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Bioassay-directed fractionation of the EtOH extract of an Oceanapia sp. collected off the northern Rottnest Shelf, Australia, has yielded three novel dithiocyanates, thiocyanatins A (1), B (2a), and C (2b). The structures were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and confirmed by total synthesis. In addition to featuring an unprecedented dithiocyanate functionality, thiocyanatins possess an unusual 1,16-difunctionalized n-hexadecane carbon skeleton and are revealed as a hitherto unknown class of nematocidal agents


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A synthetic Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 DnaB split mini-intein gene was constructed for the in vivo cyclization of recombinant proteins expressed in Escherichia coli. The system was used to cyclize the NH2-terminal domain of E. coli DnaB, the structure of which had been determined previously by NMR spectroscopy. Cyclization was found to proceed efficiently, with little accumulation of precursor, and the product was purified in high yield. The solution structure of cyclic DnaB-N is not significantly different from that of linear DnaB-N and it unfolds reversibly at temperatures similar to14 degreesC higher. Improved hydrogen bonding was observed in the first and last helices, and the length of the last helix was increased, while the 9-amino acid linker used to join the NH2 and COOH termini was found to be highly mobile. The measured thermodynamic stabilization of the structure (DeltaDeltaG approximate to 2 kcal/mol) agrees well with the value estimated from the reduced conformational entropy in the unfolded form. Simple polymer theory can be used to predict likely free energy changes resulting from protein cyclization and how the stabilization depends on the size of the protein and the length of the linker used to connect the termini.


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Bioassay-directed fractionation of two southern Australian sponges, Phoriospongia sp. and Callyspongia bilamellata, yielded two new nematocidal depsipeptides, identified as phoriospongins A (1) and B (2). The structures of the phoriospongins were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison with the previously reported sponge depsipeptide cyclolithistide A (3), as well as ESIMS and HPLC analysis of acid hydrolysates. It is noteworthy that the unique and yet structurally related metabolites 1-3 are found in sponges spanning three taxonomic orders, Poescilosclerida, Haplosclerida, and Lithistida.


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Bioassay-directed fractionation of a Hymeniacidon sp. yielded as nematocidal agents the equilibrating E/Z bromoindole ethyl esters 1 and 2 and corresponding methyl esters 3 and 4. Also isolated for the first time as a natural product was an equilibrating mixture of seco-xanthine formamides, attributed the trivial name hymeniacidin (5). The structure for 5 was assigned on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis and total synthesis.


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in December 1997,196 soil and snow samples were collected from Vestvold Hills, Davis Base, Antarctica. Two isolates, CBS 8804 T (pink colonies) and CBS 8805 (yellow colonies), were shown by proteome analysis and DNA sequencing to represent the same species. Results from the sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the large rDNA subunit placed this species in the hymenomycetous tree in a unique sister clade to the Trichosporonalles and the Tremellalles. The clade consists of Holtermannia corniformis CBS 6979 and CBS strains 8804(T) 8805, 8016, 7712, 7713 and 7743. Morphological and physiological characteristics placed this species in the genus Cryptococcus, with characteristics including the assimilation Of D-glucuronate and myo-inositol, no fermentation, positive Diazonium blue B and urease reactions, absence of sexual reproduction and production of starch-like compounds. Fatty acid analysis identified large proportions of polyunsaturated lipids, mainly linolleic (C-18.2) and, to a lesser extent, linolenic (C-18.3) acids. On the basis of the physiological and phylogenetic data, isolates CBS 8804(T) and CBS 8805 are described as Cryptococcus nyarrowii sp. nov.


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A morphological and physiological characterization of yeast strains CBS 8908, CBS 8915, CBS 8920, CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926, isolated from Antarctic soils, was performed. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of the D1/D2 regions and the adjacent internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the large-subunit rDNA of these strains placed them into the Tremellales clade of the Hymenomycetes. The sequence data identified strains CBS 8908, CBS 8915 and CBS 8920 as belonging to the species Cryptococcus victoriae. Strains CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926 were found to represent an unique clade within the Hymenomycetes, with Dioszegia crocea CBS 6714(T) being their closest phylogenetic relative. Fatty acid composition and proteome fingerprint data for these novel strains were also obtained. No sexual state was observed. A novel basidiomycetous species, Cryptococcus statzelliae, is proposed for strains CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926.


