357 resultados para remedies for duress


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O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso, tendo como objetivo principal avaliar a sanção de desinvestimentos de ativos, isto é, a pena de cisão de sociedade, transferência de controle societário e/ou venda de ativos, conforme disposto no art. 38, inciso V, da Lei no 12.529/2011 (Lei de Defesa da Concorrência). Para tanto, parte-se da exposição da decisão proferida pelo Tribunal do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) no Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79, denominado Cartel de Cimento e Concreto. Tal decisão condenou as empresas fabricantes de cimento e prestadoras de serviços de concretagem a desinvestirem ativos próprios, frutos de aquisição ou de crescimento orgânico. É importante destacar que essa decisão sofreu relevante modificação ao longo do julgamento, decorrente da alteração de entendimento pelos conselheiros do Cade. Em um segundo momento, o trabalho procura propiciar ao leitor uma visão ampla (prós e contras) dos tipos de remédios ou sanções existentes e aplicáveis aos casos em que se determina a medida de desinvestimento, por meio da seleção de alguns casos internacionais e nacionais, escolhidos a partir de casos amplamente tratados pela doutrina, e também citados no julgamento do Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79. A seguir, aborda-se a questão do desinvestimento específico ocorrido no Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79, buscando-se evidenciar, a partir da análise do aparente choque dos votos do conselheiro-relator e do conselheiro-revisor, que as bases utilizadas para determinação dos desinvestimentos carecem de parâmetros concretos para sua aplicação. Ao final do estudo acerca do desinvestimento, delineia-se uma proposição para solução jurídica. Ao final, conclui-se que a aplicação de medidas de desinvestimentos como penalização por participação em cartel não é escolha fácil, e sua utilização tampouco é pacífica, devendo-se levar em conta alguns aspectos relevantes para que possa ser utilizada de maneira legítima e garantir a sua melhor eficácia.


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Medicinal plants have been used since antiquity to treat various human diseases. The leaves of Bauhinia monandra are widely used in Brazil as herbal remedies in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. From the leaves of B. monandra was purified a galactose-specific lectin, called BmoLL, which also showed a significant hypoglycemic capacity. Following the proposed rules by decree No 116 of 1996/08/08 of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the study aimed to evaluate the potential for toxicity and mutagenicity of BmoLL from the use of tests with Escherichia coli strain CC104 (Forward mutagenesis assay) with Salmonella typhimurium strain TA (Kado test), with plasmid pBCKS (Break occurrences in plasmid DNA) and enzyme exonuclease III (Search of abasic sites). The results demonstrated that the lectin was unable to increase the frequency of reverse mutation of strains of S. typhimurium, with and without metabolic activity. However, a significant decrease in the frequency of spontaneous mutation was observed in strains of E. coli, especially in poor repair (CC104mutMmutY), indicating an antioxidant potential of the lectin. BmoLL is unable to generate genotoxic and cytotoxic damage, based on the concentrations and the tests performed


