886 resultados para 790 RECREATIONAL


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Background: The risks for depression broadly include biological and environmental factors. Furthermore, having a family member suffering from major depression is also likely to have consequences for the family environment. Further research aimed at understanding the effects of having a child with major depression on family interaction patterns is warranted. Methods: We studied 31 families with an 8- to 17-year-old child (mean age +/- SD = 12.9 +/- 2.7 years) who met the DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) and 34 families with no mentally ill children (mean age 8 SD = 12.6 +/- 2.9 years) or parents. Children and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL (Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - Present and Lifetime Version) interview. Parents completed the Moos Family Environment Scale (FES) to assess their perceptions of current family functioning. Data were analyzed using the nonparametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. Results: Families of MDD children showed significantly different patterns of family functioning on FES subscales representing relationships and personal growth dimensions. The families with MDD children showed higher levels of conflict (p < 0.001) and lower levels of cohesion (p < 0.001), expressiveness (p = 0.003) and active-recreational orientation (p = 0.02) compared to the families without mentally ill children. Conclusion: Families with MDD children show a lower degree of commitment, provide less support to one another, provide less encouragement to express feelings and have more conflicts compared to families with no mentally ill children or parents. Interventions aimed at improving family dynamics may be beneficial to MDD children and their families. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Individual randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) aiming to delay the progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer`s disease (AD) have not found significant benefit of their use for this purpose. The objective of this study is to meta-analyze the RCTs conducted with ChEIs in order to assess whether pooled analysis could show the benefit of these drugs in delaying the progression from MCI to AD. We searched for references of published and unpublished studies on electronic databases (Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and Clinical Trial Database Registry, particularly the Clinicaltrials.gov-http://www.clinicaltrials.gov). We retrieved 173 references, which yielded three references for data extraction. A total of 3.574 subjects from four RCTs were included in the meta-analysis. Among 1,784 subjects allocated in the ChEI-treatment group, 275 (15.4%) progressed to AD/dementia, as opposed to 366 (20.4%) out of 1,790 subjects in the placebo group. The relative risk (RR) for progression to AD/dementia in the ChEI-treated group was 0.75 [CI(95%) 0.66-0.87], z = -3.89, P < 0.001. The patients on the ChEI group had a significantly higher all-cause dropout risk than the patients on the placebo group (RR = 1.36 CI(95%) [1.24-1.49]; z = 6.59, P < 0.001). The RR for serious adverse events (SAE) in the ChEI-treated group showed no significantly statistical difference from the placebo group (RR = 0.95 [CI(95%) 0.83-1.09], z = -0.72, P = 0.47). The subjects in the ChEI-treated group had a marginally, non-significant, higher risk of death due to any cause than those in the placebo-treated group (RR = 1.04, CI(95%) 0.63-1.70, z = 0.16, P = 0.86). The long-term use of ChEIs in subjects with MCI may attenuate the risk of progression to AD/dementia. This finding may have a significant impact on public health and pharmaco-economic policies.