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Scorpidotrema longistipes n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Scorpis georgiana Valenciennes (Scorpididae) from off Point Peron, Western Australia. The new genus is distinguished by the combination of a remarkably long and retractable ventral sucker peduncle, a possible uroproct, well-developed cirrus-sac and a uterine seminal receptacle. The subfamilial relationships of the new genus are troublesome. It incorporates features of the Opecoelinae, Stenakrinae and Plagioporinae. The absence of a canalicular seminal receptacle suggests a relationship with the Opecoelinae and Stenakrinae, whereas the well-developed cirrus-sac suggests a relationship with the Plagioporinae and Stenakrinae. The overall arrangement of the gonads is not similar to that of existing genera of Stenakrinae. It is concluded that the genus is best placed in the Stenakrinae although that subfamily may now be an artificial assemblage. This new genus forms part of a distinctive fauna of trematodes restricted to Australian southern temperate fishes.


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An unusual new species of the gall-inducing scale insect genus Apiomorpha Rubsaamen is described from Queensland. The adult female, its gall, and the first-instar nymph (crawler) are illustrated, and relationships of the new species are estimated using mitochondrial COII data. Adult females induce cigar-shaped galls on leaves of several eucalypts in section Adnataria of subgenus Symphyomyrtus. The bilobed anal lobes of the adult female differ from those of all other Apiomorpha species (single lobe) and the first-instar nymph possesses features, such as broad frontal tubercles and dorsal stripes, that are not present in crawlers of other Apiomorpha species. However, DNA sequence data confirm that the new species falls within Apiomorpha, rather than representing a sister group, and indicate that the new species is not closely related to the A. pharetrata (Schrader) species-group, the only other group within Apiomorpha that induces cigar-shaped galls on leaves. The systematic affiliations of A. gullanae sp. n. are currently not known. Females only are known and there is some indication that reproduction in the new taxon is parthenogenetic. This represents the first putative case of parthenogenesis in Apiomorpha.


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Soil, snow and organic material, collected in November 1997 from the Vestvold Hills, Davis Base, Antarctica, were screened for yeasts. Two isolates, which were shown to be indistinguishable by rDNA sequencing and protein analysis by SIDS-PAGE, are described in this communication as a novel species, Cryptococcus watticus sp. nov. (type culture, CBS 9496(T) = NRRL Y-27556(T)). Sequence analyses of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region placed C. watticus in the hymenomycetous yeasts in a cluster with Holtermannia corniformis and Cryptococcus nyarrowii. This species has been allocated to the genus Cryptococcus on the basis of physiological and morphological characteristics.


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The new environment of the companies, result of the relative opening of the market caused by the globalization has set a new challenge to assure the continuity of the businesses. Competitive strategies have been implemented aiming to overcome such challenge and, amongst them, strategic alliances have shown to be a viable alternative. In this context, this article has as objective to investigate the degree of use of strategic alliances by the medium and large companies of the shoes industries located in clusters of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (RS) and Franca (SP). This exploratory and descriptive research had the participation of 54 companies, being 3 from Vale do Rio dos Sinos and 21 from Franca, which answered a questionnaire with closed questions. The analysis of the data was given through descriptive statistics. Main conclusions, follow as: (1) the majority of the companies have joint activities; (2) the companies are nearer to alliances that do business than to the strategic ones; (3) alliances with competitors are inexpressive - suppliers and customers predominate; (4) the control of alliances result is insufficient; (5) trust and adequate partner are determinative factors.


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Bioassay directed fractionation of a Raspailia (Raspailia) sp. (Order Poecilosclerida; Family Raspailiidae) collected during scientific trawling operations off the Northern Rottnest Shelf yielded as nematocidal agents the known metabolites, phorboxazoles A (1) and B (2). Further examination revealed the new natural product but known synthetic compound, esmodil (3). The structure for 3 was confirmed by spectroscopic analysis and total synthesis.