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Neste debate, historiadores latino-americanos comparam a pandemia de gripe de 1918-1919 com a que varre o continente em 2009, sobretudo as experiências de México, Argentina e Brasil. Analisam as estratégias adotadas nos dois momentos, com ênfase em isolamento, vigilância em portos e aeroportos, intervenções nas cidades. Comparam a atuação dos Estados nacionais e governos locais, a posição dos médicos e dos meios de comunicação e o comportamento das populações, especialmente no tocante ao medo e à morte. Analisam o desempenho das estruturas de assistência às populações e as medidas terapêuticas e profiláticas recomendadas por órgãos públicos de saúde, por interesses privados ligados à venda de medicamentos e pelas medicinas populares e caseiras. O debate trata, ainda, da influência que a experiência de 1918 teve sobre as avaliações da crise atual, bem como do legado que deixará para o futuro.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com o objetivo de avaliar as características do consumo de medicamentos na população urbana de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, foram coletados dados, por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, de uma amostra da população que consumiu pelo menos um medicamento nos quinze dias que antecederam a data da entrevista. O estudo foi realizado no período de agosto a setembro de 1985. Verificou-se que 42,1% dos medicamentos utilizados foram adquiridos sem prescrição médica. O consumo entre o sexo feminino foi maior que para o sexo masculino. Na automedicação o grupo que apresentou taxa mais elevada, segundo a faixa etária, foi o de 50 anos e mais, com 31,6%. Grande parte do consumo de medicamentos constituiu-se dos industrializados (97,6%). As prescrições médicas, feitas em consultas anteriores, e avalia das como bem sucedidas foram retomadas em situações diversas (12,0%), revelando o importante papel que o médico desempenha na formação dos critérios de escolha dos remédios utilizados nas práticas de automedicação. O farmacêutico e/ou balconista de farmácia contribui com 10,0% dos medicamentos usados que tiveram essa via de indicação. As orientações feitas por amigos, vizinhos e parentes (9,1%) revelaram intenso circuito de trocas de socializações quanto aos quadros móbidos e indicações terapêuticas.


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This work is about a search that takes the Comitê pela Anistia no Rio Grande do Norte and the Associação Norte-Rio-Grandense de Anistiados Políticos as Political Spaces capable of expressing History, Memory and Politic. And has as main objective analyzing the amnesty process in the State from these Spaces of political struggle and of resistance, from the 1970s until the early 2000s. The discussion of amnesty and struggle for rights and remedies are still present today on the political agenda of the country, which demonstrates the importance and the incompleteness of the amnesty. Beyond the oral sources, which are essential for understanding periods of oppression, we also used written sources, such as digital and printed newspapers, laws, meeting minutes, pamphlets of political parties, magazines, theses, dissertations, among others. We made the crossing of oral sources with written guides us as Paul Thompson, highlighting the importance of Memory, especially of Collective Memory in line with the perception of Maurice Halbwachs. Work the concept of history approached by Jacques Le Goff and Politic from the perspective of Hannah Arendt. And consider the space from the approach taken by Doreen Massey


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In this dissertation, after a brief review on the Einstein s General Relativity Theory and its application to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological models, we present and discuss the alternative theories of gravity dubbed f(R) gravity. These theories come about when one substitute in the Einstein-Hilbert action the Ricci curvature R by some well behaved nonlinear function f(R). They provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration with no need of invoking neither a dark energy component, nor the existence of extra spatial dimensions. In dealing with f(R) gravity, two different variational approaches may be followed, namely the metric and the Palatini formalisms, which lead to very different equations of motion. We briefly describe the metric formalism and then concentrate on the Palatini variational approach to the gravity action. We make a systematic and detailed derivation of the field equations for Palatini f(R) gravity, which generalize the Einsteins equations of General Relativity, and obtain also the generalized Friedmann equations, which can be used for cosmological tests. As an example, using recent compilations of type Ia Supernovae observations, we show how the f(R) = R − fi/Rn class of gravity theories explain the recent observed acceleration of the universe by placing reasonable constraints on the free parameters fi and n. We also examine the question as to whether Palatini f(R) gravity theories permit space-times in which causality, a fundamental issue in any physical theory [22], is violated. As is well known, in General Relativity there are solutions to the viii field equations that have causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves, the renowned Gödel model being the best known example of such a solution. Here we show that every perfect-fluid Gödel-type solution of Palatini f(R) gravity with density and pressure p that satisfy the weak energy condition + p 0 is necessarily isometric to the Gödel geometry, demonstrating, therefore, that these theories present causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves. This result extends a theorem on Gödel-type models to the framework of Palatini f(R) gravity theory. We derive an expression for a critical radius rc (beyond which causality is violated) for an arbitrary Palatini f(R) theory. The expression makes apparent that the violation of causality depends on the form of f(R) and on the matter content components. We concretely examine the Gödel-type perfect-fluid solutions in the f(R) = R−fi/Rn class of Palatini gravity theories, and show that for positive matter density and for fi and n in the range permitted by the observations, these theories do not admit the Gödel geometry as a perfect-fluid solution of its field equations. In this sense, f(R) gravity theory remedies the causal pathology in the form of closed timelike curves which is allowed in General Relativity. We also examine the violation of causality of Gödel-type by considering a single scalar field as the matter content. For this source, we show that Palatini f(R) gravity gives rise to a unique Gödeltype solution with no violation of causality. Finally, we show that by combining a perfect fluid plus a scalar field as sources of Gödel-type geometries, we obtain both solutions in the form of closed time-like curves, as well as solutions with no violation of causality


