976 resultados para tubular module
In 2010, the Brazilian forest sector is represented by about 30,000 companies producing US$ 21 billion annually and account for approximately 5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the country. The sanding process is highly demanded in various stages of industrialization of the wood, when there is a need for a better quality surface finishing. The objective of this work was to analyze the influence of cutting speed and sandpaper granulometry on both the surface finishing of pieces of Eucalyptus grandis processed through tubular sanding and on the sanding efforts (force and power of sanding). Four cutting speeds were used (19.5, 22.7, 26 and 28.1 m/s), one advance speed (16 m/min) and three sets of sandpaper (80-100, 80-120 and 100-120) being one for chipping and another for finishing, respectively. A central data acquisition system was set up to capture the variables (cutting power, acoustic emission and vibration) in real time. The cutting force was obtained indirectly, through a frequency inverter. The roughness of the parts was measured by a roughness meter before and after sanding. The highest cutting speed used (28.1 m/s) consumed more power and generated more acoustic emission among the four speeds tested. Regarding the vibration, the lower cutting speed (19.5 m/ s) generated the highest vibration in the sander machine. It is concluded that the range of 100-120 sandpapers resulted in values of average roughness (Ra) lower than the other sets of sandpaper used, as it resulted in better surface finishing.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
BACKGROUND: Fed-batch culture allows the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis using urea as nitrogen source. Tubular photobioreactors substantially increase cell growth, but the successful use of this cheap nitrogen source requires a knowledge of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the process. This work aims at identifying the effect of two independent variables, temperature (T) and urea daily molar flow-rate (U), on cell growth, biomass composition and thermodynamic parameters involved in this photosynthetic cultivation. RESULTS: The optimal values obtained were T = 32 degrees C and U = 1.16 mmol L-1 d-1, under which the maximum cell concentration was 4186 +/- 39 mg L-1, cell productivity 541 +/- 5 mg L-1 d-1 and yield of biomass on nitrogen 14.3 +/- 0.1 mg mg-1. Applying an Arrhenius-type approach, the thermodynamic parameters of growth (?H* = 98.2 kJ mol-1; ?S* = - 0.020 kJ mol-1 K-1; ?G* = 104.1 kJ mol-1) and its thermal inactivation (Delta H-D(0) =168.9 kJ mol-1; Delta S-D(0) = 0.459 kJ mol-1 K-1; Delta G(D)(0) =31.98 kJ mol-1) were estimated. CONCLUSIONS: To maximize cell growth T and U were simultaneously optimized. Biomass lipid content was not influenced by the experimental conditions, while protein content was dependent on both independent variables. Using urea as nitrogen source prevented the inhibitory effect already observed with ammonium salts. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry
The present study aimed at evaluating the production of Arthrospira platensis in tubular photobioreactor using CO2 from ethanol fermentation. The results of these cultivations were compared to those obtained using CO2 from cylinder at different protocols of simultaneous ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate feeding. Maximum cell concentration (X-m), cell productivity (P-x), nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor (Y-X/N), and biomass composition (total lipids and proteins) were selected as responses and evaluated by analysis of variance. The source of CO2 did not exert any significant statistical influence on these responses, which means that the flue gas from ethanol fermentation could successfully be used as a carbon source as well as to control the medium pH, thus contributing to reduce the greenhouse effect. The results taken as a whole demonstrated that the best combination of responses mean values (X-m = 4.543 g L-1; P-x = 0.460 g L-1 d(-1); Y-X/N = 15.6 g g(-1); total lipids = 8.39%; total proteins = 18.7%) was obtained using as nitrogen source a mixture of 25% NaNO3 and 75% (NH4)(2)SO4, both expressed as nitrogen. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background/Aims: Hypomagnesemia may induce hypercholesterolemia, but the contrary has not been described yet. Thus, magnesium homeostasis was evaluated in rats fed a cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 days. This study has a relevant clinical application if hypomagnesemia, due to hypercholesterolemia, is confirmed in patients with long-term hypercholesterolemia. Methods: Both hypercholesterolemic (HC) and normocholesterolemic rats (NC) were divided into sets of experiments to measure hemodynamic parameters, physiological data, maximum capacity to dilute urine (C-H2O), variations (Delta) in [Ca2+](i) and the expression of transporter proteins. Results: HC developed hypomagnesemia and showed high magnesuria in the absence of hemodynamic abnormalities. However, the urinary sodium excretion and C-H2O in HC was similar to NC. On the other hand, the responses to angiotensin II by measuring Delta [Ca2+](i) were higher in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TAL) of HC than NC. Moreover, high expression of the cotransporter NKCC2 was found in renal outer medulla fractions of HC. Taken together, the hypothesis of impairment in TAL was excluded. Actually, the expression of the epithelial Mg2+ channel in renal cortical membrane fractions was reduced in HC. Conclusion: Impairment in distal convoluted tubule induced by hypercholesterolemia explains high magnesuria and hypomagnesemia observed in HC. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in tubular photobioreactor in order to evaluate growth and biomass production at variable photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD?=?60, 120, and 240?mu mol photons m-2?s-1) and employing three different systems for cell circulation, specifically an airlift, a motor-driven pumping and a pressurized system. The influence of these two independents variables on the maximum cell concentration (Xm), cell productivity (Px), nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor (YX/N), photosynthetic efficiency (PE), and biomass composition (total lipids and proteins), taken as responses, was evaluated by analysis of variance. The statistical analysis revealed that the best combination of responses' mean values (Xm?=?4,055?mg?L-1, Px?=?406?mg?L-1?day-1, YX/N?=?5.07?mg?mg-1, total lipids?=?8.94%, total proteins?=?30.3%, PE?=?2.04%) was obtained at PPFD?=?120?mu mol photons m-2?s-1; therefore, this light intensity should be considered as the most well-suited for A. platensis cultivation in this photobioreactor configuration. The airlift system did not exert any significant positive statistical influence on the responses, which suggests that this traditional cell circulation system could successfully be substituted by the others tested in this work. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:444450. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The classic conservative approach for thermal process design can lead to over-processing, especially for laminar flow, when a significant distribution of temperature and of residence time occurs. In order to optimize quality retention, a more comprehensive model is required. A model comprising differential equations for mass and heat transfer is proposed for the simulation of the continuous thermal processing of a non-Newtonian food in a tubular system. The model takes into account the contribution from heating and cooling sections, the heat exchange with the ambient air and effective diffusion associated with non-ideal laminar flow. The study case of soursop juice processing was used to test the model. Various simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of the model assumptions. An expressive difference in the predicted lethality was observed between the classic approach and the proposed model. The main advantage of the model is its flexibility to represent different aspects with a small computational time, making it suitable for process evaluation and design. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Similar to other photosynthetic microorganisms, the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis can be used to produce pigments, single cell proteins, fatty acids (which can be used for bioenergy), food and feed supplements, and biofixation of CO2. Cultivation in a specifically designed tubular photobioreactor is suitable for photosynthetic biomass production, because the cultivation area can be reduced by distributing the microbial cells vertically, thus avoiding loss of ammonia and CO2. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of light intensity and dilution rate on the photosynthetic efficiency and CO2 assimilation efficiency of A. platensis cultured in a tubular photobioreactor in a continuous process. Urea was used as a nitrogen source and CO2 as carbon source and for pH control. Steady-state conditions were achieved in most of the runs, indicating that continuous cultivation of this cyanobacterium in a tubular photobioreactor could be an interesting alternative for the large-scale fixation of CO2 to mitigate the greenhouse effect while producing high protein content biomass.