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Background: We studied the characteristics of family functioning in bipolar children and healthy comparison children. We hypothesized that the family environment of bipolar children would show greater levels of dysfunction as measured by the Family Environment Scale (FES). Methods: We compared the family functioning of 36 families that included a child with DSM-IV bipolar disorder versus 29 comparison families that included only healthy children. All subjects and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL interview. The parents completed the FES to assess their current family functioning. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to compare the family environment of families with and without offspring with bipolar disorder. Results: Parents of bipolar children reported lower levels of family cohesion (p<0.001), expressiveness (p=0.005), active-recreational orientation (p<0.001), intellectual-cultural orientation (p=0.04) and higher levels of conflict (p<0.001) compared to parents with no bipolar children. Secondary analyses within the bipolar group revealed lower levels of organization (p=0.03 1) and cohesion (p=0.014) in families where a parent had a history of mood disorders compared to families where parents had no history of mood disorders. Length of illness in the affected child was inversely associated with family cohesion (r=-0.47, p=0.004). Limitations: Due to the case-control design of the study, we cannot comment on the development of these family problems or attribute their cause specifically to child bipolar disorder. Conclusion: Families with bipolar children show dysfunctional patterns related to interpersonal interactions and personal growth. A distressed family environment should be addressed when treating children with bipolar disorder. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study reports on the views of Primary Health Care (PHC) providers in Southeast Brazil on the use of alcohol and other drugs which reflect stigma, moralization, or negative judgment. Six hundred nine PHC professionals from the Brazilian states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais took part in the study. The majority (86.5%) of these professionals were female. Attitudes toward the use of alcohol and other drugs were evaluated in comparison to Hansen`s disease, obesity, depression, schizophrenia. HIV/AIDS, and tobacco use. The use of tobacco, marijuana/cocaine, and alcohol were the most negatively judged behaviors (p < 0.05). Nursing assistants and community health care workers demonstrated the severest judgment of alcohol use. In addition, marijuana/cocaine addicts and alcoholics suffered the highest rate of rejection by professionals. The hypothesis that the use of alcohol and other drugs is a behavior stigmatized by health professionals being confirmed, it is important to develop strategies for changing provider attitudes in order to provide a higher quality of service to these patients. This study is important as a first study among PHC professionals about social stigma of alcohol and other drugs users. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Casearia sylvestris Sw., popularly known in Brazil as `guacatonga`, has been used as antitumor, antiseptic, antiulcer, local anaesthetic and healer in folk medicine. Snakebite envenomation by Bothrops jararacussu (Bjssu) constitutes a relevant public health hazard capable of inducing serious local damage in victims. This study examined the pharmacological action of apolar and polar C sylvestris leaf extracts in reverting the neuromuscular blockade and myonecrosis, which is induced by Bjssu venom and its major toxin bothropstoxin-I on the mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. The polar methanol extract (ME) was by far the most efficacious. ME not only prevented myonecrosis and abolished the blockade, but also increased ACh release. Such facilitation in neuromuscular transmission was observed with ME alone, but was accentuated in preparations incubated with ME plus venom or toxin. This established synergy opens an interesting point of investigation because the venom or toxin in contact with ME changes from a blocking to a facilitating effect. It is suggested that rutin, known to have potent antioxidant properties, and one of the components present in the ME, could have a role in the observed effects. Since commercial rutin did not reproduce the ME effects, it is likely that a rutin-containing phytocomplex is neutralizing the bothropic envenoming effects. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Uses a sample of 622 day and overnight visitors to the O Reillys/Green Mountains site of Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia, to identify their socio-economic and other pertinent characteristics and the main reasons and attributes that attract them to the site. Particular attention is given to birds and their attributes as attractions. The primary economic injection accruing locally as a result of visits is examined and the difference that the presence of birds makes to local expenditure by visitors is explored. The extent of support for and objection to the introduction of a fee for entering Lamington National Park is estimated. The many suggestions received from visitors for environmental improvements at this site are discussed. It is suggested that unless a way can be found to regulate the number of visitors to this site and obtain extra funds to finance improvements at this site, the magnitude of many of these problems will grow. This will necessitate a fresh look at the desirability or otherwise for charging entry fees to Lamington National Park.


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A deficiency in secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is associated with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections both in the general community and in elite athletes. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise and relaxation on various indices of sIgA in 12 male and 8 female adults who varied in levels of recreational activity. Salivary samples were obtained before, immediately after and 30 minutes after an incremental cycle ergometer test to fatigue. after 30 minutes of cycling at 30% or 60 % of maximum heart rate, and after 30 minutes of relaxation with guided imagery. Each session was run on a separate day. When expressed in relation to changes in salivary flow rate, sIgA did not change after exercise. However, both the absolute concentration and secretion rate of sIgA increased during relaxation (167 +/- 179 mug ml(-1), p < 0.001: and 37 +/- 71 g(.)min(-1), p < 0.05 respectively). Nonspecific protein increased more than sIgA during incremental exercise to fatigue (decrease in the sIgA/protein ratio 92 +/- 181 g(.)mg protein(-1), p(0.05), but sIgA relative to protein did not change during relaxation. Our findings suggest that sIgA secretion rate is a more appropriate measure of sIgA than sIgA relative to protein, both for exercise and relaxation. These data suggest the possibility of using relaxation to counteract the negative effects of intense exercise on sIgA levels.


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Local scale windfield and air mass characteristics during the onset of two foehn wind events in an alpine hydro-catchment are presented. Grounding of the topographically modified foehn was found to be dependent on daytime surface heating and topographic channelling of flow. The foehn front was observed to advance down-valley until the valley widened significantly. The foehn wind appeared to decouple from the surface downstream of the accelerated flow associated with the valley constriction. and to be lifted above local thermally generated circulations including a lake breeze. Towards evening. the foehn front retreated up valley in response to reduced surface heating and the intrusion into the study area of a deep and cool air mass associated with a regional scale mountain-plain circulation. Differences in the local windfield observed during both case study events reflect the importance of different thermal and dynamic forcings on airflow in complex terrain. These are the result of variation in surface energy exchanges, channelling and blocking of airflow. Observations presented here have both theoretical and applied implications with regard to forecasting foehn onset, wind hazard management, recreational activities and air quality management in alpine settings.