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os acidentes causados por peixes são comuns em comunidades de pescadores fluviais no Brasil, sendo acidentes ocupacionais na maioria das vezes. Estas populações não têm informações dos mecanismos de trauma e envenenamento. MÉTODOS: Através de um questionário aplicado aos pescadores, foram obtidos dados clínicos e epidemiológicos sobre acidentes em Rosana, Pontal do Paranapanema, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Estes dados foram analisados e convertidos em um programa de prevenção e tratamento de acidentes através de um folheto de fácil assimilação RESULTADOS: Trinta e nove pescadores responderam o questionário. Todos os pacientes apresentaram ferimentos causados por algum peixe. Dos peixes mencionados, mandijubas (Pimelodus maculatus) foram os mais associados aos ferimentos, mas outros também causaram traumas. em relação às arraias, seis pescadores tinham sido envenenados. Dor intensa e úlceras foram os principais sintomas. Aproximadamente metade dos acidentados usou apenas medidas de tratamentos populares. CONCLUSÕES: Os pescadores apresentaram acidentes múltiplos por mandis, que são peçonhentos e causam dor intensa, assim como traumas por outros peixes, como surubins, traíras, corvinas de água doce e piranhas. Cerca de 16% dos entrevistados apresentaram envenenamento por arraias. Nossos dados e experiência prévia permitiram a criação de um folheto de fácil assimilação pelas populações locais que pode ajudar os pescadores de forma efetiva, em uma área extremamente carente de serviços de saúde e prevenção de doenças. Esta iniciativa é aplicável a toda a bacia do Rio da Prata, área extensa e de fauna similar.


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A survey of medicinal plants used by rural and urban inhabitants of the three cities of the Tropical Atlantic Forest, Region of Vale do Ribeira, State of São Paulo, Brazil was performed by means of 200 interviews with medicinal plant users and extractors and, traditional healers. One hundred fourteen herbal remedies were recorded and the following information reported: Latin, vernacular and English names, plant part used, forms of preparation and application of the herbal remedies, medicinal or food uses, areas of plant collection, economic importance (when available) and other data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Searches for substances with antimicrobial activity are frequent, and medicinal plants have been considered interesting by some researchers since they are frequently used in popular medicine as remedies for many infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to verify the synergism between 13 antimicrobial drugs and 8 plant extracts - guaco (Mikania glomerata), guava (Psidium guajava), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), garlic (Allium sativum), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), carqueja (Baccharis trimera), and mint (Mentha piperita) - against Staphylococcus aureus strains, and for this purpose, the disk method was the antimicrobial susceptibility test performed. Petri dishes were prepared with or without dilution of plant extracts at sub-inhibitory concentrations in Mueller-Hinton Agar (MHA), and the inhibitory zones were recorded in millimeters. In vitro anti-Staphylococcus aureus activities of the extracts were confirmed, and synergism was verified for all the extracts; clove, guava, and lemongrass presented the highest synergism rate with antimicrobial drugs, while ginger and garlic showed limited synergistic capacity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este artigo analisa a prevalência da utilização de medicamentos segundo variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e de comportamentos relacionados à saúde, identificando fatores associados ao uso por meio de estudo transversal de base populacional, com 941 pessoas de 18 anos ou mais residentes em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. A amostragem foi realizada em múltiplos estágios, estratificada e por conglomerados. Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado, foram estimadas as razões de prevalência ajustadas por sexo e idade e os respectivos IC95%. Desenvolveu-se modelo de regressão múltipla de Poisson ficando associados ao uso: sexo feminino, idade de 40 anos e mais, morbidade referida nos últimos 15 dias e número de doenças crônicas. Os medicamentos mais consumidos foram para os sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso, e os fitoterápicos. A prevalência de uso de medicamentos em Campinas encontrou-se inferior à maioria dos estudos. Por meio de inquéritos de saúde locais espera-se conhecer o perfil de uso dos medicamentos pela população e garantir intervenções mais direcionadas para a Política de Assistência Farmacêutica.