We study the radial expansion of cylindrical tubes in a hot QGP. These tubes are treated as perturbations in the energy density of the system which is formed in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. We start from the equations of relativistic hydrodynamics in two spatial dimensions and cylindrical symmetry and perform an expansion of these equations in a small parameter, conserving the nonlinearity of the hydrodynamical formalism. We consider both ideal and viscous fluids and the latter are studied with a relativistic Navier-Stokes equation. We use the equation of state of the MIT bag model. In the case of ideal fluids we obtain a breaking wave equation for the energy density fluctuation, which is then solved numerically. We also show that, under certain assumptions, perturbations in a relativistic viscous fluid are governed by the Burgers equation. We estimate the typical expansion time of the tubes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cisplatin is a highly effective chemotherapeutic drug; however, its use is limited by nephrotoxicity. Studies showed that the renal injury produced by cisplatin involves oxidative stress and cell death mediated by apoptosis and necrosis in proximal tubular cells. The use of antioxidants to decrease cisplatin-induced renal cell death was suggested as a potential therapeutic measure. In this study the possible protective effects of carvedilol, a beta blocker with antioxidant activity, was examined against cisplatin-induced apoptosis in HK-2 human kidney proximal tubular cells. The mitochondrial events involved in this protection were also investigated. Four groups were used: controls (C), cisplatin alone at 25 mu M (CIS), cisplatin 25 mu M plus carvedilol 50 mu M (CV + CIS), and carvedilol alone 50 mu M (CV). Cell viability, apoptosis, caspase-9, and caspase-3 were determined. Data demonstrated that carvedilol effectively increased cell viability and minimized caspase activation and apoptosis in HK-2 cells, indicating this may be a promising drug to reduce nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin.
Relativistic nuclear collisions data on two-particle correlations exhibit structures as function of relative azimuthal angle and rapidity. A unified description of these near-side and away-side structures is proposed for low to moderate transverse momentum. It is based on the combined effect of tubular initial conditions and hydrodynamical expansion. Contrary to expectations, the hydrodynamics solution shows that the high-energy density tubes (leftover from the initial particle interactions) give rise to particle emission in two directions and this is what leads to the various structures. This description is sensitive to some of the initial tube parameters and may provide a probe of the strong interaction. This explanation is compared with an alternative one where some triangularity in the initial conditions is assumed. A possible experimental test is suggested. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A template-based lamination technique for the manufacture of ferroelectrets from uniform electret films was recently reported. In the present work, this technique is used to prepare similar ferroelectret structures from low-density polyethylene (LDPE) films and from fluoro-ethylene-propylene (FEP) copolymer films. A comparative analysis of the pressure-, temperature-, and frequency-dependent piezoelectric properties has been performed on the two ferroelectret systems. It is observed that the FEP ferroelectrets exhibit better piezoelectric responses and are thermally more stable. The difference between the piezoelectric d(33) coefficients of the two ferroelectret systems is partially explained here by their different elastic moduli. The anti-resonance peaks of both structures have been investigated by means of dielectric resonance spectroscopy and electroacoustic sound-pressure measurements. A difference of more than 10 kHz is observed between the anti-resonance frequencies of the two ferroelectret systems.
Ferro- or piezoelectrets are dielectric materials with two elastically very different macroscopic phases and electrically charged interfaces between them. One of the newer piezoelectret variants is a system of two fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) films that are first laminated around a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) template. Then, by removing the PTFE template, a two-layer FEP structure with open tubular channels is obtained. After electrical charging, the channels form easily deformable macroscopic electric dipoles whose changes under mechanical or electrical stress lead to significant direct or inverse piezoelectricity, respectively. Here, different PTFE templates are employed to generate channel geometries that vary in height or width. It is shown that the control of the channel geometry allows a direct adjustment of the resonance frequencies in the tubular-channel piezoelectrets. By combining several different channel widths in a single ferroelectret, it is possible to obtain multiple resonance peaks that may lead to a rather flat frequency-response region of the transducer material. A phenomenological relation between the resonance frequency and the geometrical parameters of a tubular channel is also presented. This relation may help to design piezoelectrets with a specific frequency response.
A mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) is a rare and recently described kidney neoplasm with distal nephron differentiation. It can affect patients of all ages and is more prevalent among women. In this case report, we present a 50-year-old woman who had a renal mass, which was accidently discovered during an investigation for chronic anemia. The final diagnosis of MTSCC was made after the lesion was removed and a pathology work-up was performed. The clinical, pathological and imaging findings of this rare neoplasm are described in this report.