibility for blind people. In addition, the study was aimed to analyze the reformulations suggested by the judges and the index of agreement between researcher and judges. The descriptions were submitted to judges to evaluate the content of the material. The results were obtained through the analysis of two assessments: 1) agreement rate ‒ between the researcher and judges A and B, and between judge A and judge B and 2) analysis of the suggested reformulation. In quantitative terms, the results indicated that the material described achieved a high reliability. In qualitative terms, the reliability achieved represents the quality of the material offered, with well structured descriptions where writing meaning is equivalent to image information, fulfilling the purpose to present in printed text the elements represented in the pictures, effectively conveying their meaning.
The current nature of World Wide Web (Web), which highlights the collaborative participation of users in some digital information environments, lead to development of guidelines with a focus on Inclusive Digital Information Architecture for a different audiences in multiples informational ambiences. This research proposes guidelines for a inclusive digital information environment, aiming to identify the elements of accessibility that allow the promotion of inclusion digital information, in order to highlight the references of the Architecture of Digital Information, the international recommendations and the structures representation of information (specially accessibility attributes), with the look of Information Science and New Technologies of Information and Communication. The thesis is as to the need to develop methodologies with guidelines that contemplate the elements of digital accessibility focused on the task of the user. The research problem is that actual methodologies and recommendations used for the development of digital information environments do not cover all the elements of accessibility with a focus on user needs. The proposition is to present, through a methodological approach (exploratory and descriptive), a theoretical-methodological proposal to promote elements of digital accessibility to the development of digital information environments, for users with or without special needs. The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the development of inclusive digital information environments, in perspective of union of theories, recommendations and technologies for the development of digital accessibility guidelines. In a theoretical dimension, the research covers a critical review of the specialized literature in the areas of Information Science and Computer Science and, in the applied part, the analysis and development of a proposal of guidelines for the architecture of a digital information environment with accessibility.
The accessibility concept has been incorporated by scientific and social environment. In this context, it is necessary to be concerned about issues of accessibility in scientific events, mainly those that approach the subject special education and that appreciate inclusion and social participation of people, regardless of the differences. This study presents text some information on accessibility in scientific congresses as well as a checklist to assist in planning events of this nature.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
O acesso da população aos serviços de saúde é de fundamental importância para uma eficiente assistência à saúde. A localização geográfica dos serviços é um dos fatores que interferem nessa acessibilidade, como também as formas de locomoção que possibilitem o acesso e o estado das vias e calçadas que cercam o estabelecimento de saúde. Pretendeu-se estudar o acesso aos serviços de saúde no município de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo. Assim, a contribuição da abordagem geográfica abre a possibilidade do estabelecimento de novas linhas de estudo, planejamento e gestão, que surgem através da relação entre Geografia Humana e Saúde Pública
The aim of this study was to develop a case study of road Aparecida, where it noticed a large movement of people with disabilities who use the road, bound for the city's churches. Another objective was to compare the minimum dimensions established by law, with the dimensions of the spaces (slope of ramps, wide sidewalks, etc.) on the road of Aparecida. Starting from this fact, a study was done on the architectural barriers faced by people with special needs and disabled. It was also made a field survey in order to know the opinion of the users about the accessibility of pregnant elderly and disabled in the road. Technical visits were also made in order to detect sites with access problems with special needs. Also were proposed guidelines for renovation of the building where the road works
This paper analyzes the accessibility of the elderly population in relation to urban transportation in the city of Rio Claro - SP. After a study of the physiology, infrastructure, history and legislation of the city, there were collected and analyzed data obtained through semi-structured interviews with the elderly population that makes use of public transport with the aim of identifying the user's profile as well as their impressions and criticism of the service. The Department of Transport and Urban Mobility of Rio Claro provided general information related to public transport in the city. After all the survey, it can be seen that, although a significant portion of the elderly population make use of public transport, there are problems related to the structure of the city, which hinders the movement of buses, and the accessibility of the elderly, caused by physical characteristics of the vehicles, attitude of the motorists and aspects of public administration of the town. These data support the conclusion that there is often a disregard for the rights of the elderly and that it not only should as it can be corrected