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A new Sciophilinae-Azana atlantica, sp. n. - is described from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. The species has a number of distinctive apomorphic features, including loss of the mid ocellus, reduced mouthparts, Sc short and incomplete, first section of Rs missing, r-m elongated, longitudinal in position, aligned with the second section of Rs ( R(5)), unforked medial and cubital veins, R(4) missing, M(4) entirely absent, gonostyle triangular, with an inner row of elongated spines and a basal, digitiform inner projection. Some of these features are shared with other genera of the Azana-group of Sciophilinae. The shape of the scutum and the strong spines on the gonostyle make it clear that the species belongs in Azana, despite the features that are distinctive from the remaining species in the genus. There are ten species described in Azana to date, from United States, Europe, Sri Lanka, Canary Islands, tropical Africa and Baltic amber. This is the first Neotropical species belonging to the genus. The complete loss of M(4) and the separated gonocoxites suggest that Azana atlantica, sp. n. forms a monophyletic group with the Afrotropical species of the genus. Azana, Morganiella, Neoaphelomera, Neotrizygia, and Trizygia are shown to compose a small clade within the Azana-group of genera. The division of the genus into two subgenera - A. ( Azana) and A. ( Jugazana) - most probably renders A. ( Azana) paraphyletic and it is suggested that this should be for the time being abandoned.


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To evaluate the ability of Streptomyces sp. (strain ASBV-1) to restrict aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. In the control of many phytopathogenic fungi the Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 strain showed promise. An inhibitory test using this strain and A. parasiticus was conducted in peanut grains to evaluate the effects of this interaction on spore viability and aflatoxin accumulation. In some treatments the Streptomyces sp ASBV-1 strain reduced the viability of A. parasiticus spores by c. 85%, and inhibited aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. The values of these reductions ranged from 63 to 98% and from 67% to 96% for aflatoxins B(1) and G(1), respectively. It was demonstrated that Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 is able to colonize peanut grains and thus inhibit the spore viability of A. parasiticus, as well as reducing aflatoxin production. The positive finding for aflatoxin accumulation reduction in peanut grains seems promising and suggests a wider use of this actinobacteria in biological control programmes.


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The main aim was to identify the active compound against Rhizoctonia solani produced by the cassava endophyte Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30. The compounds produced were extracted with ethyl acetate and purified by Sephadex column prior to analysis by Q-TOF mass spectrometry. A C(15)-lipopeptide with an estimated molecular weight of 1036 Da and homologues were identified. The lipopeptide had a cyclic structure, which was deduced by interpreting the ESI-MS/MS spectra of main protonated homologues containing 15:0 FA, and the amino acid composition was Glu-Leu-Leu-Val-Asp-Leu-Leu. Therefore, the lipopeptides produced by isolate IIRAC-30 was characterized as a surfactin series. Thus, the main mechanism used by Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30 to suppress R. solani was elucidated. Furthermore, because lipopeptides active against phytopathogens generally show low toxicity to humans and the environment, the positive findings presented here suggest that the isolate IIRAC-30 could be a possible candidate for biocontrol of R. solani.


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The environmental fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils is motivated by their wide distribution, high persistence, and potentially deleterious effect on human health. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons constitute the largest group of environmental contaminants released in the environment. Therefore, the potential biodegradation of these compounds is of vital importance. A biocarrier suitable for the colonization by micro-organisms for the purpose of purifying soil contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was developed. The optimized composition of the biocarrier was polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) 10%, sodium alginate (SA) 0.5%, and powdered activated carbon (PAC) 5%. There was no observable cytotoxicity of biocarriers on immobilized cells and a viable cell population of 1.86 x 10(10) g(-1) was maintained for immobilized bacterium. Biocarriers made from chemical methods had a higher biodegradation but lower mechanical strengths. Immobilized bacterium Zoogloea sp. had an ideal capability of biodegradation for phenanthrene and pyrene over a relative wide concentration range. The study results showed that the biodegradation of phenanthrene and pyrene reached 87.0 and 75.4%, respectively, by using the optimal immobilized method of Zoogloea sp. cultivated in a sterilized soil. Immobilized Zoogloea sp. was found to be effective for biodegrading the soil contaminated with phenanthrene and pyrene. Even in natural (unsterilized) soil, the biodegradation of phenanthrene and pyrene using immobilized Zoogloea sp. reached 85.0 and 67.1%, respectively, after 168 h of cultivation, more than twice that achieved if the cells were not immobilized on the biocarrier. Therefore, the immobilization technology enhanced the competitive ability of introduced micro-organisms and represents an effective method for the biotreatment of soil contaminated with phenanthrene and pyrene.