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Servi??os t??cnicos profissionais especializados de treinamento e aperfei??oamento de pessoal de instrutoria em sala de aula, objetivando a realiza????o de curso de desenvolvimento t??cnico gerencial


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A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: os conv??nios e os contratos de repasse de que trata o Decreto n?? 6.170/2007 e a Portaria Interministerial/CGU/MF/MP n?? 127/2008. A celebra????o, a execu????o e a presta????o de contas com o portal www.convenios.gov.br. Os dispositivos da LDO anual sobre as transfer??ncias volunt??rias. Termos de Parceria com Organiza????es da Sociedade Civil de Interesse P??blico ??? OSCIP (Lei n?? 9.790/99 e Decreto n?? 3.100). Julgados do Tribunal de Contas da Uni??o sobre o tema


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Organizadores, Denise Meyrelles de Jesus, Maria das Graas Carvalho Silva de S.


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O presente trabalho aborda, sob uma perspectiva analtica e crtica da Geografia, a temtica relacionada ao lazer na cidade contempornea, tendo como problemtica a implantao desigual dos equipamentos pblicos de lazer na cidade de Vitria-ES. A discusso do tema est associada ao lazer como um direito constitucional do cidado, revelando de que maneira o Poder Pblico corrobora para a espacializao desigual dos equipamentos de lazer na cidade estudada. A discusso surgiu em torno da constatao de que Vitria-ES uma cidade geograficamente dividida pelo Macio Central, o que gera espaos diferenciados, como a orla Nordeste, rica e equipada dos mais diversos equipamentos de lazer e a orla Noroeste, voltada para a baa de Vitria e para o manguezal, marcada por grandes disparidades humanas, econmicas e sociais. Observou-se que, durante muitas dcadas, o Poder Pblico esteve ausente na promoo de equipamentos pblicos de lazer na orla Noroeste de Vitria, o que gerou ambientes diferenciados na cidade. Enquanto isso, a orla Nordeste passou por um intenso processo de promoo de equipamentos pblicos, dos mais requintados, promotores de um valorizao do solo local e da melhoria da qualidade de vida para a populao ali residente. Desse modo, a dissertao pretendeu investigar as polticas pblicas que estiveram atreladas promoo de equipamentos pblicos de lazer em quatro bairros especficos: Grande Vitria, Nova Palestina, Maria Ortiz e Resistncia, todos localizados na orla Noroeste de Vitria. A escolha pelos bairros se deu atravs da deteco de que dois deles (Maria Ortiz e Nova Palestina) receberam a implantao de equipamentos pblicos de lazer, tendo suas orlas reurbanizadas e o outros dois (Grande Vitria e Resistncia), at a presente data, aguardam pela chegada de infraestrutura urbana de todos os tipos, inclusive de lazer.


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Guimares is a world heritage site (UNESCO) since December 2001, and is hosting the European Capital of Culture (ECOC) in 2012. This paper examines the profile, destination image and motivations of tourists visiting Guimares before the cultural event. Based on survey responses from 276 tourists, this study found that tourists arrived to Guimares came from the two most important cities in the northern part of Portugal (Porto and Braga). They are relatively young and well educated compared with the average tourists that visited Portugal. The results suggest that many tourists are aware of the city status as a world heritage site encompassing a historic centre, monuments, and architectural buildings. Further, these perceptions shape the image of Guimares, as the factor analysis indicates that historical background and functionality is the most reliable and valid factor behind the choice of visiting the city. Finally, the main tourists motivation to choose Guimares as theirs destination is educational, rather than recreational as they want to live a learning experience.


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Various authors have written about the importance of drawing in design methodology. Their general conclusion points drawing as an essential tool for design research, as it allows investigation of several alternative solutions in design process (Cross, 2007). The recent profound changes in design nature (Norman, 2011), justify a discussion on the purpose of drawing in design courses. As a consequence of this new reality, the educational institutions face the challenge of the definition of their curricular structures and teaching methodologies. Among others, concepts such as collaboration and multidisciplinary design approaches have been discussed as strategies for design education (Heller and Talarico, 2011, pp. 82-85). In this context, and using our teaching activity experience in Drawing and Design areas, the authors discuss: how can drawing methods be included in the current design teaching? can drawing be considered as an interdisciplinary approach? what contributions can these methodologies provide to the educational/learning process? Based on these concerns, we developed an interdisciplinary project in the Graphic Design Course with two curricular units: Drawing 1 and Aesthetic and Design Theory 1. In this article the authors present the aims and process developed, and discuss the outcomes of this pedagogical experience.