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Background. The last comprehensive review of experimental research on effects of homeopathic treatments on plants was published in 1984, and lacked formal predefined criteria to assess study quality. Since then several new studies with more advanced methods have been published.Objectives: To compile a review of the literature on basic research in homeopathy with healthy plants with particular reference to studies investigating specific effects of homeopathic remedies.Methods: The literature search included English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish publications from 1920 to April 2009, using predefined selection criteria. We included experiments with healthy whole plants, seeds, plant parts and cells. The outcomes had to be measured by established procedures and statistically evaluated. We developed a Manuscript Information Score (MIS) and included only publications which provided enough information for proper interpretation (MIS >= 5). A formallised Study Methods Evaluation Procedure (SMEP) was used to evaluate these studies, and the subgroup of studies with adequate controls to identify specific effects.Results: A total of 86 studies in 79 publications was identified, 43 studies included statistics, 29 had MIS >= 5, and 15 studies investigated the specificity of homeopathic preparations. Specific effects of decimal, centesimal and fifty millesimal potencies were found including dilution levels far beyond the Avogadro number. In consecutive series of potencies only some of the tested potencies showed effects. There were many individual studies with diverse methods and very few reproduction trials.Conclusions: Healthy plant models seem an useful approach to investigate basic research questions about the specificity of homeopathic preparations. More investigations with more advanced methods are recommended, especially in the sectors of potentisation techniques, effective potency levels and conditions for reproducibility. Systematic negative control experiments should become a routine procedure to control the stability of the experimental systems. Homeopathy (2009) 98, 228-243.


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The control of parasitic diseases in small ruminants is mainly done with the use of synthetic anthelmintics. However, incorrect and indiscriminate use of these products has caused the emergence of parasite resistance. Plants with anthelmintic activity are used in folk veterinary medicine, but it is necessary to investigate and scientifically validate low-cost phytotherapeutic alternatives for future use to control gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants by family farmers. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro anthelmintic effect of plant extracts from Melia azedarach and Trichilia claussenii by the egg hatch test (EHT) and larval development test (LDT) against sheep gastrointestinal nematodes. The hexane extract of M. azedarach fruits was extracted through cold percolation and the methanol extract of T. claussenii leaves was obtained by extraction at room temperature in solvents in order of increasing polarity. The efficacy results were analyzed using the Probit program of SAS. The M. azedarach extract showed a LC50 of 572.2 mu g/mL and LC99 of 1137.8 mu g/mL in the EHT, and LC50 of 0.7 mu g/mL and LC99 of 60.81 mu g/mL in the LDT. In turn, the T. claussenii extract presented a LC50 of 263.8 mu g/mL and LC99 of 522.5 mu g/mL in the EHTand LC50 of 1.11 mu g/mL and LC99 of 26.4 mu g/mL in the LDT. Comparing the extracts of the species from the Meliaceae family, T. claussenii showed greater anti-parasite potential in vitro than M. azedarach. However, studies on the isolated compounds, toxicity and administration forms to animals are also needed to validate low-cost alternative herbal remedies for use to control gastrointestinal nematodes by family farmers. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.